• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 14,532 Views, 2,082 Comments

The God Squad - defender2222

Luna decides to go on an adventure and her family tags along for the ride!

  • ...

Monty Python's Flying Circus

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mug Shot hissed, watching as Jail Bird dragged his hoof along the floorboards of their seedy little apartment, scratching the proper runes into the wood. "I mean, what if we get caught?"

"We ain't gonna get caught," Jail Bird said in annoyance. He grabbed the glowing enchanted orb in his mouth and, carefully avoiding the symbols he had carved, set the magical device in the center of the room before darting away. "We are dealing with a rich family, remember? They are going to want their precious son back and will pay anything to get him. This is probably a common occurance for them!"

"But we don't have their son," Mug Shot nervously reminded his friend.

"I know that but they don't! That is the beauty of this! I am going to word it so even if we do get caught by the royal guard it is clear we didn't even lie and say we kidnapped him... we just let them assume that. There is no law against that so it is the parents’ fault for believing us!"

Mug Shot rocked back and forth, eyeing the runes nervously. "I still don't like this... the Princesses-"

"Are gone. All of them. Their fault for not telling anypony what was going on. Now shut up!" Jail Bird grinned, tapping the floor with his hoof. No pony would expect a pegasus to be using magic, which is why he had stolen the communication orb in the first place. Just another layer of deception to make sure that no one clued in on who was pulling the strings and what was really going on. He yanked on the ski mask he had bought and, once he was sure Mug had done the same, gave the final tap.

The orb flashed and slowly the image of two ponies appeared. One was a white unicorn with a perfectly styled mane. The other, the stallion, was a blue stallion with a dark blue mane… nothing impressive in the slightest. The stallion looked up in surprise and Jail Bird smiled. The mare was stammering something but Jail Bird just ignored her.

"Good evening Mr. Night Light, Mrs. Twilight Velvet," Jail Bird said, dropping his voice a few octaves. "Your son Shining Armor has gone missing, hasn't he? Well... there might be a way that we can… help you help yourself..."

Night Light licked his lips and Jail Bird grinned even bigger behind his mask. Here came the money…

"I don't know who you are. I don’t know what you want," Night Light said coldly, shocking to two criminals with the sheer power in his voice. "If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills... skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for ponies like you." Mug Shot gulped in fear. "If you let my son go now that will be the end of it; I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you… and I will kill you.”

The image faded as the orb's magic ran out.

"...I peed myself," Mug Shot whimpered.

"Me too, buddy, me too," Jail Bird whispered.

The God Squad
Episode 29: Monty Python's Flying Circus

"Pardon me," yet another griffin said as he walked past the gods (and Shining). "Dreadfully sorry, don't mind me." Tydal merely glared; normally he wouldn’t mind an apology… but considering the griffin was across the street and no where near them….

"Every pony is so polite and well mannered," Celestia said with a smile. "Such a show of restraint and class."

Luna huffed. "In other words they all have a stick up their rumps and that stick also has a stick up its rump!" She gave her sister a snarky look. “No wonder you are at home here.”

"They be handing up rump sticks? ‘ere?" Cadence, still using her ‘griffish’ accent, jumped on Shining's back and began to look for the rump stick cart.

"This is an utter travesty," Tydal complained as two more griffins 'begged their pardon'. The capricorn looked at all the stiff beaked griffins in their top hats and their monocles and felt the urge to kill rising (and considering that was his normal default setting, that said a lot… or a little). "A once proud warrior race reduced to this. Absolutely horrible."

Shining shook his head. "They managed to go beyond their baser instincts and better themselves... shouldn't that be applauded?"

"Not when they destroy what made them them in the name of progress!" Tydal exclaimed. He sighed sadly. "I remember when this city was just slums with whores offering to sell themselves for 3 bits. There was an opium den on every street and the smell of rot in the air... and the death carts!" He sighed in happiness. “Ah, the death carts.”

"The death carts?" Shining asked. "What's a death cart?"

"You don't know?" A very large griffin asked walking up and joining the fivesome. He was easily as tall as Tydal and Celestia with huge snowy white wings and a dark brown body. A great fluffy beard hung under his beak and his eyes were forever twinkling (seriously, it was all anyone ever talked about). He was dressed in purple robes and tucked in his belt was a small wooden stick. "Back in the olden times this country had so many problems with disease and suicides-"

"And capricorn-related fatalities, don't forget that!" Tydal pointed out. “Why I remember-“

"Right right... anyway, it was common for a griffin to push a cart up and down the road, calling for everygriff to bring out their dead... rather sad but now it is gone."

“And funny,” Tydal stated.

“How could that be funny?” Shining complained.

“I admit it that type of humor is an acquired taste…”

The giant griffin turned to Celestia and smiled. "Hello little one."

"Hello Fuzzy," Celestia said, nuzzling the bearded griffin. "Shining, Cadence, allow me to introduce Fuzzy Thinker. He is-"

"A miserable git who let his subjects turn into wussies," Tydal grumbled. “And he still owes me 15 bits.”

"-The Great Griffin, ruler of Griffland and god of the winds."

Fuzzy shook his head in amusement. "I see your attitude is just as sour as always, little brother."

Tydal glared at his older brother, jabbing his horns at him. "I was trapped in stone for 1,500 years... because of a war you failed to fight in, I might add... you’re welcome for Discord’s defeat, by the way… and when I awaken I find that you have allowed a once noble warrior race to become a bunch of spineless pansies!"

Luna nodded. "I have to agree with Tydal... I was looking forward the bawdy songs and drinking games... or was it drinking songs and bawdy games? No matter… what I didn’t expect was griffins that get the flutters from seeing a butterfly."

“BUTTERFLY!?!” Several nearby griffins cried before fainting.

“See?” Luna said.

Fuzzy Thinkers's eyes twinkled (seriously, they are always doing that... it is creepy!). "My dear Luna, you just fail to see all the wonder and magic that is modern Griffland. I will admit we are not as... bloodthirsty... as we once were... but we are hardly pushovers."

"I say, old chap!" A griffin near them called out to his friend. "I have heard rumors that your rump rubbed against my wife's rump."

The second griffin blushed. "It is true... it was a moment of weakness."

"Well, as long as you feel sorry about it. Why don't we go to the Fox-and-Whistle-and-Dog-and-Cock-and-Ox-and-Wolf-and-Badger and get a nice warm mug of water."

"Oh, I am flying tonight, so I can only have a small one."

Tydal and Luna turned, flashing sour looks at Fuzzy Thinker.

"...ok, so maybe we got a little soft," Fuzzy admitted sheepishly.

Tydal smirked at the victory he had managed to win. "So, dear brother, what are you doing out on the streets, showing everypony your poor taste in pajamas?"

Fuzzy frowned. "They aren't pajamas, these are the robes of a wizard, a sign of my standing… just because you enjoy running around naked-"

“WOOOOOO!!!” Luna shouted, pointing at her naked groin.

“-doesn’t mean some of us can’t be dignified.”

“I be dressed up, gov’nor!” Cadence exclaimed. “Sticky wicket!”

“… ignore her, I think mother left her in the over for too long,” Luna stated.

Tydal smirked. "Pajamas.”


“You say potato, I say stupid."

"He didn't say potato though," Celestia stated.

"It is an old saying, Celestia," Luna informed her.

Shining, however, was focused on something else Fuzzy had said. "Wait... wizard? I thought griffins were non-magical creatures."

Fuzzy waved him off with a laugh. "Oh, most of us are, my dear boy. But there are a few that are blessed with the blood of Marvelous Speller and thus are able to practice witchcraft and wizardy-“

“Those two things are the same thing… why be sexist and separate them?” Celestia said.

“-we try and keep it secret, so to avoid panic in the street..."

Luna lit up her horn and looked at all the non-startled griffins. "Because clearly magic is a foreign thing to them..."

Fuzzy continued on, ignoring Luna. "You see, my boy, I am the head of a Wizard's School, where I teach young griffins how to use their magic."

"Yes, you are, and it is quite well known," Celestia said with a smile. She waited a moment, before adding, "Yes, well known... for losing to MY school each year in hoofball."

"There are some things more important than sports," Fuzzy countered.

"So says losers," Celestia sang. “Celestia High will do it or die… to keep our colors up in the sky… red and white will stay in sight… till come our victory, go Celly High!”

Luna nodded her head in approval. "Nicely done... hoof me!" Celestia and Luna clanked hooves together.

“You have corrupted our sisters terribly,” Fuzzy said.

“You don’t like it, then you should have been more responsible and mother would have had you care for them instead of me.” Tydal looked at his girls, smiling with pride, before continuing. "So, brother, you still have explained why you are out and about," Tydal stated, running his own hoof along his beard.

"It is about my school, actually... we recently invited a new student, Hairy Grabber, to come. He is quite famous, as he is prophesized to defeat the dark wizard Moldy Warts."

"...that is a horrible name," Shining stated.

Cadence nodded. "And warts ain’t nothin’ ta laugh ‘bout! ‘specially ta ones you get on your-"

"So... Hairy Grabber?" Luna asked.

"Ah, yes... the thing of it is... Hairy has gone missing and I fear followers of Moldy Wart have captured him. I am on my way to speak to a detective I believe can help me come. Would you like to come?"

Luna shrugged. "We might as well... if we went more than 3 chapters without getting sidetracked things would get stale."

"...what the hay are you talking about?" Shining complained.

"I... don't know."