• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,270 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

A wanted man

Chapter 11

1/14/2013 12:26 PM
Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia, Canada
The Woodbine Trailer Park

I leaned out of the window of the truck and looked at all of the mobile homes around us. This trailer park is huge! The sign at the front said it is home to 2,512 people and has over 628 trailers/mobile homes.

I pulled my self back into the truck and looked at everyone, "So, how are we going to find him?"

Zorrow smiled, "How else, we ask around for the local stoner."

Seth nodded, "Yeah, good plan. 'Oh hey, we're looking for the local druggie, do you know where he is?' That'll work out just fine."

Peter laughed, "Or we can ask that guy smoking that blunt."

I looked out the window to see a scrawny teenager, which is strange because he is also toned, smoking a blunt while leaning up against a trailer. His hair was dirty-blond and straight, and went down to his shoulders. He was wearing a white checkered jacket that was unzipped, revealing a shirt with a skull on it. He was also wearing black combat pants with a chain attached to his belt loops on the right side, making it hang down midway to the knee. To top it all of, he was wearing a black fedora with red band going around the base.

In a sense, this guy looked bad ass and just plain awesome. I'll bet my life savings ($63, I need a job!) that that is Greg.

I motioned for Mark to drive forward. Once we was in front of the teen, I motioned for him to come over to the car.

Once he was next to my window, he held out a small bag, "How much do you want?"

I shook my head, "None, but are you..."

He turned and began walking back to the trailer.

"Wait! I may want some, but you have to answer a question."

He shrugged and turned back to the truck, "Alright then, shoot."

"Are you Greg Campbell?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Who wants to know?"

Lets hope he has his memory, "Lance Greenfield."

His eyes slightly widened, "Wait, your Lance Greenfield?!"

I smiled, "Yep. So, I take it as you remember me, and the others."

He looked at everyone else in the truck and smiled, "Wow, its the whole gang!"

I chuckled, "Almost the whole gang, we're missing a few. Its good to see you Greg."

He took a hit from his blunt, "Its good to see you to man. Why don't you all come on in my trailer."

Peter chuckled, "I got to see this." And under his breath he said, "And get him back for that little spell."

I turned to Peter, "Oh no you won't. Let it go."

He smirked, "Maybe."

We then all piled out of the truck and followed Greg into his trailer.

Upon entering it, I was hit with the strong scent of marijuana and chemicals. The trailer was small, with a kitchen and living room in the same area, a bed room in the back, and a small bathroom. There was also a side room that had a sign that said, 'lab'.

Twilight looked at the sign, "Lab? You have a lab?"

Greg chuckled, "Not the kind of lab your thinking of Twi. I don't think you all should go in there. Very dangerous."

I then noticed something, "Uhhh, Greg. Why are you talking normal? When I first met you, you was talking in a stoner kind of way."

He laughed, "That happens when I don't get my weed."

Peter and David cocked their heads, "Shouldn't that be the other way around?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, it just happens with me."

I held up a hand, "Lets just drop that, before we get into a long discussion on it."

Greg nodded, "Good idea. Now, tell me how you found me?"

I sighed, here we go again.

A long explanation later.

Greg began laughing as soon as I finished the story of our journey. "Girls restroom! Pit bull chase! The universe hates you dude."

Everyone laughed, even me. I had to admit, that does make sense.

"Yeah yeah, everyone have their laugh."

Zorrow smirked, "Oh don't worry, we will."

Greg stood, "Is it okay if I go deliver something, its sorta important."

We all nodded, "Sure, we'll be here when you get back."

I stood, "Is it okay if I come Greg?"

He shrugged, "Sure, you can hold the 'product'."

I chuckled, "The job I was born to do."

He laughed as he walked into the 'lab'. He soon emerged holding a brown paper bag. "Okay, all you have to do is hold this. Well, hide it, don't hold it in the open."

I took the bag and put in in the inside pocket of my black jacket.

David shook his head, "Really? Really Lance?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, really. It may be fun."

David crossed his arms, "Dealing drugs, fun?"

Greg shook his head, "Not drugs, marijuana. There's a huge difference!"

Peter nodded, "There is, marijuana is legal to an extent, drugs are not."

David sight, "Still."

Greg waved his hands, "Oh forget you. Come on Lance."

We walked out of the trailer and across the dirt road to a beat up sedan.

I looked the sedan, which was more like crap, "That's your car?"

He shook his head, "Oh hell no! Its my dealing car."

"Dealing car?"

He nodded, "Yep, I use it when I'm selling my weed."


He smiled, "Damn right its cool. Hop on in."

I jumped into the passenger's seat, followed by Greg, who got in the drivers seat.

He looked over at me, "Lets get this thing pumping!" He then turned on the radio, causing rap to fill the small car.

I chuckled and sat back in the old seat.

A ten minute drive later.

We pulled up to a restaurant called 'Beaver Bank Pizza'. Does everything here have Beaver Bank in the name? On the way here, we passed Beaver Bank Community Center, Beaver Bank Volunteer Fire Department, and across from this pizza place is a store called, 'Beaver Bank Guardian Pharmacy'. Really?

Greg climbed out of the car and began walking towards the restaurant. I followed behind him, staying close.

We walked into the small restaurant, and looked around.

Greg pointed to the other side of the restaurant, "There he is. Now, I want you to sit down somewhere and wait for me to motion you over."

I nodded, and sat down at a random both. I watched as Greg walked over to a guy, who was sitting alone, and sat down across from him.

They talked for a few minutes before Greg motioned for me to come over. So, I stood and walked over to them.

As I neared them, Greg waved his hand towards me, "There he is with your weed. Does this make us even?"

The man looked at me, "Give it to me."

I looked at Greg, who nodded. I pulled the brown paper bag out of my inside pocket and handed it to the man.

He took it and stood, "Greg, consider your dept payed."

Greg smiled, "Alright, finally out of dept."

The man stood and began walking towards the front.

I looked at Greg, "What was the dept?"

Greg grinned, "Oh, I just owed them a large amount of cash, that's all."

I shrugged, "Okay then."

The man who we had given the weed stopped walking halfway to the door. He opened the bag and threw it down. "Greg! Is this some kind of joke!"

Greg jumped up, "What do you mean?"

The man glared, "That's not the fucking weed! Its a I.O.U!"

Greg's eyes widened, "Shit, I gave him the wrong bag!" He looked at the man, "Look, that was the..."

The man pulled out a handgun and aimed it at us, "Forget it Greg, consider your dept paid!"

Greg grabbed me and threw me to the ground. As soon as we hit the ground, gunshots filled the room.

Greg jumped up and grabbed my wrist, "Come on Lance!" He pulled me to my feet and pulled me across the restaurant to the window. The guy still firing at us.

Once we reached the window, Greg threw me forward and through the window. I landed on the other side, head throbbing from hitting the glass head on.

Greg jumped out it and landed next to me, "This is not the time to be laying around!"

I shook my head and stood up, only to see that Greg had ran across the parking lot and was already climbing into his car. Yeah, no man left behind my ass!

I sprinted towards the car and jumped in.

Greg began to drive out of the parking lot right when the guy came out of the restaurant. He aimed his handgun at our car and began firing.

Bullets bounced off the hoof and doors, but none made contact with either of us. Lucky us.

Greg pulled out onto the road and gunned it.

He looked at me and smirked, "Now wasn't that fun?"

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Fun? Really? Oh yeah, almost getting shot was the funniest thing that has ever happened to me."

He laughed, "Lighten up Lance. We lived, right?"

I sighed, "Yeah, barely."

Five minutes into the drive.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. This better be my uncle with more news on the next brony.

When I opened the message, it was a file. The title of the message read, 'Lance, look what's on the news here in New York!'

Weird? I opened the file to see a video. I hit play and twisted my phone to the side for full screen.

The video began and showed a man sitting behind a desk, telling the news. "Police are on the look out for this teenage boy." It showed a picture that was to small to see, but looked familiar. "He is wanted for the mugging of eighteen year old Cody Benson. Along with other charges. He is wanted for breaking and entering into a school, attempted rape, vandalism of school property, causing a major pile up that left many injured, assault, and for gang activity. He is also wanted in Puerto Rico for causing a large shoot out between police and gang members. If you have any information on this teen, or his accomplishes, please contact your local police station. He is to be considered armed and dangerous." The video then cuts off.

Greg looked at me from the drivers seat, "What was that all about? That guy sounds bad ass!"

I sighed, I know who he is, "Greg, that guy is me."

He looked at me and laughed, "No way! Really? Dude, that's so cool. Now we're both wanted men!"

I looked at him, "Your wanted?"

He nodded, "You bet I am, police would love to catch me."

I chuckled, "Well, at least I'm not the only one."

I sat back and sighed. Now what? I'm wanted by the police. They know who I am. I'm screwed!