• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 202 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 6: Randy and Love Sights

Randy continued flying threw the skies til he spotted Ponyville. He smiled and went straight down and came in for a landing. Once he landed he began looking all around for Nate. He needed to find him and warn him about Godfrey and Gina working with King Sombra. So far after four hours he had no luck.

"Man! Where is he?" Randy asked himself.

He kept on running and looking all around for Nate. Then suddenly he accidentally bumped into a pink pony and he fell down and the group saw him all hurt. Randy groaned a little and picked himself up.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just completely didn't see......" Randy said.

But then when he stared into Pinkie's blue eyes he felt something pounding in his chest. Randy didn't know what it was but he liked feeling it and he blushed real hard.

"Oh geez! I'm so sorry I bumped into you miss. I was looking for something and completely didn't see you! Please forgive me!" Randy begged.

"It's okay. Accidents happen. And I know you didn't mean to. Besides you do look cute." Pinkie answered.

Randy laughed sheepishly and then Nate saw him. He immediately recognized his voice and hair and went to him.

"Randy? Is that you?" Nate asked.

"Oh Nate! I'm so glad I found you! I thought I never find you in time!" Randy cried as he hugged him.

"Is this some kind of joke Randy? Are you just saying that so you can bully me again and framed me for your stunt?" Nate asked.

"No Nate. I'm not gonna do that to you anymore. I may have done that in the past but I wanna make this right! You have to trust me!" Randy begged.

"Why Randy?" Nate wondered.

"Because Nate! Equestria is in trouble! I came to find you because I need to warn you about this! I know we had our differences Nate but I think we should really stick together to save their home!" Randy explained.

Applejack looked in his eyes and saw no lie.

“It's true.” Applejack said.

"See? She understands! Now please Nate! Lemme help you!" Randy begged.

The Main Six and the band all looked at each other deciding on what to do for Randy. Should they let him tag along? Or should they leave him on his own? Ultimately they came with and offer.

"Ok Randy. If you think you can help us and make things right by helping us stop whenever threat is lurking around then I will forgive your apology." Nate said.

"And since I know that you had a spark in your eyes for me I what you to promise me something." Pinkie added.

"Anything. What do you need me to promise?" Randy asked.

"Promise me that you won't bully Nate or any of his friends and help us stop this threat or we'll have to report you to Princess Celestia." Pinkie finished.

"I promise! I won't bully Nate anymore! I just wanna make things right. You have my word." Randy promised.

"Good. Now hop in the train. Were going to Canterlot." Pinkie said.

Randy nodded and allowed everyone to head inside the train and once everyone was in the train started moving and began their ride to Canterlot. As they were riding Randy took the time to get to know Pinkie.

"So um Pinkie was it? What do you do around Ponyville?" Randy asked.

"Oh that's easy. I plan parties and make everyone smile!" Pinkie said but then a sad look appeared. "But not everyone was happy. Not even my parents."

"What happened?" Randy asked.

"Well my parents and my sisters didn’t really like my parties. I mean, they loved the first one I threw, but after that they seemed to not love them as much.” Pinkie gulped. “Every time I would sing or dance or try to make them smile, they would tell me to knock it off and keep working on the rock farm. I tried to tell them that I could sing and dance while I worked, but they would keep saying ‘Pinkamena Diane Pie, this is the last warning! You stop that noise! Nopony needs to hear that much noise! Do your chores! No singing! No Dancing!’ It was awful!”

Randy nodded. “Go on.”

Pinkie’s hair was totally straight now. “Well I couldn’t smile or laugh while I was working, so for the next few weeks, I would sneak out at night into the furthest silo we had on the farm. In there, I would sing, dance, laugh and play as much as I could. It was fun, but I had nopony to share it with. I really wanted my family to enjoy them as much as I did. I was all alone.”

Crying softly now, Pinkie Pie continued. “Pretty soon, my parents found out about my late-night parties. They came to my door and knocked on it angrily saying ‘Get out here right now, little filly! You’re in big trouble!’ I was scared, but I went out to face them. I told them ‘I like parties and playing and having fun! Why cant you see that? I’m just playing! There’s no bad stuff about it!’ but they just said that parties and playing were never allowed here. So later that night, I packed up my things and I ran away from home. I walked all the way to Ponyville. That’s where I met Mr. and Mrs. Cake. They took me in and taught me about baking yummy treats like cupcakes and cookies and all sorts of stuff! At that point I felt like I belonged there."

Then Randy did something unexpected. He placed one hand on Pinkie's and looked at her.

"You weren't the only one. See it was true that I was a bully to Nate. And every time he took the blame I thought that I would be happy. But really I felt bad. Like I needed to take responsibility for my actions not him. And honestly, if I wanted to I would love nothing more than to plan parties like you Pinkie." Randy replied.

Then Pinkie smiled and hugged him as tears of joy came down her eyes. Nate said that and started to realize that maybe he was trying to change his ways.

"Hey um Randy?" Nate said.

"Yeah Nate?" Randy asked.

"I had no idea that you actually wanted to plan parties. If you wanted to you could have came to me and I would have gladly helped you." Nate answered.

"You know Nate? I think I would like that. Once we take care of the threat. And Nate? I gotta tell you something. I'm sorry for always blaming everything on you when really I should be taking the blame. And maybe if I did then things would been different. You wouldn't end up in detention a lot, Godfrey wouldn't yell at you, and you actually could have made it awesome." Randy apologized.

Then Nate smiled a little.

"Thanks for apologizing Randy. Means a lot." Nate said.

"Anytime. And hey. Maybe we can actually be a good team." Randy offered.

Nate couldn't argue with that. Since he's willing to change his ways Nate accepted his parthership and will do whatever they can to vanquish the threat. After a few minutes, they all had reached Canterlot and was on their way to the castle. It's time for Nate and the gang to meet Princess Celestia and she will assign them to stop the evil King Sombra. But what will happen when he realizes that Gina and Godfrey are working with him?

Author's Note:

Looks like Randy is actually willing to change his ways and work with Nate. Tune in next time when his dad, sister, Artur and his uncle look for him and Discord gives them that wish.