• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 12


------------------------------------------------------THE PALACE OF NATIONS, GENEVA--------------------------------------------------------
It was 5:30am in the morning over in Geneva. Most of the people in Geneva were still asleep, but the three princesses, Twilight, and Shining Armor were already up to discuss their plans for the day. The ponies in particular, couldn't sleep so well, after seeing some of the things in human history, such as the American Revolution. How could the British have been so cruel to the native Americans? How could they have done such inhumane things, such as enslaving them for no reason, and discriminating them? How could they have lived with doing such things?

Celestia had also been having flashbacks to the Ponysian Revolution after seeing the Russian Revolution that had occurred on Earth. She remembered some of the most horrifying things: the decapitated body of Psar Ponylass on the guillotine, the screams of the Ponysians as they watched a huge piece of Moon rock falling onto their capital, and all the other gruesome and profane things she had seen during that time. But Celestia decided to put those aside for now and deal with it later. She had a media event today. The princesses and Shining Armor were going to be interviewed by the League of Nations' media spokesperson, and the interview would be put in radio broadcasts, newspapers, and television news reports.

After that, they would have another meeting with all the world leaders, where they would discuss Equestria and the Crystal Empire's integration to the world economy. Then, that would be the end of their second day at the League of Nations. It was going to be a good day, Celestia hoped. Meanwhile, in the other building, just a three-minute walk away, Discord was outside Adolf Hitler's room, putting the final touches on this plan. If all went well, today would be the day the Second World War began.

At around 6:30am, breakfast was served in the dining hall. The ponies had really enjoyed the American dinner last night. This morning, they enjoyed a sumptuous full French breakfast, with croissants and baguettes. At around 7:00am, the three princesses and Shining Armor headed off for their interview, which would be pre-recorded, and then published later that day. They entered the League of Nations media room, which had four armchairs, multiple lights and cameras everywhere. They were greeted by Helen Roberts, the League of Nations media spokesperson.

"Ah, your Majesties, Shining Armor. It is an honour to get to be the first one to interview an Equestrian. I am Helen Roberts, media spokesperson of the League of Nations." said Roberts, introducing herself.

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Roberts. It is an honor too, to be interviewed by a human for the first time." said Luna.

"Alright then. Shall we get ready for the interview?"

"Yes, lets get ready for the interview."

The ponies went to the armchairs, sat down, and were offered water by the attendants, which they accepted. They thought of all the questions that would be asked, and how they would answer. "Alright, here's how they will go. When I say 'Action', the cameras will start rolling, and I will introduce you. From then on, I will ask you the questions. Once that is over, I will thank the viewers for watching, and end the interview. When I say, 'Cut', the cameras will stop rolling. You got it?"

"Yes, we understand." said Celestia.

"Alright, lets begin the interview, then. Alright, everyone, we're about to start. Get the cameras and the microphones ready. Alright, here we go. Lights, camera, action!" said Roberts, at exactly 7:00am. The second she said 'Action', Celestia could see blinking lights on the cameras, indicating they were on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this all exclusive interview of the Equestrian and Crystal Empirean rulers, as well as their military general. We are about to begin the interview, starting with the twin rulers of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They are known as the princesses of the Sun and Moon respectively in Equestria. Your Highnesses, could you tell me why is it so?"

"Well, the reason we are given those titles is because, on our old planet, Equis, we controlled the Sun and Moon. Everyday, I would rise the Sun in the morning while Luna lowered the Moon, and vice versa in the night."

"Oh? So you could move the Sun and Moon around on your planet? How so?" asked a surprised Roberts.

"Well, our solar system was geocentric, which means that the Sun and Moon used to orbit around the planets. However, they would no longer do so, after Discord, a being of pure chaos, managed to steal their gravitational force. We stopped Discord, but the Sun and Moon would no longer orbit around Equis, so we used our magic to make that happen." explained Luna.

"Ah, that sounds a little fantastical, but then again, since pegasi and unicorn used to be considered fantastical as well, I do believe that would have happened on your home world. But, I have a question. If you can control the Sun and Moon, why didn't ours respond to your commands, if you tried to control it?"

"We did actually try to control your Sun and Moon before we realized we were on another planet, but they did not respond to our commands. Also, your system seems to be a little different from ours. Why is that so?"

"Well, unlike Equis, our Solar System is a little different. The Sun is at the center of this system, and its gravitational force makes all the planets orbit around it."

Celestia and Luna were a little surprised at this. They had seen other systems like this in telescopes, but didn't know if there would be habitable planets in them. In fact, all this time, they had thought that Earth's system was geocentric, but now they knew that it was not.

"Oh, I see. In the galaxy where Equis is located, we have seen other systems like that through telescopes, but there are no habitable planets in those."

"Oh. Anyways, next question, for you, Princess Cadance, how was the Crystal Empire founded, and how does the palace made of crystals not collapse in bad weather?"

"Oh, the Crystal Empire was founded over 1,200 years ago by Princess Amore, who I am a distant descendant of. The Crystal Castle does not collapse in bad weather, because there is no bad weather inside the Empire. There is a magical artifact inside the castle, called the Crystal Heart, which creates a magical shield to protect the empire from any enemies, and bad weather. The shield is strengthened by the forces of love and unity. However, around 150 years later, King Sombra killed Princess Amore, and stole the Crystal Heart. Sombra was defeated, but he left a curse due to which the Empire vanished for a thousand years. It only reappeared around two months ago, with all the citizens the same age as they were a thousand years ago. However, Sombra also reappeared, but we defeated him, and the Crystal Heart was retrieved as well. After that, I became the Empress of the Crystal Empire." explained Cadance.

"Only two months ago? How did the citizens react when they found out it had been a thousand years?"

"Well, they were a little scared at first, but they adjusted to modern times within three weeks."

"Three weeks, eh, to adjust to being missing for a thousand years? You must have done it really well, then. Alright, now, back to Celestia and Luna. How was the kingdom of Equestria founded?"

"Well, before Equestria was founded, there were three pony tribes for each race: the pegasi, the unicorns and the Earth ponies, which had neither horns nor wings. They came together 2,000 years ago to form Equestria, and since we alicorns represent all the races, we were crowned the rulers of Equestria at the bare age of 18. I know you are probably asking, how have we survived 2,000 years and still look so young? Well, we alicorns do not age due to certain biological factors, but we can die from other things, such as drowning." explained Celestia.

"Wow, immortality is a thing that we can only wish to have. Anyways, now to other things. We see that you all have different marks on your body. Why is that so?"

"Oh, those are called Cutie Marks. They represent the talents of every pony. They are born without them, and once they find what they are best at, the marks appear magically. This does not mean they are stuck to only one thing. It only shows what they are best at."

"Ah, I see. I don't know if I would want my best talents posted on my body like that."

The interview continued till around 8:15am, by the time all the questions had been answered successfully. Roberts than bade the princesses farewell as they left to prepare for the next meeting between world leaders. They went back to their rooms, grabbed some water, and also drank coffee. They had tried it earlier that morning, and despite it being quite bitter, they liked it as it kept them awake for long meetings.

At around 8:25am, they were in the large League of Nations assembly hall. While Ms. Schmidt, the world leaders and soldiers from yesterday were there, there were a lot less reporters there this time. She could see the German dictator, Adolf Hitler, again, this time with the leaders from Italy and Japan. The evil aura still seemed to be emitting from Hitler, but Celestia could also feel an evil aura coming from Joseph Stalin, the Soviet President. That aura made Celestia certain he was probably a Russian version of Hitler.

Once the last three world leaders arrived, the discussion began. Today, it was about the integration of the Equestrian and Crystal Empirean economies with Earth's. First thing was a name change, as the humans felt 'bits' was a bit of a weird name for a currency, and the Equestrians also agreed. After an hour and a half of deliberation, it was announced that the Equestrian currency would change from the bit to the Equestrian dollar. At around 10:15am, over one and a half hours in, Discord, who was in the audience, began the first part of his plan.

"Hey! Why are we doing such a moronic thing!" shouted Discord, in the form of German Corporal Herman Göring. That surprised everyone.

"What do you mean, soldier?" asked Schmidt.

"You know exactly what I mean! Letting aliens participate in Earthly politics! The only people who should participate in politics are white people, that too, pure-blooded Aryan white people, not the filthy Polish or Russians! You know what, you people don't deserve to live!" shouted Discord, as he pulled out a pistol, and got ready to fire at Ms. Schmidt. Thankfully, a League of Nations soldier behind him pushed Discord and threw him off aim, but Discord still fired. Fortunately, the bullet did not kill anyone, but it ricocheted, right into the path of the ponies. Seeing this, a League of Nations soldier immediately jumped in front of the ponies just in time. The bullet flew right through his leg, and landed at the foot of the ponies' desk.

The ponies were shocked at how Corporal Herman had suddenly lost his mind, and how he had shot the young League of Nations soldier like that. They were especially when Herman suddenly aimed the gun at them, but just before he could press the trigger, a Polish soldier fired a bullet. Discord quickly escaped the Corporal's body, before the poor soldier was killed by a bullet that went straight through his brain. Hitler then instantly got up, "How dare you kill one of my best men! You should have left him alive, we would have punished him under our laws!"

"Mr. Hitler, your soldier was threatening the Equestrians and the head of the League of Nations, and also shot a League of Nations soldier. We had to protect everyone else here." said the Polish soldier.

"Zat's it! We have been miztreated by ze rest of ze world zince our defeat in ze Great War! Henceforth, we zhall leave ze League of Nations, effective thees instant! We are leaving!" said Hitler, as he and the remaining German soldiers covered the remains of Corporal Herman, loaded him into a stretcher, and left the Assembly Hall. Meanwhile, Cadance released that something was wrong with the soldier that the Corporal had shot. He seemed to be losing a lot of blood, more than what seemed to be normal.

"Sir, are you okay?" asked Cadance.

"No, something's wrong."

"Well, you just did get shot in the leg, I'm not surprised."

"No, I've been shot in the leg before, and I know how that feels. This feels worse... " said the soldier, as he blacked out.

"Oh no! Someone call a doctor!" shouted Celestia. She was horrified, as she realized the soldier, despite being out cold, had a certain look on his face. The look that showed that he had accepted his fate. Celestia wasn't going to let anyone else die today. Celestia realized that the bullet had probably torn through a vital artery or vein, and the doctors wouldn't get there in time. She immediately started up her magic. "Don't worry, I got you." said Celestia, as she immediately started up her magic, and began to use it on the soldier's wound. It was a truly magical sight, as the soldier's wound closed up, and except for the blood on his uniform, soon, there was no trace that he had been shot, as his eyes opened.

"Wait, what, I should be dead.... " said the soldier, looking at his previously wounded leg. "You saved me, but why?" asked the soldier, as he realized the Equestrians had saved him.

"You selflessly protected another species, that too, one you did not know so well, and one hated by some people. You protected five ponies with your own body, and when you were nearing the end, I could not let someone who had done a selfless action like that die." said Celestia, as the soldier got up, saluted them, and went back to his position among his stunned comrades.

That was when Celestia almost nearly had a coronary. She saw a flickering form of a certain draconequus, one that caused chaos. Thankfully, Celestia was able to contain it without alarming the humans. She hoped that she didn't have to use another big spell, because after saving the soldier, she only had around twenty hours worth of magic left.

Meanwhile, in the accommodation block, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi soldiers were packing up, ready to head back for Berlin. Before they left, though, Hitler went to his room's telephone, and dialled in the number of the head of the German military. "Fuhrer? What is going on over in Geneva? Apparently, one of our men was killed by the Polish. Shall we do it?" asked the German general over the phone.

"Yes. The time has come. Execute Order 66." said Hitler.

"It shall be done, Fuhrer. We will talk more when you get back to Berlin." replied the general.

"Sure." replied Hitler, and hung up the phone.

Less than half an hour later, they were on board the huge Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor, which was starting up its engines for the three hour flight to Berlin. As the big plane began taxiing, mass German mobilisation had begun. Multiple Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Bf109 fighters and Junkers Ju 87 Stuka bombers were flying towards the Polish border, fully loaded. Multiple German Army tanks and armored units, and thousands of troops began advancing on Poland. Within an hour, the invasion of Poland would begin.