• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 15

---------------------------------------------------------PALACE OF NATIONS, GENEVA-----------------------------------------------------------
It was now 2:40pm. The meeting with the world leaders had gone well. Equestria had signed deals with some Middle Eastern countries for the import of crude oil, and a deal with Russia for the import of wheat. They were now on their way for the meeting with Chamberlain and Roosevelt, where they would tell them about Discord. Hopefully, this would help Chamberlain know what the British military was up against, and hope that they would be able to fight back against the Nazis. Celestia also had a strategy of her own up her hoof to help Britain and France out.

They reached the room, the same one they had first met the two world leaders, for this meeting. Chamberlain and Roosevelt were already there, when the ponies arrived. The two world leaders had a bit of a concerned look on their faces. Not surprising considering the way Celestia had asked for a private meeting. "Ah, Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Roosevelt, sorry about that. Something came up, which we just had to discuss with you."

"What is it, your Highnesses?" asked Chamberlain.

"Well, we have just found out a new threat has escaped our nation, and came to your world." said Celestia.

"What?! What is this threat?" asked a shocked Chamberlain.

"Well, I suppose you have read our history?"

"Yes, but how does it pertain to this threat?"

"Well, the threat is Discord, the spirit of chaos. He has escaped from his imprisonment, and come to the human world. I have no doubt he is responsible for that shootout earlier today. He probably possessed that German soldier to start the shootout, and start the German invasion of Poland. No doubt he wants the war to occur."

That shocked Chamberlain and Roosevelt, as they had thought Discord was still imprisoned, back in Equestria. Now he was loose in their world. But first they needed proof. "How did you find about this?" asked Roosevelt.

Celestia instantly realized she had made a mistake by burning the letter she had received earlier that day. But that was when Luna saved the day, by showing a letter she had received. "Mr. Roosevelt, I had received this letter earlier today. Take a look." said Luna, levitating the letter to Roosevelt, who took it, opened it, and began reading. Now it was him and Chamberlain's turn to nearly have a coronary.

The letter was pretty much a carbon copy of the one Celestia had received. Celestia was a little unhappy with Luna for not telling her about the fact that she had also received a letter. But she would chew her out for that later. Celestia was the first to speak up. "You see, if Discord is free, I have no doubt that he has made a deal with the Nazis." said Celestia.

"Oh, no, this means the Italians and Japanese are next too!" said Chamberlain.

"Wait, why the Italians and Japanese too? I thought they were still here?" asked Celestia.

"The Italian Fascist dictator, Mussolini, left for Germany an hour ago, and the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito, couldn't make it to the League of Nations, but we received intel from our intelligence services that he is also on his way to Germany as well, and will reach in under three hours! Italy and Japan are Germany's two closest allies. We call them the Axis powers. I guarantee that they will also make deals with Discord as well!"

"Oh no. If they do so, the war will become worse. I guarantee you the Italians will fight against the British and French forces, and Japan will continue the war against China."

"What do you suggest we do, your Highnesses?"

"Well, first things first, let us keep the news of Discord away from the general public, and restrict it only to top military units and world leaders."

"Yes, let us do that. It's better we don't cause mass worldwide panic."

"Mr. Roosevelt, I would recommend that America doesn't enter the war for as long as possible. Knowing Discord, he will find some way to make sure your country is involved in the war."

"We weren't planning on going to war anyway, unless we are attacked first." replied Roosevelt.

"Oh, good. Mr. Chamberlain, I assume mobilization of your military has begun?"

"Yes, the first set of Royal Air Force planes arrived in non-annexed Poland some time back, and the third set of Royal Army units is on their way. Also, the first set of Royal Navy ships is on its way." replied Chamberlain.

"Oh, I see. Try not to engage until the deadline is over. Also, we have a request for you."

"What is it, your Highnesses?"

"We request that you admit Equestrians to your military. We can send them, and once they have finished training, and getting used to human technology, they can go to the front. We also request military equipment, for our own modernized military."

"Your Majesty.... are you sure that is a good idea? Your lands appeared on our world just a few days back, and already you are throwing your citizens into a war? You are sending them straight on the highway to the danger zone. They might die, you realize."

"I know, but millions more will die if we don't stop Discord. He is out to destroy this world."

"I see. We will wait till the deadline for the Germans to pull out of Poland. If they do not pull out of Poland, and a war starts, then we shall put your plan into action."

"Hopefully, it works, and we can stop Discord, without much loss of life from either side."

"I too hope so, your Highnesses. If it doesn't work, may God help us all."

--------------------------------------------------------------THE REICHSTAG, BERLIN---------------------------------------------------------------
Hitler was standing outside the main door of the Reichstag building, waiting for Hirohito to show up. It was now almost 6:00pm. Mussolini had arrived an hour earlier, and was waiting in the conference room, as the main meeting room still had not been fixed from Discord's arrival. Last he had heard, Hirohito's plane had landed at Tempelhof Airport successfully. He was thinking about how Discord would be useful to the Nazis' goals, when he saw seven black government Mercedes cars approaching the building. Hirohito's convoy.

The black Mercedes stopped, and Hirohito came out. He looked happy to see Hitler, and the two embraced each other. "Hiroheeto, my friend. How are you doing?" asked Hitler.

"Very good, Adolf. What about you? I heard you invaded Poland." said Hirohito.

"Yes, we invaded Poland. Zey killed one of our soldiers at the ze League of Nations, but we were planning to invade zem anyways, so that just gave us an excuze to do so." replied Hitler.

"I thought so, my friend. Anyways, I heard you have something to show me and Mussolini?"

"Yes, it is something amazing." said Hitler, as the two walked into the Reichstag, surrounded by guards. They went to the main meeting room, where Mussolini was waiting. The trio of dictators happily greeted each other, where Hitler revealed that it was a person he wanted to show them, not a thing. They were waiting, when Discord appeared, still in human form.

"Hello, Mussolini, and Hirohito." said Discord.

"Who are you?! How did you appear out of nowhere like zat?!" shouted a scared Mussolini, while Hirohito just watched in horror.

"Ah, Mussolini, I am Discord, the spirit of chaos."

"What do you mean?" asked Mussolini, fearfully.

"Well, I am an enemy of the Equestrians. I did some harmless mischief to them, such as drowning a whole town in chocolate, and robbing their planetary system of its gravitational movement, for which they imprisoned me in stone for a thousand years. I was freed only when something transported their world to Earth."

"Wait, what?! A thousand years? You zaid your imprisonment was only 300 years!" said Hitler.

"Sorry about that, Hitler. Time isn't the same in imprisonment. While I thought only 300 years had passed, it was actually a thousand years."

"Also, how powerful are you?" asked Hirohito.

"Well, I could probably destroy this planet's Moon, and make the fragments rain down on Earth. That is 10% of my power, right there." said Discord, calmly.

"What?! What ees 100% of your power, zen?" asked Mussolini.

"Well, I don't know, as I have never used all 100% of my power." said Discord.

"I hope we never have to zee what zat looks like." said Mussolini.

"Well, fear not, I will not use it. Anyways, I have something for you." said Discord, as he pulled out the documents for the Hawker Hurricane's plans, and showed it to Mussolini and Hirohito, who were instantly amazed, on reading the plans.

"How did you get zis?"

"I told Hitler earlier, I have my ways. But I do have to ask something of you."

"What is it, Discord?" asked Hirohito.

"I want to conduct some black experiments of my own, in return for helping you in the war. I want labs, the best, set up in both your countries, Mussolini and Hirohito."

"Sure, we accept ze conditions, but what about the expenses?" said Mussolini.

"As for the expenses related to the setting up of these labs, put them as war costs."

"Alright, shall we make plans for the war, as we will not respond to Britain and France's demands?" asked Hitler.

"Yes, lets." said the three world leaders, as they and Discord sat down to prepare their plans. It was now almost 6:30pm, as they did this. They would be up well till midnight doing this.

-------------------------------------------------------THE PALACE OF NATIONS, GENEVA-------------------------------------------------------
It was now 7:00pm. Their plan discussion with Chamberlain and Roosevelt had ended an hour ago. Luna, Cadance, Twilight, and Shining Armor, despite being a little horrified at Celestia's plan, agreed it was the only way to stop Discord. They were now about to settle down for dinner, and they were discussing Celestia's plan. "'Tia, are you sure of this? We are sending our little ponies to war, in unknown places. Are you sure we cannot have the British forces deal with Discord for us?" asked Luna.

"Luna, the human forces will not know what they are dealing with, even with better weaponry. They will have no chance against Discord. Sending our ponies in is the only way to stop him and prevent casualties on both sides." said Celestia.

"I know, 'Tia. It's just, I'm concerned about how they will take to being dropped in a battlefield like that. The humans are nice, but their wars are awful. I mean, look at what the Germans did to Poland, in the pictures they showed us. How do we send them into that?" replied Luna.

“'Tia, I understand your point. But we must also consider the safety of our ponies. We cannot just send them into battle without proper protection,” said Cadance.

“I agree with Cadance. We need to make sure that our ponies have the best possible equipment to protect themselves,” added Shining Armor.

Celestia nodded. “I understand your concerns, but we have already taken care of that. The ponies will be equipped with the latest armor and weaponry. They will also be accompanied by experienced human soldiers who will guide them through the battlefield.”

Luna looked relieved. “Thank you, 'Tia. I feel much better now.”

Twilight smiled. “We’re all in this together. We’ll do whatever it takes to stop Discord and bring peace to Equestria.”

The group then sat down for dinner, discussing their plan in detail and preparing to leave for Equestria early tomorrow.