• Published 1st Jan 2012
  • 2,284 Views, 57 Comments

HorseShoes and Hand Grenades - Mother3Forever

A Human in Equestria Fic, It's not a Self-Insert so to speak. But, a few things are based on myself.

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It's official. My mind was blown. Here I was, in a hospital, with a Pony as my nurse, and an Owl that seemed to be quite the accomplished Troll resting on the top of my head.

I ran my hand over my face, frustrated. I kept it there briefly, gathering my thoughts. I harldy even noticed Mr. Owl-Troll leaving the top of my head in favor of perching on the Nurse's back.

"Well," Nurse RedHeart started. " I'm sure Owlowiscious is tired after waiting for you to wake up, so I'll just send him back with a message. Would you like me to write anything for you?"

My mind screeched to a halt, having coming across something that made even a little bit of sense. "Wait, that was the reason for him being here? To fly a message back when I came to?"

RedHeart nodded.

"So....What time is it? I have an idea of what to say, but I need to know how late it is."

"Oh, It's about Lunchtime and the weather is warm enough to go for a walk.....Let me guess..."

I grinned. "Yup. I need to move around a bit. I'm too stiff as it is. Any ideas on how to get me outta here?"

She slapped a hoof to her forehead. "Okay. Just one moment, I'll check your information sheet."

After leaving the room to presumably check the data that she collected while I was out, I heard something funny. It sounded like.....


What in the-?

***10 minutes earlier***
About a block or two from the hospital, A little, Orange, Pegasus Filly was zooming around on a blue scooter, using her wings as propellers.
'I can totally make this jump....I have to!' She gulped. 'Once I get the nerve....'


"You're all checked out to go for a walk. Just be careful, You hear me? I don't want to have to redo your stitches."

Nurse Redheart sounded so serious that I couldn't help but grin. "Okay okay, no strenuous activity. Doctor's Orders and all, right?"


"Well, I doubt I'll go too far from the building. So don't worry too much, okay?" With that I walked through the double doors, leaving the Hospital.

Little did I realize, even after I left, RedHeart stayed there just staring at the doors. Shaking her head, she turned around and started down the hall. 'Every time a patient tells me not to worry, is when I worry the most...'


Three blocks down the road or so, My neck started to tingle. It was the annoying tingle that usually meant something was about to happen, but hadn't yet. I decided to follow my gut and walk in a random direction.

I found my way to what looked like a Produce Market right in the middle of the town. It was filled with Pastel Colored ponies of varying shapes and sizes, I even thought that I saw a blue one with a Technicolor Mane and a matching tail. I took a few steps torward the crowd before....

"GAAH!" I hissed in discomfort and surprise. It felt like someone had set hot coals on my neck! Almost immediately, I got a Bone-Chilling feeling. There was a squeal. None of the Ponies in the market reacted, so maybe I imagined it....?

No. I heard it again. I looked around. There! I heard it again. It was faint, but it was definitely there! I looked around and stopped. Oh no. My eyes directed themselves upwards.'No....'

An Orange Pegasus Filly was on the roof of a house that looked like it was made out of candy. She was scrambling for a grip. I acted without thinking. Before I new it, I was dashing forward at a speed most people would find quite taxing on their bodies. I'm not saying that it wasn't taxing on myself, just that I didn't care at the time.

She slipped....
I leapt for the falling Foal....

I wasn't gonna make it....

My arms wrapped around the filly, just a foot from hitting the cobblestone. I quickly tucked her into my chest, and curled into as much of a ball as I could manage before I hit the ground. I landed hard too. I ended up sliding, skidding, even bouncing.

When I finally came to a stop, I was on my back....

I unrolled, looking down down at the shaking foal. I cracked a painful smile at her.

"H-Hey....You....Ok-kay?" Slowly, she pulled her face out of my shirt.

She sniffed."Yeah...I..I think so...What about you? You're bleeding! Are you hurt?"

"No... I'm fine." THAT was a lie. Honestly, I felt like ROADKILL.

"Kid....What's your name....?"

She sniffed."Scootaloo...."

"Scootaloo...." I tested the name, just to make sure I remembered it.

"Scootaloo? Do me a favor, okay?"

She looked at me with wide, Tear-Filled eyes."What do you need me to do?"

I took a pained, shaky breath. "Run as fast as you can to the hospital. Tell Nurse RedHeart that her handy-work needs to be redone. Have her bring a few doctors with her."

She jumped up. "Don't worry! I'll go right now!"

As she left, my vision started hazing over.....

***Some time later***

My eyes shot open. I looked down. I was covered in about Three times as many bandages than before.

I was alive...and to my left.....

Was Scootaloo...
She was asleep, curled into my side. She only had a bandage or two compared to the fifty or so that I had. I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. I was just glad she was okay. But.... I'm alive so, did that mean-?

Looking back down at her, I smiled in appreciation.

Whether I liked it or not, I owed this little kid my life.

"OH! You're awake!" I jumped and looked toward the door. It was Nurse RedHeart, with a look that conveyed a multitude of emotions including sadness, appreciation, and relief. Although, I was sure I saw a bit of annoyance in there as well. Shaking her head, she walked over, and gave me a slight bonk on the noggin.

I recoiled, waving my hands in defense."Whoa! Careful, I'm injured!"
She opened her mouth to say something, but the filly next to me stirred a bit. I froze, waiting. 30 seconds passed, and she had fallen back into a deep slumber.

RedHeart glanced down, a slight smile adorning her muzzle. "Oh, Scootaloo...What am I going to do with you?" She looked back to me. "Thank you for saving her, it seems that she apparently tried to jump over SugarCube Corner on her scooter using a hoofmade ramp. She didn't make it all the way, as you saw. She ended stuck up on the roof."

My mouth formed a silent 'O'. 'Now I get it..' "But I-" I stopped, then sighed. "Nurse RedHeart? How is she?"

She ran a foreleg over Scootaloo's back. "Don't worry too much, She's fine thanks to you. A bit bruised, a cut or two, but completely fine otherwise. She waited here for you. That is, until she fell asleep."

"Well, I'm glad for her. By the way, how much damage was done?"

She stared for a moment and grinned in what looked like slight amusement. "There was enough. You've got some slight fractures, more stitches, and some bruising, but other than that, nothing too serious. Before I forget, you have to stay overnight. Your friends will be here in the morning to pick you up."

I winced, realizing what an inconvenience I had been. Hopefully they wouldn't be too upset with me tomorrow.