• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 197 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 10: The Awesome Eight vs Gina

Nate and his friends were still walking to find Sombra's lair. But the journey was long and they kept trying to get through the snowy parts of Equestria. Then suddenly they found themselves at a distant kingdom not far from Canterlot. Seeing it had a crystal-like appearance, it appealed to his interest. But then they saw a bunch of shadows running around and causing chaos to all the ponies in the kingdom.

"Um guys? I think Sombra sent out some shadows trying to destroy that kingdom!" Nate feared.

"That's no ordinary kingdom Nate! That's The Crystal Empire! Cadence and Shining Armor rule that place but if shadows are running around then we gotta help them!" Spike said.

"Alright. Guys! Let's save that kingdom first and then go after Sombra!" Nate declared.

So they ran to the Crystal Empire and unleashed their weapons all ready to fight. They entered the empire and started attacking the shadows. Nate and Randy used their swords and slashed some in half. Teddy and Francis shot arrows at them and they were weakened from the tips that made them explode in the light. Chad bashed each of the shadows heads into the ground with the warhammer and they went kaboom! Artur blasted them in the chest with his laser gloves and Spike burned them with his fire. Dee Dee used her super strength to break the shadows and they vanished into thin air. After an hour they were all getting a little tired.

"Is that the last of them?" Nate asked.

"I don't think so Nate! Look! More of them are coming!!" Randy pointed out.

They see more shadows attacking and with take a long time trying to defeat all of them.

"This won't work! Were gonna have to destroy the source! If we can do that then the shadows won't keep coming! But where can it be?" Francis asked.

"Maybe they're coming from that light right there?" Chad asked.

He pointed and everyone saw a beam of purple light coming from behind the Crystal Empire as more shadows were coming from that and everyone saw what they had to do now.

"Ok. We destroy that source of that light and then we go after Sombra. Come on guys!" Nate said.

The gang all headed in the direction of the purple light and also fought more shadow minions on the way. After destroying more shadows they finally arrived behind the Crystal Empire and what they saw next got their attention. There was a machine being operated by someone and was also causing the shadows to come out and attack. Nate recognized the hair and when the unicorn turned around everyone gasped! It was Gina doing this!

"Gina. I should have known it was you the whole time." Nate growled.

"Well Nate. I see you and your so called friends made it here. But you made it all the easier for me to turn you in to Mrs Godfrey. So Nate? How would you feel about another year in detention? And under Godfrey's close personal supervision?" Gina asked.

"No way am I letting that happen. Now where is Jenny and the Main Six? We know Sombra took them so much where are they?!" Nate demanded.

"Hahahaha! I'll never tell you that Nate. And now you must face the wrath of my impressive tank! Say good night losers!!" Gina yelled.

She actived the tank and it began rolling. While she was moving Gina also summoned more shadows with her portal laser. Nate saw that it was causing the shadows to be here and needed to destroy that. So using his unicorn magic he blasted Gina and zapped her bad as she screamed. That bought him some time to use his sword and instantly destroy the laser. The shadows all disappeared and Gina used her own magic and it hit Nate but his friends helped him up.

"What have you done?! Now I have to fix that! Ohh you just wait til......." Gina replied.

But then another beam of magic blasted her in the face and she fell down. She got up and saw that Francis attacked her.

"Your not getting Nate! Now where did Sombra take the girls?!" Francis asked.

"I'm still not telling you losers! And now you're gonna pay!" Gina shouted.

She began rolling towards the heroes in her tank. Dee Dee came in front and used her strength to damage the front and jumped on the tank and rapidly began punching her. Then everyone else came on the tank and joined in the fight. But Gina used her magic to create a shockwave and got everyone off. The tank continued rolling and Nate needed to stop it.

"What are we gonna do?! Gina's tank is still rolling!" Nate worried.

"I got an idea! I'll try and distract her, Nate you can use some lightning to fry the circuitry, and Randy? Since you have lava armor maybe you can summon a huge lava ball to destroy it!" Teddy suggested.

"Now that is a plan! Teddy! Distract her! And Randy? Once I fry the circuitry long enough turn the heat up will you?" Nate asked.

"I gotcha there Nate! Let's do this!" Randy answered.

So Teddy flew in the air and shot some arrows at the tank. Some of them went in the circuits while others were just annoying Gina.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Gina asked.

She tried blasting Teddy with her magic but he dodged. And what Gina didn't know that it was all a trap we was falling for. And while she was distracted Nate came and took out his sword and sent waves of electricity through and into the engines overheating at and suddenly after five minutes the engine blew and the tank stopped moving and Gina almost flew out but she kept her balance.

"Stop destroying my indestructible tank!!" Gina growled.

"For the record it's not indestructible! And your not going to hurt anymore ponies!" Nate stated.

"Whatever! You can't tell me what to do Nate!" Gina talked back.

"Actually I can. Because we all know something that you don't." Nate replied.

"What's that?" Gina asked.

"That after all the trouble you caused me the only one in hot water is you! Randy?" Nate smirked.

Randy nodded and raised his hands and conjured a giant ball of lava. When Gina saw that she immediately got really scared.

"Oh nuts." Gina squeaked.

Then after she said that Randy threw the lava ball and Nate jumped out of the way. Once the lava ball made impact the tank exploded into a million bits and Gina screamed while flying in the air. She came falling back down and landed hard on the ground. Then everyone surrounded her and Gina tried using her magic. But since she was hurt and weak from the explosion she couldn't.

"You might wanna relinquish the title of the smartest kid of P.S 38 pal." Nate smirked.

"No. I...won't. You may have destroyed my tank but that won't stop me from telling Godfrey on....." Gina said.

But then Randy punched her in the face and she was knocked out cold.

"Oh shut up Smarty McFat!!" Randy yelled.

Nate grabbed the unconscious body of Gina and signaled Francis to open a portal back to the Canterlot Castle and once he did Nate threw her in the portal and it closed. One enemy was down but they still need to deal with King Sombra and Godfrey.

"Ok guys. We did good but Jenny and the Main Six are still captured. We need to get back on track and continue to head out to his lair." Nate replied.

They all nodded in agreement knew that their journey is far from over.

"Hey guys!!"

They turned and they saw two ponies coming towards them. One was a male unicorn pony and happens to be Twilight Sparkle's older brother: Shining Armor. The other was a female ailcorn and the wife of Shining: Princess Cadence.

"Thanks for stopping those shadows. We tried clearing them ourselves but there were too many of them. And did you say that Twilight and her friends got kidnapped?!" Shining asked.

"It's true. King Sombra snatched them and is no doubt keeping them prisoners in his lair. Were on our way now to rescue them." Nate explained.

"If your gonna to stop Sombra from taking Equestria....let's us help you too. I'm Shining Armor. Twilight's brother and also my best friend. This is Cadence. She's my wife and was Twilight's old foalsitter. We know more about Sombra so let us help you." Shining replied.

Nate though about this. On one hand he has a good enough army to take out Sombra but on the other hand they really don't know Sombra well. So if they can help like Spike and Artur will then he needs all the help he can get.

"Alright. You can join us. Since you both are Twilight's brother and old foalsitter we need all the help we can get." Nate answered.

"Thank you. We promise to help you guys save the girls." Cadence said.

"Ok. Come on everyone. We gotta head to Sombra's lair. There's no time to waste." Nate said.

So Cadence and Shining Armor joined the team and everyone continued their way to find Sombra's hideout. The girls are depending on them.

Author's Note:

Two new members! But Godfrey might be a bit of a challenge. Stay tuned.