• Published 25th May 2023
  • 2,410 Views, 217 Comments

Multiversal Voyage - King Ice

A strange artifact separates and casts Twilight and her friends across the multiverse. Now each one of them must fight to get back to their original universe, no matter the peril they will meet in those strange yet familiar lands.

  • ...

Cyborgs, Pranks, and Swarms

Universe 10328

“Why are you screaming?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as Pinkie finally shut her mouth, stopping her ear-piercing screams.

“Why am I screaming? Why am I screaming?!” Pinkie Pie repeated in shock as the other ponies looked at each other in confusion, except for the other Pinkie who simply laughed, and Twilight who stared flatly at her test subject. “I can’t react any other way when you guys tell me you’re dating! Don’t you understand? This changes our whole dynamic! Everypony thinks we’re just friends! Best friends in the whole world! We’re equally friends with each other, but if two of us date, then that means there is an unequal relationship! You would always choose your special somepony over a friend!” Pinkie Pie spoke with barely any pauses as if she didn’t even need to breathe. “We could do super ambiguous hugs with secret implications behind before, but now it’s impossible ‘cause four of you are dating! How am I supposed to hug any of you in weird places, now?!” She finally finished, breathing heavily.

They were still staring at her, unsure of what to say or how to react to her colossal rant. To her, everything she just said made sense. They wouldn’t be able to hang out as much if Rarity and Applejack also had dates to go to! She wouldn’t be able to hug Rainbow Dash’s flank if she had a special somepony now! They would all be lovey-dovey during their parties even though parties were for having fun, not eating each other’s faces! Although, she was still pretty happy for them. But that wasn’t the point!

“Heh. Didn’t Pinkie Pie have the same reaction?” Fluttershy inquired with a raised eyebrow, which immediately caught Pinkie’s attention. She only spoke once, but that was enough for her to notice that the way she talked was different from the way her Fluttershy did.

“Well, Darling… I must say that I am impressed. This looks like a successful clone!” Rarity exclaimed while Applejack tilted her head.

“That supposed to be a clone? Ah don’t know… She seems a bit different from our Pinkie Pie,” Applejack commented as Twilight finally walked forward with her claws and sighed.

“Because it’s not a clone. I thought it was a changeling, at first. However… There are a lot of things that disprove it. Besides, I don’t know what she is talking about. I may be dating Rainbow, but I like every one of you the same,” She said, only for her Pinkie Pie to laugh.

“That’s because everyone is a meat bag for you, Twilight! Besides, of course, she isn’t a changeling! She’s from another universe! Come on, girls, that should be obvious!” She stated as they all looked at her.

“W… How do you know that?!” Twilight questioned frustratingly as one of her claws slammed the floor in annoyance.

“It’s Pinkie Pie. At this point, are we even surprised?” Rainbow Dash shrugged before widening her eyes in realization. “Wait… Another universe?! Didn’t you talk about that, Twi?” She inquired her marefriend, who nodded in response.

“I did, but the existence of the multiverse has never been proven! I mean, it’s just one theory after the other, and Pinkie’s word certainly wouldn’t be proof enough…” Twilight began only for white light to suddenly appear above the original Pinkie Pie.

It soon turned into a portal-like mirror, revealing Twilight's face. Pretty much everyone in the room went silent, except for the two Pinkies who smiled and waved happily. Well, the alternate Pinkie waved her hoof while the original waved her mane as it was the only thing she could move due to her binds.

“Oh, hey, Twilight!” They both greeted her cheerfully.

“Oh, I hope this works… I-I don’t know if this message will reach you or when it will reach you, girls, because… Time is all messed up in this place! Broken and unrepairable! And I’m not sure I’ll ever manage to get back without you, but listen carefully!” Twilight frantically shouted while seemingly running from something.

Now that got the original Pinkie Pie worried while the other ponies looked even more confused.

You can’t escape!” A distorted and almost demonic voice screamed from behind the alicorn.

“The stone is… some kind of magical artifact that allows… multiversal travel!” Twilight shouted between breaths before shooting a beam of magic at something out of the picture’s range. “Basically, you are all in different worlds! Okay? This is not the Equestria you know! No matter how nice or how bucked up it seems… Just remember that! Luckily… I have… Found another stone in the universe I’m in… Ah!” Twilight screamed in pain, seemingly hit by something, but kept running.

“We’ve traveled together, so that means we’re still connected… I don’t have… Time to explain it fully, but find another stone! No matter… How the universe you are in is… The stone will be there! It always will! Once we’re all holding on to it at the same time… We’ll go back ho-” Twilight explained before the portal was suddenly shut, and the light faded away.

After several seconds of silence, the original Pinkie finally spoke up.

“Oh, well that makes sense!” She exclaimed as the scientist Twilight’s jaw hit the floor.

“Spike… Does she have any technology that could receive or at least create such a message? Search for nanobots, too, if you have to,” She asked her A.I. helper who quickly shook its claw.

“Negative. This pony appears to be as naked as the day it was born. Except for a crayon in her mane and her incredibly high cholesterol for such an age, nothing is unusual about her,” Spike declared under Twilight’s bafflement.

“What does that mean, then?” Applejack asked in confusion as their Twilight suddenly began shaking.

All of them, Rainbow being the first, stepped back as her claws slammed into the floor again.

“Don’t you realize what this means? Do you even know the theories about the multiverse! If they are true… That means there are infinite possibilities, and endless variations of reality waiting to be discovered. Each universe, a tapestry woven with its unique set of laws, characters, and stories. We were already only mere specks of dust in the confines of our universe, and that would mean that our universe is also an insignificant portion of a much bigger world! To begin with, the realization that our lives are absolutely worthless and meaningless in the grand scheme of things would break anyone’s mind!” Twilight exclaimed as two of her tentacle claws began loudly clapping. She didn’t look at all disillusioned at the revelation.

The second Pinkie raised an eyebrow before tapping the side of her head in confusion.

“Nope! Doesn’t sound broken!” She commented as her Twilight continued her rambling.

“In some universes, I might be a daring adventurer. In others, I might be a socially inept bookworm stuck in her house all day. And in another, I could be a psychopathic warmongering maniac hellbent on conquering the universe! The possibilities are truly endless!” Twilight shouted excitedly as one of her claws ran up her mane and adjusted her glasses. “In some, ponies might not even exist. Instead, there could be creatures we have never even dreamed of, with their own unique societies, cultures, and histories! And you’re telling me you discovered this thanks to a stone of unknown technology?! A real portable device allowing multiversal travel?!” She shouted as two of her tentacle claws grabbed the table Pinkie was on and pulled Twilight awfully close to her. “Tell me everything!”

“Nuh-uh! It’s a magical stone, you silly!” Pinkie replied as Twilight laughed out loud while Applejack facehoofed.

“Ya just had to mention magic?” The apple pony remarked in annoyance.

“Magic is simply science we don’t understand yet,” The scientist retorted as she pulled herself away from the original Pinkie.

“Do you think you can build a machine to help her go back to her own universe without having to use that stone?” Rarity asked with curiosity as Twilight hummed, one of her claws rubbing her chin.

“The real question is: Should I help her?” She snickered as everyone in the room stared at her.

“Come on, Twilight. She’s an alternate version of our friend, don’t be a dick,” Fluttershy uttered, which shocked Pinkie Pie to the core. So much so that she nearly lost her voice there!

“Alright, alright! Although trying to build a machine will be so much riskier,” Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance since they clearly weren’t enjoying her jokes. “I mean, think about it this way: Imagine if our universe was a balloon filled with air. The inflation outlet of that balloon would be the multiversal travel device, the stone, and so slightly opening it would simply deflate the balloon, which can be fixed any time! Now, if you try to open another way in, like with a second machine, for example, it will go boom,” She explained in a scholarly way before her tone turned somber. “For our universe, the results would be even worse! Think about it! Recklessly opening a hole in the universe could potentially lead to the creation of a gravitational pull stronger than that of a black hole right on Equus! It could also cause unprecedented consequences on the very laws of physics! Such a disaster would undoubtedly puncture a hole in reality and destroy the fabric of space and time before eventually tearing our whole universe apart!” She shouted without even pausing once and didn’t even seem out of breath. “This. Is. AMAZING!” She squeaked with excitement before clapping with her claws again.

“You’re a nerd, egghead,” Rainbow Dash flatly stated. “And a sociopath who doesn’t care for her own safety. I love that!” She added flirtily, to which Twilight smirked.

“I know you do,” She said as the original Pinkie’s eyes darted around.

“Wow, you girls are weird!” She commented while chuckling.

“Please, don’t lump me with those brutes!” Rarity groaned with a foreleg over her forehead. “I am a sophisticated lady who despises violence! Although, I do enjoy making ice sculptures out of people,” She added the last part under her breath, which didn’t go unheard by the original Pinkie.

“Oh, so instead of taking ponies’ measurements for dresses, it’s for ice sculptures!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Rarity seemed confused.

“Taking their measurements? But I don’t need… Oh! Right! Yes, I make ice sculptures in their own image! Although, I make dresses, too. And I would have a lot more time to make them if a certain someone wasn’t always fighting for my attention,” She replied while throwing a few glances at her marefriend.

“Don’t pretend you don’t like it,” Applejack snorted as the white pony huffed, unwilling to confirm or deny anything.

“Flutters is a bit bolder here, too…” Pinkie muttered under her breath while looking at the yellow pegasus, who looked exactly like the one she knew on the outside.

“Say what you want to say to my face instead of whispering my name, bubble gum,” Fluttershy responded in annoyance.

“See? Exactly like I said!” Pinkie shouted happily.

“But seriously, are we gonna help her?” Fluttershy inquired as Twilight stopped her flirting session, adjusted her glasses, and sighed.

“I would really love to study her,” She began, only for Rainbow Dash to put a wing over her back.


“I guess we’ll help her find that stone. Besides, it will be beneficial for us, too! I mean… A multiversal traveling device… What a dream!” Twilight conceded as both Pinkies frowned.

“That’s like three times you’ve missed the opportunity for a title drop!” They both said at the same time. Unfortunately, they were promptly ignored by friends that seemed way too used to Pinkie’s antics.

“Oh, dear. Shouldn’t we give them different names, though?” Rarity commented with a hoof on her chin.

“Oh, it’s easy! You’re Pinkie 1, and she’s Pinkie 2!” Rainbow Dash interjected as she pointed at her universe’s Pinkie Pie, then at the one strapped on the table.

“What?! Why am I Pinkie 2?” The original Pinkie Pie complained.

“It’s her universe. Of course, she is Pinkie 1,” Twilight argued as the strapped Pinkie Pie shook her head.

“Yes, but readers will get confused if I’m not Pinkie 1!” The pink pony countered.

“There are no readers. We are not in a show or in a book, you just have psychological issues,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Wait! I agree with her! It will be less confusing if I am Pinkie 2,” Their version of Pinkie interjected, making Twilight sigh.

“Just let them have this,” Applejack commented tiredly.

“Fine. You will be Pinkie 1, and our Pinkie will be the second one. Happy?” Twilight questioned as the two Pinkie nodded and smiled in response. “Great! Let me free you of these!” She said as her tentacles extended and pressed a button, which immediately freed the party pony.

“Finally free!” Pinkie jumped off the table as Pinkie 2 ran up to her.

“So, wanna be my twin sister?” She asked nonchalantly.

“I was about to ask the same thing, sis!” Pinkie replied excitedly. It didn’t take them a long time to celebrate with a dance and a song, making the other ponies roll their eyes.

“Ah am happy for them, but this is gonna get tirin’ real fast,” Applejack remarked as Rainbow Dash interjected.

“Tell me about it,”

“So, how will we help her exactly?” Rarity inquired.

“Obviously, we have to find the device… And I may have an idea how!” Twilight responded. “If I can somehow harvest the energy inside her that she calls magic…” She began explaining, pausing to snicker at the last word. “Then I can potentially make a radar that will track similar energies. Tracking the device should be easy because it’s probably going to be the only thing in the world using that energy,” She stated excitedly, making Applejack raise an eyebrow.

“And you ain’t gonna dissect her to harvest it?” She questioned. Twilight rolled her eyes and pouted.

“I’m not that bad! I said I won’t do it, so I won’t!” She promised with frustration.

“Alright, Ah believe ya!” Applejack raised her hooves in defense.

“I guess I should start working on it now. Pinkie 1, you’ll have to stay with me,” Twilight called out to her, stopping her dance with her twin.

“But I want to explore outside! Technically, I don’t know anypony in Ponyville right now, so that means I have the biggest party to organize yet!” She answered with excitement.

“What about our double date? I waited for days for this!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Hey, you’re the ones who wanted me to help her! I was perfectly fine with experimenting on her!” Twilight retorted before addressing Pinkie 1. “By the way, you can still volunteer for this,” She whispered to her, then turned her attention back to her marefriend. “Anyway, you can stay with us if you want, Rainbow Dash. We don’t need to be on a date to have fun,”

“Okay, I’ll stay… But it’s not like we can have fun anyway while she’s here…” She grumbled under her breath, sitting on the ground with her forelegs crossed.

“While you are doing this, Applejack and I will enjoy a nice day at the spa! Alone…” Rarity notified them while fluttering her eyelashes at the orange pony.

“Are we really going to the spa or is that a hidden message again?” Applejack rubbed the back of her head in confusion while she was led toward the stairway leading out of Twilight’s basement.

“Of course, they get to enjoy their day!” Rainbow groaned as one of Twilight’s mechanical arms grabbed her by the back and made her sit beside her.

“Shush, you’re the one who said you’ll stay, so no complaining!” She said while petting her head with one of the claws. “What about you Fluttershy? Pinkie 2? Want to stay?”

“Stay with a stranger wearing one of my best friends’ face? No, thank you. I would rather jump in a pool of lava. No offense,” Fluttershy calmly and coldly replied before flying to the exit.

“Well! Guess I’ll leave, too!” Pinkie 2 exclaimed happily, making the first Pinkie widen her eyes until they were as big as sausages.

“What?! But we would have had so much fun! Stay! Pretty please!” She begged before diving down and grabbing onto Pinkie 2’s legs.

“Sorry, sis! But once you get used to Twilight’s lab, it gets sooooo boooring!” Pinkie responded as she threw her head back. “Honestly, I would rather have fun outside! If it makes you feel any better, maybe I’ll throw you a welcome party!” She added before pulling her legs out of Pinkie’s grasp and walking away.

“You girls are no fun!” Pinkie 1 sighed before collapsing to the floor out of pure boredom. There was no way this Pinkie Pie was the same as her! If she was, they would have gotten out of that lab and thrown the greatest party the world had ever seen! Then she would go back to her world and save the day as usual.

“Cheer up, Pinkie. All I need is to harvest some of your energy. Once it’s done, you can go out and play as much as you like until I make the tracker. Although, you’ll have to make sure not to get into any trouble unless you want to die,” Twilight attempted to cheer her up.

Pinkie Pie completely ignored any mentions of killing as she stood up with a jump.

“Okay! Then let’s finish this quickly!” She exclaimed.

“Good! Then don’t touch anything and wait until I get my machine prepared! You can have some fun with Rainbow here,” Twilight instructed as she crawled a few meters away.

Don’t touch anything? They really didn’t want her to have fun, did they? Granted, she wasn’t sure if touching stuff would be safe in this lab. Not only many things seemed dangerous, but there were also one or two creatures floating in weird tanks. What if she ended up like them?!

Nonetheless, scientist Twilight’s basement was so much more interesting than the original Twilight’s! There were so many machines and contraptions! This world was obviously more advanced than hers. It created so many opportunities! If she worked with this world’s versions of her friends, Pinkie Pie could help Equestria make many technological advances, change the world for the better and have a technological revolution!

Nah, that was boring! She should check on Rainbow Dash instead! And if she was with Rainbow, then she could interact with some of the stuff here without being in danger. Turning her head around, Pinkie noticed the blue pegasus staring at Twilight’s flank.

“Hey, Dashie!” Pinkie shouted as she appeared behind her, making the pegasus yell in surprise.

“AH! Damn it! I hate it when you do that!” Rainbow Dash breathed out while holding her chest. “One day I’m going to kill you by accident, Pinkie! Oh, wait… You’re not my Pinkie. Well, be careful!” She warned her.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine!” Pinkie waved her hoof in dismissal. “So… What were you thinking about?”

“As you probably saw, I don’t spend as much time with Twilight as I would want any more. Sure, I can visit her anytime, but I’ve got a job, too. That double date was a super opportunity before you came and screwed it up!” Rainbow Dash accused Pinkie while pointing at her. “So now I’m thinking of a nice date idea that she can’t possibly pass up!” She explained. “Although the fact that it’s a date with me is already awesome enough,” She proudly added.

“I can totally help you!” Pinkie Pie offered ecstatically, which only served to make Rainbow frown.

“Um… No offense, but my Pinkie doesn’t know much about romance. I mean, a mare literally killed herself on their first date with her! What makes you different?” She asked, clearly doubting the pink pony’s abilities.

The multiversal traveler chuckled, choosing to completely ignore Rainbow Dash’s little fun fact.

“Because I know Twilight, silly! I’m sure she must not be that different from mine! Even if our group dynamic is all ruined now,”

“Let me guess: You think I should throw her a party,” Rainbow stated flatly.

“Yes!” Pinkie perked up. “How did you know?”

“Eh. Had a feeling,” The blue pegasus shrugged dismissively.

“You two should totally dance! Like those romantic dances! I have no idea what they’re called,” Pinkie suggested as the other pony raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but she can’t dance with those mechanical arms!” Rainbow Dash pointed at them over her shoulder.

“I was wondering about that. What’s up with those things? Is she paralyzed or something?” Pinkie arched an eyebrow in confusion.

“Paralyzed?” The pegasus scoffed, then shook her head. “Nah. She said her natural limbs were obsolete since she made new and better ones. I literally never saw her move her legs since I’ve known her. I’m starting to think she doesn’t even know how to walk anymore,” She exclaimed. “Although she uses those things as if she was born with them,” She said, giving Pinkie a sly smirk. “She gave me some augmentations, too! I’m kind of a cyborg,” She added arrogantly while pointing at herself.

“You’re some kind of robot pony? So cool!” Pinkie gushed over her new friend.

“Heh! I know! I’m awesome!” Rainbow Dash puffed up her chest.

She had always adhered to a philosophy of embracing her natural abilities, eschewing the notion of augmentations. Her desire to become the fastest flier in Equestria relied solely on dedicated training. However, everything changed when she crossed paths with Twilight. In fact, it was through receiving augmentations from her that their romantic relationship blossomed later on. While Twilight had given her multiple augmentations, the most notable ones were her wings. Though not necessary since she only broke them after a bad crash, they could have healed in under a few months.

Nevertheless, Twilight possessed a distinct mindset when it came to injuries healing naturally over time. She openly expressed to Rainbow and their friends that she only viewed ponies as things that could be broken… and rebuilt. Her passion resided in constructing and mending objects. As soon as Twilight beheld Rainbow's wounded state, she swiftly embarked on a mission to persuade her companion to embrace augmentations and transform into a cyborg. Naturally, extensive discussions ensued before Rainbow ultimately made a decision.

The scientists more or less told her that wings were fragile flesh bags and that robotic ones would be better. Rainbow Dash mulled over it for weeks but ultimately accepted Twilight’s offer. She still got new upgrades and augmentations to this day. She wasn’t a total robot, of course. Her wings and legs were the only parts of her body that were completely metallic.

“You know, you could get some augmentations, too,” Rainbow suggested as Pinkie Pie pondered about it.

“Does Pinkie 2 have any?” She asked, curious.

“Nope! The other girls aren’t interested in it. They don’t know what they’re missing, though!” Rainbow Dash kissed one of her forelegs.

“I’ll think about it,” Pinkie Pie shrugged, still smiling as Rainbow Dash stopped kissing her leg and smirked.

“You know what? Here, I’ll show you something,” She said as she flew up and grabbed a bracelet from a shelf, then threw it at Pinkie who managed to catch it just in time.

“What’s that? A bracelet?” She asked while turning it over. It looked like a plain black metallic bracelet. The second she put it on, it expanded a little, and a few wires connected with Pinkie’s hooves. “Wow!”

“That’s a gun,” Rainbow Dash revealed as a gun came out of the bracelet. “It just connected to your brain, right now. So whenever you want to shoot, it’ll shoot,” She explained as Pinkie tilted her head.

“Shoot what?” The pink pony inquired before a shot suddenly rang out.

“AH!” Rainbow Dash screamed in pain before spitting out blood and collapsing to the floor.

“W-What?! What happened?!” Pinkie shouted in panic as she looked at the barrel of her gun, where smoke was coming out.

“Y-You fucking shot me! Why did you do that?!” Rainbow hollered while holding her chest to stop blood from pouring out.

“I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry!” Pinkie shouted as she threw the gun on the ground and kicked the bracelet away before running up to the pegasus, tears threatening to fall.

“Oh, God… I’m bleeding to death!” Rainbow clenched her teeth in pain.

“It’s gonna be alright, Dashie! Twilight! Help! Help!” Pinkie called for the lavender earth pony while Rainbow Dash slowly closed her eyes.

“Pinkie… I don’t have much longer… I need to tell you something…” She muttered through the pain.

“Yes?” Pinkie asked with a shaking voice and moved her head closer.

“I… I gotcha!” Rainbow suddenly laughed as if it was nothing, making Pinkie yelp in surprise and back away.

“W-What? What’s happening?!” Pinkie’s eyes darted around in confusion while the pegasus was still laughing.

“It was a prank! HAHA! You totally thought you killed me, didn’t you?! Should have seen your face!” Rainbow Dash laughed so hard that she had to hold her sides.

“A joke? It was… a joke?” Pinkie repeated in shock, still finding it unbelievable. “But the blood!” She pointed at all the blood on the floor and the one Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, that’s nothing! Twilight set up something so that my heart would make blood faster. That way I can never bleed out. I only use it for pranks, though,” The pegasus responded dismissively.

“I thought… I thought I killed you… And you’re telling me it was… a prank…” Pinkie summed up the situation.

“And it was really funny, too!” Rainbow Dash commented until they were interrupted by the sound of Twilight crawling.

“The machine for harvesting should be ready, and what’s happening here?” The lavender pony gave them a quizzical look before a flash of recognition lit up her face. “Wait, don’t tell me… You did the gun accident prank, right?” She snickered while adjusting her glasses.

“Yup! And she totally fell for it!”

“Really? It’s a classic one, though!”

Pinkie gulped nervously as she pretended to laugh, her eyes traveling between Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

“Haha, it was really funny… A good one, girls…” She muttered as the scientist turned her attention to her.

“I know we may not be your friends, but I am overjoyed to see you already familiarizing with us!” She said as one of her claws extended and caressed Pinkie’s neck to comfort her. Unlike Twilight’s warm and affectionate hugs, Pinkie could only feel cold and emotionless metal with this one. “I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun until we help you leave,” Twilight softly said.

“So much fun!” Pinkie celebrated while trying to sound as genuine as possible. The two other ponies snickered while staring at her, totally missing the rising fear and panic in her heart.

As the three ponies engaged in their discussion, an inconspicuous fly clandestinely observed them from within one of the vents. After a few shakes of its tiny head, it promptly took flight, tracing the intricate network of vents until it discovered an escape route.

Ascending higher and higher, the insect soared until Ponyville vanished from its line of sight. In a terrifying transformation, the creature underwent a metamorphosis. Within the expanse of the sky, it morphed into a swirling mass of ebony flesh, seamlessly shifting its form with disgusting fluidity. Gradually, it emerged as a majestic brown eagle, spreading its wings wide as it continued its journey.

Its speed increased as it followed a precise path, straight to the Badlands. Embedded in a mountain in the far reaches of the Badlands was a gigantic black and green nest. As the eagle approached its destination, it underwent another transmutation, reverting to its true form. Unveiled before the towering nest was a changeling, although noticeably lacking a horn.

The changeling’s wings were large. Its exoskeleton exuded an inky black hue, while its chitin exhibited a jagged and coarse texture. Bulbous and oversized, the creature's eyes featured multiple layers, devoid of pupils. Its limbs appeared angular and disproportionate, culminating in dagger-like claws capable of rending through steel with ease. Atop its head, long and slender antennae gracefully extended, aiding the changeling in perceiving its surroundings with uncanny precision.

The hive was filled with changelings looking nearly exactly like him, yet all of them could differentiate from one another.

“Mother,” It spoke in a low voice as it landed in the center of the hive. The changeling received no immediate answer as its mind was slowly probed, then shared across the whole hive.

This extraordinary feat was made possible by their mother, the illustrious queen who presided over them all. Suspended from the ceiling, a colossal mass of obsidian flesh dangled, emitting a viscous green ooze from various apertures. Slowly, the form shifted, morphing until two discernible eyes and a mouth took shape. This was their revered mother, Queen Chrysalis. From her form, a dark tube materialized, descending to the ground before expelling a green egg enveloped in the same glistening ooze. Yet, it was not an isolated occurrence. In truth, the center of the nest was adorned with a multitude of eggs, adorning the ground, while the walls and ceiling teemed with the presence of the swarm's devoted members.

“Good. New. Opportunity. Children,” Chrysalis spoke in a loud and raspy voice, with acidic goo pouring out of her mouth. “Our. Time. To attack. Soon. Ponies lead. To stone. We find,” She explained as the changeling that brought her the news stepped forward.

“What… What then… Mother?” It asked as Chrysalis clicked her tongue multiple times, spitting out even more venom.

“Swarm outnumbers. Their armies. A hundred to one! We find stone. Magic Stone. Is power. I get. Power. We kill. We invade. Pony lands. Ours. Ponies. Ours,” Their mother replied as several spiked tentacles suddenly shot out of her body and impaled multiple changelings. She quickly threw them in her mouth and bit into them with no hesitation, spilling their green blood as she chewed on them.

“I grow. Tired of. Cannibalism,”

Author's Note:

I wonder what the Chrysalis we know would think of her counterpart?