• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,268 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

The enemy at your door steps

Chapter 3

I pulled on my jacket and yelled up the stairs, "Hurry up Twi, I wont to show you around the city before it gets to late.

"I'm coming, just let me finish this chapter." She yelled back.

I chuckled as I walked into the kitchen. Upon entering it, I saw my brother sitting at the table, a blank look on his face.

I sat down across from him and tapped the table, "So, did she tell you everything?"

He nodded, "She did."

I smiled, "And?"

He sighed, "It can't be true, but it is. Mom's not the kind to lie, and she described everything with great detail."

Good, he believes us. I thought it would be harder to convince him.

He then smirked, "So, you married a pony?"

I grinned shyly, "Yeah... But you can't blame me. I thought I was going to be there longer."

He laughed, "Whatever. You've been gawking at that My Little Pony stuff forever."

I shook my head laughing, "So, I'm married now, that's more than you have."

His smirk returned to his face, "To a pony."

I held up my hand, "A pony that is now a human."

He sat back and crossed his arms, "Still a pony."

I stood and shrugged, "Well, it doesn't matter to me."

He also stood, and held back a laugh, "Wow, I never thought my little bro would fall for a pony." He said walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I grinned and walked back to the hallway that lead outside. I checked my phone for the time. 6:18 PM. Hurry up Twi!

After a few minutes of waiting, she finally came down the stairs.

She smiled when she reached the bottom, "Sorry, that book is really interesting and intriguing."

I nodded, "I liked it, just wait till you get to the end." I grabbed a black and white checked jacket off the coat rack and handed it to her, "Here, wear this. Its pretty cold outside."

She smiled, "Thank you Lance." She grabbed it and looked at it, "Who's jacket is this?"

"My brothers."

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Does he mind if I wear it?"

I nodded, "He won't care."

She shrugged, "Alright then." She began to try and put it on, but was having trouble.

I laughed and grabbed the jacket, "Here, let me help you with that." I gently helped her put her arms through the arms and zipped it up.

We walked to the door and I turned to her, "Okay, Twi, you must stay next to me at all times. This is a large city and its easy to get lost."

She nodded, "Don't worry, I'll stay next to you at all times."

I raised an eyebrow, "That means if you see something interesting, you tell me to take you to it, alright? Also, if a guy asked how much, just say not for sell."

She looked at me confused, "Why?"

I grabbed the knob, "Just stay next to me and you'll be safe." And under my breath I added, "Hopefully."

I opened the door and stepped out, followed by Twilight. I looked around at the semi-large crowd. The daily rush was slowly coming to a stop.

I reached down and held Twilight's hand, "Okay, come on Twi, I have a few places I want to show you."

She smiled and squeezed my hand, "Lead the way Lance."

We walked down the steps and onto the side walk. I then lead her down the street, towards the large public library, which is only a fifteen minute walk from my house.

Along the way, Twilight asked me questions about almost everything. I was having fun explaining everything to her, this was one of the things I've always wanted to do.

After the long walk and answering many questions, we arrived at the library.

I lead her inside and checked the closing times. After inspecting it, I smiled. Good, they won't be closing till 10:00 PM. Plenty of time.

I looked at Twilight, who had a gleam in her eye, "Well Twilight, what do you think?"

She looked at me and looked overjoyed, "A library?"

I nodded, "Yep, there's every kind of book here."

I looked around, glad to see a only a few people was here. The library was a large two story building.

Twilight looked around also and looked at me, a look on her face.

I chuckled, "Go ahead, look around. I'm able to check out a maximum of ten books at a time, so go crazy."

She let go of my hand and walked towards the nearest bookshelf. She looked through it and pulled out a book, she than sat down on a chair and began to skim through it.

I strolled over to the fiction section and began scanning the shelf's. I shook my head, no interesting books. I turned to see that Twilight already had a pile of books next to her. I really hope she remembers where she got those.

I shrugged and walked over to the magazine rack. I pulled a copy of the Times off and sat down on a chair.

As I read through it, I heard someone behind me. But when I turned, all I saw was a empty reading area. I went back to reading the magazine, becoming bored.

Luckily, Twilight walked up to me with a pile of books in her arms, "I think I'm all set."

I smiled and stood up, closing the magazine, "Alright then, I'll get them checked out for you."

We walked up to the check out counter. The Librarian looked at me and smiled, "Hey Lance, I haven't seen you here in a while."

I put on a smile and pulled out my wallet, which held my library card, "I've been busy with life and stuff."

She chuckled and began processing the books. She looked at my finger and saw the wedding ring, "Oh, I see someone's hitched."

I laughed, "Yeah, long story."

She put the last book down and raised an eyebrow playfully, "Don't tell me its one of those hangover stories."

I scratched my neck and grinned, "Not this time."

Twilight reached up and grabbed the books.

The Librarian looked at her hand and chuckled, "I see I found the lucky lady."

Twilight did her signature blush, causing me to smile.

We began heading for the door, and I waved back at the Librarian, "See ya later."

She waved back, "Come back soon Lance."

Twilight walked out the door, followed by me.

She turned to me, holding the books, "Come on Lance, I want to read a few of those."

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you just going to read the whole time your here?"

She shook her head, "Of course not, just the first few days."

I smiled and put a arm over her, "Well, lets get home. Its gotten pretty late." The clock in the library had said 8:21 PM, that's to late to be out on the streets.

As we walked, I could swear someone was following us. But every time I turned around, no one was there.

Finally, we reached my house. We walked up the steps and I stopped.

Twilight turned to me and looked confused, "What is it?"

I shrugged, "I'm going to stay out here for a while. You can go in if you want."

She looked at the books and then me, "Your going to make me chose?"

I chuckled, "Just go read Twi, I'll be up later."

She smiled, "Alright, hurry up Lance." With that, she went in my house and closed the door.

I sat down on the steps and looked up at the sky. The night time sky was... Plain. The night sky back in Equestria was so much better.

I sighed and thought back to Equestria.

"Hi Lance! Its been a while!" Said a voice at the bottom of the stairs, just out of sight.

That voice, it can't be! I stood up and looked down at the bottom of the steps, searching for the voice.

A teenager stepped into view at the bottom of the steps, a evil smirk on his face.

I recognize him! We had met a year ago in an alleyway, and again in Equestria. The time in Equestria was horrible, a memory I've been trying my best to block out. But he had had a change of heart somewhere along the line, I still don't know how that happened. He must not have his memory from Equestria, this isn't good.

He cocked his head, "Oh Lance, its taken me so long to find you. I'm going to enjoy this." He pulled out a piece of metal, which could only be a knife. "I have one question thought. Do you want to die fast, or slow?"

I glared, "How about neither Cody!"

He smiled, "Great! You remember me. This will make it so much better."

I held up a hand, "You don't have to do this Cody. You can forgive and forget."

He began advancing up the stairs, "Now why would I do that?" A devilish smile played on his face.

I backed up a few steps. This wasn't going to end well for me.