• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,400 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

Home Sweet Home

Universe 25197

“Yer obviously Applejack, aren’t ya?” The alternate Applejack guessed as the original hesitantly nodded.

“And Ah guess yer Applejack, too?” She scrunched up her nose, having a hard time believing this was another version of her. Not only because of the business suit and the red shirt but also because her mane was tied up like those rich ponies she saw in Manehattan during her childhood.

“Yup, but ya can call me Jackie. It would make it easier,” with a serene smile, displaying admirable ease in accepting the existence of her doppelgänger from another world! Wouldn’t any regular person freak out?

“Is that what your friends call you?” Applejack inquired while Jackie chuckled.

“Ya could say that,” She replied while walking around Applejack and inspecting her body. “It’s funny. Yer another Me, but you’re so different,” She said in a curious tone before scoffing. “Kinda look like a peasant,”

“Ah thought you would be more weirded out by this…” Applejack commented, letting her last comment slide since she preferred avoiding getting into trouble now of all times.

“As I said, you ain't the first outworlder I've come across. You're actually the second one, but you're the first Me I've encountered,” Jackie responded in amusement as she put herself in front of Applejack again.

“And what happened to the first one?” Applejack narrowed her eyes, suspicious of her counterpart.

“She went home. Ah gave her what she needed. The stone! That what yer lookin’ for, aren’t ya?” Jackie explained as Applejack stared at her in silence. “Ya don’t trust me,” She stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Can ya blame me? I’m stranded in another universe! Apparently, Ah’m not even one of Twilight’s friends, and Ah am the head of some huge corporation?!” Applejack argued while Jackie was still smirking, completely unbothered by her speech.

“Yer friends with a princess in your universe?” Jackie questioned, seemingly not surprised, but slightly impressed.

“Ah don’t like bragging as much as Rainbow Dash, but yah. I am the element of honesty, so crossin' paths with a version of myself that doesn't embody honesty make it mighty hard to put my trust in ya. How do ya even have that stone?” Applejack kept her eyes narrowed.

“Congratulations for havin’ friends in high places, sugar!” Jackie laughed, which absolutely didn’t make her sound genuine at all. “Tell me, sugar, what happened in your universe? How did ya get yer cutie mark?”

Applejack opened her mouth and paused… Should she tell her? She really couldn’t trust her because of all the big villain vibes she was getting from her. However, no way in Tartarus revealing how she got her cutie mark would put her in a bad spot. How could something like this be used against her?

“Ah was in Uncle and Aunt Orange’s apartment, looking out the window and thinkin’ of Ponyville. Ah… missed it so much that Ah went back there and got my cutie mark. Ah hated Manehattan,” She admitted, while making sure to avoid mentioning the sonic rainboom.

Jackie nodded along her story, seemingly interested until Applejack finished. The business mare scoffed.

“So that’s the difference! Unlike ya, when Ah was looking out that window… Ah closed the curtains. Ah thought to myself that Ah had no place in Ponyville. Of course, Ah was right. Ah slowly got used to Uncle and Aunt Orange’s lifestyle. Ah listened and learned what they were teachin’ me. With those skills, Ah opened a gem mining company, which is how Ah found the stone, then Ah rose above my competitors,” She explained smugly as Applejack widened her eyes. Was that what she would have become if she didn’t look out the window that day? “Ah am pretty much the most successful pony in Equestria! It is only natural since it is my destiny,” She added while pointing at her flank where her cutie mark was. “As for the name of my enterprise… Well, Apple Industries doesn’t sound like a minin’ company, but it’s a brand! Makes it easier to recognize who it comes from ‘cause the name’s Applejack,”

“Yer tellin’ me you’re rich?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Got no benefits by lyin’ to ya, sugar. Also, it means you have no choice but to trust me since Ah have what yer lookin’ for,” Jackie assured her as she walked behind her desk, then spun her computer around so that Applejack could see it. The alternate Applejack made a few clicks before the computer showed a dark room with only a pedestal and the stone floating above it. “Nopony but me knows where it is and that it exists,”

“Great! Then that means ya can give it to me now!” Applejack exclaimed, only for Jackie to scoff and turn the computer around again.

“Ah, ah! Ah could, but Ah won’t. Not now, at least,” The business mare chuckled while shaking her head in amusement.

“There it is! The villain speech, am I right? So what do ya want? Conquer Equestria? Destroy the world?” Applejack began listing the possible plans most of the villains she fought had.

“Now, hold on a second! Nothin’ like that! All Ah want is get richer and richer while buyin’ other companies until… Ah have the monopoly over everythin’. It would be perfectly legal, of course! See, the first outworlder that came in here had to work for it. All Ah need is for you to do me some favors! Nothin’ too big!” Jackie retorted calmly while Applejack still seemed uncertain.

The parallels between Jackie's plan and the schemes of Flim and Flam were not lost on Applejack. While Jackie may not be as inherently malicious as their other adversaries, her monopolistic ambitions raised serious concerns. However, Applejack couldn't afford to dwell on the situation for too long. Her priority was finding a way back home as quickly as possible. Perhaps accepting Jackie's deal and playing the long game could offer a solution. Once she obtained the stone, she could use it to warn this world's Twilight about Jackie's true intentions. With the support of her friends, they would surely put a stop to them.

“What kinda favors?” Applejack finally asked.

“Nothin’ morally questionable if that’s what yer askin’. Believe me. Once you accept our deal, Ah’ll tell you about the favors Ah need. And when you fulfilled your end of the deal, I’ll fulfill mine. Know this: Ah never go back on mah word,” Jackie assured her while Applejack bit her lips.

“What’s stopping me from telling the princesses that ya have this thing? They could just give it to me afterward,” Applejack pointed out, making her Double roll her eyes.

“Please, you’ll have a hard time convincing them you come from another world. Especially since Ah don’t have the best reputation here. They sure won’t believe you’re their friend. Besides, they can’t just come to ma property anytime they want to if they fear my lawyers,” She scoffed. “The princesses, including Twilight Sparkle’s friends, are nothin’ to me. Ah could buy their whole castles if Ah wanted to!” Jackie laughed, mocking Equestria’s rulers without a hint of fear.

If she was telling the truth, then Applejack really was in deeper dung than she thought. The main problem wasn’t even her lawyers and her money (at least in Applejack’s opinion), but the fact that Twilight and the others may not believe her at all! Maybe accepting her deal was the better plan for now…

“Fine. I’ll take your deal. What do ya want?” Applejack conceded, making Jackie smile in satisfaction.

“Now we’re gettin’ somewhere! First, Ah need you to get a nice suit, then change your mane style, so it at least looks a bit like mine. We’ll have to hide your cutie mark, but don’t worry, Ah know a wonderful artist who will give ya a temporary tattoo. It’ll be useless if your cutie mark looks nothin’ like mine, after all!” Jackie explained as her eyes trailed toward Applejack’s cowboy hat. “The hat will have to go too, sugar,” She remarked as the other earth pony stepped away.

“Oh, no! No way in Tartarus I’m lettin’ go of my hat! And why do Ah need to look like you?” She held a hoof over her hat protectively, making her counterpart roll her eyes.

“Fine, the hat stays. As for why yer doing this… Ah need you to visit ma family in Ponyville. Since ya lived there, unlike me, you probably already know them. Ah want ya to reforge our bonds with them! Specifically, Granny Smith and Bic Macintosh ‘cause we grew apart so much, and I’m really saddened by all of it!” Jackie retorted… while not looking saddened at all.

“And why don’t ya go do it yerself?” Applejack questioned her while puckering her lips together, attempting to decipher her game plan.

“Ah would love to! However, I’m quite busy. A company that big doesn’t run itself, and ‘cause of that, Ah just can’t get any free time,” Jackie sighed while pretending to wipe some tears away, which were clearly not meant to fool anyone. “But seriously, Ah have duties Ah can’t miss, and Ah also want to improve ma relationship with ma family,”

“And yer idea is to convince the element of honesty to lie and take yer place?” Applejack accused her while Jackie gave her a flat look as if the answer was obvious.

“Indeed. Ah would suggest ya don’t back down after already acceptin’ the deal. Besides, do ya actually believe tellin’ the truth would lead to the best outcome? Not only they may not believe ya, but Ah am sure they will chase ya out of Ponyville. Then they will be heartbroken and disappointed that their real Applejack couldn’t come,” Jackie retorted with narrowed eyes and a threat left unsaid. “Ah don’t know what ya have against me or why ya think I’m up to somethin’, but Ah don’t want to hurt ma family’s feelings either,”

Applejack bit her lower lip as a sea of thoughts began clouding her mind. The weight of the decision burdened her, leaving her uncertain of which path to choose or what words to speak. Trusting her counterpart still seemed like a stretch, but options were limited. The thought of deceiving her newfound family, even if they hailed from a different universe, pained her deeply. Yet, if it meant shielding them from harm and preserving their feelings, perhaps she could entertain the idea of temporary deceit. Only until she secured the stone and put an end to Jackie's nefarious plans, whatever they may be. Once that was done, she would tell them the truth… Because they deserved it.

Now, as Applejack pondered further, a troubling realization struck her. Jackie hadn't made any mention of Apple Bloom. Did her counterpart not know about her younger sister? Or worse, did Apple Bloom not exist in this universe at all? It also made her wonder if there were worlds where certain ponies existed, whereas they didn’t in her universe. If there were universes where her parents… There was no point in thinking about that! Not now!

“Alright. Ya win, Ah accept yer deal,” Applejack finally decided as Jackie nodded in approval.

“Good! Finally, some common sense! Ma bodyguards will escort ya to the artist Ah was talking about earlier, then to a tailor, so you put on some decent clothes. And change your mane style, too, of course!” Jackie grinned happily before slowly walking behind her desk and grabbing something from a drawer. “Take this!” She instructed as she threw the object at Applejack, which she easily caught. It was a silver necklace with a green gem in it. “This will allow us to communicate whenever we need it,”

“Ah suppose it’ll be useful,” Applejack muttered as two bodyguards entered the room.

“Now run along, sugar! Ah will get ya a train ticket for Ponyville, and ya should depart in a few hours if all goes well,” Jackie notified her as the other earth pony stayed silent.

Just as she planned, Applejack would avoid making a fuss for now. It was better to let her think she was playing right into her hooves. And maybe, just maybe… She was wrong and Jackie was actually decent. She hoped, at least.

As Applejack left the office, Jackie straightened her suit with a self-assured smile. In her mind, this encounter with the second Applejack was nothing short of a stroke of luck. It reinforced her belief that the universe was aligned in her favor, conspiring to grant her every desire. To Jackie, it seemed as if her path to success and prosperity was predestined, with the world bending to her will. Fuelled by this conviction, she felt invincible and ready to seize every opportunity that came her way.

“She’s gone,” Jackie pointed out before the sound of flapping wings made itself known.

A male pegasus with a brown coat and a maroon mane touched down in front of Jackie. His cutie mark showcased a winged briefcase. The pegasus appeared visibly shaken, constantly glancing over his shoulder in the direction Applejack had just departed.

“Happy Feather… What’s gotten into ya? It ain’t the first time you’ve seen somepony from another world,” Jackie snickered as she went back behind her desk.

“Yes, but this time, it was you! The resemblance was uncanny!” Happy commented in shock, making Jackie roll her eyes in annoyance.

“So?” She inquired with nonchalance.

“That means she is as good as you, doesn’t it? She could be dangerous for our plans!” Happy argued as he flapped his wings so hard that he rose from the ground.

“Ya worry too much,” The mare scoffed in amusement as she grabbed a cigar from the drawer and placed it between her lips. After taking a lighter, too, she motioned for Happy to come closer. Knowing what was demanded of him, the pegasus quickly flew to her and lit her cigar, from which she immediately took a puff. She didn’t even bother waiting for him to walk away before blowing smoke into his face.

“Koff Koff!” The pegasus coughed as he put a hoof in front of his face, shielding himself from the smoke as much as he could.

“Ya saw what she looked like! And ya heard her dumb little story. She’s a failure of a peasant who chose to stay on a stupid farm with stupid rednecks rather than live the big life in Manehattan. We’re clearly not of the same breed. She doesn’t have what it takes to go against me or even possibly get to where I am! She doesn’t have the guts, at least. That much was obvious,” Jackie explained as she took another puff of her cigar. “And if she’s anything like the heroes of Equestria from our world…” She started while looking at a newspaper folded on her desk, showing a picture of Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Lyra, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. “Then she’ll be easy to use. These idiots can’t do anything besides fighting off supervillains with bullshit friendship magic,” She mocked with a shake of her head.

“But what if she goes against us? What if she gets the bright idea to try and call for the princesses anyway?” Happy asked with shaking legs.

“Will ya stop worryin’ already, ya big doofus!” Jackie slammed her hoof on the desk, making him jerk back in fright. “If she tried to go against me anyway, I’ll have a quick way of persuadin’ her. A peasant like her will fold at the first sight of bits! Ma wealth will take care of things, as usual,” She rolled her eyes as Happy breathed out.

“I don’t know… She doesn’t look like the type who would fold for money…” Happy muttered with uncertainty.

“Happy… Ah thought Ah taught you this, didn’t I? There is nothin’ in this world that money can’t buy,” Jackie assured him. She stared at him in silence with a serious face for a few seconds, then smirked. “Ah bet that with enough money Ah could even make you eat yer own feathers!” She sniggered while Happy chuckled nervously.

“C-Come on, Boss. You know it would take more than that,” He mumbled, only for Jackie to throw a bag of bits on her desk. “T-That looks like a nice sum, but I know you, Boss! You would be so disappointed in me if making me do things was so easy! You taught me that…” He rumbled on as Jackie threw another bag, making him shut up. The pegasus gulped while his eyes were stuck on the two small bags of bits. Suddenly, he sighed and removed several of his feathers with his mouth before munching on them.

“Next time ya question me, Happy… Ah am making ya eat yer own dung, got that? And ya won’t get any money in exchange,” Jackie warned him.

With feathers stuck between his teeth, and having a hard time swallowing any, the pegasus could only nod in silence with a silent tear dropping from his eyes.

The more time passed, the more stressed Applejack was getting. Disguising herself as Jackie was already annoying enough since she needed to wear a suit, replace her cutie mark with a temporary tattoo and style her mane like she did when she lived in Manehattan.

Yet, the most challenging part still lay ahead. She would have to deceive her own family, making them believe she was someone else entirely. While Applejack acknowledged that she and her friends had embarked on some extraordinary adventures, she couldn't recall a situation quite like this before. It seemed that life had a way of becoming even more unpredictable and chaotic as if there was no limit to the challenges they would face.

Now that she thought about it… Was Ponyville going to be different, too? Did the ponies there know her? Did they like or hate her? Should she be ready to receive scorn once she got there? Were her friends’ counterparts currently in Ponyville? Maybe it was best to avoid them for now…

It took her several hours to get ready, then two more hours to arrive in Ponyville by train. The subsequent train journey to Ponyville seemed uneventful, as she gazed out the window and observed a familiar landscape that appeared unchanged from her own world. It made her ponder the role she played in the grand scheme of things. Did her absence make no difference? Was she so easily replaceable that even a pony like Lyra could effortlessly fill her shoes? Again, she had nothing against Lyra… But that still hurt.

She sighed. Thinking about this would just bring her mood down. And being in a bad mood wouldn’t help her at all when in Ponyville.

“We are delighted to inform you that the highly anticipated express train will be arriving at Ponyville shortly. We kindly request all passengers to gather their belongings and prepare for disembarkation,” The train conductor announced as Applejack grabbed a single piece of baggage, which was the only thing Jackie gave her as belongings, and walked toward the door.

Finally, the train stopped and the doors opened. She couldn’t help but wonder if her family would be waiting for her. Jackie told her that she notified them she would come, after all. The first thing she did once she came out was look around to search for them.

“Applejack!” A voice she recognized well called out to her.

She barely had enough time to turn around before someone nearly crushed her into a hug.

“Big Mac!” Applejack exclaimed as the larger pony stepped back, a wide happy smile on his face.

“It’s been so long, AJ!” Big Mac commented happily.

“Is Granny Smith here?” Applejack inquired as her brother nodded.

“Eeyup,” He confirmed before pointing over his shoulder. Granny Smith was slowly approaching them.

However, her gaze was far from the happy one Bic Mac was giving her. If anything, Granny Smith seemed resentful. Applejack couldn't help but wonder if Granny Smith's reaction was due to Jackie's sudden departure and failure to return. The thought brought a pang of guilt, as she recalled her own departure from Sweet Apple Acres in the past. Was this how her own grandmother had felt when she left the farm behind?

Jackie must have done something for sure! However, she decided to set aside her concerns about Granny Smith's gaze for the moment. It was not the right time to address any potential tension or start unnecessary drama. After all, her frustration was primarily directed toward her jerk of a counterpart, not her. Applejack resolved to find a moment alone later to reflect on the situation and process her emotions.

Looking down, Applejack also noticed something else: a small bundle of yellow and red hiding behind Granny Smith’s leg. It was Applebloom, who was peering from behind Granny Smith. She never saw the little filly be so shy around her.

“H-Hey, Granny Smith,” Applejack greeted her while the older pony narrowed her eyes.

“Ah am surprised you still remember my name. Never sent a letter, never replied to ours. And years later, ya finally remember us?” Granny admonished the other earth pony, who could only look down in shame.

It reminded her of when she left all over again. She never wanted Granny Smith and Bic Mac to think she rejected them or didn’t want them as her family, but this was NOT the same world, and she needed to remember that. She came back. Jackie didn’t. It also confirmed that Jackie didn’t even know she had a sister. If they truly never communicated, then that meant Granny Smith never told her about Applebloom. Did that mean Jackie didn’t even come for her own parents’ funeral?

“I… Ah am sorry, Granny Smith. Ah know Ah screwed up, but Ah came here to make amends. Ah really did miss yall when Ah was in Manehattan. Ah love ya, and I’m sorry if Ah never told you,” Applejack apologized as Granny Smith stared at her for a few more seconds, then her expression slowly softened as she heard the pony’s honest tone.

“Ah guess we can give ya another chance…” The older mare began before closing her mouth, uncertain of how to continue. Big Mac wasn’t helping either since he stayed quiet and awkwardly stared at them. Finally, Granny Smith gave up on saying anything else about Applejack’s leaving. Although, the element of honesty had a feeling they still weren’t done talking about it. “Ya missed a few things, including your brother’s wedding. And… Applebloom, ya can stop hidin’ now. She ain’t gonna bite,”

The filly gulped as she stopped hiding behind Granny Smith’s leg and revealed herself to Applejack, who softly smiled. She was exactly like the Applebloom from her world, with the cutie mark and all. Yet, the filly was acting as if they had never seen each other before, and it wasn’t that far off the truth.

“Hey there… Applebloom, right?” Applejack asked, pretending she didn’t know her while the filly nodded.

“Y-You’re my big sister?” Applebloom shyly inquired as the older mare chuckled.

“Ah guess Ah am,” She confirmed, making the young filly smile as wide as she could.

“Ah have a big sister! Ah have a big sister! Ah have a big sister!” Applebloom trotted around Applejack before jumping on her back and hugging her from behind while Big Mac and Granny Smith watched with loving eyes.

“Whoa, there! Ya sure are full of energy, aren’t ya, kiddo?” Applejack laughed as Applebloom’s jumping untied her mane, letting it down. And honestly, she didn’t care about not looking like a rich pony from Manehattan right now because she had never seen Applebloom so happy to see her!

“We’re gonna have so much fun! Tell me everythin’ about you! Oh, and you gotta meet my friends! We’re the cutie mark crusaders, and we…” Applebloom was ready to tell her whole life story until Granny Smith cut her off.

“Now, now, honey, let her breathe a little or you’ll scare her at this rate! Ah bet she’s tired from that journey. Ya can talk and play with her once we go home,” She assured her as Big Mac nodded in agreement.


“Oh, alright! Let’s get home quickly, then!” Applebloom conceded as she jumped off Applejack’s back while Big Mac grabbed his sister’s luggage.

No wonder they thought she was tired considering it was twilight. With nightfall approaching, that also meant they would have to sleep soon. Although the journey didn’t last the whole day, Applejack was still tired from everything that happened since she landed there.

“Ah hope she didn’t scare ya,” Granny Smith teased her while watching Applebloom run around and nearly bump into everyone they passed by.

“She’s really excited, ain’t she?” Applejack commented with a small chuckle.

“Ya haven’t seen her when Ah told her you were comin’! She went and told the entire town you’d be here! If Pinkie Pie was there, you would have had a huge party ready already!” Granny laughed before shaking her head in amusement. “Ah didn’t expect her to be so happy to have an older sister. We rarely talked about ya, and she never asked us about ya. Ah guess she’s just happy to have somepony else to look up to, and not just Big Mac and an old granny like myself,” She explained.

To think Jackie had never come here. Had never even appeared once in Applebloom’s life. It was strange to think about. It made Applejack wonder how she would react if she met Big Mac for the first time only once she was ten or something. Would she be as excited as Applebloom was? Now that she saw her sister and the rest of her family so happy to see her, she couldn’t disappoint them now! She would make sure to be the best sister and granddaughter the world had ever seen!

It would only impact Jackie’s life, really, and Applejack wasn’t sure if she deserved it. However, maybe she could fix their relationship. And maybe, they could be a happy and united family again? If she could accomplish this, then she would return home with a feeling of fulfillment.

Once they were finally at the farm (which looked the same as it did in Applejack’s universe), Big Mac moved her luggage upstairs to the guest room where she would be sleeping. They had a nice apple-based dinner while Applebloom talked about her life in Ponyville. Big Mac and Granny Smith occasionally did the same. And they weren’t even the only ones! Sugar Belle was there as well since she lived with Big Mac at the farm now that they were married.

She mostly let them talk about their lives and tried to evade all the questions about her life as much as possible. She knew nothing about how Jackie lived, and lying wouldn’t get her very far. Mostly because a lie would lead to another lie, then another, and another until she was stuck in a web of them and stopped making sense.

Still, there were a few differences from the lives of her original relatives, which made sense considering she didn’t live in Ponyville here. Applebloom extensively talked about the cutie mark crusaders and told her she would love to show her to them, which Applejack gladly accepted. Of course, her friends’ names, the other elements, were mentioned a few times, too.

As expected, she couldn’t go to bed right away since Granny Smith wished to talk to her and led her to the porch.

“Ah suppose ya know why Ah wanted to talk to you,” Granny remarked as Applejack sighed.

“Yeah… Ah’m sorry, and Ah know apologizing will never be enough,” The granddaughter responded as the older mare sighed.

“When ya left, Ah was sad, but Ah thought you would be happier in Manehattan,” Granny Smith started, recalling the day Jackie left. “And Ah was fine with it, so Ah don’t want you apologizin’ for leavin’. What Ah am mad about is that ya never bothered to talk to us ever again after that. Ya even ignored my letters! Do ya know how heartbroken Big Mac was? It made us feel like ya didn’t consider us good enough for ya!” Granny stomped the ground in anger. “We began losin’ hope of ever seein’ ya. That’s why we barely even talked about you to Applebloom. Sugar Belle didn’t even know that you were Big Mac’s sister, and they’re married!”

“Ah… Ah know, Granny Smith. That’s why Ah want to make amends and apologize for it. Ah was dumb, and Ah didn’t realize what Ah was doing to you and everypony else,” Applejack apologized yet again. Although she was mad about apologizing for something she didn’t cause. Apologizing on someone else’s behalf. Didn’t Jackie know how much she had hurt them?

“And Ah see that. Ah am happy that you finally got some sense and decided to come here and reconnect. But ya have to prove yerself. Ah want you to work like everypony else here. And I’m tellin’ ya, the farm life will be hard and nothing like it is in the city,” Granny Smith warned her while Applejack nodded along.

“Ah understand, and I won’t let you down, Granny! Ah promise Ah will do my best!” Applejack assured her with confidence.

“Good! And ya better not let Applebloom and Big Mac down! Especially the little one. She had been idolizin’ you ever since she heard about ya, especially since you’re the CEO of Apple Industries. Said something about braggin’ to another filly that her sister’s rich,”

“Ah promise,” Applejack said, feeling like she had an idea who that other filly was.

“Well… Ah guess we’re done here,” Granny Smith uttered after a small pause. Her granddaughter, unsure of what to say, simply nodded and turned around to leave. “Wait. One more thing,”

“Yes?” Applejack turned around.

“Despite everythin’, I’m still happy that you realized yer dream. Ya said that the life in the farm wasn’t for ya… and you were right,” Granny Smith slowly breathed out as she approached Applejack. “Ya did everythin’ you set out to do. Ah am not sure a mining company was yer dream per se, but you still have your own business! It’s known across all of Equestria, and ya probably have enough money to buy all of Ponyville! Ya can’t believe how proud Ah am of yer success. And Ah am sure that yer parents would be every bit as proud as I am,” Granny put a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder as a small tear rolled down the old mare’s cheek. “Even if Ah was angry, know that every time Ah saw you on the news or heard about ya, I was so relieved to know that you were doin’ okay! Because no matter where you are, you will always be ma granddaughter,” Granny hugged her tightly while fully shedding tears, now, which was enough to make even Applejack cry. “Thank you for visiting, honey,”

And even after Granny had left to sleep, Applejack stayed outside, watching the stars. She couldn’t help but wonder… Did Jackie even realize how loved she was?

Author's Note:

So, this one was bit hard to do because of Applejack's confusing timeline. She didn't mention her parents in her story about how she got her cutie mark, but there was no Applebloom either!

So, in this story, this is how it went: Bright Mac and Pear Butter left for about a year to go on a road trip around Equestria (to have a vacation between lovers), and Applejack left for Manehattan a few days after they started their road trip. A couple of months later, Pear Butter got pregnant, but they only came back in Ponyville once she had to give birth to Applebloom. Then, they passed away several weeks later in an accident. In the original timeline, Applejack was gone for only about a week, so that explains why her parents weren't there to meet her once she came back from Manehattan.

Obviously, in this other universe, Applejack never came back, so she never learned about Applebloom and didn't even meet her parents one last time before they passed away.

Hope it helped with any confusion, and hope you liked the chapter!