• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 14,541 Views, 2,082 Comments

The God Squad - defender2222

Luna decides to go on an adventure and her family tags along for the ride!

  • ...

Cloak and Dagger

Once upon a time, in the land of Griffland, there lived a young griffin. There wasn't much that was remarkable about this griffin... he wasn't the fastest griffin or the smartest or even the biggest. He didn't have the largest talons or the brightest feathers or the biggest beak. He wasn't the dumbest or the smelliest or even the most flatulent. He was, for all intents and purposes, an average griffin.

This griffin lived in a small room under the stairs of his aunt and uncle's home, because apparently in Griffland there was no child protective services. He spent his days in that small room, wondering just what lay beyond the walls in the wide open world (of course, if he had known about the crazy fivesome that were the leads of this story, he would have thanked his lucky stars he was safe in his cupboard).

And then, one fine July day (though he couldn't tell it was a fine day because, again, his room was under some stairs) he turned to find an owl sitting on the post of his bed. He didn't remember getting an owl, nor did he remember his relatives getting an owl either. The avian stuck outs its foot and dropped a small scroll on the young griffin's bed.

The scroll read as follows:

Dear Mr. Hairy Grabber,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Pig'roids School of Witchcraft, Wizardy and Refrigerator Repair. Now, we know what you are thinking... griffins don't know how to do magic. But the fact of the matter is that we do and we want to teach YOU how to be a griffin wizard*.

Please be at the train station on July 9th at 3pm so we can begin orientation. I know, I know, school in the summer but hey, godly powers don't come easy or cheap.

We look forward to meeting you!


The Great Griffin Fuzzy Thinker, Principal.

*Note: We might also want you to defeat an evil griffin wizard that wants to rule the world... maybe. It all depends on how bored we are.

Hairy looked at the owl for a moment, considering how this letter the bird had brought had just changed his life forever.

He then ate the owl. He was a griffin, after all.

The God Squad
Episode 24: Cloak and Dagger

"So," Shining said, looking about the dark, dank alley with trepidation, "this is a wonderful place to be mugged."

"It is, isn't it?" Cadence said happily, poking at a piece of rubbish. Her sheltered life in Canterlot (sheltered because Celestia had become fearful about another relative going out and learning 'new ideas' such as democracy and deciding to become the Mare in the Moon out of some misguided idea about freedom...seriously, that was SO annoying) meant that she hadn't the chance to truly explore the world outside of the castle and things like trash and alleys were a source of delight. "Do you think we'll see any hobos? If we do, I would like to try my hoof at killing it."

"Why would you want to kill a hobo?" Shining asked.

"Uncle Tydal made it sound so fun..."

The capricorn grinned, flashing his fangs at Shining. "They make such wonderful squealing sounds."

Luna clicked her tongue in annoyance. "We all know that hobo killing is fun but this isn't the place or the time." She looked around, biting her lip. "I have to agree with Shining when it comes to being mugged here. I keep waiting for Bruce Mane to show up."

"Bruce Mane?" Celestia asked.

"You know..." Luna leaned in close, "Bat Stallion."

"...you are such a nerd," Celestia complained.

"Quiet," Tydal snapped, taking a step forward as his contact appeared from the fog that blanked the city of Fillydelphia. Even Luna's great moon was having trouble piercing the mist and the figure that trotted towards them looked to materialize from the shadows.

But the creature that appeared for the group was no mere pony. In fact, it was not a pony in any shape or form, nor was it a mule or a zebra or even a goat. This creature was a large, shaggy reindeer with a pair of jagged horns branching off from his forehead. It's coat was the color of a fresh raisin cookie right from the oven and the fur hung from his body like a winter coat.

Even this would not have been all that surprising, as there had been a few deer living near the Crystal Mountains, mostly in Winniepeg. But this one differed from the more nimble, lighter does and bucks that most in Equestria knew of: first, this reindeer had sharp teeth like a wolf that it continually licked.

Second, and more shocking, were the pair of great wings that were furled up against its side.

"What the hay is that?" Shining hissed in horror.

"A peryton..." Cadence whispered in awe. "I've only seen them in story books."

The peryton showed no sign of having heard Shining or Cadence. Instead, he trotted towards Tydal, flashing his razor sharp fangs. Tydal responded in kind, his own shark-like teeth gleaming in the overhead streetlamp. The peryton would have been intimidating to a normal pony and would have given the average capricorn a run for his or her money, but Lord Tydal was an immortal and easily 4 times the size of the creature.

"Greetings Snowback, son of Shaggyhide," Tydal said politely.

"Thousand greetings to Lord Tydal, son of The Great Ender." Snowback bowed low, though his show of culture did little to ease Shining's nervousness; the peryton screamed 'predator' and had the unicorn wanted to gallop away (besides, anything that was civil with Tydal was never good).

"May I present Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence, my sisters daughters of The Creator in my tongue, The Great Ender in yours. Beside Cadence is Captain Shining Armor, son of Night Light." The others bowed, though Shining's was a bit awkward.

"Long as it been since the peryton of the Motherland received word the capricorn nation. We have missed warring with you." Snowback's voice had a strange tone to it; it sounded, at times, as if the peryton was chewing on his Ws and Vs.

Tydal laughed. "Tell your zsar that I have missed warring with him as well. Also inform him that perhaps I should bring the family to visit him... it has been a while since I have seen my little brother and the hospitality of your zsar's house is rivaled by few."

"Are you four not related to any creature?" Shining whispered.

Luna chuckled quietly as Tydal and Snowback continued to exchange pleasantries. "You'll find that you have married into the most powerful family in the universe, Captain."

The rest of the group lapsed into silence as Tydal and Snowback had their back and forth. It was clear that the two of them were engaged in an ancient ritual that was older than most of the ponies in the group.

After a few more minutes of seemingly aimless small talk Tydal cleared his throat and the mood shifted to a more business-like manner. "When I received the snow raven I found myself... confused. What information could the great peryton nation have that would interest the capricorns of the Mareatine."

"None, Lord Tydal," Snowback said. "But the information would be an interest to you." The messenger smiled and bowed again. "And since you are the lord of all capricorns, what concerns you concerns them."

"Then speak up," Tydal stated.

Snowback's wings unfurled and from beneath one a small cask tumbled out onto the ground. Tydal's horns flashed and he brought the cask to his face, cracking it open and extracting the scroll. The peryton merely watched as Tydal's eyes widened in surprise.

"You are sure?"

"Indeed, my Lord."

Tydal's magic flipped open his saddle bag and he pulled out a scroll of his own, which he opened for the peryton to see. "I believe this will compensate you for the information... and see that your standing in Reinssia is elevated.

Snowback gulped in shock. "My Lord..." He said no more, quickly bowing to each of the ponies before giving a grand gesture towards Tydal before hurrying back into the fog.

"What... what that all about, brother?" Celestia asked.

Tydal smirked. "The perytons move up in their society by providing for the nation. The more glory or resources you provide, the grander your standing. I just provided Snowback with a treaty that will give the peryton exclusive rights to fish in one of the northern bays. There will be mackerel aplenty in the street markets this year." His eyes twinkled with mischief. "Of course, now Snowback will think kindly of me and will seek me out when he discovers information... always so useful to have well-placed assets."

"That is so sneaky I feel the urge to check my purse," Luna stated. "And I don't even own a purse!"

Shining shook his head. "None of this explains exactly what could be so important that you dragged us out of the hotel at 3 in the morning."

Tydal chuckled. "Oh, it is worse than that. I checked us out." Before Shining or the girls could complain, Tydal showed them the scroll he had been given. "I think this will make up for any discomfort."

Cadence stared at the map, tilting her had as if she expected the words to change. Shining's jaw dropped despite his hatred for such cliched reactions. Celestia merely smiled, nodding in approval at her brother's acquisition.

"That... that..." Luna stammered before getting a hold of herself. "That is a map to the Changeling Hive!"

"Indeed," Tydal said, tucking the map into his saddlebag. "With this, we'll be able to find Chrysalis."

"You...you mean we're actually going to set out and do what we set out to do?" Shining shouted. “We aren’t going to just forget the whole reason we began traveling and continue having wacky adventures?!”

Tydal merely shrugged. "Yeah, I'm surprised too! Now then, I want a donut before we leave…"