• Published 23rd Jun 2023
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Equestria: World War II (1939-1941) - The Unseen

Equestria is transported to Earth right before World War 2 is supposed to begin and an evil entity breaks free of his prison, how will they survive?

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Chapter 24


------------------------------------------------------------SOMEWHERE IN GERMANY-------------------------------------------------------------
Discord was writing something in his room, despite it being 3:30am. Since the last two days, his scientists were working on trying to stabilise the newest version of the Erweiterung serum, now being called the E-serum, since they had officially named their whole black programme as Erweiterung. The modified Bf109s would known as the Bf109Es, E standing for Erweiterung. They were also soon going to begin work on Panzer III tanks, which would be called Panzer IIIEs. Two had been trucked in from some random German military base, and the modification parts were currently in the fabrications shop being made.

Today, however, Discord was focusing on getting the second version of the E-serum stabilised and ready for testing. Ever since they had removed the chemical that had caused the failure of the human trial of the first version, it had been unstabilised, and therefore, they had to stabilise it or it could cause an even worse failure. He was busy drawing molecular structures, trying to figure out how to stabilise the E-serum. He was busy figuring how the state of bonds between the atoms currently was, when another scientist came in. "Dr. Discord, we may have stabilised the E-serum!"

"Wait, what? You stabilised the E-serum?" replied a surprised Discord.

"Yes, we believe we have found a solution to the instability issue. It involves altering the composition of certain molecular bonds and introducing a stabilizing agent. Our initial testing shows promising results."

"Alright, how long will it take until we can conduct some human testing?"

"We could do it in a few hours, if you would like, Dr. Discord."

"Okay, let's do it at around 9:00am. That should give everyone time to prepare."

"Alright. I'll let everyone know. See you then, Doctor." said the scientist, as he left the room. Discord then stretched back, and decided to take a nap, so he would be ready for the next human trial of the E-serum. He woke up at around 8:00am, or 5:30am Equestria time, quickly freshened up, and within twenty minutes, was in the lab. Most of the other scientists, looking a little groggy, were also there.

"Alright, is everyone ready for the second trial of the E-serum?" asked Discord.

"Yes, Dr. Discord. Almost all of us are, except for some of our Russian compatriots. They should be here in sometime." replied one of the scientists.

"Vas somvone toking about us?" asked Dr. Benin and his crew, as they walked in.

"Ah, there you are, Dr. Benin. We were just mentioning that you and your team are the only ones missing. Welcome. We are about to begin the second trial of the E-serum." Discord responded.

Dr. Benin and his crew joined the rest of the scientists, and the room became filled with anticipation. The E-serum had the potential to greatly enhance human abilities, and Discord was eager to see the results of this trial. After the last one, he greatly needed some good results. They watched as their second test subject, another young Polish woman, was dragged into the test enclosure. "Please! Don't do this! Let me go!" shouted the woman, as the scientists coldly dragged her into the enclosure.

One of the scientists grabbed a syringe, full of the new version of the E-serum. With the removal of the chemical that had caused the previous failure, the colour of the serum had changed from greenish yellow to pure green. The scientist quickly injected the serum into the woman. Then, he and his comrades quickly ran out of the room, and closed the blast doors behind them.

The room fell silent as everyone waited anxiously for the effects of the E-serum to manifest in the test subject. Discord was leaning against a wall, watching the woman through a small observation window. Suddenly, the woman's body jerked and convulsed, and the scientists watched horrified as the experiment began to go wrong again. They watched horrified as the woman began mutating.

They watched as the woman's fingers turned into claws, and her teeth turned razor sharp. Leathery wings sprouted out of her back. Her eyes turned yellow, and her skin turned all green and scaly. She had become a horrifying monster. She let off a loud roar, frightening everyone. Discord and his scientists had used the DNA of certain animals in the E-serum. The chemical that had been removed probably had stopped the animal DNA from completely taking over the subject's body, but now it was removed, the animal DNA had taken over.

Discord and his scientists watched as the monster woman began banging on the test enclosure, cracking the glass. Discord quickly ran to a control panel and pressed a button, releasing chloroform into the enclosure. Within seconds, the monster woman was knocked out. "Dr. Discord? Should we kill her?" asked one of the scientists. An evil plan then began to formulate in Discord's mind.

"No. Tell me, is our submarine base at Hamburg complete?"

"Yes, it will be ready to construct and test some U-boats in a few months, but what does it have to do with... that?" replied the scientist, pointing to the monster woman.

"Well, we can use her as a torture instrument for spies, and as a guard for the U-boat base. Sedate her, secure her, and transport her there when the base is complete. In the meantime, give her a more secure enclosure, within fourteen hours, because the chloroform should last that long."

"Got it, Dr. Discord. I'll have a strong enclosure shipped in quickly. What about the E-serum?"

"Well, this version doesn't do much other than turn humans into monsters, so let's begin work on the third version. We'll start tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll go and check on the Bf109E program." said Discord, leaving the room. As he walked towards the hangars, he felt extremely frustrated. The first two attempts of the E-serum had failed. It was like Faust herself was trying to stop him from finishing the E-serum.

At least the Bf109E program was going well. They had completed their third Bf109E test flight yesterday, and so far, the new components seemed to be working well. Hopefully, it would help the Nazis plunge the world into chaos. Soon, the China-Japan war would also restart, adding to the chaos. It was all part of his plan to defeat the Equestrians.

As he arrived in the hangars, he noticed all the people rushing out towards out of the hangar, towards the runway. He realized something had happened. "What's happening? Did something happen?" asked Discord.

"Yes! Frederich, the lead test pilot, took up one of the Bf109Es for our fourth flight, and he had an engine failure! He's currently on his way back, and we are preparing for him to make an emergency landing!" said one of the hangar staff, hopping into one of the jeeps with Discord, and driving out. They parked on the side of the runway, whose lights had been lit up, exposing the forest around it. They had cleared some of the trees around the airfield for safe flight operations, but not all of them, making it a difficult approach path. Frederich would be having a hard time, trying to make a landing on it, in a heavily-modified single engine fighter which had suffered an engine failure.

At around 5:30am, they saw the lights of Frederich's plane appear in the distance. Despite having considerable experience, Frederich seemed to be having trouble controlling the fast fighter, and Discord hoped dearly he didn't break the aircraft too badly. He watched as Frederich came in rather fast, and silently, since the engine was not running at all, the plane wobbling a little. The Bf109E touched down hard, and he watched as one of the main landing gears collapsed, and the plane skidded down the runway, the jeeps and fire equipment following fast.

As they neared the aircraft, they saw a small fire under the left wing, and watched as Frederich opened up the canopy and hurriedly got out of the burning aircraft, as the fire equipment rolled up and began extinguishing the fire. Discord then went up to Frederich. "What happened up there? Tell me, now!" shouted Discord.

"I don't know, Mr. Discord. I was just climbing through nine thousand feet when the engine quit on me. I tried to restart it but it wouldn't relight, so I made an emergency landing." replied Frederich.

"Alright, you did good, but try to keep the aircraft more intact next time. Guys, is the aircraft fine?" asked Discord, to the project head and his staff, who had by then extinguished the fire.

"I don't know, Sir. There is a lot of damage to the aircraft, but if we work a lot of all-nighters, the aircraft should be back in the air within three months. Till then, we'll have to suspend the Bf109E program." replied the project head.

"Wait, what?! Why should we suspend the program? Don't we have the other Bf109E prototype?" asked a bewildered Discord.

"Well, Sir, we had a bit of a.... mishap with the other one this morning."

"What do you mean, a mishap?! Why didn't you inform me? What happened to the other Bf109E?"

"Well.... we were testing the engine on the second aircraft, when it suffered a failure. All the staff is alright, but the aircraft is out of commission."

"Ugh! I'll have some engine experts come in and fix the issue. In the meantime, try and get another Bf109 in for modifications, fast!" replied a frustrated Discord, as he went back into the hangars. He definitely felt something was off. It was like Faust herself was sabotaging the Erweiterung program.

-----------------------------------------------------------------CANTERLOT CASTLE----------------------------------------------------------------
It was now around 3:00am in Equestria. In the bedrooms of Canterlot Castle, Celestia was happily sleeping, while Luna was on dream duty. They were in their dreamscapes, when suddenly, they were forcibly merged. "Huh? Luna, did you do something?" asked Celestia.

"No, I didn't do anything, sister. This seems to be our mother's work. The dreamscape is showing something." said Luna, as the dreamscape shifted before the eyes of the two sisters. It shifted to a planet, one that they knew. "Is that.... Equis?" asked Luna, who recognised it from her being on it's Moon for 1,000 years. The planet looked beautiful as ever, except for the fact that part of it was in permanent sunlight, and the other in permanent darkness.

The place where Equestria once used to be was now a large crater, shrouded in permanent sunrise. Multiple gryphons were surrounding it, investigating how the huge country could have disappeared like that. They all seemed to be investigating the flora and fauna, trying to find traces of the storm, of which there were none, apart from the huge crater. Among them was Zecora, who had not been transported to Earth. There was also one where the Crystal Empire once was, also being investigated, albeit by the yaks.

She then noticed another crater, albeit much smaller, a little further from the former site of Equestria. This was once where the Ponysian Empire used to stand, until Celestia had crushed it with a large chunk of rock. It brought back painful memories for Celestia. She remembered how the rebel regime that had executed Psar Ponylass had forcibly enslaved all outsiders in their land, including Equestrians, gryphons, and Yaks. They had even enslaved the outcasts among their own nation! The gryphons and Yaks wanted to slowly and steadily win the war, but Celestia was so angry with the Ponysians she had crushed their nation with a piece of Moon rock.

As Celestia continued reminiscing, their mother suddenly appeared. "My daughters. I do not have much time. The Heavens beckon. I have some important information for you." said Faust.

"What is it, mother, apart from the fact that Equis still exists?" asked Luna.

"Well, I have been able to partially thwart Discord's plan. He is doing inhuman things, that I do not even wish to speak to you about. However, he will be back in action within a few months, so try to stop him as fast as you can. I know the location of something that might be able to defeat HIIIIIIM!!" screamed Faust, as she suddenly disappeared, and the whole dream ended. The two sisters woke up startled in their beds. It was now about 3:20am in the morning. They couldn't go back to sleep, so they decided to go and check on war updates.