• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 47

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 7:00am in Equestria. Celestia had just received word that the plane carrying Joseph Stalin had just landed at the Canterlot Airport. She and Luna were waiting outside the castle to receive him, as his convoy was reported to already have left the airport. The Finnish leaders would arrive a little later. The previous Prime Minister of Finland, Aimo Cajander, had left office after the beginning of the Winter War, and his replacement, Kyösti Kallio, would be joining them today.

The first motorised vehicles had been imported to Equestria, which were mainly service and government vehicles, such as fire engines, ambulances, airport vehicles, goods trucks, buses, and government limousines. Passenger cars would come in later. The airport was a near forty-minute drive from the main city of Canterlot, so for the public, airport buses would be provided until private cars were more widespread.

Celestia could see the limousines in the distance, entering the main city of Canterlot via the newly-built highway, part of the Golden Quadrilateral, the new main highway that connected the four main cities of Equestria, Canterlot, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Ponyville. The convoy drove into the city, by all its houses, which were waving to the occupants of the cars. The cars drove through the castle gates, and towards the main facade of Canterlot Castle.

The cars stopped in front of the castle, and the center car stopped in front of the princesses. The car's door opened, and Joseph Stalin emerged from it, followed by one of his ministers. "Mr. Stalin. Welcome to Equestria." said Celestia.

"Ah, your Highnesses. I look forward to seeing your vonderful country. I also look forward to taking back our territory from ze Finnish. Their land is actually ours. Ze Finnish stole our land from us years ago, and they have ze balls to say that it is theirs? That is why we did what we did. We just vonted our land back." said Stalin.

"I know, but war isn't the way. Anyways, we will talk more about this later today, and figure out how much land the Finnish will cede, Mr. Stalin. In the meantime, you can see the exhibition we have prepared inside Canterlot Castle, to showcase our history, while we wait for the Finnish Prime Minister." said Celestia, not pleased at how Stalin was talking about the Finnish as thieves, when they clearly were the victims in this case.

"I vill do that, your Majesty. I vood like to see your country's history." said Stalin, as he and his diplomats walked into the castle, followed by his retinue of diplomats. The cars that had brought them here began to drive off, for some cleaning before they would pick up the Finnish Prime Minister. The princesses hated Stalin a lot, due to some of his views, and the fact that they had heard rumours that he tortured his people, if they did not obey him.

Plus, he was also a very harsh father. Celestia had wondered how any woman would marry a man such as Stalin. Yet, he had a wife, and a few sons. She had heard that Stalin was so strict with his first son that his son had attempted to end his own life by shooting himself in the chest. However, the attempt had failed, as the bullet had missed his heart, and Stalin had apparently laughed when he heard the news, "The boy can't even shoot straight."

Celestia and Luna decided to go back in for some rest, as the Finnish Prime Minister's plane still hadn't arrived in Equestrian airspace yet. It would be a while before his plane arrived, and the peace talks officially began.

------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 10:00am in Germany, which was meant it was 7:30am in Equestria. The injections of the E-serum into the first of Germany's new super soldiers was about to occur. Discord already had the syringe in his hand, and was about to inject it into the first soldier, a rather young fellow, about 23. He seemed a little weak. Well, that was about to change for him. They had picked only the most patriotic soldiers in the German Army for this unit, as they had to dedicate their life to their nation for the missions they would be put on.

Discord went up to the young man, and asked him, "What's your name, soldier?"

"Herman, Sir." replied the soldier.

"Well, Herman, you are lucky that you are the first person to be injected with the fully tested version of the E-serum. You will not be this weak man that you are right now, you will be stronger than ever before. Probably strong enough to lift a car, or tear a man in two with your bare hands. Do you see what being loyal to your nation gets you?" asked Discord.

"Yes, Mr. Möller." said Herman.

"This will be a painful injection, but the fruits of it are what counts." said Discord, as he jabbed the syringe into Herman's vein in one swift motion, and injected the E-serum in. Herman screamed in pain, since the syringe was in his vein. The second the last drop of the E-serum went in, Discord pulled the syringe out of Herman's arm, and quickly put an antiseptic bandage on it. He watched as Herman's muscles began to bulk up, and he grew larger. Soon, he looked like a bodybuilder who had worked out all his life.

Herman looked incredulously at his new body, as if he had never envisioned himself that strong one day. He instantly thanked Discord, and went off to join the rest of his comrades, looking at him enviously, as if they couldn't wait to get their injections of the E-serum. Discord instructed the rest of the scientists to inject the soldiers, as he was going to check how the assembly lines of the Panzer IIIE and the Bf109E were doing. The first production Bf109Es had rolled off the line, and would soon enter service with the Luftwaffe. They would easily kill multiple Hurricanes, and match up with the Spitfires.

The Panzer IIIE production line was still going well, and the enhanced tanks were still rolling off the assembly lines. The Panzer IVE project had been temporarily put on hold, as the IIIEs would suffice for now, and the IVE program's budget would overshoot what had been allotted to the Erweiterung program.

As Discord headed back to his room after checking on them, he decided to turn on the TV and see what was going on with the peace talks of the Winter War that were being held in Equestria. Last he had heard, Stalin had already arrived in Canterlot, and was at Canterlot Castle at this time. As he turned on the TV, it showed a live broadcast of a convoy of cars stopping outside Canterlot Castle, and a new person getting out.

The Finnish Prime Minister had arrived. Kyösti Kallio. Aimo Cajander's replacement. It was really because of Cajander that Finland had been taken so easily. Kallio had replaced him after Cajander had been forced out of office. The peace talks would soon begin. Soon, the Winter War would end.

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE------------------------------------------------------------------
It was now 8:00am in Equestria. The ponies and the humans were all gathering in the castle's newly-built conference room, which could seat 120. Today, all of the seats were occupied, by the princesses, Joseph Stalin, Kallio, the Soviet and Finnish diplomats. Soldiers were also in the room, as a guard for the princesses. Reporters were not allowed in here.

The peace talks were now starting. Celestia was the first one to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, humans and ponies, we gather here today on this day to end the Winter War. Today is a day of peace." said Celestia.

"Ah, your Highnesses. Vot is zis treaty you vould like us to sign?" asked Stalin.

"Well, the Canterlot Peace Treaty outlines the concession of Finnish territory to the Soviets. The treaty outlines that Finland concede half of Finnish Karelia, a part of the Salla area, the Finnish part of the Kalastajansaarento Peninsula in the Barents Sea, and in the Gulf of Finland, the islands of Suursaari, Tytäsaari, Lavansaari, Peninsaari, and Seiskaari." said Celestia. "That is all the Finnish are willing to cede to your country."

"Also, we are willing, uh, to hand over whatever equipment and installations are in zose areas." said Kallio, the Finnish Prime Minister.

"I see. Ve are not so happy with zose terms, as we vant one last thing. Ve vant to setup an overseas naval base in Finland. In thees case, in the Hanko Peninsula. Ve vant a lease on ze peninsula for 30 years, and annual rent of 8 million marks." said Stalin.

"We can allow that. Anything to end this war." said Kallio.

"Fine then. Those are the terms of this treaty. Once it is signed, all Soviet troops must exit Finland, by the time the clock strikes 12:00pm in Leningrad tomorrow, or 11:00am in Finland. All of the Soviet and Finnish diplomats must sign here, if you agree with these terms." said Celestia, pointing to a copy of the treaty.

"Fine then. We shall sign." said Stalin, as his diplomats got up to sign the Canterlot Peace Treaty. The Finnish diplomats also got up to sign the treaty. The Soviet diplomats first looked at the treaty, and once they found its terms and conditions satisfactory, they signed with the pens that had been placed for this. The Finnish diplomats did the same next. The Canterlot Peace Treaty had been successfully signed, without any incident. The first major diplomatic event hosted by Equestria had been a success.

"The soldiers of ze Red Army shall leave Finland by tomorrow. We will deliver the orders now." said Stalin, going to one of the newly installed telephones to make the call to the head of the Red Army to do so.

Celestia and Luna smiled, and after excusing their hosts, left the conference room, and headed for the throne room to get to the rest of the day's matter, as it was now 10:00am. Just as they sat down in the throne room, a soldier came in. "Your Majesties, there has been a bit of an incident involving a human." said the soldier.

"What? Did a drunk human journalist try to rob a house or something?" asked Luna.

"No, your Majesties. Apparently, a unicorn brutally assaulted and beat up one of the British human journalists. He was badly injured, and is unconsciousness in hospital right now with a broken arm and head wounds, as the pony hit him very hard in the head."

"What?! Was this attack provoked?" asked Luna.

"No, he was taken by surprise. Since it occurred in a public place, the attacker fled the scene, and we have not been able to find him yet. As for the victim, he was instantly transported to hospital by the witnesses."

"Do you know who the culprit was?" asked Celestia.

"We believe it was a member of Chancellor Neighsay's organisation, Humans Not Allowed, or HNA. We believe so as the unicorn was shouting slogans such as 'Human Go Home' and other extremely profane things."

"Oh, well, find this person at all costs and shut down the HNA at all costs. We don't want another ENA situation on our hands." said Celestia.

"Right away, your Highnesses!" said the soldier, as he went off again. Celestia sighed. This was not good. Now, HNA was also committing crimes, like how the ENA was suspected to have. Hopefully, they would shut down the HNA, before they went out of control like the ENA had.