• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 202 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 4: Enemies Coming and A Shadow Returns

Back at P.S 38 things were a little quiet around here. In fact the only reason why it was quiet is because Nate and his friends were not around. And one boy named Randy Betancourt was wondering where he is. Now Randy Betancourt, is an enemy of Nate Wright and P.S. 38's "residential scuzzball" as Nate states. According to Nate, the kids in Randy's posse are in it just because they are scared of Randy. But today Randy wasn't feeling like doing his things today.

"Man that's odd. Usually Nate comes here and I would mess with him like how I usually do. Something seems to be wrong. I'm not sure what it is but I hope he'll turn up soon." Randy smirked.

Then the rest of the class came in and even that same girl Nate hated a lot: Gina. Now Gina was also Nate's archenemy. For separate reasons, both were extremely annoyed with the other. Nate was annoyed by Gina's geekiness, obnoxious personality, perfectionism, and arrogance. Gina, in turn, was annoyed by Nate's arrogance, as well as his tendency to avoid schoolwork, being messy, and hatred for Mrs. Godfrey. And people in P.S 38 sometimes think they should be in a relationship. However, Lincoin Pierce confirmed they will never be dating. When Gina sat down she looked around and didn't see Nate anywhere.

"Hmm. I wonder where that loser Nate is? I bet he's trying to avoid another test." Gina replied.

Then the social studies teacher Mrs Godfrey came in and prepared to teach the kids some lessons. And by the way they are not happy to do. Except Gina of course.

"Ok class. Today we have an assignment to do of the British War. Now I except everyone to do well and no cheating what so eve.....um? Where's Nate, Teddy, Francis, Chad and Dee Dee?" Mrs Godfrey asked as she saw the empty desks.

"Nate probably came up with a scheme to get him and his friends out of this assignment Mrs Godfrey." Gina tattletelled.

"Ugh. Typical. Alright class stay put. I will be right back once I find Nate and his pals. Gina? You wanna help?" Mrs Godfrey asked.

"Sure. And maybe we can even have some extra help. Randy? You know Nate too. Wanna help us?" Gina offered.

"Hmm alright. But only because I want to not take this assignment." Randy answered.

Gina groaned but Godfrey gave her a look not to do that. So the trio begin searching everywhere around P.S 38 for Nate and his friends. First they looked in the gymnasium where they thought that Nate was under the bleachers. Turns out he wasn't. Then they looked in the hallways thinking that he might have found a dark spot to camouflage himself but he's not there. Next was the cafeteria but still no Nate. Then finally they checked all the different classrooms in the school but Nate was not in either one. After three hours they took a break and leaned against the lockers.

"Whew! I don't understand it. Where is Nate? He wasn't in any of the classrooms or anyplace else in the school! Did we make an invisible cloak for him and his friends?" Gina asked.

"I don't think he did butt-brain. If he did then I would have bumped into him when I couldn't see him but hear his voice. But that ain't happening." Randy snarked.

Gina frowned and the trio got off the lockers and tried to think of where else in the school they haven't looked yet. Then Godfrey had an idea.

"Wait. We haven't checked in the science lab. I betcha that's where Nate is hiding!!" Godfrey smirked.

"Then let's go catch him!" Gina said.

So the trio ran off to the science lab and when they found it Randy pushed the door open and looked around but like the other rooms they checked Nate was not there.

"Great! He's not there! But there is a huge mess all around the place. And some weird contraption being left here." Randy said.

"Hey! That's my World Traveler! And it is not weird!" Gina said as she had a theory of what might happened. "Wait a minute. Maybe he used my machine to travel to another world and is probably hiding there!"

"Are you sure? Cause I certainly didn't hear anything today." Godfrey asked.

"Maybe not today. But I think Nate and his friends used it yesterday after I left and are probably hiding in another world somewhere." Gina answered.

"Well if you think so then let's see if we can try to track him down." Randy said.

So Randy typed in some information on Gina's machine. Then after a couple of minutes he pressed the red button and a portal opened up. The trio began walking towards it and suddenly the portal became unstable and the wind coming in like crazy and they screamed while trying to hang on but ended up being sucked in! After that the machine shut down and left an even bigger mess in the science lab.

The portal reopened and the trio arrived in some sort of cave and after they arrived they taken different forms. When they woke up they too saw themselves as anthro ponies and creatures. Randy was a pegasus, Gina became a pink unicorn and Godfrey was actually a half pony and half dragon.

"Whoa! What happened to us?!" Gina freaked.

"I don't know but I dig this new look. And are those wings on my back? Oh I know exactly what I'm doing after this!" Randy smirked.

"Focus Randy! We need to find Nate!" Gina reminded him.

Then suddenly Randy saw something next to him. It was some sort of glowing stick and he picked it up and examined it.

"Hmm. A glowing stick? Wonder what this does?" Randy wondered.

Then he used the stick to create a strange symbol on the ground. Gina and Godfrey tried to warn him not to but it was too late. Then a petrified dark crystal came out and a swarm of dark shadows came together and formed a tornado. Suddenly a pair of glowing green eyes and red horn appeared and stared at the trio. Then the shadows got smaller and took a human pony form. He looked terrifying as that but still is a dark king. He looked around seeing who revived him. Then he spotted the trio and slowly went to them and came face to face. This was the evil King Sombra.

"Well, well. What do we have here? Three foolish creatures who dares to fight me?" King Sombra asked.

"Um no mister dark pony sir." Gina replied nervously.

"The name's Sombra. King Sombra to be exact. Are you the ones that released me?" He corrected.

"Um I might be the one that released you. If I knew know to reverse it I could send you back and let you rest again." Randy answered.

"Don't. I'm glad you released me. Ohh it was a prison in there! And now that I'm free I can finally get my revenge and rule all of Equestria by force!" King Sombra said.

"Equestria? What's Equestria?" Godfrey asked.

"It's where you are now my dear. For centuries I tried to take the throne of the Crystal Empire but got bested by a group of ponies known as the Main Six." Sombra said as he used his staff to show them a vision of his past. "Then I tried taking Canterlot's throne and almost succeeded. But got bested again."

"But your a king. Don't you already have a throne?" Gina asked.

"If only that was true. But sadly no. But what are you three doing here? I don't remember seeing you around here often." Sombra replied.

"Look um Sombra. We don't want any trouble but we are trying to find a boy named Nate Wright. He has a few friends with him and all we want is to find him and bring him back so I can have him take the assignment and give him detentions for the next year!" Godfrey replied.

Randy heard what Godfrey said and was starting to have second thoughts about it.

"Detention for the next year? I know Nate has gotten many before but this is something I wouldn't want him getting. Maybe this isn't a good idea." Randy thought.

"Nate Wright? Now why would I help you find a boy named Nate Wright? That is the least of my problems." King Sombra scoffed.

"Wait! King Sombra! Me and Godfrey can offer you something!" Gina begged.

"What could you possibly offer me that I don't already have? A fake throne that I can't even rule a world on?" Sombra mocked.

"Actually I was think about..... You being Equestria's next ruler and maybe we can help you get these Main Six ponies you speak of. And in return you help us track down Nate." Gina offered.

King Sombra started to get interested in what Gina was saying. "Go on."

"If we team up and work together then we can both achieve our goals. And maybe you can have Godfrey as your queen and me as your second in command." Gina proudly stated.

"Don't push it kid. Although..... Every king does need a queen and a second in command. Hmm. Alright. If you think you can help me then you have yourself a deal." Sombra replied.

He shook Gina's hand and the dark deal was sealed. But somehow Randy was getting a little nervous about this. Then Sombra noticed his reaction.

"What's wrong with you?" Sombra asked.

"Ohh...umm...it's just a stomachache." Randy lied but he bought it.

"Okay. Well follow me everyone. We got all of Equestria to take back. Let's get to work." Sombra said.

Soon all the trio and Sombra headed straight in the direction of the Frozen North and began to put their plan in motion. What will happen when word gets out that Sombra is back and has some helpers? I hope Nate and his friends can stop them? And what of Randy?

Author's Note:

Oh no. King Sombra has returned. I hope Twilight can help Nate understand the skills he possesses.