• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 2,284 Views, 57 Comments

HorseShoes and Hand Grenades - Mother3Forever

A Human in Equestria Fic, It's not a Self-Insert so to speak. But, a few things are based on myself.

  • ...

Star-Stealing Girl

Okay....Let's try to get back in the swing of things on this story, shall we?


When I awoke, It was dark. Also, surprisingly quiet. I noticed I was no longer in the library, or any other place I was familiar with. Instead, I was laying n a rather large bed in what seemed to be a Hotel room with bars over the windows. Looking around, I noticed that there seemed to be an Astral theme with the Decor.

It was calming, albeit a little unsettling. To my left, on a nightstand...

An Ocarina. It was a deep Navy, with Dark Green designs. It seemed to be a Songbird Ocarina from what I could remember about the instruments. Picking it up, I cradled it as if my very touch would cause it to shatter.

"Wow...." I was stunned at the quality of the instrument I now had in my possession. "Aren't you a beauty...."

Putting it to my lips, I got ready to play. "Wait...." It felt as though something was missing. Looking back at the nightstand, I noticed a piece of paper that apparently had been under the Ocarina.


I hope you're doing alright after what happened. When you fell asleep like that and wouldn't wake up, I got worried. Anyways, I'm sure that when you get around to reading this, you'll be wondering what exactly is going on.

Well, I unfortunately cannot tell you anything to do with the situation, lest the situation become more complicated than it needs to be. However, a friend of mine by the name of Pinkie Pie, found something that she wanted to give you as a "Welcome/Get-Well-Soon" present. It's an Ocarina that she obtained at an auction or something in Manehatten. Apparently, She's quite certain that you'll enjoy it. Honestly, If she says that you'll like it, I'm sure that you will. After all, Her predictions haven't been wrong before.

Depending on when you wake up, somepony will be there to greet you back to the waking world. Oh, right. You probably wonder how they'll know. To answer that, when you were sleeping, I had to place something of an 'Alarm Charm' on you to alert somepony when you were awake. Well, I don't have too much more time to write anything else, so I just want to wish you good luck.

Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle

I stared down at the letter for a moment, feeling happy that this Pony, who I hadn't ever met, gave me something so....Perfect. Then again....This Pony, Who I never even met did give me something perfect....

Was I grateful? Absolutely.

Was I creeped out? More than anyone will ever realize.

Folding the note back up, I slid out of the bed, and walked over to the barred window. Looking outside, I felt a pang of sorrow. Something about the moon felt....Different.

Almost sad.

Grabbing a foot stool, I sat down in front of the window,my body bathed in the moon's light. Well...The time seemed to be a fitting one, and I had nothing else to do.... I took a breath, before bringing the Ocarina to my lips, playing an old melody I had worked on for the longest time.

As I played, I almost felt like crying...I'm not sure why, but the Moon itself seemed to change as I performed in front of it. As The song came to an end, I felt happy. Accomplished.

Content with everything around me.

"Thou art quite gifted."

I spun around so fast that I almost gave myself whiplash. Standing there, in the doorway, was a Midnight Blue ...err...Come on brain! What are they called?


There was a Midnight blue Alicorn, In the doorway, commenting on my skill with a fancy flute.

My jaw dropped. "What-the-Fooge..."

She responded with another question. "Prithee, What was the name of the melody thy hath been playing?"

Trying to respond, My tongue seemed uncomfortably large. Swallowing, I told her the name...

"Star-Stealing Girl...."

Comments ( 18 )

Too short! Need moar!

bring it on man, BRING. IT. ON!

1080008Yeah, but I lost all my old premade chapters along with my old laptop, so I've got no idea what I was doing.... Though...I'm getting some ideas...... If you got some ideas for a new story, I'd LOVE to hear em! You seem like a creative person.

1184975 I've never been good with transitions, since I can't find a way to do it without breaking emersion.Any ideas?

In a nutshell try to do the scene changes within a boundary of time.
Such as use things that they are doing to advance to another point.
But not during key things.
Pm me if this didn't help anything and you would rather me explain better.

Me gusta now WRITE MORE!!!

1185788 Oh BUCK. Somethings gone wrong!!! Doctor have you done the Lazarus Experiment? Have you faced the empty child(ren)? Is the T.A.R.D.I.S Okay? this NEVER. HAPPENED. You need to borrow captain Jack Harknesses Time Vortex Manipulator!!! He will know what to do!!! Oh well have to save myself, time, and the universe again. I miss the tenth me. that me was WAY, Cooler. Almost as cool as bow ties and Fezes. Bow ties and Fezes are cool


Nice, hope to see more in near future, i don't even remember how i found this story, one minute i was playing ARMA II (DayZ) and the next I'm in the steam internet browser reading this..

P.S. while i was reading a bandit fell off the roof and died in front of me.

1960815 I chose her because she's stubborn, and has a tendency to act before thinking. Rainbow is the same way, but she generally doesn't knock....she just kinda crashes through the window. I was actually considering RD, but then I noticed that RD accidentally slamming into/injuring the human is even MORE common than AJ doing it.....

Also, I hate to break it to you, but I've more or less given up writing this story due to horribl things happening every time I start a chapter....like a family member dying from a drug overdose...or a friend attempting suicide...or even my 4 month old kitten getting hit by a car WHILE I was writing it. That's not to say The story is done for, I just need to work up the balls to try again, despite the deaths immediately afterwards.

Comment posted by SpikeintheHole deleted Mar 25th, 2013

Please continue this story I really love it and its been almost a year since the last chapter. I am very sorry for all the bad things that happened or have been happening to you but I love this story and must have more of it. Please please please please please PLEASE continue it. If you like I can help you with it just email me at doctorwhodaleklover@gmail.com

How do you have more than five character tags?

4929200 because it's old as crap and basically dead.

4929200 To make it clear, there was no tag for the Mane Six when I wrote this.

4929244 I asked how not why

I really really liked this. Just thought id let you know! :twilightsmile:

8169062 Life happened. I lost the Spark, and eventually lost interest in writing.

Well, do what you like, even if I do end up begging for more.

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