• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,269 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Plan? I don't need a plan

Chapter 7

"It doesn't look defended to me." I said as I stood next to David's car, a block away from the 12 Angel's hideout.

David shook his head, "That's because their all inside."

I looked at him, "How many of them are there?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Not many now, since they had a gang shootout with another gang a few days ago. There was five of them when they took Twilight away, but there's no telling how many are in the building."

I began walking towards the building, "Doesn't matter. Twilight's in there and that's all I need to know."

Mark followed behind me, "Plan?"

I shook my head, "I'm gonna wing it."

He sighed, "Your going to get yourself killed."

I stopped and looked around. I do need a plan, without one, we're screwed. I looked at a truck, then at the big doors that lead into the warehouse, "I have a plan."

He smiled, "Good, what is it?"

I pointed to the large doors, "We're going through the front door."

He slammed his hand into his face, "That's all you could come up with?"

I shook my head again, "Nope, there's more." I then pointed to the truck, "We will put a brick or something on the gas pedal, it will then slam into the doors, causing a lot of confusion and chaos. We will then run in and get Twilight. Sound good?"

David walked up behind me, "Its better than no plan. I say we do it."

Mark nodded, "I agree."

I walked over to the truck and check the door, locked. "Its locked."

Mark walked over and tapped the window, "We don't need the door." He said as he pulled off his shirt.

I looked at him strangely, "What are you doing?"

He wrapped the around his fist, "Safety first." He then slammed his fist through the window.

I smiled, "Smart."

He reached in and unlocked the door.

I opened it and turned to Mark, "Do your thing."

He smirked and leaned in. He then began to hot wire the truck.

David walked up holding a medium sized propane tank, "I think I found the thing to hold down the pedal."

I laughed and grabbed it, "Perfect."

The truck started up and Mark climbed out, "To easy."

I chuckled and placed the propane tank above the gas pedal. I then adjusted the steering wheel till the truck was lined up with the warehouse doors. I dropped the propane tank and jumped back.

The truck shot forward, heading straight for the warehouse doors. Perfect.

But suddenly, it took a sharp turn left and slammed into a house, taking out the wall.

Mark turned to me, "Did you lock the steering wheel with something?"

I smiled awkwardly, "Huh, no."

He sighed, "Well, at least it didn't do to much damage."

Suddenly, a loud explosion could be heard. The truck had some how exploded.

David chuckled, "I guess that propane tank was full."

I sighed, "Damn it, there goes my plan."

Mark hit my shoulder, "Look!"

I looked up to see that a large group of the 12 Angel's where running out of the warehouse and towards the burning building and truck.

I smiled, "All according to plan."

Mark and David looked at me, "I thought your plan was to..."

I shook my head, "Nope, this was the true plan. Now I want you two to cause another distraction. I'm going for Twilight. Parkour style!"

Mark raised an eyebrow, "What?"

I sighed, "Never mind, just make sure they don't go back in."

They both nodded, "Got it."

I took a deep breath and ran towards the warehouse. I ran up to the side and looked up. I saw a open window at the top, and luckily, a pipe ran up along side the wall all the way up to it.

I smiled and grabbed the pipe in both hands, and then put my feet against the wall. I began climbing up the pipe, slowly and carefully. Once I reached the window, I peered in. Thankfully, there was a catwalk next to the window. I climbed in and crouched. Today is my lucky day.

I walked along the catwalk, staying crouched down. I looked over and down at the floor. I didn't see anything but rows of boxes and crates. I continued along the catwalk till I heard someone talking. I peered over to see three men, all armed with pistols, standing next to a door.

They all seemed to be on guard or something. That must be where Twilight is.

I looked over the other side of the catwalk and saw some boxes. I then stood and climbed over the railing and dropped on the box, making a barely audible thud. I climbed over the box and moved to one that was facing towards the door. Damn, now what?

I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Mark, 'I could use a distraction, like right now!'

A few moments later, a message came back, 'Okay.'

That's all he has to say? Really?

Suddenly, gun fire began to erupt outside the warehouse. What are they doing?

Another message, 'Use the gun, it will blend in with the rest.'

I shrugged good plan, I guess. I pulled out the HK USP and took a deep breath. I'm not a killer, but I am a wounder. I chuckled to my self at that thought.

I jumped up and held my breath, pointing the gun at them. I pulled the trigger.

The bullet left the gun and slammed into the closest ones knee. As he fell, I fired two more times, hitting all of them in the knee. I jumped over the boxes and ran towards the door. Silently thanking Mark for teaching me how to use a gun. I jumped over the three men holding their knees and opened the door.

My heart sank, it was just a room with three beds. I guess they wasn't on guard duty.

I turned and looked down at one, "Where are you keeping the girl?"

He shook his head, "Man, I don't know what your talking about."

I pointed the gun at his head, "Tell me!"

He smiled, "You don't have the guts."

"I shot you all in the knee right? I think I can pull the trigger again, this time in your fucking groin!" I said coldly.

His eyes widened, "Go to the back of the warehouse. They where getting ready to fuck her."

Rage filled my eyes, "Bastard!" I kicked him in the head and began running towards the back of the warehouse. I tripped and hit the floor face first. I stood, blood pouring out of my nose, and continued down the row of boxes.

When I reached the back, I saw a door that had a sign that said, 'Sex in progress, wait your turn'. My rage hit a new point and I ran to the door.

I kicked it open to see a man, wearing only underwear, laying on top of Twilight. She still had her clothes on, but the guy was trying to remove her shirt. More rage for me.

I aimed the pistol at him and growled, "Get the fuck off of her!"

He jumped up and stood next to the bed, "Who the hell are you?"

"Back away from her!"

He shook his head, "No, I won her in that card game, shes my bit..."

I pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into his right shoulder. He spun around and fell the floor, holding his shoulder.

I walked over to Twilight and held out my hand, "You okay Twi?"

She nodded and let me help her stand, "That was a scary experience."

Shes taking almost getting raped well. Well, I've almost been raped by Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna, and each time I came out normal. I guess she can handle it.

I walked over to the door, "Come on Twi, we should hurry and get out of here."

She walked up behind me, "Lead the way Lance. I'm right behind you."

We jogged down the row of boxes towards the large open doors. Upon reaching them, I saw the rest of the 12 Angel's where firing at a building. Why?

Suddenly, a heard Twilight gasp. I turned to see that one of the gang members had come up behind us and grabbed Twilight, pointing a handgun at her head.

"Drop your gun, or I'll blow her fucking brains out!" He said in a evil growl.

I gulped and did the only thing reasonable. I dropped the gun.

He smiled and pointed the gun at me, "Now, to just remove one last problem."

A gun shot could be heard.

I winced, waiting to feel the bullet enter my head, it never did.

Instead, the gun in his hand blew apart.

A few minutes earlier.

Peter climbed the ladder up to the top floor of the building, mumbling the whole way. "Fucking leave me behind. Like I can't do anything. Well, I'll show you what I can do."

He climbed over the edge of the building and walked over to the edge facing the warehouse. He had heard gunfire as he was climbing, he just hadn't known there was so many people doing the firing. The gang was firing at a building, but why?

He reached behind him and pulled the M21 off his back. Who would have thought that David would have so many guns in his house. He then sat down and placed it on the edge. He looked at the building to see that Mark and David where crouched down behind the wall, no weapons. What where they doing?

He moved the scope over to see Lance running out of the warehouse, followed by Twilight. Good, he found her. Suddenly, a dark figure grabbed her from behind.

Shit! He zoomed in to see a guy holding a gun to her head.

Peter gulped and began to quickly adjust the scoop. When he had it set, he looked through it see that Lance had just dropped his gun. The other guy was now pointing his at Lance.

Fuck! Peter aimed for the mans hand, he took a deep breath and said a quick prayer, and pulled the trigger. He watched as the bullet hit the gun, right above the firing mechanism, and the guy dropped it. He then quickly aimed for the guys left leg, which was exposed, and fired. This caused him to let go of Twilight and slump down to one knee.

Peter sat back and let out the breath he had been holding. He laid back, "I play to much Battlefield 3."

Back to Lance.

I watched as a second bullet hit the mans left leg, causing him to let go of Twilight and slump down to one knee. Twilight ran from him and towards me.

We hugged for a second, I then ran forward and grabbed the guys face. I then slammed it into my knee, "Don't you ever touch her again!"

I ran back to Twilight, picked up the handgun, and grabbed her hand, "Stay close this time." We then ran down the gravel to the gate.

I looked up to the roof tops, looking for the shooter. I soon saw a guy stand up and wave. Peter? What the hell!

We ran to the road and I could see that the gang was still firing on the building, not paying attention or not caring about me or Twilight.

My phone vibrated as a message came in from Mark, 'I see you finally got her. Now, cause a distraction so we can leave this building.'

They're in the building?! Shit! What can I do?

I looked around. Nothing of use. Wait, Peter!

I dialed his number.

It rang a few times before it was answered, "Hello, this is the sniper express, may I take your order?"

"Haha, funny. I need you to cause a distraction. To get Mark and David out of that building."

"Can do, your order will arrive shortly."

The line went dead.

Well, he still has that sense of humor.

A shot rang out, followed by a explosion.

I looked back at the warehouse to see that a large gas tank had exploded.

The 12 Angel's turned and looked at us.

Oh, that's just great!

I grabbed Twilight's hand and pulled her behind a building as bullets began to impact around us.

Another message, 'Thanks, we'll come around and pick you up.'

I dialed Peter's number again.

"Hello, this is the sniper express, we are sorry, but we are closed due to the lack of bullets."

"Peter, get down here right now. We're leaving."

"Turn around."

I turned to see him leaning against the building, "Thanks for the help."

He closed his phone, "See, I'm not useless."

I raised my eyebrow, "I never said you was."

He shrugged, "Never mind."

A few seconds later, David's car flew around the corner, covered in bullet holes, and skidded to a stop. He leaned out of his shattered window and yelled, "Get in!"

We ran over and pilled into the back seat.

Once we was in, David floored it. As we drove down the road, he turned to Peter, "Really? You grabbed the M21?"

Peter chuckled, "Yep."

David looked back to the road, "Idiot, I had a M95! That would have blown them away!"

Peter slumped in his seat, "Well damn."

Mark looked at me, "Body count?"

I smiled, "Zero. I told you I don't kill people."

He grinned, "That's my bro. Good job."

I smiled proudly and sat back. Twilight wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

Oh yeah, today was my lucky day.