• Published 25th Feb 2024
  • 202 Views, 37 Comments

Big Nate: New Life and New Fears - Big Imagination E

Big Nate and his friends ended up in Equestria after messing with Gina's machine. But once they arrive they have to stop an evil king named Sombre from taking over.

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Chapter 2: New World and New Friends

We cut now to see the gang in some kind of forest and after they arrived they taken different forms. When they woke up they saw themselves as anthro ponies. Nate and Francis are unicorns, Chad and Teddy are pegasi, and Dee Dee is an earth pony. Nate was a yellow unicorn with blue hair and tail in the same style he always has and Francis is a chartreuse unicorn. Teddy was a red pegasus and Chad is a blue pegasus. And Dee Dee was a green earth pony. Everyone was shocked but Nate was a little scared.

"AHH!!! What happened to us?! We're horses!" Nate shouted.

Francis spoke up, "Technically Nate, we appear to be anthro ponies."

"Anthro ponies?" Nate asked, before going sarcastic, "And that's better how?"

"It isn't I just wanted to point out your mistake." Francis answered.

"Terrific." Nate rolled his eyes.

"Now just relax amigo." Brad said coming to the group as a tan pegasus with the same brown hair and tail in his original style. "In different worlds you will take different forms to blend in. Remember the time you went in your own comic world and you took a form there? It's basically the same thing."

"Oh right. The time Cupid Dan disappeared and I needed to find him. Ok that makes sense. But why did it happen to be us as anthro ponies?" Nate wondered.

"Because Nate. This world will be a new beginning for you and your friends. But first we gotta get you situated with the locals here. Follow me." Brad explained.

The gang followed Brad as they all left the forest. Meanwhile the bushes started rumbling and out came a shadow breathing heavy.

"Where....am i?" A female voice asked.

Back with the gang they made there way out of the forest and entered a town that's inhabited with many anthro ponies walking or flying enjoying their daily activities. They stopped in the middle of the town Nate looked at his new surroundings.

"Welcome comrades. To Ponyville!!" Brad introduced.

"Wow. This actually has a nice name. Plus this place looks kinda peaceful." Nate admitted.

"Yeah. Ive never seen this many ponies here. But wait what is the task we gotta do here Brad?" Teddy asked.

Brad can only chuckle. "Only time will tell Teddy. But you will remember that once you vanquish whatever threat is lurking around you will be there to stop it. But for now explore the place. Make some friends. And I will check on you from time and time again. Good luck guys."

Like that Brad Gunter flew in the air and vanished completely. Nate and his friends looked around the place some more and were curious about what they'll experience during their time here.

"So guys? Where should we look?" Nate asked.

"Well since were new here I think we should head to the park and try and get used to the place." Dee Dee suggested.

"Good idea. Cause we have no idea about this Ponyville. Let's look around and see if we can find out more about this place." Francis agreed.

So the gang all walked together and tried to find out more about Ponyville.

They kept walking for a little while til they all went to a castle that looked sort of like a purple tree. When they laid eyes on it their eyes sparked with excitement.

"WOW!! Look at that! That is an amazing castle! But why does it look like a tree?" Nate asked.

"I got no clue Nate. But someone must be living here! We should look and see who lives here!" Chad replied.

So Chad went to the door and knocked on it. Then they patiently waited for someone to come and answer it. After five minutes the door opened and revealed an anthro unicorn with a lilac coat, a purple and teal mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams—sometimes concealed by a fake equal sign. She was a bit surprised seeing new ponies here.

"Oh hello. I never seen you around here. You must be new to Ponyville. I'm Starlight Glimmer. What's your names?" She asked.

"I'm Nate Wright."

"I'm Teddy Ortiz."

"I'm Francis Pope."

"I'm Chad Applewhite."

"And I'm Dee Dee Holloway."

"Nice to meet you all. I've never seen you around lately. Are you guys new here? Because if that's the case then me and my friends will be happy to show you around Equestria." Starlight said.

"We do wanna know about this place so yeah we are new and we need help." Francis responded.

"Okay. Come on in and meet my friends." Starlight offered.

So the gang all went inside the castle and Starlight led them all to a big room with six chairs. There were six other ponies and a purple dragon sitting in the room and talking. They all had the Equestria girls attire on and so does Starlight.

"Girls? I met some new friends and they need help getting used to Equestria. The names are Nate Wright, Teddy Ortiz, Francis Pope, Chad Applewhite, and Dee Dee Holloway." Starlight introduced.

"Starlight? Are you sure they aren't Changelings disguised as humans from the other side of the portal?" asked Twilight.

"Twilight they don't look anything like Changelings and they look completely harmless. So believe me when I say they are friendly." Starlight reasoned.

"Um what the heck are Changelings?" Nate asked.

"Changelings are insect like ponies that can disguise themselves as other ponies to blend in. Long time ago they attacked during my brother's wedding but we stopped them for good." Twilight explained.

"Um ok?" Nate said all confused.

"Oh I'm sorry. Your new and I haven't introduced myself or my friends. I'm Twilight Sparkle." She introduced.

"I'm Rainbow Dash! The fastest pegasus around!"

"Howdy y'all. I'm Applejack."

"I'm Pinkie Pie! And I love making new friends!!"

"I am Rarity darlings."

"And I'm Spike the noble dragon."

"Nice to meet all of you. And what's your name?" Nate asked Fluttershy.

"Im...Fluttershy." She said quietly.

"Sorry we didn't catch that. Come again?" Teddy asked.

"It's Fluttershy." She squeaked.

"We still can't hear you. Can you speak up?" Dee Dee asked.

"Sorry about that. Her name's Fluttershy. She's a little shy around new ponies." Twilight told them.

"Ohh. That makes sense since she is a little shy." Dee Dee realized.

"So can you ponies tell us where we are and what this place is all about?" Chad wondered.

"Your in Equestria. More specifically Ponyville. It is our hometown located near Canterlot Mountain in Central Equestria. It was first settled by Ma and Pa Apple many moons ago and with the support of Stinkin' Rich, it grew into a large and famous town in its own right. Ponyville is located in the earth of Equestria, almost the exact center in fact. Despite having a well-storied history, the town isn't terribly old, only a hundred or so years old by the time I moved here. Ponyville is notably less technologically advanced as some cities like Fillydelphia and Baltimare, but moreso than some towns like Appaloosa." Twilight explained.

"Wow. That's quite a story. Though I feel like those names are similar to the ones we know back home." Francis replied.

"And does all the ponies here have weird and somewhat cute names here too? Cause I'm gonna be honest I have no clue on what's going on." Nate asked.

"Well yes we do have some weird names but you'll get used to it. In fact we were wondering if you guys wanna have a tour around Equestria? So that way you can see what we have to offer." Twilight offered.

"We would like that. And maybe we get to know you girls." Teddy flirted.

After he said that Teddy, Francis and Chad began feeling something in their chests. It almost feel like something they haven't felt for a long time: Love. Nate, Dee Dee and Spike saw that and they smirked knowing that sooner or later they would start developing crushes on them. Then Dee Dee went to them.

"Sorry to break up this little lovefest but I believe that a tour around Equestria is what you were planning to do Twilight?" Dee Dee reminded her.

"Oh right! Sorry about that! Come along everyone!" Twilight said.

"We'll be right there Twilight! I wanna talk to Nate real quick." Spike replied.

"Sure Spike. Get to know one another. We'll be waiting outside." Twilight smiled.

So the Main Six and Starlight along with Nate's friends went outside til Nate and Spike were alone.

"So Nate? I have a question for you. What was life like back on your world?" Spike wondered.

Nate sighed in disappointment but proceed to tell Spike. "Well it wasn't really awesome as I thought it would be. Back home I tried to make middle school awesome but all my schemes end in failure and me in detention. Heck I even tried getting a girl named Jenny my full attention hoping that one day i would make her mine. But sadly that day has never come. So I would say that my life was pretty rough."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. And you know what Nate? You ain't the only one who has a crush on a girl. I too have a crush on Rarity but my ideas on winning her heart failed." Spike said sadly.

Nate felt bad for Spike. He wanted to win her heart but it always backfired. Then suddenly Nate had an idea to help him.

"Hey Spike? Since we both have crushes on girls we like how's about we could help each other win the hearts of our respective girls? You help me win Jenny's and in return I help you win Rarity's?" Nate offered.

"You really think you can do that?" Spike hoped.

"I know I can. In fact I know a few things that can help you finally accomplish that goal." Nate smirked.

"Well if you really think you can then you have a deal!" Spike said as the two shook hands sealing the deal.

"Come on Spike we don't wanna keep the others waiting." Nate said.

The two walked out of the castle and met up with the others. Then they all got started on the tour around Equestria and soon Nate and friends will know what they'll be expecting here. Meanwhile after they left an anthro purple unicorn with blonde hair came out and looked around the place. Turns out that Jenny is here too.

"What is this place? And why am I a humanoid pony? I gotta find someone who knows about this and hopefully knows where I am." Jenny replied.

So Jenny began heading towards Ponyville and started to see where she was and hopefully can get some answers soon. But how will Nate react when he sees his life long crush here? And what will happen later on when his dad, sister, uncle and arch enemies know when he's not home?

Author's Note:

Nate and the gang are going to explore Equestria! Nate and Spike are gonna help each other win the hearts of Jenny and Rarity! But better watch out if Gina and Godfrey get here.