• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 196 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 13: The Gala and A Bright Future

The night of the Gala came and outside of the castle we see Nate and the gang waiting for the girls to arrive. Each of them were wearing fancy tuxes. Nate had a purple one, Jenny had on a magenta dress, while the others had a black tux on. Heck even his dad and uncle were dressed for the occasion.

"I can't believe that we are gonna attend this Grand Galloping Gala." Nate said.

"Me either. This is quite an invitation. And the fact that Celestia made us the guests of honor. This is gonna be such a grand night." Teddy agreed.

"For sure. And Nate?" Jenny said as Nate looked at her. "I hope that the Gala doesn't end up like last time you took me to a school dance."

"Trust me Jenny. It won't be like that. I changed and you can trust me that won't leave you hanging." Nate promised.

Jenny smiled and at the same time a carriage arrived. When it landed out came the Main Six and Spike. The girls had on the gala dresses that were featured in the Make New Friends but Keep Discord episode. Spike had his tux and top hat. The girls smiled and went to each of their dates. The boys blushed from their beauty.

"Whoa. Pinkie. You look beautiful tonight. Like really." Randy replied.

"Thank you. I hope you are sharing a dance with me tonight." Pinkie flirted.

"Well I can promise you that I will." Randy responded

"And Twilight. I have to admit that you are definitely fit to look beautiful like a princess. I'm sure we will be dancing the night way." Artur responded.

"Oh Artur. That's so sweet of you to say. But aren't you with Jenny?" Twilight asked.

"I was. But Jenny and I had a talk and since she accepted that I had feelings for you, it's only fair that I accept her feelings for Nate. Besides. I meant it when I said that you are cute." Artur answered.

Twilight could only smile and she had Artur take her arm and led her in. Then everyone else did the same thing with their dates and they all headed in the castle.

Once in we see them enjoying their time here. Even Ted and Martin were with Celestia and Luna in their dresses. Celestia's was yellow with some purple trimmings and Luna's was a midnight blue with diamonds around it decorated like stars. Back with Nate and his friends they were all having a good time.

"Wow Nate. The Gala looks beautiful. I have to say that this may be better than P.S 38's dances. And Nate? I can't believe that you didn't leave me hanging since we arrived here." Jenny said surprised.

"I made a promise to you. I attend to keep it." Nate said honestly.

"Nate. You definitely changed. But I like it. I'm so sorry I called you annoying. Now I see your true colors." Jenny replied.

"It's ok. And I'm sorry for stalking you all those years. I feel guilty about it." Nate apologized.

"Hey that's in the past now Nate. And plus since you finally won my heart I now see you as a awesome hero." Jenny assured.

"Thanks. Hey Jenny? Would you like a dance with me?" Nate asked.

"I would be honored Nate Wright. Let's dance." Jenny answered.

So the two went to the dance floor and a slow song started playing.


As the music started playing Nate thought he should try singing. So he took a deep breath and surprisingly started singing right on key. Jenny started to close her eyes as she let the music go in her ears and has taken over. Then she joined Nate in singing and they danced in a wonderful waltz. But what they didn't know is that since Nate has the Imagination Atom in him it created a magic show full of love as they danced. Then when the song ended they came close and kissed which the magic formed a heart and exploded into fireworks. Everyone oohed and aahed at it and cheered for them.

"You guys that was amazing! What a show!!" Francis said.

"Now that gives a meaning to 'love's in the air'." Teddy commented.

"You bet Teddy. And hey. I may not have made P.S 38 awesome but I did show that awesomeness comes from inside and when you release it you can do anything. Like how we stopped Sombra." Nate replied.

"Yes Nate. You and your friends did very well." A male voice said.

The group turned and saw Brad Gunter leaning on the side wall.

"I knew you could do it. And for that you show everyone how awesome you really are. Proud of you kid. You will be considered as a legend for generations to come." Brad smiled.

"Thank you Brad. For everything." Nate said.

"Anytime Nate. Now if you need anything else or if another villain comes running around.....I will be there to help you. But for now my job here is done." Brad replied.

And like that he flew in the air and Nate gave a salute to him that he will see him next time. Then he saw Randy in front of him.

"Hey Nate. Listen. I was so glad to help you stop King Sombra. And you know what? After everything we've been through I feel like we can actually be friends instead of enemies. What do you say that tomorrow we go to Sugarcube Corner and celebrate this?" Randy offered.

"I like that Randy." Nate answered.

The two laughed and went back in the Gala to continue enjoying the night. The camera zooms out til we see the whole castle shimmering in the night. And thus my friends ends this story of Nate Wright.

The End.

Author's Note:

I hoped you enjoyed this crossover of Big Nate! Stay awesome bronies!

Comments ( 2 )

Maybe you could do a sequel where the Awesome Eight face off against Chrysalis.

Maybe. We'll see. But that is a good idea.

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