• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 2,284 Views, 57 Comments

HorseShoes and Hand Grenades - Mother3Forever

A Human in Equestria Fic, It's not a Self-Insert so to speak. But, a few things are based on myself.

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I was alone. All alone. Just like before. All around me, there was nothing. Just me, pitch black darkness, and some odd grains of light.

I decided that to keep myself sane, I might want to try to reason this out a bit. However, I always did my best logical thinking vocally.

"Okay, Mental Checklist. First thing on the list... My arrival. Let's see.... I got here a few days ago. Check. Talked with Twilight and Spike. Check. Got tackled by a pony that broke one of my ribs. Checkamundo. Went to the Hospital...Twice. Check and Check. Caught a falling foal out of midair. Checkaroo. Then I finally had to be put into a Magical Coma so I didn't die...." I sighed. "Well, I guess that about covers it. I just hope they can fix me before too long. After all, I really don't want to be trapped here in-" I looked around. "Wherever this is. Especially not for a long time."

"Do not worry young one...."

I nearly jumped out of my...Skin? Whatever! "Who said that?"

"Fret not, for I am the one who has the power to save you. However....."

'Oh joy, THIS didn't sound good.'

"You will have to decide. You have two choices. Death? Or Life, and everything that comes with it?"

I swallowed. "I'm probably jumping into something I'm going to regret, but....I choose Life...And all that it entails."

"Very well...When you wake, you should no longer have to fear your own body."

Wait...What? I felt a tingle. Not unpleasant, but not comfortable either. The tingle became pressure....The pressure moved to my head...I started to get tired, and then-


I groaned. What the heck? Was I...I was! I was awake!

Slowly, I sat up, quickly noticing the lack of bandages and wounds. I noticed I had company however. There were two fillies sleeping on a chair. A white unicorn, and an orange one with a big, red bow. To my left, with her hooves wrapped around an empty cup of what I assumed to be coffee, was Twilight. My god....She looked awful. Her mane was matted and sticking out in odd places, the bags under her eyes were so big, that I probably could have packed luggage in them, and she was muzzle down with her head on the edge of the bed. I hated to do this, but...

"Twilight....Wake up....." I tapped her a few times. For a moment, I thought she was just going to keep sleeping. Honestly, I would've been perfectly content to let her. But I wanted to make sure I hadn't worried anybo- Ahem, sorry. AnyPONY sick. Especially her. I tapped her a few more times, with little success, before getting an idea. I reached over and paused.... 'If I'm right, this'll wake her up. The question is, will I get slapped? Aw Heck with it. I don't have any other ideas.'

I reached my hand all the way out, and lightly scratched behind her ear. She grumbled, seeming to wake up a bit. Still scratching, I spoke to her again. "Twilight? Wake up."

Slowly her eyes fluttered open, and quick as a whip, I pulled my hand back. She yawned loudly, then shook her head.


"That's right. I'm awake. Though, I don't think YOU should be. Go home, Get some rest. I'll be fine. I'm not sure how, But I'm going to be fine."

That's when my prediction came true. Twilight stared at me, Clenched her teeth, and slapped me across the face. The impact was enough to turn my head. Then as suddenly as the anger appeared, it was gone. Twilight had grabbed me around the shoulders and started crying into my hospital gown.

"Y-You're So S-Stupid! You scared everypony half to death! You're lucky you're even alive! If it weren't for the Princess you wouldn't be here!"

Okay, That got my attention. "Hold on there, Twilight. The Princess? What about a Princess?"

She sniffled, and looked up at me. "Well, you were dying. There wasn't anything that the doctors could have possibly done to save you." I winced at the pain evident in her voice. A part of me thought it was odd for her to care so deeply about me, while another part appreciated it greatly. "Your body was literally killing itself. It-" She hiccuped. "It was bad.... Really bad.... Because...." She stopped, looking down and shaking.

My eyes widened. "Twi....Are you-" I couldn't even finish my thought.

"Lee! It was so bad that a sneeze would have meant the end for you!"

I froze, absolutely horrified. I'm not sure why, but the whole situation made something inside me.... break. There was something running down my face. I touched my hand to my cheek, surprised when it came back wet. It finally happened.

I was crying. Not for myself, not from pain.....
I was crying because I almost left behind the first being to ever treat me like an equal. It took three years to put up that emotional block, and Twilight shattered it with a few of her own tears.

Shaking, I looked down, much like Twilight had done earlier. Tears were running down my face in streams. I felt Twilight Wrap her legs around my chest and cry some more. This time, however, I felt that I should join her. I wraped my arms around her, holding on for dear life, almost like if I let go, she would vanish forever.

I drew a shuddering breath. "Twi...I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry.... I never wanted to-" I stopped, my emotions becoming to much to bear. Sobbing, I hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

After a good ten minutes or so, the tears were finally starting to dwindle down. Then I realized something.
I realized that it felt great to cry. Especially after bottling up my emotions and fears for so many years, afraid to show them to anyone for any reason. It felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. I felt so... at peace.

Then I heard a familiar voice coming from the doorway.

"Umm... Can I come in? I, um.... wanted to thank you... "Right there, in the door, was Scootaloo. She still had her bandages, but she seemed healthy overall. I smiled at her, shaking my head slightly.
"Come here, squirt. We need to talk anyhow." She wasted no time scurrying into the room and jumping up on the bed. Happy to see me, she hugged me, burying her muzzle into my side. Running my hand over her back, I decided to talk first. "Scootaloo, I don't know if you're aware of it, but you saved my life." Pulling her head out of my side, she glanced at me before turning away.
"No I didn't.... I didn't save anypony. It was my fault that you got hurt."

Sighing, I leaned over and looked her in the eyes. "Scootaloo....You don't get it, do you?"

She looked back at me inquisitively. "What? What don't I get?"

Shaking my head, I grinned at her. " It was my choice to catch you. Even if I hadn't caught you, you wouldn't have gotten hurt anywhere near as badly as me. Not to mention, I was already injured. It was all my fault that I got hurt. But...." I paused for dramatic effect. "It was because of YOU that I survived the ordeal. If you hadn't rushed back to get the doctors, I wouldn't have made it. That is exactly why....." I picked her up to bring her to eye level. "I owe you one.... Scootaloo, I owe you my life. If there's anything I can do for you, at any point, just tell me."

She launched herself out of my grip to capture me in a death hug....of DOOM!

"Aaawww! How cute!" Two voices chimed simultaneously. Looking over, I saw that the fillies on the chair had woken up. Now, they were gushing over the scene before them. Err... well, the Unicorn was gushing, while the other one was giggling slightly. Startled, Scootaloo shot away from me, running over to the guests.
"AppleBloom! Sweetie Belle! What are you guys doing here?"

The Unicorn jumped off of the chair, landing with an audible 'clop' noise. In a voice that that was clearly female, but with a deeper pitch, she said," We came by to see how you were doing Scootaloo, and now that we're here, I'm so happy that you're all right!"

I resisted the urge to melt at the way the Unicorn's voice cracked when she got excited.

Scootaloo seemed slightly embarrassed at the attention. " Thanks, Sweetie Belle. That means alot to me. Do you want to meet the thing that saved me?"

Sweetie Belle nodded with much enthusiasm. She hopped up on the bed, scrambling up the side when she didn't quite make the jump. I held out my hand. "Hello, Sweetie Belle. My name's Lee. It's very nice to meet you. Who do I owe this visit to?" She giggled, before grabbing my hand and shaking it. The filly with the hair bow hopped up next. She grabbed my hand and shook it as if I was a rag doll.

"Hi ya mister! Ah'm AppleBloom! Ah wanted ta thank ya'll for catchin' Scoots like ya did. Ah hope that ya git better soon!"

Uh oh...The sweetness is getting to be too powerful. I'm not sure how much more I can take!

"You're welcome Applebloom. While I did catch her, you should be proud to have her as a friend."

Scootaloo blushed heavily. "Leeee!!! Stop it!" She tackled me, forcing me to lay back down.

Without much warning, Sweetie Belle tackled me much like Scootaloo did, Laughing when she crashed onto my chest.

"Ya'll are nuts if'n ya think Ah'm gonna miss out on this! Yeehaa!" With that, AppleBloom leapt up and came crashing down on my stomach. With three rambunctious fillies pinning me to to bed, Twilight laughed a little bit. She got up and walked towards the door. Stopping, She looked back, grinning at the scene before her. She shook her head.

"Okay, Lee. I'll go and let somepony know that you're awake. Then I can rest easier."

She walked out of the room, leaving me to the mercy of the trio that I would be getting to know more and more as time went on.