• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 2,284 Views, 57 Comments

HorseShoes and Hand Grenades - Mother3Forever

A Human in Equestria Fic, It's not a Self-Insert so to speak. But, a few things are based on myself.

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Chapter 2

"I repeat, What are you?" The Unicorn just stared me in the eyes, as if she was studying me. I swallowed nervously. "Well? I'm waiting." I blinked, shook my head, and cleared my throat."I'm...uh....I'm a human. Where am I?"

The Unicorn seemed to relax a little, then sat down."You are in the Ponyville Public Library, My name is Twilight Sparkle. I live here. What about you? What's your name?"

I coughed again, my throat was as dry as a bone. I looked at the Unicorn that was apparently named Twilight Sparkle , and smiled a little sheepishly."I'll tell you what, if you get me some water or something, I'll tell you whatever you want to know." She instantly seemed to perk up a great deal, no longer suspicious of me, at least, not visibly.

She hopped up."I'll be right back with some juice!" She trotted off towards what I assumed was the Kitchen, chattering excitedly to herself, anxious to learn about something new.

"Yeesh," I thought to myself,"She must love learning..." Before long, she came back out with the tallest glass of apple juice I had ever seen. My mouth would've watered if it hadn't been so dry. I then realized it was levitating. "Whoa...." I muttered, speechless." Awesome...."

The glass was lowered into my waiting hands, which were still bound at the wrists. Thankfully, I didn't need my wrists to hold a glass. I took an experimental sip of the juice, before chugging down half the glass right then and there. I set down the remaining juice, and looked Twilight in the eyes.

"Okay, a deal's a deal. My name is Leviticus, but.... please call me either Jeans, or Lee." I nodded." So, what do you want to know?"

"Well, my first question is....."

So for the next hour or so, we talked back and forth. She even unbound my wrists after awhile. Anyhow, Both of us learned a lot. I learned I was no longer on Earth, I was in a place called Equestria.

I told Twilight everything she wanted to know, and as the questions began to draw to a close, she decided to ask just a few more. "Do you know how to get back home?"

I just shrugged and thought for a second. I shook my head."No idea. Though, in all honesty, I don't think I really want to go back."

She stared at me, disbelieving."What? Why wouldn't you want to go home? Won't your friends and family miss you?"

I shook my head," Nah, I live on my own and my family doesn't care about me, as long as I don't make them look bad I don't have any friends because of the fact I can't understand anyone when they talk to me in public. I also lived on sandwiches and instant noodles, because I didn't make much money. After all, nobody wants to hire someone that takes medication to keep from making annoying sounds, so I just had a dead end job as a Night Shift Janitor that I was gonna get fired from anyways."

Her eyes widened."What? Why were you going to get fired? Did you do something wrong?" I nodded."I had a bit of an accident....I kinda set the storeroom on fire.... " I chuckled in embarrassment as her jaw dropped. I decided to move on to my next reason.

"Anyways, Earth is horrible....Some of the stuff I doubt you would believe even if I told you."

"Try me." I rolled my eyes, secretly hoping that this wouldn't blow up in my face. "Okay, Where do you want to start?"

She put a hoof on her muzzle, thinking."I don't know, What are some of the most memorable things in the history of your world?"

"Well, there were the Assassinations of the leaders of various countries, there was the time when a certain Religion was targeted and killed, and then the time when another Race was forced to be slaves...." She looked at me in a combination of fear, disgust, and disbelief."You're ...you're just messing with me, right?"

I shook my head."Nope, sorry...but, how about I just tell you what I've experienced firsthand?"

She nodded slowly, a little less apprehensive at this prospect.

"Okay then. First off, I have a few disorders that make me act...odd, I guess you could say. I have Autism, which is a Social disorder. I also have something known as ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I just can't seem to stay on one topic for long, and it's not uncommon for my thoughts to completely change topics. The last one that I have, is known as Tourettes Syndrome. It forces me to make unusual twitches or noises when I get stressed."

"So what happened that could possibly involve all of that?"

I sighed. "I'll put it in the least messed up way that I can. I was beaten repeatedly in Middle School because I was different. I got suspended 17 times in 30 days, and my teachers went out of their way to make sure I wouldn't pass the grade."

She looked horrified at what I was telling her. I didn't blame her either. I continued on.

"I had 3 attempts on my life by the time I was 12 years old..." I shuddered. "The only reason I'm alive right now, is because of Pure Dumb Luck. Two times, They hit me over the head with something really hard and hoped it would cave my head in...Thankfully, both times I had forgotten to take off my helmet after getting off of my bike."

She struggled to find the words."Bu-What-I-What!? How did you survive the third attack?"

I shrugged."I got lucky and didn't get hit by the car that the attackers threw me in front of."

At this point Twilight started looking kinda dizzy, her head swaying."Oh no..." "Um, Twilight, You probably better calm down before you-"


"Oof!" She apparently passed out from information overload and flopped over on me, pinning me to the sofa. "Jeez, for such a small thing you're surprisingly heavy....Then again, for a horse, you're surprisingly light...."

I looked outside through the window....Darkness, Stars, yup...It was definitely late. I sighed and stretched my arms out for the blanket that was covering my face earlier, folded it up, and placed it under the unconscious Unicorn's head as a makeshift pillow.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere for awhile...."