• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,414 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

The Council of Harmony

Universe 99999

“But you have to believe me, please!” Fluttershy begged as she attempted to approach the bars of her cell, only to be yanked back by the chains tightly securing her hooves.

“Sure, I’ll believe you! You’re from another universe and bla bla bla,” The pegasus guard outside the cell laughed. "And of course, right when I step away to use the restroom, you conveniently receive a message from your Twilight. How perfectly timed!" He added while shaking his head in amusement.

Fluttershy slumped against the cold wall, her head hanging low in defeat. She didn’t remember much but knew that she was running from evil ponies until they knocked her out. She woke up in a cold, dark cell guarded by the pegasus who just talked with her. AHours had passed, yet no one had provided her with any information or introduced her to their leader, assuming they even had one… The yellow pegasus was understandably terrified, but there was nothing she could do, except hope for a rescue or that the ponies that captured her weren’t all bad.

Fluttershy's thoughts were abruptly interrupted when she received the message from Twilight, revealing the truth about her presence in another universe. The concept of multiple universes was difficult for her to comprehend, stretching the limits of her imagination. However, it provided an explanation for the peculiar statues, posters, and other unfamiliar sights she had encountered in Baltimare—they were representations of her alternate friends. Apparently, they’ve made some enemies considering she had been captured because they mistook her for this world’s Fluttershy.

Unfortunately, her jailors didn’t believe her and kept her imprisoned. She could only hope that she would be able to reason with their higher-ups.

She really wanted to go home… To see her friends again instead of being stranded in an unknown land with ponies hating her! She didn’t even know where she currently was.

“Uhm… Excuse me, sir. But where am I?” She dared to ask the guard outside her cell, who merely scoffed.

“It’s confidential. Wouldn’t want your buddies to storm this place somehow,” He replied while refusing to look at her.

“Am I under Baltimare?” She asked, which was simply a guess since that was where she was caught. The guard immediately tensed up before turning around and staring her down.

“How did you know?! Who told you that?!” He questioned as she looked away nervously.

“You just did,” She answered as he paused, then slapped himself in disappointment.

“Oh, man! Why do I always fall for this?!’ He complained, then shook his head before glaring at her. “Anyways, this won’t help you at all! So I suggest you shut your mouth and stop talking to me,” He ordered before turning around to stare forward.

Fluttershy hung her head low. He was right that it wouldn’t help her. Moreover, she would prefer to avoid testing his patience.

Suddenly, her cell door creaked as another guard opened it.

“They’re ready to see you. Stand up and no sudden moves,” He ordered as he took out a key and opened her cuffs.

Fluttershy didn’t fight or try to escape, knowing that it would only bring even more trouble to her. Moreover, she probably wouldn’t be able to escape anyway. It was better not to antagonize her capturers if she wanted to reason with them.

The pegasus winced as a guard behind her forcefully shoved her forward, urging her to quicken her pace. Reluctantly, she complied, walking briskly as she followed the lead of another guard. She had no clue where they were taking her, but the corridor she found herself in was narrow, offering little opportunity to get a proper sense of her surroundings.

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem she was led in a nicer place than her cell since she was pushed into a small room and immediately thrown on a chair before being cuffed to it. Her small cry of protest was met with an eye roll as the guards stepped back. Before she could even say anything, she was surrounded by a blue aura, which dissipated a second later.

“Doesn’t feel like she’s a duplicate,” A familiar voice stated, making Fluttershy turn her head around and widen her eyes as she recognized the speaker.

“Trixie?!” Fluttershy blurted before she could stop herself.

“Huh? You know me?” Trixie raised an eyebrow, then widened her eyes. Suddenly, a smirk crept up her face. “Well, it is only natural as I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She announced proudly as silence settled.

One of the guards coughed awkwardly.

“Unless we have a spy, which I doubt, then the fact that she knows who you are is concerning,” Someone else said as they came out of the shadows and revealed themselves. Fluttershy recognized her immediately, too. Spitfire! “Glider, can you repeat what you told me a few minutes ago?” Spitfire addressed one of the guards standing near the door, still not talking to Fluttershy directly yet.

“Minister Fluttershy has been sighted in Canterlot one hour ago,” He answered impassively as Spitfire sighed.

“That’s what I thought, too,” She muttered loud enough for Fluttershy to hear. “Somepony reported to me that story you told, and I have to admit that it has some merits if we take into account various elements,” She said, finally talking to Fluttershy, then faced Trixie. “Cast that lie detection spell on her. As long as she isn’t Prime Minister Twilight, then she shouldn’t have protections against it,” She ordered the unicorn, who nodded in response.

Trixie lit her horn as someone else entered the room; another face she recognized: Shining Armor!

“Are you sure it’s safe for me to show my face?” He asked nervously as he came in.

“Even if she is the real deal, she wouldn’t be able to do anything with that information. Besides, you’re not the only spy to out themselves right now,” Spitfire answered irritably. “Now, why don’t you tell us that story again?” She suggested as Fluttershy gulped.

“A-As I said…” She began timidly. No, now was the time to be more assertive, wasn’t it? If she couldn’t even talk to these ponies, then how could she possibly convince them of anything? At least, they were familiar! “I come from a different universe, where Twilight found some kind of stone and experimented on it. Next thing I know, I was sucked through a portal and landed in Baltimare,” She explained as Spitfire and Shining Armor glanced at Trixie.

“Trixie detects no lies for now,” She assured them as they returned to listening to Fluttershy’s story.

“But it was nothing like the Baltimare I knew! There were statues, paintings, and posters of my friends and me everywhere. Some ponies attacked me and threw me in a cell. Sometime later, I received a message from Twilight telling me that I was sent into another world,”

“As weird as it sounds, Trixie still detects no lies,” The blue unicorn said with her horn still lit.

Spitfire and Shining looked at each other in surprise, unsure how to proceed. The wonderbolt suddenly stepped forward.

“And how did she send that message exactly? If what you’re saying is true, then that means she somehow communicated with you even though she wasn’t in the same universe,” She questioned as Fluttershy looked away.

“I don’t know… Magic? I don’t have knowledge of magic. All I know is that I need to find a similar stone here to go back home,” She responded as Trixie shook her head.

“Still no lies,” She confirmed while Spitfire rubbed the back of her head.

“This is getting weirder and weirder. I would understand if they tried to infiltrate us, but why send one of their core members? Especially with such a bold-faced lie?”

“My sister can be tricky sometimes, but she wouldn’t do something so risky. Then again, she changed so much, so I don’t know anymore…” Shining sighed as he put a hoof on his chin, likely thinking of Twilight.

“She’s afraid of quesadillas!” Fluttershy suddenly blurted as everyone turned to her in confusion. “Twilight… Uhm, she is afraid of quesadillas,”

“Well… That’s true, but… Why are you telling us this?” Shining confirmed as Spitfire raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. Quesadillas? Really?

“You said your Twilight has changed, and… She is probably much different from mine, too. Do you think this world’s Twilight would have told me this? Oh, and I also know about Smarty Pants,” Fluttershy reasoned as Shining nodded hesitantly.

"I suppose she wouldn't be the type to divulge such information... But I find it difficult to believe your story based solely on that. She could have easily told you that just so you could use this reasoning to make us believe your story,” He answered, making the yellow pegasus’ ears drop.

What could she say more? If this world’s Twilight and Fluttershy were both great friends, then she couldn’t just use facts about Twilight! She needed to say things about the ponies in this room, who didn’t share any secrets with Twilight and the Fluttershy from this world, but who did with her in her original world! And they also needed to have the same secrets because they could have been different here, and all of this was so complicated! She didn’t consider herself dumb, but that was really scrambling her brain right now.

Was there something she knew about Shining Armor that he didn’t tell Twilight? What year was this? Maybe Cadance and he didn’t have Flurry yet, so she could tell him that Cadance was expecting. Would it suffice? Moreover, she didn’t check the date closely but it seemed to be the same as back home.

“Are you and Cadance married, Shining?” She suddenly inquired, making him look confused.

“Yes, we are,” He confirmed as Fluttershy nodded. At least, this didn’t change.

“Are you expecting or do you already have a foal?”

Shining widened his eyes in surprise at that while Spitfire glanced at him.

“She is four weeks pregnant, but… That’s something I haven’t told Twilight yet…” He furrowed his brows in contemplation. Meanwhile, Fluttershy smiled wide, thinking she was soon to succeed to convince them.

“I knew that because, in my world, you have a foal! A little filly called Flurry Heart!” She stated excitedly as Shining shook his head.

“No, actually, we were going to call her Fluffy Armor,” He refuted as Fluttershy’s ears dropped.

“Okay, I think she’s talking bullshit right there, Shining,” Spitfire declared while the unicorn sighed.

“I wish I could believe her… Having somepony as strong as them in our team would be so beneficial,” He stated with uncertainty.

Fluttershy’s lips quivered as she began losing hope. What else could she say to make them trust her? She couldn’t do well under pressure and without her friends!

“Ah believe her,” Someone suddenly spoke up as they entered the room, making Spitfire roll her eyes.

“Braeburn, how many times have I told you not to come in here while we’re interrogating somepony?” She said as Fluttershy widened her eyes. Braeburn? Wasn’t that one of Applejack’s cousins? She only met him a few times, but he was the last pony she expected to help her. “And you believe her?”

“Do ya believe Trixie ain’t capable enough to cast a good lie detection spell?” He asked with a smile as the blue unicorn smirked in pride, happy to have someone’s trust at least. “Besides, Ah just don’t feel like she’s lying. It really doesn’t seem like a secret plot from the Council. They never did anything like this before,” He explained while Spitfire sighed.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this…” She muttered as Shining finally conceded, too.

“I guess we can hear her out,”

“T-Thank you,” Fluttershy stuttered before hesitantly looking at Braeburn. Why did he help her? Why did he even believe her? Everyone in this world gave her pretty bad first impressions so far, so she was worried that it was an act. “Why did you…” She began before being interrupted.

“I’ve already seen Minister Fluttershy before, and while you seem the same on the outside… You’re mighty different on the inside, believe me. Ah understand you’re afraid if you’re from another world, but do ya think you can trust me enough to see that I’m telling you the truth when I say that I believe you?” He replied as the yellow pegasus’ eyes traveled down.

“I trust you,” She finally said while looking up.

“For the record, Trixie also totally believed her story!” The blue unicorn mentioned as every other pony in the room decided to ignore her.

“If your story is true, then tell me how you met my sister in your world,” Shining ordered as Fluttershy nodded.

“It was the day of the Summer Sun Celebration. She came from Canterlot on Celestia’s orders to prepare the celebration in Ponyville. That night, Nightmare Moon came back intending to make the night last forever. Me, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack all went looking for the Elements of Harmony to defeat her,” Fluttershy explained.

“That’s how it went here, too,” Spitfire commented as she motioned for Fluttershy to continue.

“We used the elements to turn Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna, then Princess Celestia came back and told Twilight to stay in Ponyville so she could learn the magic of friendship,” She told as they all looked at one another.

“Princess Luna? There was no Princess Luna here…” Spitfire mumbled, making Fluttershy’s eyes widen in surprise.

“I heard of her. She was Princess Celestia’s sister. We don’t exactly know what happened in our world. However, Twilight and the others came out of the forest with the elements, but no Nightmare Moon or Princess Celestia in sight. They soon left for Canterlot and named themselves the new rulers. With the power of the elements, fighting them was useless,” Shining explained while Fluttershy shook her head in incomprehension.

“But what about the sun, then? If Princess Celestia never came back, then how is it moving?” She inquired while Shining shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m ashamed to say that I have no idea. The night lasted for several months after Nightmare Moon’s return, but one day, Twilight managed to find a way to move the sun and the moon. All I know is that she and her friends killed Nightmare Moon that night she came back from the forest, but she never told me anything about Princess Celestia,” Shining responded as Spitfire stepped forward.

“What is your world like currently?” She questioned as Fluttershy hummed in thought, thinking about every change they’d made since Twilight came to Ponyville.

“Princess Celestia made Twilight an alicorn, which doesn’t seem to be the case for yours,” She answered, shocking the ponies in the room to the core. She couldn’t blame them if their Twilight was so different from hers. “She became a princess and got her own castle, which belonged to all of us. Oh, and she has a wonderful school of friendship! I am a teacher there. Rainbow Dash is a wonderbolt, and Pinkie…” Fluttershy stated as Spitfire cut her off by raising her hoof.

“Alright, I heard enough. Everything is different, basically,” She sighed. “In this world, you and your friends called yourself the Council of Harmony and decided that you alone knew what was best for everypony. Being forced to wear a uniform in public and always smile are some of the rules they thought of,”

Fluttershy looked down in shame. Despite her not being directly involved, she couldn't help but feel a sense of personal shame that a version of herself would be associated with such actions. There was also disbelief. She couldn’t believe that her friends would ever do this.

“My sister is the Prime Minister and leads the council. They make decisions together, but she gets the final say if there is a tie in the voting process. She is also the Minister of Home and Foreign Affairs,” Shining added.

“Rainbow Dash is the Minister of Defense; and General of the Equestria’s Air Forces,” Spitfire revealed as Fluttershy nodded, not too surprised by this particular development.

“Applejack became the Minister of Agriculture and Economy,” Braeburn stated. Fluttershy wasn’t surprised that Applejack would be taking care of agriculture, but the economy was unexpected, to say the least. “She is also General of Equestria’s Land Forces,”

"You, or rather your counterpart, holds the position of Minister of Ecology. Although her primary focus is on wildlife and the preservation of animals rather than the environment as a whole,” Spitfire explained as Fluttershy nodded. Well, this was a nice title!

“The unicorn Rarity is the Minister of Justice and Education,” Well now that was a surprising one.

“The last one, Pinkie Pie, is the Minister of Health and… I can’t believe I’m gonna say that… Fun. Yup, Minister of Fun is something that existed apparently. That’s what we have to deal with,” Spitfire grumbled in annoyance. “They probably wouldn’t even have been bad rulers if they weren’t absolute tyrants. No offense,”

“It’s alright,” Fluttershy answered. It wasn’t like she knew these particular ponies, after all. She knew her friends, and she was aware that they would never do that, just like she wouldn’t either.

“Apparently, Prime Minister Twilight is also looking to have a Minister of Science, but we have no idea which one of them will take that role,” Trixie interjected as Spitfire nodded in confirmation.

“They’re all trained fighters, too. I guess they were prepared to fight enemies hoof to hoof if ever need be,” Shining Armor added.

“There are some other things, but that’s the gist of it. As you have probably guessed, we are the resistance. The only ones who are willing to fight their reign. Unfortunately, the other nations, except for the Crystal Empire, aren’t going to help us and likely never will,” Spitfire explained as Fluttershy frowned.

Why wouldn’t the other races even help? There was a literal dictatorship on their doorstep! Weren’t they worried about that? Wasn’t it the right thing to do? Maybe she just didn’t understand politics…

“What do you need to go back to your world?” Shining asked as Trixie quickly stepped forward.

“And I am certain that Trixie would be the perfect help! With knowledge in magic as deep as mine, it will be a piece of cake!’ She interjected as Fluttershy shook her head.

“I’m not so sure. Sorry… My Twilight told me that I need to find a version of the stone that brought us here. When my friends and I all hold it at the same time, it will bring us back to Equestria. But I don’t even know where to look… And she also seemed in danger, so every second counts!” Fluttershy exclaimed worriedly.

“Alright, alright! I wouldn’t want my sister to get hurt, even if she’s from another universe. But what does that stone look like? I would have remembered seeing a magical artifact capable of transporting ponies to other worlds. Is it an Element of Harmony or… The Crystal Heart?” Shining suggested as Fluttershy shook her head.

“No, it’s shiny, bright, and all white,” She responded as Shining mulled over it, but really didn’t remember seeing any stone fitting this description.

“Looking for that thing will be hard in our circumstances. And if you’re telling the truth, then you can’t be seen in public. Why don’t you help us? Join the resistance, and fight by our side, so that we can overthrow the Council of Harmony. Once it’s done, we’ll use all our resources to help you find the stone,” Spitfire offered as Fluttershy seemed uncertain.

“I would love to help you, but wouldn’t it take too long? Twilight and the others need me, so I can’t be here for too long. When I go back to my Equestria, I promise I will tell the others about this place, and we’ll find a way to come back and help you!” The yellow pegasus responded, making Spitfire sigh.

“As I said, we can’t possibly look for that stone safely until we’re not rid of the council. Believe me. Especially when they’re not our only enemies since they have solid loyalists among the general public. The stone could even be in the castle if they found it first,” Spitfire argued while their prisoner looked away, pondering. “Besides, we’ve recruited a lot of ponies, and have the backing of Princess Cadance and the Crystal Empire. A few more missions, and we’ll be ready to launch a surprise attack on Canterlot. You’ve come right when this struggle is about to end, so this is the perfect opportunity! We can’t waste it!”

Fluttershy remained silent. She was hearing her, but she still wasn’t sure. Her friends were counting on her. On the other hand, Spitfire wasn’t wrong either. Moreover, it was hard for her to turn her back on them when they requested her help so desperately.

“We promise you that we’ll do everything in our power to get you back home after this is over, Fluttershy. Please,” Braeburn assured her with pleading eyes. She couldn’t say no after that, could she?

“Okay, I’ll help,” She finally decided, lighting up their faces.

“Great! Then I’ll introduce you to our main members and our base, but… We still have to keep a close watch on you. Hope you don’t mind,” Spitfire smirked as she opened Fluttershy’s cuffs, finally freeing her.

“Oh, I understand,” The yellow pegasus smiled as she rubbed her hooves, delighted to finally be able to move them and her wings freely.

Far from Baltimare…

In Canterlot, the capital of Equestria, stood its great castle. Once inhabited by Princess Celestia, it was now home to its new rulers: the Council of Harmony. The city was as glorious and as beautiful as it was in the past, if not even more so.

The buildings were slightly taller but more decorated. Vines cascaded down the walls, adorned with blooming flowers that added a touch of natural beauty. Detailed sculptures of historical figures graced the facades, showcasing the rich heritage of the city. Embedded within the architecture were gemstones, each store displaying its own unique arrangement, with some adorned with a trio of sparkling gems while others showcased a single, captivating jewel

The streets were paved with rainbow-hued stones, their glossy surface catching the sunlight, albeit not as brilliantly as the gleaming gems adorning the buildings. There were posters similar to the ones in Baltimare plastered on public buildings such as the library. Just like in Baltimare, ponies traversed the streets donning their distinctive uniforms, creating a sense of order and unity in the bustling cityscape.

However, the most captivating sight that captured the attention of all who beheld it was undoubtedly the grandeur that stood before Canterlot Castle: six statues, towering over the ponies below. These majestic figures depicted the council, standing tall and united, adorned with the iconic Elements of Harmony. Their imposing presence served as a constant reminder of the strength and unity that defined this remarkable city.

The city looked and sounded peaceful with its citizens going through their day while bearing wide and happy smiles on their faces. However, what truly mattered was the scene taking place within the castle’s walls. Celestia’s throne was no more, and the room was renovated to hold a large round table with several different seats made of crystal and each bearing their owner’s cutie mark. Something that the council had voted on, so they could all have a seat representing them and signifying that they were irreplaceable.

All of them were gathered around the table, engaged in their respective roles. Twilight focused her attention on several papers, diligently reviewing the details before her. Meanwhile, Pinkie indulged in a bowl of ice cream, savoring each spoonful with delight. Rainbow Dash adopted a casual pose, lounging on her throne with hindlegs propped up on the table and forelegs comfortably behind her head. If anyone had seen these two, they wouldn’t think they were leading a nation. Fortunately, the rest of them were normally seated.

Just like they were depicted in their paintings and statues, all of them wore their respective element of harmony.

“The Wonderbolt Special two days ago was a dashing success! As usual,” Rainbow Dash bragged as she put on sunglasses while Applejack rolled her eyes.

“There were also many ponies at the Apple Fair last week. We’ve got a lot of positive reviews and Bit income,” The earth pony said proudly. “We could make it a yearly event,”

“Do we need to? Wonderbolt shows should be enough, honestly,” Rainbow Dash shrugged arrogantly, making Applejack huff.

“Ponies will get sick of ya and those shows if that’s all we do,” Applejack retorted. The pegasus furrowed her brows, ready to reply, but was interrupted by Twilight.

“I’ll have to think about it, Applejack. Rarity already forwarded her proposal for a fashion month every year. Pinkie’s giant parties were already hard to plan, but if we have too many events a year, then no matter what income we have, it wouldn’t be enough to organize them all,” The lavender unicorn explained as Applejack nodded. “I’m also still thinking about Equestria’s name. I’m not sure if we should change it or not…”

“It’s okay. I understand, Sugarcube. Ah know it’s been hard lately,” Applejack softly reassured her.

“Speaking of Equestria’s new name, I was thinking of…” Rarity started before being interrupted when Rainbow Dash excitedly slammed her hooves on the table.

“Oh, oh, I know! RainbowLand! Or maybe, Dashia or something like that!”

“Rainbow Dash, we already named like three cities after you. How are you still not satisfied yet?” Rarity raised her eyebrow while Pinkie nodded eagerly.

“Yeah! I only have a street named after me!” She complained while Fluttershy fiddled with her hooves.

“Well, personally, I’m fine with only having a forest named after me,” She whispered, thinking of the Flutter Forest in the Badlands.

“Come on! A kingdom named after me is the least I deserve since I’m so awesome!” She argued in annoyance.

“Girls, please. We will not name the country after either of us. Moreover, we won’t have to decide that until we took care of our… Problem,” Twilight interjected, immediately putting a stop to their argument.

“The resistance? Those losers can’t do anything to us! Ah!” Rainbow laughed as Twilight groaned.

“Please, don’t remind me of their stupid name. They are a rebellion, not a resistance! Can’t they see the difference? Words have meaning!” She complained, completely frustrated. “And they are really starting to annoy me…”

“Let’s talk about something more positive!” Rarity suggested as she grabbed a sheet of paper. “We’ve got the results of our popularity poll! For the second time now, Pinkie Pie ranks first. I come in second, Rainbow Dash third, Fluttershy fourth, Applejack fifth, and Twilight last,”

“What? That’s bull! How come I’m behind you?” Rainbow complained, which made Rairyt roll her eyes and groan while Pinkie celebrated.

“I’m not the one who voted, Rainbow Dash. Besides, we’re all really close when it comes to the number of votes. There are literally only a few hundred points between Pinkie and Twilight,”

“I still think I should have been first, “ The pegasus sat back in her seat and crossed her forelegs stubbornly.

“I’m just happy I’m somepony’s favorite pony,” Fluttershy mumbled happily before being hugged by Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, Flutters! You know you’re my favorite pony!” The pink earth pony said as Fluttershy giggled.

“Thank you, Pinkie,”

Meanwhile, Twilight remained silent, her eyes focused on the papers on the table. She wasn’t reading them nor was she actually interested in them at the moment. The reason she was staring at them was simple: she was lost in her thoughts and her worries grew. Ruling a kingdom was far harder than they imagined, but they could manage. The issue was the ones fighting against their rules. Couldn’t they see the big picture? Why couldn't they comprehend that their actions were intended for the greater good of the world and Equestria, in stark contrast to their former ruler's reign?

Celestia had been a liar and a manipulative monster, playing with ponies’ feelings so that they would do her bidding. But no one ever opposed her, did they? And now that competent ponies stepped forward to lead them, they found no better way to thank them than by attempting a coup?

Still… The worst was to come. And the council couldn’t afford to dwell on these futilities. She already knew there were traitors among their troops. All they needed to do was find them and weed them out! Then they could start their biggest operation yet.

Once they succeed… Equus would finally be perfect. A realm with no chaos and only harmony and happiness. No villains trying to destroy the world. No more of it.

“Twi?” Rainbow Dash called out to her, bringing her out of her thoughts.

“Ya alright there, Sugarcube? Hope you weren’t hurt by the poll results. It’s all in good fun, you know? But if ya want, we can stop doing them,” Applejack said worriedly as her other friends nodded in agreement.

“It’s okay. It’s not about the poll. Frankly, I couldn’t care less. I’m thinking about our next grand operation, that’s all,” She sighed while adjusting the crown bearing the element of magic on her head.

“Are you perhaps…” Rarity began.

“Having second thoughts?” Fluttershy finished.

“We can delay it a bit if you’re worried,” Rainbow Dash suggested as Twilight shook her head.

“No, it won’t be necessary. I am worried, but… I’m mostly worried about ponies’ reactions. They’re just so… They don’t understand!” She explained in frustration.

“Don’t worry. We understand, and that’s what matters the most, doesn’t it?” Fluttershy argued, her words managing to comfort Twilight.

“You know we always got your back, Twi. Besides, it’s not like the public even has a choice in the matter,” Rainbow assured her, earning a heartwarming smile from the lavender unicorn.

“You’re right, girls. Thank you for being there. We’ll proceed as planned. Once they see how much better Equus will be… So much better that it will shine brighter than any star in the universe, they will thank us,” She confirmed as they all nodded in approval. “I think that’s all we had to discuss during our meeting. What’s next, Rarity?” She inquired as the other unicorn looked over her notes.

“Starlight Glimmer. Oh, I forgot it was today,”

“Right! Her trial!” Pinkie exclaimed as Twilight stood up from her seat.

“There will be no trial. We are here to pass judgment,” She scoffed as Rainbow Dash sniggered.

“And I sure love passing judgment!” The pegasus laughed while caressing her element of harmony with her hoof. “Let’s go!”

They all walked toward the exit, leaving for the upcoming “trial” while Twilight smiled. At least, she knew there were ponies she could count on. The only ponies she could trust in the whole world. They had been together for years. They had fought side by side for years. She wouldn’t even let death separate them. So how could she possibly be worried about losing? The only thing making her anxious was the opinion of those who couldn’t see the bigger picture.

The six of them were Equestria’s saviors. Its heroes. Its champions and rulers. They defeated gods! Did regular ponies really think they could win simply with a rebellion of all things? How laughable!

Twilight already knew how it would end. They all did. The rebels will face Equestria’s heroes, and just like everyone else before them…

They will try.

They will fail.

And they will die.