• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,414 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

The Everfree Forest

Universe 19884

Finally! Rainbow Dash was finally well enough to leave! She was thankful to Fluttershy for taking her to her cottage while she recovered. The cyan mare even discovered that Fluttershy cared for her counterpart’s pet, Tank. The poor little guy was overjoyed to see her again.

It was unfortunate, but Rainbow had to cut the reunion short. She couldn't linger in this world for too extended a period, and she had a sneaking suspicion that Fluttershy's ploy of showcasing Tank was a subtle attempt to prolong her rest.

She appreciated their concern, although they technically didn't know her. Nevertheless, other ponies needed her assistance more urgently at the moment. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but wonder if the delay in the others' arrival at the cottage was yet another tactic to encourage her to rest a little longer. However, her injuries had never been too severe to begin with. All she had at this point were a few minor scars and some cuts that hadn't fully healed yet.

“The others should be here soon,” Fluttershy remarked as Discord joined them from the garden, carrying two spears on his back, and an axe in his hand.

“Uhm… What’s this for?” Rainbow Dash asked with an arched eyebrow as the draconequus handed Fluttershy the axe. She was surprisingly holding it without much difficulty, but it was so unusual for Fluttershy to carry a weapon like this, that it only made her adorable instead of threatening.

“Well, we don’t really have magic anymore like you do, so we have to use those weapons to fight if we’re attacked by anything,” Discord explained. Again, this version of him was eerily calm and… un-chaotic if Rainbow Dash had to put it into words. It was strange.

“Right. That makes sense,” The cyan pegasus felt dumb for asking now.

“I can still give you an axe if you want?” Discord offered, only for Rainbow to shrug.

“Nah. I’m sure I would look badass with it, but that’s not how I fight. I’m a black belt in karate, you know?” She replied as Discord chuckled.

“Random and unnecessary bragging too? You really are like our Rainbow Dash,” The draconequus whistled while his yellow friend looked away at yet another mention of her original best friend.

“It wasn’t unnecessary,” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs stubbornly. Just as she was about to retort something else, she was cut off by an abrupt sound of knocking.

Knock knock knock

Without waiting for a response, the ponies behind the door barged in. As expected, it was the other girls, each armed like Discord and Fluttershy. Pinkie had a sword strapped to her back, while Applejack wielded a substantial hammer, which likely would have been even larger if she hadn't lost her earth pony magic and, consequently, her strength.

Lastly, Rarity carried a mace on her hip. Rainbow Dash couldn't help but wonder who had crafted these weapons, as Ponyville was the last place one would expect to find such items. In fact, Rainbow Dash was quite certain that weapons would be scarce no matter where in Equestria she looked.

“Are ya ready?” Applejack asked as the two ponies and the draconequus came out of the house to join the others.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed enthusiastically. “So, let’s get serious. Where did you look for Twilight already so we can cross those places off?” She inquired as everyone else fidgeted nervously, unwilling to respond. “What’s wrong?”

“We… kinda… only looked around Ponyville and the Everfree forest,” Pinkie Pie admitted as Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped.

“What the hay?!” She slammed her hooves on the ground before hovering up. “Were you seriously looking for her or just pretending?! There are like a million places where Spike and her could be!” She angrily yelled at them, making Pinkie flinch and look away.

“No, there ain’t. Actually, we think we know where they are. It’s just… we have no way to confirm it,” Applejack retorted as Rainbow landed back on the ground, a bit calmer but still glaring at them.

“Okay? Then why didn’t you go there already?” She questioned impatiently while tapping her hoof on the ground.

“For the same reason we only searched Ponyville’s close surroundings,” Rarity responded before Applejack could, making the cyan pegasus raise an eyebrow.

“When Tirek obtained all the magic in Equestria, he… did some damage the next day. So much so that the land's structure was changed. Some mountains are further apart. Some towns are split in two. Baltimare and Appleloosa are literally next to each other as if they formed one city,” Fluttershy timidly explained.

“Let’s just say that Tirek couldn’t resist the temptation to test out his newfound power and went a bit overboard. Talk about ego,” Discord interjected with his arms crossed.

“And I guess the place where you think Twilight is hiding is further away, right?” Rainbow asked.

“We don’t think so. We know so. It was already hard to access initially, but the land changed to the point that the journey is even longer and more tumultuous. With the timberwolves to the mix, traveling there was simply impossible… until you arrived. With you, darling, we should be able to reach Twilight and Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity answered while Rainbow Dash was slowly nodding along.

She completely calmed down after hearing their explanation. Still, she couldn't help but think that this wouldn't have deterred her if she were in their situation. She would have faced any danger head-on to help her friends, regardless of how reckless and perilous it might have been. Perhaps that was why Twilight had advised her to think more rationally.

“Okay, I guess I can understand. So where do you think they are and why are you so sure they’re there?” Rainbow sighed.

“Like Ah said, we ain’t completely sure, but we think they’re in the Castle of the Two Sisters,” Applejack said, then locked eyes with Rainbow Dash before the pegasus could ask why. “It’s the place where we all became friends, after all,” She explained with sadness-filled eyes.

Silence settled among them as none dared to speak at first, seemingly trapped in a reflective trance. It continued until Rainbow hesitantly broke the silence.

“I’m sorry for being hard on you,” She apologized to everyone’s surprise, then raised her head confidently. “Will you help me find our friends?”

The others exchanged looks, then grinned with the same energy as if they were suddenly filled with hope.

“Of course, we will,” Rarity confirmed while the others nodded in approval.

Meanwhile, Discord couldn't suppress the warm smile that adorned his face as he observed the little ponies. For the first time in two years, he was witnessing his friends behaving somewhat like their usual selves.

“Let’s go,” Rainbow said before pausing. “So, wait, does that mean the castle isn’t in the same direction?” She asked as Pinkie cringed.

“Unfortunately, we still have to go through the Everfree forest. You know, the scary and dangerous forest full of meanie animals and magical timberwolves?” The pink pony stated, making Rainbow sigh.

“Of course, we do,” She deadpanned.

“I just want to say that the animals aren’t mean, just misunderstood…” Fluttershy interjected in a whisper.

“Do you know where the castle is though? If the land really changed that much, then unless you guys saw it yourselves, you probably aren’t even sure where it is, right?” Rainbow Dash questioned as Rarity made a so-so motion with one of her hooves.

“We don’t know exactly, but thanks to the calculations of one of Dr. Whooves’ inventions, we know its approximate location,” The white unicorn replied while the others nodded along.

“Okay, I’ll let you lead the way then. Hope we won’t have to take too many breaks. I have a bad feeling about this, and I’d rather we find Twilight and Spike quickly,” The cyan pegasus stated. Naturally, she had concerns for her own friends, who were likewise trapped in alternate universes. However, she didn't want to burden their counterparts with these worries, as they were already contending with their own problems.

“And we want the exact same thing,” Applejack agreed as everyone began walking toward the Everfree Forest, except for Rainbow Dash, who was hovering. “Oh, right, RD. Better not fly for now. We don’t want ya to attract too much attention. Only do it when necessary, alright?” She instructed as Rainbow furrowed her brows. She didn’t like to be told she couldn’t fly, but she supposed it was understandable in this situation.

“Okay,” She sighed before landing back on the ground and walking alongside them as she was closely followed by Fluttershy, who had gone back inside the cottage to take two saddlebags with her. She was probably carrying a few supplies along with her axe.

In the Canterlot Castle, with shattered windows, cracked walls, and missing pieces of the roof, the ruler of the world occupied a throne suitable for someone of his immense size.

Lord Tirek, at the pinnacle of his power, had ascended to heights beyond the reach of any other living creature in the world. Unbeatable, unstoppable, and insurmountable, no one could challenge his might.

He should have been the size of a mountain, but he had absorbed not only all the magic in Equestria but also in Equus. For someone like him, adjusting his size was child’s play. Yet, his horns nearly reached the castle’s ceiling. After draining the alicorn's magic, his next target was his brother and the rest of his kingdom, which he effortlessly subdued. He could only revel in their demise.

His dreams and ambitions had been realized. After all, the sun and the moon moved according to his will. The universe obeyed his every whim. Equus survived only by his unrivaled mercy, and the life span of its inhabitants depended on nothing more than his mood.

He had acquired everything he desired, and no one could ever take it back. He was, by all means, a god. However... He was still not satisfied. He greatly appreciated his new gifts at the start but grew bored only a year later. He wanted more. He desired more. He needed more. He knew that there were things beyond Equus, beyond the stars, and that there was more magic for him to rightfully take.

His destiny was to have all the magic in the universe, he just knew it. And the strange white stone that he wore as a necklace was only further proof of that. He lowered his gaze and held the stone in his hand as he stared at it. It crashed in Equestria, from outer space, weeks ago, and it was brought to him by timberwolves he had enhanced.

He could feel an inexhaustible well of magic emanating from it. Naturally, his initial impulse was to absorb it, without pausing to question its nature or function.

Regrettably, he soon discovered that such an endeavor was beyond his reach. Completely unaware of its intended purpose or potential, he chose to wear it as a necklace, a constant reminder that he would keep it until he unlocked its hidden powers.

“I don’t suppose any of you changed your mind? Ready to tell me what this is?” Lord Tirek questioned in a bored tone, addressing someone beneath him.

“Even if I knew what it was… I would never tell you, Tirek…” Someone responded with venom through their clenched teeth.

It was a figure well-known to the denizens of Equestria: Princess Celestia. Or rather… The former princess. She was not alone, however. Tirek held in his other hand a collection of chains, each attached to iron collars encircling the necks of three alicorns and the Queen of the Changelings. They appeared like mere pets, and to someone of Tirek’s grandeur, they were.

The three alicorns and the former queen were starving, barely eating a meal a day. Even this meager sustenance was granted only by Tirek's questionable benevolence. Devoid of magic, deprived of food and water, and denied access to even the most fundamental necessities, they had withered away, and their once resplendent beauty and power diminished. In their disheveled and forlorn state, their presence was no longer a display of their former grandeur.

To Tirek, this was simply a game to showcase his power and dominance over the land. They should have even thanked him he decided to use them this way instead of what he did to some of his other enemies. For instance, his own brother, Scorpan, and even his parents had met gruesome ends, their heads displayed on spikes just before his imposing castles. Countless other rulers from various nations found themselves in equally dire circumstances.

The severed heads of many of Chrysalis' changelings were even placed at the boundaries of Equestria, serving as a gruesome introduction to Tirek's private domain for any daring souls who ventured near. Of course, he treated the whole world as his kingdom, but Equestria was somewhat of a resort for him currently.

He may have been a bit harsh on Chrysalis, but she shouldn’t have resisted. If she had been more intelligent, she would have willingly given all of her hive’s magic.

“The fact that you think you even have any say here is amusing, ‘Princess’,” Tirek chuckled with a snarky smirk. He wasn’t surprised to see Celestia glaring at him a second later. It wasn’t like she could do anything to him.

“If we knew that thing existed, we would have used it against you already, believe me,” Luna clenched her teeth while glaring at the centaur.

Cadance didn’t seem like she wanted to add anything to the princess’ comebacks. No one could blame her considering the state she was in, and the depression that overcame her. The issue wasn’t physical but mental. She hadn’t seen her husband in two years and had no idea if he was even alive. Actually, none of the princesses even knew who lived or died, except for… the elements. Tirek brought them out of Tartarus and bragged about how he succeeded and acquired all the alicorns’ magic. By killing one of the bearers of the elements, Rainbow Dash. They were heartbroken, but they couldn’t imagine what Twilight and the rest of Rainbow’s friends were feeling.

“You two have always been quite deceitful. I know better than anyone not to trust someone as old as you two,” Tirek smiled before pulling on the chains, making his ‘pets’ collapse on the floor. Chrysalis even muttered something under her breath but held her tongue. “Maybe I could look for Princess Twilight. As new and inexperienced as she is, she will talk. Or maybe, making her suffer will make you talk? Anyway, I do need another pet to complete my collection, don’t I?” He snickered in amusement.

“Don’t you dare!” Cadance screamed as if life was infused back into her. Although Celestia and Luna didn’t voice it, their threatening glares were enough to send the same message as their fellow alicorn.

“I-I can help!” Chrysalis shouted from where she sat, making her chain rattle as she stood up with trembling legs. Tirek raised a curious eyebrow while the former princesses glared at the changeling queen.

“Oh? And how do you plan to do that? I don’t recall any of your plans succeeding in taking these ponies down. You think you could capture an alicorn?” Tirek mocked, making Chrysalis blush with anger and embarrassment.

“She and her friends don’t have any magic anymore!” She replied before collapsing to her knees. Without her magic, she was also love-starved for two years.

“And you don’t either,” The centaur retorted with amusement.

“Well, I’m sure it won’t take me more than a few hours to get them all here if you give me back my magic! We can work together!” Chrysalis argued as Celestia gulped. Twilight and the others had already suffered enough, and Chrysalis would be nothing but bad news if she went after them. Besides, the sun princess was certain that her little ponies had some kind of plan to take down Tirek. A plan… that took two years to make, but that would surely allow them to come out on top!

“Nice try, but no,” Tirek laughed as an orange orb of magic appeared between his horns. He extended a finger, causing Chrysalis to ascend swiftly until their faces met. “I would have considered it if you had surrendered quietly two years ago, but you opposed me, thinking you could defeat me. This is beyond laughable! Still, I don’t need any help. And looking for that petty alicorn is no priority of mine. I’m still not sure if she even knows what this stone is. I’ll leave her some more time to enjoy her freedom while it lasts, then I may pay her a visit,” He laughed before dropping the changeling queen on the floor, making her grunt in pain.

“You shouldn’t underestimate my former student or her friends,” Celestia warned with narrowed eyes.

“Even without their magic, they’re stronger than you could ever be,” Luna added as Tirek sighed, looking more bored than ever.

They were empty threats without logic or reason. Their arrogance and false hope simply spoke for themselves. They couldn’t truly comprehend the level he reached, after all. He could erase all of Equestria with a single thought. The whole world was in the palm of his hand, so why should he have been worried about a few magicless ponies?

They weren’t simply magicless, they were nothing. He saw the look in their eyes, in Twilight’s eyes when he killed her little pegasus friend. Sure, they were filled with anger and hate towards him, but there was also despair. She was broken. That much was certain. Possibly even broken beyond repair. Paying her a visit and killing one of her friends again right before her eyes could be amusing. Or maybe even all of her friends? It would entertain him for a little while. And once she was broken completely with no will of her own whether it was a will to fight, resist, or even live, she would be hollow and empty inside like a wooden puppet. A perfect pet and trophy to show everyone that no one could oppose him.

He was Lord Tirek, and he could confidently say that whether it was in this world or the next, he stood above all other living beings.

“I can’t wait to kick that stupid Tirek’s ass!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she slapped a tree branch away, only for it to come back and whip her cheek. “Ouch!”

“Yeah, there ain’t much of a clear trail anymore,” Applejack commented as she pushed several branches out of the way. Pinkie was currently leading the way by using her sword to cut some of the obstacles in front of them and make a path.

Unfortunately, according to them, this was currently the safest and easiest entry to Everfree Forest. Considering what the others said, branches and annoying bushes would be the least of Rainbow Dash’s worries though. While the magical timberwolves were the most dangerous creatures in the forest, some of the animals also turned ferocious and wouldn’t hesitate to kill them either to satisfy their hunger or for entertainment. Tirek turned this world into a world with nearly no magic whatsoever, so it wasn’t surprising that it broke the balance of it.

Fortunately for them, after several minutes of walking through the trees and the bushes, they came across a clear path. From what it looked like, the trail seemed to be leading in the direction the Castle of the Two Sisters should be.

“Oh, finally! I could barely breathe in there!” Rarity exclaimed in relief as she quickened the pace toward the trail.

“Wait!” Applejack stopped her with a hoof over the mare’s chest right before she could take another step. Before the white unicorn could even question her, the farm pony pushed some bushes out of the way, revealing that right before the trail… there was a rift in the ground as if the earth was opening up. They could jump over it, but if they happened to fall in, then… They probably wouldn’t come back considering it was so deep that Rarity only saw pitch-blackness. “Just as Ah thought,”

“How did you know?” Rarity questioned, curious as the others joined them, looking at the rift.

“When ya tend the lands all yer life, ya kinda get to feel these kinds of things. Even without magic,” Applejack responded as Pinkie nodded in approval.

“I was the exact same way on the rock farm! Except I could talk to rocks just like Maud! Can’t do that anymore, though,” Pinkie shrugged.

“You think you can jump on the other side with the weapons you’re carrying?” Rainbow Dash interjected. The jump shouldn’t be difficult, but the problem was that some of the things they held were likely heavy.

“We lost some of our strength, but we shouldn’t have any issues,” Applejack replied before bending her knees, jumping above the rift, and successfully landing on the other side despite the hammer on her back.

“Here I go, I suppose…” Rarity muttered before jumping to the other side, slowly followed by the rest.

“Uhm… I wouldn’t mind a little help… If it’s not a bother…” Fluttershy whispered timidly toward Rainbow Dash, who simply smiled in response.

“Sure!” She said before hovering up and grabbing Fluttershy to carry her to the other side.

“She just got here, and you’re already making her pamper you, darling?” Rarity cocked an accusatory eyebrow.

Fluttershy looked away in embarrassment but didn’t retort anything. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering what was all that about. Perhaps her counterpart had a really soft spot for Fluttershy or something? She had always been softer with Fluttershy even in her own universe, but it wasn’t to the point that someone would make this kind of remark.

“Let’s just not waste any more time,” Discord broke the silence before walking forward. After the ponies came out of their stupor, they quickly followed after him.

Rainbow decided not to address Rarity’s comment earlier since she really didn’t want to cause even more trouble, especially since they grew a bit closer. The unicorn’s tone wasn’t even that harsh, anyway.

The start of the journey still wasn’t too hard, at least not to the point that they faced immediate danger. The first rift they came across was only the beginning, and Rainbow shouldn’t have been surprised to see more of those. Some were bigger while others were smaller. But any fall in them would likely mean death since they were not only deep but also had sharp rocks at the bottom.

Rainbow helped Fluttershy cross most of them, and some had holes so wide that she had to carry everyone to the other side. Even… Ugh… Discord. Yes, she had a good relationship with the Discord of her universe, but they weren’t best friends either. She sure wasn’t going to start nuzzling him, for one!

The edges of those crevasses were also quite fragile, and she had to save Pinkie from falling off a couple of times because she got too curious and the ledge broke under her hooves.

Thankfully, they hadn’t come across any dangerous animals yet, but Rainbow wasn’t too optimistic about it.

She was right not to be when they suddenly heard rustling behind a nearby bush. They couldn’t even see anything beyond it because of the shadow the trees cast above it. Even through all the devastation caused by Tirek, the Everfree Forest held strong when it came to danger and scaring ponies that dared journey through it.

Of course, when in a situation like this, many ponies’ first reflex was to attack and ask questions later, which was what Pinkie Pie did right after releasing a war cry and jumping toward the bush with her sword.

“Stop!” Fluttershy suddenly shouted as she stepped into the way and Pinkie managed to stop her sword inches away from the pegasus’ face. “Look,” She pointed at the bush as it finally stopped rustling and a small bunny jumped out of it. “It’s just a poor little bunny. I bet it was just scared…” She explained before lowering her head to the bunny’s level. “Come here, little guy. Everything will be okay,” She reassured it as she held a hoof out.

The bunny seemed to smile with trust. However, just as it bent its knees to jump on her hooves, powerful wooden jaws lunged out of the bush and closed on the small creature, instantly shredding it to bloody pieces and making Fluttershy scream in surprise and fear. The yellow pegasus couldn’t stop herself from stumbling back and pushing Pinkie away so hard she fell to the ground.

The others had only time to gasp as the timberwolf that just killed the bunny jumped out from the shadows of the trees and pinned Fluttershy to the ground with one of its paws, digging its claws into her belly. While they weren’t deep inside, its claws still drew blood. Even though Fluttershy was its first target, the timberwolf immediately turned its eyes to Rainbow Dash.

“Let go of her!” Discord shouted as he impaled the timberwolf in the side with one of his spears, pushing it away from the poor Fluttershy.

“HIYA!” Pinkie screamed after getting up and slicing one of its legs off with her sword.

Applejack wordlessly attacked too and crushed its head with her hammer. Like most animals, the timberwolf ceased moving without its head as the little magic it had dispersed into thin air.

“Flutters, you alright?” Rainbow asked as she flew to her fallen friend, followed by Rarity, and helped her to her hooves.

“I…I’m fine,” Fluttershy replied while wincing.

“Let me have a look, dear!” Rarity said in a soft and worried voice as she inspected the pegasus’ wounds while the latter was wincing in pain along the way. “Just minor scratches…” The white unicorn remarked before embracing Fluttershy in a warm hug. “Thank Celestia you’re okay!” She whispered as Pinkie and Applejack soon joined in on the hug.

Discord kept his distance while Rainbow Dash watched with compassionate eyes. The experiences they went through these last two years only strengthened their bond, it seemed.

“We just started, but one of us is already hurt… Ah hope we didn’t make a mistake…” Applejack muttered as she stepped back, breaking the hug.

“It’s okay! It got me by surprise, that’s all,” Fluttershy interjected. None of them wanted to give up so soon, after all. Moreover, this was perhaps their unique and last chance at saving Equestria and defeating Tirek.

“Ah think it’ll be safer if RD leads the way with me. If we get attacked by surprise again, she’ll have a better chance at dodging,” Applejack remarked as the others looked in Rainbow’s direction.

“What do you say?” Rarity asked as the pegasus looked as confident as ever.

“Got no problem with that! I’m kinda the strongest here, so it only makes sense,” Rainbow replied.

“Are ya sure? Ah thought ya would be scared of those Timberwolves a little ever since yer encounter with ‘em,” Applejack commented as Rainbow scoffed dismissively.

“I’ll be fine! I’m not easily scared, you know,” Rainbow stated while waving her hoof, then walked past Applejack, following the trail toward the castle.

“Well, if you’re sure…” The earth pony smiled before following after her.

As the ponies and the draconequus continued on their journey, the trees slightly rustled behind them while they remained completely unaware of it. Blue eyes opened, silently observing the small group as they walked forward, carefree as if they hadn’t been attacked by a timberwolf already.

The figure, much smaller than a magic-induced timberwolf, narrowed their eyes and then smirked. This was finally their chance to fix everything. To have a better life. The former heroes of Equestria would be a good ticket to an easy life, wouldn’t they? Especially since they were clearly planning something.

Suddenly, behind the figure, multiple other pairs of eyes opened all over the trees and spied on the bearers of the elements.

“Lord Tirek will reward us greatly, won’t he?” One of the shadows grinned in excitement.

First, they would observe, then when the time was right… They would strike.

Twilight lay on the cold stone floor while miserably whimpering and holding her head. Her eyes were bloodshot, wide open, and unfocused as she stared ahead into nothing.

“Twilight? Here. I got you berries. Can you please eat something?” Spike, the little dragon, said as he dropped several berries in front of the alicorn, who only shook her head in response.

“I’m not hungry…” She muttered. Her stomach disagreed nearly immediately by releasing a draconic growl. Of course, she was hungry! Spike would be blind not to notice how skinny she was! It looked like she had been starving for months! He could only that an alicorn body, even without the magic, was more resilient.

“Even so, you should still eat something,” Spike argued. Ever since they got here, he was the one getting out to get food since he had usable wings and was in a better mental state. He was smaller so finding something to fill him up was easier than finding food for Twilight, but since she was a pony, even simple grass was enough for her. “Please?” He added, only for Twilight to quickly shake her head.

He sighed and backed away before wincing in pain as something stung his foot. Looking down, he noticed he stepped on one of Twilight’s feathers. There weren’t that many left on her wings either… He was certain that she didn’t just lose them naturally! That must have meant she began tearing them off again!

The little dragon balled his fists, ready to scold or admonish her, but held back. Now wasn’t the time.

“Twilight… It was only a dream. A-A nightmare!” He argued, referencing the way she woke up earlier.

“No… No, it wasn’t! Don’t you get it? She’s… She’s sending me messages from beyond! Because I killed her! She wants revenge! She wants to kill me! And… And I deserve it!” Twilight shook her head violently.

“This is insane, Twilight! Rainbow wouldn’t do that!” Spike denied, only for Twilight to shake her head again.

“No, no, no, she would… She would… The others. The others, the others. They hate me too, don’t they?” Twilight began while looking around as if to check no one else was in the room. “Everything happened because of me! So they, they, they hate me. They’ll kill me! Because I have to, I have to pay for what I did, right? It makes sense, right?” She said frantically.

“Just… Calm down,” Spike instructed in a soothing voice as he held out his hands to the shaking alicorn to comfort her.

Unfortunately, Twilight swiftly slapped his hand away before he could.

“No! Don’t touch me!” She shouted before standing up and limped away as fast as she could. It was like she hadn’t walked in weeks. She didn’t get very far before slamming head-on into a chair and collapsing to the floor with it.

“Twilight!” Spike shouted, ready to run to her.

“No! Get away!” She screamed, standing up and falling nearly immediately again. She rolled and crawled as if her life depended on it and reached one of the corners of the room, then hid herself behind her hooves and wings. “Don’t come any closer!” She shouted at him. Even when she was already against the wall, it looked like she was still trying to back away.

“I… Okay…” Spike reluctantly accepted, staring into Twilight’s eyes. He only saw terror directed at him, or maybe it was directed at literally everything in the world.

He feared the worst. He feared that… Twilight wouldn’t last much longer.

She was slowly killing herself.

Author's Note:

And we're back with Rainbow Dash! We also get a look at the Tirek from this world. He succeeded in everything he wanted to accomplish. He looks like the kind of guy who would even look down on his canon counterpart, huh?