• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 14

-------------------------------------------------------THE PALACE OF NATIONS, GENEVA-------------------------------------------------------
It was now around 1:05pm in Geneva. The princesses were in their rooms, relaxing after lunch. They still hadn't recovered from that crazy shootout earlier. Celestia was thinking about how violent that had been, when a letter appeared right in front of her, addressed from Equestria. Celestia was surprised when she received. Somehow, her subjects had been able to send a letter to her, despite her being all the way in Geneva. She opened up the letter, and it was near-coronary time.

It read, "Your Highnesses, I hope your visit to the League of Nations is going well. We have some unfortunate news, however. We found the statue of Discord in the garden of Canterlot Castle, shattered and in pieces. We did some searches for magical energy, and found traces that he had somehow broken out. We have no found no traces of him either in Equestria or the Crystal Empire, which has lead us to believe that he is probably in the human world, and at the League of Nations itself. He might probably somehow try to get back at you for imprisoning him. Take care. Signed, Thunder Bolt, Commander of the Special Threat Division."

Celestia realized now that the apparition of Discord she had seen for a second right after the shootout was real. She had originally thought it was an optical illusion, but now she knew that he had escaped confinement somehow. She instantly burned the letter, and teleported the ashes away. She did not want the humans to know about this, not before they had good relations with them. In fact, she was sure that the shootout was Discord's attempt at having the royals killed to get his revenge. No, Discord was a sadist. He would first want the Equestrians to suffer heavily, and then he would kill them.

Celestia then gathered Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight in their luxurious suite's common room, and told them about what she saw and the letter she received. All of them were shocked by the fact that Discord had escaped, and especially horrified when Celestia told them her theory about Discord being responsible for the shootout.

“Discord is here?” Luna exclaimed. “How is that possible? We thought he was securely imprisoned in stone.”

“I don’t know, sister,” Celestia said. “But we can’t take any chances. He could be anywhere, and he could do anything. He could cause chaos and destruction, or worse."

"First, we need to tell Prime Minister Chamberlain and President Roosevelt about him."

They all agreed that they would keep Discord a secret from the humans for now, and would begin operations to find him once they got back to Equestria. But, first, they had to go for another meeting, starting in ten minutes.

At around 1:25pm, they were just over ten minutes into the meeting, discussing the import of crude oil from the Middle East and the US, when the Polish President, Władysław Raczkiewicz came running in with some soldiers and politicians. "Everyone, everyone, the Germans have invaded..." panted Raczkiewicz, out of breath.

"Calm down, Raczkiewicz. The Germans have invaded where?" asked Anne Schmidt.

"The Germans... they have invaded and taken over Poland." said Raczkiewicz.

"What?! I thought the Germans had signed a truce with Poland?" asked Celestia.

"They seem to have violated it, as less than two hours ago, they invaded. They took our country by surprise. Our capital, Warsaw, has been overtaken by the Germans, and our military is barely alive. They have retreated to a part of the country, which is under Polish occupation. Here, take a look..." said Raczkiewicz, turning on a projector, and showing everyone. The images shocked them. It showed a city, Warsaw, to be precise. There were pictures of injured, and dead people lining the streets of the city.

It showed people trying to escape from the Nazis, who were busy trying to gun everybody down. Celestia saw the bodies of numerous dead Polish soldiers, killed, trying to bravely defend their capital city. There were also numerous military planes, all wearing the Nazi Swastika, flying over the city. She instantly knew that this was Discord's work. He had staged the shootout to purposely, to persuade Hitler to invade Poland. That was when Raczkiewicz spoke up. "The current death toll is estimated to be around 40,000. Mainly civilians and Polish military."

This shocked Celestia. How could they kill so many innocents, and valiant military personnel like that? She made a mental vow, that she would find Discord, and avenge the lives of all the innocents lost. That was when Prime Minister Chamberlain spoke up. "This is an outrage. It goes against humanity. We will send a message to the Germans, to pull out of Poland, one of our greatest allies, within two days. If not, we will declare war against them."

That was when Albert Lebrun, the President of France, spoke up. "So will we, if the Germans do not respond. Poland is one of our biggest allies as well."

Celestia was shocked at these statements. They were willing to have their militaries fight the Germans to help another country! They were truly good people for helping out a fellow nation like that.

"Alright. Let's have our aircraft fly to forward bases, near the border with Poland and Germany. They will also be dispatched to the remaining parts of un-annexed Poland. Ground units will also be sent in. If the Germans do not surrender immediately, the Royal Navy will send ships to blockade German and Polish ports, which will starve them of resources, and force them to surrender. Despite the two best battleships in our fleet currently stuck in Equestria, we can still send multiple destroyers, and some of our lesser battleships as well." said Chamberlain.

"Yes, that will do. Thank you, Chamberlain, and Lebrun, for helping my nation." said Raczkiewicz.

"You are most welcome, Raczkiewicz. Your nation has exported its crops and minerals to us for years. We are just repaying the debt."

"When will mobilization of your troops begin?"

"In about an hour, when I give the orders, mobilization of British troops should begin."

"Mobilization of French troops should begin around the time." said Lebrun.

"Oh, good. Hopefully, the Germans will surrender, and Poland can be returned to us. Once so, we will have the Germans pay a large amount of compensation for the heavy losses taken during the invasion." said Raczkiewicz.

That was Celestia spoke up. "I don't mean to intrude, but, Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Roosevelt, could we speak to you in private after this meeting?"

"Sure, thing, your Highness." replied a surprised Roosevelt.

"Same here, your Highness." replied Chamberlain, who was also a little surprised.

Celestia hoped that they would be able to put a plan she had been working on since the last few minutes into action after the talk with Roosevelt and Chamberlain.

----------------------------------------------------------15,000 FEET OVER GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
As this was going on in Switzerland, meanwhile, over Germany, in his big Focke-Wulf Fw200 Condor, Adolf Hitler was taking a call from the General. "Can I assume that Order 66 was executed successfully?" asked Hitler.

"Yes, Fuhrer. We executed Order 66 less than ten minutes after you gave the orders. By 12:40pm, we had overtaken Warsaw, and majority of Poland is under control. The remainder of the Polish military has retreated to the western parts of the country, near Russia. We have killed over 35,000 Polish military and civilians. Unfortunately, over 5,000 of our men were killed during the operation." replied the General.

"Oh, good. A pity about the men we lost. We will compensate their losses, by sending thrice the number of Polish people into the disinfectant chambers. We are planning to take over some former Polish military bases and use them as concentration camps."

"I see. We will have them prepared. In the meantime, how long till you arrive back in Berlin?"

"Not too long, now. We will begin the descent soon, and we should land by around 1:10pm."

"Okay, I'll great you at the airport."

"Alright then, see you there." said Hitler, as he hung up the phone, and decided to take a leak before they arrived in Berlin. He got up from his seat, and went into the bathroom. He finished taking nature's call, and took a look at himself in the mirror. He was admiring his face, when he saw something in the mirror. He looked at the reflection closer, and he could see a flickering form. It was not human, but something else entirely. It was a creature.

It resembled dragons from Chinese mythology, but it was not a dragon. It's body shape was that of a snake. It had a horse-like head, a deer antler on one side of its head, and a unicorn horn, resembling that of the Equestrians, on the other side. It had different-sized pupils, the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. It also had a horse's mane, a bat's right wing, and another Equestrian feature: a Pegasus left wing. This creature emanated nothing but chaos. Something he liked, which was when someone knocked on the door, and the creature's flickering form disappeared.

"Fuhrer! We are beginning our descent, could you please get back to your seat?" asked the voice of one of the flight attendants.

"Coming, coming." replied Hitler, as he began unlocking the bathroom door. He looked back at the mirror, but could see no sign of the creature. That was odd. He would think more about it later, once he was back in Berlin. The big Condor began its descent, and by 1:05pm, it was taxiing off the runway at Berlin's Tempelhof Airport. The plane pulled up to its stand at the VIP terminal, the four big piston engines were shut off, and the propellers stopped turning. A few black Mercedes cars pulled up next to the plane.

(basically like five or six of these)

Hitler and all the German politicians on board got in the cars, which then drove down to the Reichstag, which was just under half an hour from the airport. When they reached the Reichstag, they quickly went down to the main meeting room, which was highly secure, with three-foot thick steel walls even a jackhammer couldn't penetrate, and a keypad with a highly secure code that changed every day. Nobody except the highest ranking German officials, such as Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and all the other men in their inner circle could get in this room.

The men all walked in. All the others, including the Nazi military general, and Joseph Goebbels, were already there, waiting for Hitler to show up. At around 1:30pm, the door closed behind them, with a solemn thud, as Hitler sat down at the foot of the table. "Alright, let's begin the meeting." said Hitler, turning on a projector. "As you know, earlier today, after that shootout at the League of Nations, in which one of our soldiers who was promoting the Nazi cause was killed, and caused our country to leave the League of Nations, Order 66, which was the codename for the order to invade Poland, was executed. We took the Polish by surprise, and we have captured most of the country, except for a small portion near the Poland-Russia border. Take a look." said Hitler, as he began showing images on the projector.

The images showed the aftermath of the invasion of Poland. The gory images of dead Polish soldiers and civilians pleased them, especially one of the main buildings of Warsaw, where the old Polish flag was torn down and replaced with the Nazi Swastika, but what angered them most was the images of the dead German soldiers. They were then discussing how many old Polish Army bases would soon be turned into concentration camps, when suddenly, the power went out. "Don't panic, everyone, the backup generator will come on in just a second." said Goebbels.

Thankfully, the backup generator did come on around twenty seconds later. But they realized that their walkie-talkies were not working. In fact, they were fuzzy, and Hitler probably guessed the soldiers would be trying to get back in contact with them, and figure out why they had lost contact like that.

"Don't panic, everyone. I will try and open the door, and then we can figure out why we lost our communications." said Goebbels, trying to reassure everyone. He then went to try and open the door, but when he tried to turn the large vault-like handle, it would not open. "What is this? The door won't open!" shouted Goebbels, causing everyone to fear they would die of starvation in the meeting room.

"Ah, that is because, I temporarily may or may not have melted the door's electronic components with that power surge, Joseph." said a new voice, in perfect German, with an accent. One that was sinister, yet had a certain tone about it that the Nazis liked.

"Who are you?! How do you know my first name?! How did you melt the electronic components of the door?! SHOW YOURSELF!" shouted a panicked Goebbels, who was hyperventilating badly.

"Ah, Joseph. I will show myself to you, Adolf, and the rest of the main Nazi leadership in a minute or so. You will be in here for the next ten to fifteen minutes, anyways, since the soldiers outside are busy getting cutters to try and open the door." said the voice.

"What?! Now show yourself! We don't like talking to just voices unless its on a telephone, you see. And also, no one calls me by just my first name!" said Hitler.

"Alright, then, I shall show myself. However, I do have a natural form, which might scare some of you, so, is it fine if I quickly shapeshift into one of you guys?" asked the voice.

"As much as I would like to see your natural form, I don't think I would like to scare my inner circle, so yes." replied Hitler, who suspected he knew who this voice was.

"Alright, don't be too frightened by my appearance." said the voice, as a man appeared into the room, out of nowhere. He was a handsome German guy with blond hair, probably in his early thirties, dressed all in black. Black shoes, black pants, black shirt, even a black jacket. He looked like a normal German human male, except for the fact that he was dressed all in black, and had a pretty sinister smile on his face. "Well, this is my human form. I am Discord, the spirit of chaos." introduced the man.

"What do you mean spirit of chaos?" asked Hitler, who found himself liking Discord already.

"Ah, well, as the title suggests, I cause chaos. Lots of chaos. I thrive in it. I revel in it. In some ways, Hitler, you and I are not so different."

"Ah, you hate Jews too?"

"Well, not really. My hate is for the Equestrians. It is probably as much as your hate for Jews."

That statement by Discord, shocked everyone. They did not expect him to be against the Equestrians, especially when they came in peace. "Why so? Why do you hate the Equestrians, when they come in peace?"

"They are not that peaceful. They imprisoned me, for some harmless mischief, that too! They stuck me in stone, for over 300 years! It was only when Equestria was transported to Earth, that I was able to free myself!" shouted Discord.

"Wait, what? Just for harmless mischief? You say you are the spirit of chaos, so you must have done something bad to get yourself imprisoned in stone for 300 years." replied Hitler.

"Nothing much, really. I just caused some chocolate to flood an Equestrian town, and I stopped the Sun and the Moon from rotating around Equis, the home planet from which we came. And for that, they imprisoned me!"

"What? You stopped the Sun and Moon from rotating around Equis?"

"Yes. I have quite a bit of power, you see. I could easily turn Earth's Moon to fragments, cause earthquakes, and other such things."

That statement made the Nazis even more happy. If Discord was willing to side with them, his powers would be useful. For instance, if the British tried to do something, they could probably have Discord destroy a city to stop them. That was when they realized that the soldiers had almost finished cutting through the door. They were only about three minutes from opening it.

". Also, I almost forgot, I got you these." said Discord, handing the Nazis a large document. When they opened it, it stunned them all. The General spoke up first.

"Oh, My God. These are the plans for..."

"Yes. The Hawker Hurricane. The current British frontline fighter. These are the original plans. I replaced them with perfect copies, so the Hawker engineers wouldn't know that they were gone."

"But..... how?" asked Hitler.

"I have my ways. I'll try and get you plans for the Spitfire, and maybe more of the British military's equipment, later. But first, a deal. If you let me stay in your country, and conduct my own black experiments, I will do all this for you. Is that clear?"

"I accept these conditions, Discord." replied Hitler, much to the happiness of the Nazis. That was when the soldiers finally cut the door open, and when they saw the strange man, they instantly raised their guns. Hitler instantly waved them down. "Soldiers, he is an ally, willing to help us conquer Europe. Lower your guns." The soldiers instantly complying, wondering how this man had managed to get in the room.

It was almost 2:00pm by the time Hitler and his men had finally gotten out of the room, along with Discord. They couldn't believe the whole ordeal had lasted just under half an hour. They hoped that with Discord's help, they could finally take Europe all for themselves.