• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,414 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

The Rainbow She remembers

Universe 19884

“Do we have to do this?” Rainbow Dash grumbled as Applejack sighed.

“Ah understand yer impatience, Sugarcube. But ya can’t look for Twilight in that state! Rest for at least two more days, then we’ll look for her,” Applejack responded as the blue pegasus still lied on the bed with her forelegs crossed.

“I know! But we have to stop Tirek, and what if Twilight…” Rainbow Dash started in annoyance, only to be cut off by none other than Discord.

“Tirek has ruled over Equestria for more than 2 years now. I honestly doubt he would suddenly cause any more world-ending danger. I would say the same goes for Twilight. If she had been safe for that long, then it’s unlikely she’s in peril,” the draconequus argued calmly, which astonished Rainbow Dash. That counterpart of Discord was so much… tamer than the one she knew.

“I just… I just have a bad feeling… And don’t forget I need to get that stone. My Twilight’s in danger, too,” Rainbow Dash grumbled while the other girls looked at each other awkwardly.

“Nevertheless, there are matters to attend to here before we go anywhere, dear,” Rarity pointed out as Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Your parents. I’m sorry, but we just can’t keep an alternate version of their daughter with us and never tell them anything,” she explained.

“I don’t know… It’s gonna be awkward, isn’t it?” The blue pegasus rubbed her foreleg nervously as Pinkie Pie, with her mane still straight, approached her and placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

“Dashie… Losing you broke them! It was so sudden… They never even got to say goodbye to you. And from what they said, their last conversation with you ended with a stupid petty fight,” she uttered in such an uncharacteristic way that Rainbow Dash nearly forgot this was an alternate version of Pinkie.

Rainbow Dash herself was well aware of the fight Pinkie referred to, recognizing its similarity to one she had experienced in her own universe. She could acknowledge that it was indeed a petty disagreement, all because she had chosen not to attend a family reunion. She could empathize with the pain of knowing that such a trivial exchange would be her last interaction with her parents. However...

“But I’m not her! Will they really be satisfied… Or happy to talk to me if I’m not even their real daughter? Even I don’t know how to act around them. I get I’m the element of loyalty, but it’s not like I actually know these ponies! I mean, I do, but… Ah! This is so complicated!” Rainbow Dash slapped her forehead. “You know what? Just do it. Bring them here, and we’ll see how it goes,” she finally conceded.

The other ponies appeared somewhat hesitant, sensing Rainbow Dash's lack of contentment with her choice. They couldn’t deny that they partially forced her hoof, but they couldn't simply disregard the opportunity to provide a semblance of closure for her parents.

“Uhm… I’ll go over to their house and talk to them if none of you mind. I’ll explain the situation and bring them,” Fluttershy nervously volunteered to go to them, which didn’t receive any opposition from her friends.

“Thank you, darling,” Rarity thanked the yellow pegasus.

“I’ll go with you,” Discord offered as he moved closer to Fluttershy.

“Are you sure? I’m not sure how they’ll react,” she warned him as the draconequus looked down in shame, then nodded.

“Yes. I think I should be there when you tell them about our new guest,” He answered while scratching the back of his neck.

“Okay… If you need this, too, then I will gladly let you accompany me,” Fluttershy smiled before motioning for him to follow and walking out.

Once more, a palpable silence enveloped the room, stretching out for several lingering seconds. The mounting tension became almost tangible, escalating with each passing moment. Until Rainbow Dash decided to put an end to it and broke the silence.

“What was that about?”

“Well… We couldn’t really hide the fact that Discord helped Tirek with his plans. I’m certain that all of Equestria knew about it. He is partially responsible for you… You know. It was the first time I saw your parents and I never thought they could be so angry at somepony. Your father was ready to tear Discord’s head off,” Rarity explained while looking in the direction Fluttershy and Discord left. “Now they can be in the same room as him as long as they ignore his existence,”

“What about you?” Rainbow Dash asked abruptly.

“What about us?” Pinkie Pie arched an eyebrow. While she had a vague inkling of what Rainbow Dash was alluding to, she was far from inclined to discuss the matter. The Pinkie of the past would have never fathomed the possibility of harboring a grudge for such an extended duration. She likely never envisioned that forgiveness could prove so arduous to attain.

“Applejack said you didn’t forgive him yet. That true?” Rainbow reiterated as Pinkie sighed and looked away.

“It’s… We’re trying,” Rarity simply responded. Before Rainbow Dash could ask further questions, Applejack stepped forward.

“He’s far from earnin’ our forgiveness yet. Discord made a lotta stupid mistakes for stupid reasons, and we forgave ‘im every time. Every time. But… But you died because of him. That’s not just a stupid mistake. We lost our best friend! He can’t get off easy and we can’t just pretend that we forgave ‘im because… at the end of the day, we didn’t. Ah still wish Ah could let all ma anger out on ‘im, but Ah know it wouldn’t fix anythin’,” Applejack uttered, her anger rising. It was clear as day that she was still holding back plenty of resentment and anger toward the draconequus, but if Rainbow Dash was to guess, the earth pony likely wanted to avoid causing more drama. “Even Fluttershy hasn’t forgiven him yet. That’s sayin’ somethin’,”

“Yeah… I guess I wouldn’t forgive him so easily either,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Reflecting upon it, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but acknowledge the immense fortune she and her friends had experienced in their original world. She never imagined the possibility of things going so horribly awry. The mere contemplation of whether they could have found themselves in a similar predicament sent a chill down her spine. Was… Was she also Tirek’s first target in their own world if Twilight refused to cooperate? It greatly put things into perspective to think that they were so close to losing. The fact that Tirek had stolen all of their magic was often overlooked because she only replayed the moment they won against him. Perhaps it was better to stop thinking about it for now.

However, being alone with her thoughts was almost better than trying to talk to the others. She had been in this room for hours, accounting for the time she spent slumbering, and it was evident that none of them had grown accustomed to this unfamiliar situation. The presence of a clone of their departed best friend seemed to overwhelm them, making it apparent that they were struggling to cope. Moreover, it was unlikely that they had forgotten Rainbow Dash's previous reproach, admonishing them for allowing Twilight to depart.

Twilight... Rainbow Dash acknowledged the importance of contemplating what she would say to her counterpart's parents upon their arrival. However, diverting her thoughts toward anyone else proved challenging when her own Twilight appeared to be imperiled in a different universe, and this world's Twilight faced her own set of challenges. The uncertainty surrounding her well-being only added to the weight on Rainbow Dash's mind. Furthermore, the other girls had each other for solace and support in their time of mourning, but Twilight had no one except herself and Spike. If she had to hazard a guess, the young baby dragon was likely too inexperienced and profoundly disheartened to provide much assistance to Twilight.

Wait… What if that world’s Twilight wanted to end things or something? What if she was hesitant for two years, then decided she would… end it tomorrow? They couldn’t just stand there!

“I can’t lie there and do…” Rainbow Dash began ranting, only to be cut off by the opening of a door.

“Rainbow Dash?” Someone hesitantly called out to her, making the blue pegasus pause.

It was her parents. Or rather, their counterparts. Was she stuck in her thoughts that long? Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles were standing in the doorframe, looking just as bad as Fluttershy did. Their wings were nothing like Rainbow Dash remembered them, and their hooves were as dirty from manual labor as the others were. Bow, her father, even seemed to have lost some weight. Their daughter’s clone wasn’t sure how she was supposed to react.

Usually, she would be annoyed with her parents, but still somewhat happy to see that they were doing fine. However… These versions of them were… drastically different. Their cheery, positive, and supportive attitude was gone. Their eyes only held sadness and despair, so much so that even an oblivious pony like Rainbow Dash could see it!

Windy made the first step, slow and nervous. Then, she suddenly broke into a run and wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow Dash, trapping her in a bone-crushing hug.

“My sweet baby!” the mother cried, letting her tears freely fall down her cheeks while Bow slowly approached them.

“Is what Fluttershy said true? Are you really…” Bow hesitantly began asking while Windy let go of her.

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash nodded reluctantly.

“You look exactly like her…” Her father commented with awe and melancholy.

“I don’t care; I’m just happy to see your face!” Windy hugged Rainbow Dash again and nuzzled her cheek.

The embodiment of loyalty, Rainbow Dash, regarded her mother with a perplexed expression, grappling with uncertainty over the appropriate course of action. Her gaze shifted to her father, who, while not physically embracing her, exhibited a similar emotional impact. Witnessing her family in such a vulnerable state began to take its toll on Rainbow Dash, unaccustomed to witnessing them in such distress. After contemplation, she made her decision. Rainbow Dash returned her mother's embrace, enveloping her in a heartfelt hug, reciprocating the same intensity that Windy had shown her mere seconds before.

“Oh, look at you! Your wings seem so strong!” Windy remarked while wiping a tear from her eyes.

“Y-Yeah! They have to be since I’m a wonderbolt back home!” Rainbow Dash revealed. She was still a bit unsure about how much Fluttershy explained to them. Moreover, she also thought about how long she avoided telling her real parents that she became a wonderbolt because she didn’t want them to embarrass her. It was so easy now, but then again… would they care if it wasn’t their real daughter?

“O-Our… Daughter… Is a WONDERBOLT?!” Bow stammered before crying out in shock.

“Our daughter is a wonderbolt!” Both of Rainbow Dash’s parents screamed as they hugged the injured pegasus at the same time. Meanwhile, the rest of her friends simply fondly looked at each other as they witnessed the scene.

“I knew she could do it! I knew it!” Windy cried happily.

The others knew how much Rainbow Dash’s parents believed in her and supported her, but they never expected them to be so overjoyed! They were rarely happy lately! Although, pretty much their whole group was rarely happy…

“That’s my daughter! She-She really is the best at everything!” Bow added while crying as much as his wife. Nevertheless, they could still perceive a hint of sadness in his tone and voice.

This time, Rainbow Dash wasn’t embarrassed at all. She would rather let them have this than ruin what is likely one of their rare moment of happiness. They were starting to get her emotional, too! She was about to be until she remembered that her original parents never lost her.

“I know, I’m the coolest. But that’s only because I’ve got the coolest parents,” Rainbow Dash mumbled while folding her wings around them.

“My Rainbow Dash… I’m so proud…” Windy muttered affectionately, crying a bit more silently. Soon enough, the mood changed and her husband noticed it nearly immediately as the older mare sniffled into her daughter’s counterpart’s neck. “I wish… I wish I could have seen it…”

“Honey…” Bow whispered, biting his lower lip as he broke the hug and gently caressed his wife’s back.

“I wish my Rainbow Dash…” Windy began before choking on her tears and breaking away. Fortunately, Bow Hothoof was quick to catch her in a comforting embrace.

“There, there… I understand…” He calmly whispered while nearly looking in an even worse emotional state than her. Tears were streaming down his face, too, except he made no sobbing sounds as loud as Windy’s.

Now out of her hooves and wings, Rainbow Dash could only stare at the two of them. Everything was so overwhelming that she didn’t even know what to say, what to feel, or how to react. However, a sudden pang of pain pierced her chest, constricting her throat and threatening to unleash a torrent of tears. Seeing them like this… Hurt. Hurt more than anything she had experienced until now. She hated this. She hated this bleak and miserable world! She wanted to go back home! But she couldn’t, could she? Not only because she didn’t have the stone, but also because she couldn’t turn her back on them. Spouting about loyalty was worthless if she couldn’t back up her words.

“Are you… I’m sorry I’m not…” Rainbow Dash stopped herself before she could say ‘Your real daughter’ because she had a feeling this would just hurt them more than anything.

“It’s okay… We’re fine…” Bow struggled to answer through his tears.

“D-Don’t worry. I just need some time,” Windy sniffled while doing her best to wipe off her tears. “I’m happy to know that there is a world where Rainbow is a wonderbolt. It just goes to show that she had the abilities for it before… Before her life was stripped away by that monster…” She added, clenching her teeth while speaking the last sentence.

“We still can’t believe what Fluttershy told us, but we know she wouldn’t lie to us,” Bow remarked, and Rainbow Dash suddenly noticed that Fluttershy and Discord weren’t there. She figured it wasn’t really the right time to ask about them, especially since her parents apparently had a bad relationship with Discord. “No offense, sweetie… But a part of us wishes that you were the Rainbow we lost,” He breathed out.

“Even if she isn’t from here, she’s still our daughter!” Windy interjected as Bow nodded apologetically.

“I know, I know. But it hurts,” He retorted, which was enough to make his wife look down. She agreed with her husband, of course, but it didn’t change the fact that this was Rainbow Dash. No matter where she came from.

“Believe us, we were quite hurt, too,” Rarity sighed while looking away.

“It gave us false hope, but it’ll be better now! She’ll help us!” Pinkie interrupted as happily as she could, which wasn’t much considering her mane still wasn’t puffy. Applejack remained silent, and only placed a gentle hoof on her shoulder.

“No matter. I’m glad I can see my daughter’s face,” Windy smiled as she ran a hoof across Rainbow’s cheek. “And hear her voice,”

"Mom..." Rainbow Dash murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, before gently taking her mother's hoof into her own. The reality of the encounter proved to be just as challenging as she had anticipated, if not more so.

“Sorry, it must be awkward for you…” Windy chuckled humorlessly.

“No! It’s fine…” Rainbow Dash responded nervously.

“Our daughter is even the best at sparing our feelings!” Bow exclaimed while drying his tears.

"We're just glad you're here, Rainbow," Windy said softly, her voice filled with a mixture of joy and sorrow. "Even if you're not our Rainbow, having you with us brings some comfort"

Rainbow Dash nodded. She never thought she would see her parents this hurt, so it was hard to think of finding the stone and going back home. They needed a daughter, and they needed support! But she couldn’t stay. As much as she wished to help them, she couldn’t stay in this world for too long.

"I... I wish I could stay longer," Rainbow Dash admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I have to find a way back. I have to save my friends and my world,"

Bow and Windy exchanged a glance, their expressions filled with understanding and sadness. "We know, Rainbow," Bow said, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and resignation. "You've always been driven by your loyalty to your friends and your duty. We're proud of you, especially considering you are a wonderbolt!"

“My friends told me that you live in Ponyville, now?” Rainbow Dash changed the subject, wishing to see what happened to them once they had their magic stolen.

“Ah, yes… Without magic, flying and living in Cloudsdale was kinda impossible. The city has been completely deserted for two years now,” Windy answered, making Bow sigh.

“We had to give up on all your trophies since we couldn’t get them! At least, I hope no bad weather destroyed the place…” He added while looking down. Her parents loved her trophies even more than she did! So the fact that they were so disappointed wasn’t surprising. Nevertheless, it looked like they partially moved on after 2 years.

“When that happened, we had no place to stay. Then we remembered you lived in Ponyville and thought about coming here, but…” Windy’s words were suddenly stuck in her throat.

“You learned about the bad news,” Rainbow Dash finished as her mother nodded.

“Your friends helped us a lot, and we did our best to tend the land as well as we could in exchange,” Bow explained as Applejack nodded in gratitude. “We may have lost our home, but we gained a new family here. Your friends have been incredibly kind and supportive, just like you've always been to them. That little Scootaloo, especially, is a real morale booster,”

Right. Rainbow Dash hadn’t thought about Scootaloo. Uncertain of Apple Bloom's whereabouts, she hoped that her absence would prevent any inadvertent disclosure to her friends. She could barely deal with seeing her friends and her parents like that, so she wasn’t sure she would be able to talk with Scootaloo without breaking.

“I promise you, guys. Once I’m done fixing this mess, everything will go back to normal,” Rainbow Dash promised them confidently. Although, she was aware that there were still things she would never be able to fix here.

“We know you will,” her parents said, fully trusting her.

“But you don’t have to promise anything, darling. We know you also need to go back to your own world,” Rarity reassured the injured pegasus.

“And I’ll go back, but not without helping you. Where do you think Twilight is, and where did you look?” Rainbow Dash replied, her eyes going from Rarity to Pinkie Pie.

“Nice try, Rainbow. But as Ah said, ya ain’t goin’ anywhere ‘till ya recovered,” Applejack interjected before anyone could respond to her query.

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow Dash threw her hooves in the air.

“Um… I think we have somepony that can help,” Fluttershy’s hesitant voice came out as a whisper, but still managed to be heard as she came in, followed by Discord.

Rainbow Dash’s parents immediately frowned, looking at the draconequus with disgust for a few seconds before looking away and focusing their eyes on their daughter’s counterpart.

“Where have ya been?” Applejack arched an eyebrow while Pinkie’s face slightly lit up when the next person entered the room.

“We came across somepony that could help,” Discord replied as he allowed the pony, or rather the zebra, to enter.

“Hey, Zecora!” Pinkie Pie greeted her while waving her hoof.

To Rainbow Dash's surprise, the zebra appeared to be relatively unscathed. While she may not have looked as pristine as Rainbow Dash's own Zecora, bearing a slimmer figure, lacking cutie marks, and showing signs of dirtiness, she seemed to have endured manual labor without suffering significant long-term harm, unlike some of her companions.

“Discord and Fluttershy explained your predicament. Perhaps I have a way to ease your ailment,” Zecora began as she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a few herbs. “I have collected several herbs, which may be useful to craft a potion that will quick the healing process. However, I will have to go back to my hut, and the recovery will still take at least a day, I must confess,”

“Thank Celestia! You’re a lifesaver, Zecora! It’s fine! Waiting for a day is still better than waiting for three or four,” Rainbow Dash breathed in relief as Zecora smiled at her enthusiasm.

“Then I better not make you wait for too long. I will need some help to find more specific herbs, can any of you come along?” The zebra asked as Fluttershy happily stepped forward.

“I would be glad to help if you would have me!” She offered while Zecora nodded in approval. “It hurts me to see Rainbow Dash in bed like that,” she explained as Discord’s eyes traveled across the room, silently glancing at the rainbow pony’s parents.

“Standing around until Rainbow Dash heals is going to get really boring, so… I guess I’ll help them…” He stated nervously before following Fluttershy and Zecora out of the house.

“Good riddance,” Windy muttered under her breath, which was loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear.

“Err… While you’re resting, how do ya want to do this, RD? Wanna tell anypony else in Ponyville about ya?” Applejack inquired as everyone’s eyes suddenly focused on the injured pegasus.

“Eh, I would rather not. I feel like it’ll make things even more complicated. Even I’m still not used to being in another universe,” Rainbow Dash responded while rubbing her right foreleg.

“I know what you mean. It will bring unwanted attention, and explaining to the whole town everything will be a bother,” Rarity agreed, making Pinkie Pie gasp.

“What?! But everypony will be so happy! And they’ll have hope again! I-I could make a Hope Party or something!” Pinkie complained in sadness.

“Pinkie, they’ll have hope that Rainbow Dash is somehow alive, then you’ll take that away from them once you tell them she isn’t. Have you thought about Scootaloo’s reaction?” Rarity argued as Pinkie looked down in disappointment, but there was an understanding in her eyes.

“We definitely would have been heartbroken if we saw that Rainbow Dash without any prior explanation,” Bow Hothoof added while holding Windy in his forelegs.

“Besides… As much as it pains me to admit it, who knows who could be listening. What if somepony wants to gain Tirek’s favor and tipped him off? Rainbow Dash is already lucky enough to have destroyed every timberwolf she faced, because otherwise, one of them would have informed Tirek,” Rarity continued only to be cut off by her pink-maned friend.

“Fine! I get it! We don’t tell anypony,” she conceded reluctantly.

“If that’s what ya all want, then Rainbow will have to leave ma house. Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom may come back anytime,” Applejack stated, and Rainbow Dash was almost tempted to ask her where they went in the first place. “The best place would be far from town. Somewhere quiet and a bit recluse. Any idea?” She asked as everyone except for Rainbow’s parents looked at each other.

“Fluttershy’s cottage,” they declared at the same time.

“Are ya fine with that, Rainbow?” Applejack asked the main mare concerned.

“Course I am! Wait, do I have to live with Discord? Is that why you asked?” Rainbow Dash widened her eyes while Applejack blushed and chuckled.

“Eeyup! She is the only one who accepted him into her home, so… still fine with that?” Applejack asked again, which made the pegasus groan.

“It’s the only way to avoid the town, I guess! Besides, it will only be for a day. Yeah, I’m fine with it,” Rainbow Dash slumped against her pillow and sighed. One day was still too much in her opinion, but she supposed she could tolerate it. All she could do now was wait while hoping everything was fine with the others… But also this world’s Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

Twilight softly exhaled as a slow and cool breeze caressed her feathers. Perched up on a small and soft cloud, it was like she could see all of Equestria. The sun bathed the vibrant green trees of the forest with its orange light as it slowly but surely descended behind the horizon.

The heavens underwent a remarkable transformation. A warm glow emanated from the fading sun, suffusing the sky with delicate pinks, oranges, and purples. These gentle tones spread across the expanse of the firmament, creating a breathtaking canvas that seemed to blend seamlessly with the Equestrian landscape.

Every time she witnessed this grand spectacle, she had her breath taken. That time of day was the embodiment of the rule Celestia and Luna represented and what they could accomplish together, the shattering beauty they could create.

As darkness slowly claimed its domain, silhouettes emerged, casting intricate patterns upon the landscape. Trees took on a mysterious allure, their outlines becoming softened against the fading light. Soon, the first stars would slowly emerge and reveal their full brilliance, sparkling with celestial wonder. Soon, but for now, she would completely enjoy this brief transition from light to dark.

Maybe it was only a coincidence, but maybe this small moment truly meant something. When she asked the princesses about her role as a princess of Equestria, was that their answer? Was she the culmination of what they worked for? What Celestia did for her? Was she supposed to be that perfect balance between light and dark? And would her time be just as brief? Just as ephemeral? If this was the grandeur she could show the world… The results of the princesses, her friends, and her efforts, then she was fine with being a simple transition to a greater picture.

However, sometimes… It didn’t feel like it. Sometimes, she was just not up to that task. Sometimes, she just wasn’t good enough…

“What are you thinking of, egghead?” A soft voice suddenly broke her out of her thoughts. The voice of her dear friend, and the fastest flier in Equestria. The pony who taught her to fly and truly experience the sky. Rainbow Dash had been sitting here all this time. It was expected since they were flying together, but she had been awfully silent until now.

“Nothing in particular. Just taking in the moment,” Twilight replied bashfully, a little embarrassed to have likely been ignoring her friend for several minutes. “I thought nothing of it before since it seemed so uninteresting to me... But thanks to you and the wonders you’ve shown me, I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of nature more. I think this became my favorite time of day,” she explained with a small smile before pouting as her friend chuckled. “What?” she asked offendedly.

“It would have been weird if this wasn’t your favorite time of day since your name is literally Twilight,” the blue pegasus responded, snickering while doing so.

“Haha. Never heard that one before,” Twilight sarcastically replied while rolling her eyes. She wasn’t really mad at Rainbow Dash, and the pegasus knew that. But still… That joke was too predictable.

“Don’t tell me you’re gonna pout on me, Twi!” Rainbow Dash laughed before ruffling her mane. “I’m just teasing you!”

“I know, I know! Just you wait, I’ll have my payback!” Twilight snickered as she pushed Rainbow Dash’s hoof away.

“Well then, you better start getting lessons from Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash smirked.

“Oh, no! I’m fine with just teasing you back because I feel like if I try learning something with Pinkie, I’ll get my brain scrambled! I’ll never understand how that pony’s body works!” Twilight laughed, soon joined by Rainbow Dash.

Silence soon settled between them as Twilight continued to observe the scenery before her. Simply sitting here with a friend could do so much good to someone’s mental state. Indeed, if she was with someone she cared about, then maybe she was allowed to think things weren’t so bad.

“Thank you, Rainbow. I needed this. Not that flying with you isn’t usually enjoyable, but…” Twilight paused before she could finish her sentence, as if unsure if she even wanted to to.

“What’s wrong, Twi?” The pegasus inquired with worry, putting a wing on her friend’s shoulder.

“It’s just… I haven’t been feeling the best lately,” Twilight admitted, looking down as the sun was nearly gone under the horizon.

“Is it because of what you told me? Somethin’ about your role as a princess?” Rainbow Dash asked, making her alicorn friend sigh.

“I don’t know… I thought that was the reason. But I’ve been feeling… empty. It’s like something is missing, and I don’t know what to do…” Twilight explained with a downcast expression, on the verge of crying. “Do you know what I mean?”

“I can’t say that I ever felt this way… At least, I can tell you one thing! Me and the girls will always be by your side, so whatever you think you’re missing, we’ll help you find it. No matter how long it takes,” Rainbow Dash assured her confidently while wiping off a small tear from Twilight’s face with her wing. “And you’re not empty,”

“Rainbow…” Twilight whispered before sniffling back her tears. “I know I can always count on you and the others. M-Maybe I was just tired, and everything will get better soon!” Twilight reasoned as Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded in approval.

Finally, the sun completely disappeared, bathing the two ponies in shadows as the moon slowly rose. Just as Twilight was about to call it a day, Rainbow’s smile dropped.

“Wait a second, Twi. I have something to ask you,” the pegasus said, her tone getting suddenly serious.

“Oh, uhm, okay. What is it?” Twilight inquired, growing nervous for a reason she couldn’t explain.

“Why did you kill me?”

“What?” Twilight widened her eyes as her throat suddenly closed, making it nearly impossible to breathe. Or at least, she felt like it.

“You didn’t hear me? Why did you kill me?” Rainbow Dash repeated with a monotonous tone and impassive expression.

“I don’t understand. I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Rainbow Dash! Y-You’re here!” Twilight stammered while pointing at the blue pegasus. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny!”

“Yes, you do! Stop pretending you don’t remember!” Rainbow Dash stomped the cloud, staring Twilight down with rageful eyes. “What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Did you hate me? Or maybe you just didn’t care!” she yelled in anger.

“No, no… That’s not… That’s not how it went… This shouldn’t be happening!” Twilight grabbed her head with her hooves as several images suddenly flashed before her eyes. It was Tirek, laughing maniacally as the alicorn cried over Rainbow Dash’s corpse.

“So, you do remember, don’t you?” Rainbow Dash spoke in a lower and calmer voice. “You remember what you did,”

“No… No! It was Tirek! It was Tirek, Rainbow!” Twilight replied with tears streaming down her cheeks and looked at the other mare with pleading eyes.

“Then why is my blood on your hooves,” the pegasus retorted while pointing at the alicorn’s hooves, who slowly looked down.

Red. That was all she saw when looking at her hooves. They were red, soaked with her best friend’s warm blood. Twilight screamed in horror as she tried to wipe it off. However, the harder she tried, the more the blood spread over her legs.

“Tirek didn’t kill me,”

“No! Rainbow, please!”

“Discord didn’t either,”

“Just listen to me, I beg you!” Twilight cried while Rainbow Dash stared at her with cold and emotionless eyes.

“You killed me, Twi. You did. It was all you,” Rainbow Dash stated, uncaring if Twilight was still crying.

“It… I didn’t mean to! I promise! It wasn’t supposed to go this way!” Twilight defended herself, hiding her head under her hooves. “I thought I could win!” She argued as she finally looked up. Rainbow Dash silently met her gaze before caressing her mane.

“It’s alright, Twi. You can redeem yourself pretty easily,” she softly spoke, making Twilight nod frantically.

“I-I’ll do anything!” she replied as her friend smiled.


“Huh?” Twilight uttered before gasping in agony, pain shooting through her entire body. She lowered her gaze, noticing that a blade had come out of nowhere, and stabbed her in the gut. “R-Rainbow…” She muttered before screaming in pain again as other blades came out from all sides and began stabbing her.

“Once you know what it feels like, I’ll forgive you, Twi,” Rainbow Dash assured her while her fur and skin slowly dissipated, revealing bare bones underneath.

“P-Please! Stop! AH! It… It hurts!” Twilight begged as more and more blades appeared, faster and faster, and going deeper in.

“That’s how I felt when you killed me, Twi!” Rainbow Dash retorted in anger while the alicorn struggled and desperately kicked the air. The pegasus’ gentle face was slowly turning into a cold and decomposing skull.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Twilight repeated as her vision completely reddened, covered by her own blood. Suddenly, one of the blades pierced her neck as all the rest of her body was, yet she could still hear her own voice begging.

“Don’t be sad, Twi! We’ll fly together again! Down there in Hell!” Rainbow Dash laughed while the alicorn’s body fully disappeared behind the stream of blades tearing into her.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she repeated over and over in the hopes of convincing her friend.

But everything she told her was the truth, wasn’t it? That was why she forgave Discord so easily. He wasn’t responsible for Rainbow’s death. She was.


“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”


“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”


Twilight’s bloodshot eyes snapped open. She was lying on a cold floor in the dark. Her hooves shot up and grabbed her head as tears streamed down her face.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she couldn’t stop apologizing. Until she was forgiven, she was not allowed to stop!

“Twilight! It was just a nightmare! Get a grip!” Spike, the little dragon, told her while shaking her as if she was still sleeping. It was useless. The alicorn mare continued to sway her head back and forth, cradling it in her hooves, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” she repeated through clenched teeth and trembling lips, her voice laced with anguish.

The alicorn appeared alarmingly emaciated as if she had not consumed a proper meal in weeks. Her once majestic wings bore missing feathers, evidence of malnourishment and atrophy. Patches of her fur were absent, leaving bare spots in her disheveled coat. Her mane was tangled and unkempt, strands of hair noticeably absent, while her tail appeared shortened and torn in half.

“Twilight! Please!” Spike tried to wake her out of her trans, only to fail miserably.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

How could she ever stop when she needed to pay for what she did?