• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 2,284 Views, 57 Comments

HorseShoes and Hand Grenades - Mother3Forever

A Human in Equestria Fic, It's not a Self-Insert so to speak. But, a few things are based on myself.

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Owl Troll Part 1

"So Lee, what exactly do you eat?" Twilight was looking through the cupboards for some Breakfast ideas. Her question caught me off guard though. I was in the kitchen with her, just standing in the corner trying to wrap my mind around what exactly had been going on for the past few days.

Then it hit me..."Horses are Vegetarians, crud..." I grimaced, realizing that telling her the truth would almost definitely come back to haunt me later. So I did what anyone would do in this situation....I . "Er, I eat fruit, vegetables, and well...Oh jeez. Could I get back to you on that?"

She pulled her head out of the cupboard to glance at me inquisitively. "Get back to me? What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

My eyes shot open, almost too quickly for me to realize that it even happened. I decided to play it cool for the moment. "Don't worry about it too much, Ok? I'll tell you later." She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

-KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK- "Hey, Twi! Y'all In there? Ah Need ta talk ta ya 'bout somethin'!"

At the sudden visitor, Twilight kinda....Freaked out, for lack of a better word. "NoNoNoNoNo....She can't see you! Um.... Oh dear..." She looked all around, turning her head ever which way, seemingly looking for something. Suddenly- "I know!" Her head shot around to look at me. To be honest, I'm surprised that she wasn't in pain because of it. She looked at me, a pleading look adorning her face. "Lee, There's a closet down the hall, next to the room you've been staying in."

I blinked. "Yeah, What about it?"

-KNOCK KNOCK- "Twilight? Ah really need ta talk ta ya! Could y'all open the door?"

Twilight panicked a bit....Well, a bit more. "Lee, please, go hide in that closet, I'll come and get you when-" I stopped her, putting my hand on her withers in an attempt to calm her down. "Twilight, It's Ok. Just calm down.... Now, what in the world is going on?"

I never got an answer.


I froze, almost scared to look. It sounded like the door had creaked open after something broke the lock. One room over, There were hoofsteps. "Uh, Oops. Ah'm Sorry Twi, Ah think Ah busted yer door... Erm...Twi?"

At that moment, I turned my head to look. In the doorway stood an Orange Mare with a Blond Mane and a Cowboy Hat. Also, she did not look very happy.

She stared, startled to see me. I stared back. Her eyes narrowed, suspicious. I cracked a very small, nervous smile. Her muscles tensed, as if she was getting ready for a fight. Then she spoke. "What....Are ya'll doin' here?" I started sweating bullets, worried that something was going to go wrong. Something did...

Before I knew what was happening, I was tackled, ending up face down on the ground, the Mare on my back, pinning me to the floor. Also, my chest hurt and I seemed to be considerably short of breath. "Oh Hell..." I thought. "That ain't good..."

Through the ringing in my ears, I heard the orange mare talking. " You okay, Twi? It di'nt hurt ya, did it?" Twilight sputtered, trying to find words to use. " I...But...Oh no...AppleJack, please, get off of him. He 's not dangerous!"

At this point, I was having a bit more trouble breathing, coughing lightly now and then. I opened my mouth to say something, but just ended up hacking really hard. Something was running down my face. I gasped, the pain just spiked...Something was wrong.

A gasp. "AppleJack! Get off of him! Something's wrong!" A great deal of weight was lifted from my back. Looks like she finally got off of me. Carefully, Twilight rolled me onto my back with her Magic.
I gasped, and tried to talk again. "Wha...HNGRP!" I turned my head to the side and vomited.

Twilight shrieked. Probably because I had just vomited blood with whatever else I had in my stomach. I got really dizzy... There was pain....and then nothing......

When I woke, it was hard to breath, though not terribly so. I cracked open an eye, too tired to do much more. I saw white. A lot of it. I took a quick sniff, nose itching. Ewww.... It smelled like a hospital. I lifted a hand to my forehead. "Jeez, what happened?"

"Ah, glad to see that you're awake! You were unconscious for about 5 hours. It's a good thing those two friends of yours got you here so quickly. If they hadn't, there could have been some complications."

I nearly jumped out of my own skin at the sudden voice. Through the door came a White Mare with a Red Cross on her flank. "Erm, Who are you...and what happened?"

The nurse gave me a gentle smile. "My name is RedHeart. I'm the nurse that has watched over your health since you arrived here. As for what happened to you, You had three broken ribs, and one of them punctured your left lung. That was what caused the difficulties with your breathing." I winced, remembering the pain. Seeing my expression, the nurse continued her explanation. "Well, you had to have some surgery to keep the blood from filling your lungs, and the ribs had to be fixed with magic, but you should be fine to leave in about an hour or so."

I breathed a bit too deeply, causing my the stitches on my torso to tug painfully at my skin. I clenched my jaw. "Well, that's good news."

Nurse RedHeart nodded in agreement. "Yes, it really is. After all, your friends were quite worried."

The realization hit me like a baseball bat to the forehead. I shot up in bed. "Nurse RedHeart? Where are they now?"

She gently pushed me back onto the bed. "They'll be here in an hour or so." She reassured me. "I just have to send them a message. That shouldn't be too much trouble, after all I did-"


Whatever I just heard kinda rattled my mind. "Er..What? Who said that?"

"Whoo?" I heard it again, right above me. "Where are you?"


Once again...


"Whoo." For the love of... "You!"

"Yo-Wait. you know what, this getting old. Just show yourself!"

There was a fluttering sound and a weight on the top of my head. I looked over to see that Nurse RedHeart was stifling her laughter. I sighed. "Nurse...What is that on my head?"

"No worries, it's just Owlowiscious."
Suddenly a feathery, big-eyed face came down in front of my eyes. It was an owl.

An owl, of all things. I just got trolled by a freaking owl.