• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,270 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Collect call from Equestria, do you accept the charges?

Chapter 12

I looked out the window as we neared the trailer park. The thoughts of the video still fresh in my mind. What was I to do?

"... Lance?" Said a disembodied voice in my mind.

What the fuc...

"... Can you hear me Lance?" It said again.

That doesn't sound like God. Well, the voice is echoing to much to really tell.

"... Lance?"

I sighed and thought, "Who is this?"

"... Frederic."

My eyes widened. How was Frederic talking to me? I must be going crazy!

"... I must tell you something."

"What is it?" I thought.

"... Me and Luna have made a spell that..."


David crouched down behind Mark's truck, aiming his Roofie Cannon at the spot where Greg parks. He was so happy that they had made that little stop at Lance's home in New York to pick it up. He was going to have to thank Roberto later.

Back on subject, he was pissed at Greg. A druggie? They're friends with a druggie! He hates druggies, especially the kind like Greg. The kind that think they are so cool. Well, him and his Roofie Cannon are going to teach him a lesson.

After a short wait, his car began to pull into the trailer park. Once it parked, Lance jumped out and sprinted towards Greg's trailer.

David turned his attention to Greg who was just stepping out of the car. He then walked around it to the passengers side.

Peter walked up, "We got something for ya Greg."

"Really? What is it?" Greg replied while standing straight up.

"You'll see." Peter said crossing his arms.

"Is it weed?"






"Then what is it?"

"Cabbages." Peter said before jumping back.


"Hey Greg!" David yelled.

Greg turned towards him.

"HAVE SOME WEEDS!" David yelled as he hit a button.

A nitrogen-cooled cabbage shot out of the barrel and flew towards Greg. Where it hit him square in the stomach. He doubled over and fell to the ground.

"Fuck man! What the hell!" Greg yelled out in pain.

"Greg! Want some nuts with that?" David yelled before shooting a second nitrogen-cooled cabbage at him, this time hitting Greg in the groin.

As Greg lay on the ground groaning in pain, David walked over and stood above him.

Greg chuckled with effort and looked up, "That was a good one man."

"Yeah.." David knelt down and pulled Greg up by his collar, he put his face and inch away from his, "You bastard, you fucking cabrón" He said, rage filling his face.

Greg raised an eyebrow, "Wow man, calm..."

"This is for taking it like a goddamn joke, fucking junkie!" He said as he pulled his fist back. He then slammed it into Greg's face. As soon as his fist made contact with Greg's face, he caught a glimpse of a certain cyan colored mare.

He also heard a disembodied voice say, "..Whitemark?" The voice sounded heart broken to him.

He shook the image out of his mind and punched Greg again, this time making his eyes roll up in the back of his head. He let Greg go, and his body slumped to the ground.

David then bent down and checked his pulse. Good, hes just knocked out. That should teach him a lesson.

The sound of running made him turn around. He saw Lance, a surprised look on his face.

"David... did you just..." He said as he stopped a few feet away from David.

"He's only out cold Lance." He said as he stood and faced Lance. He then pushed Lance to the ground and rage filled his eyes again, "You bastard! If I ever see you acting like that again, I'm going to personally shove my boot up your ass so high that you're going to be tasting leather for months!"

Lance looked up in confusion and shock, "What did I do?"

David glared at him, "Help that druggie sell drugs!"

Lance shook his head, "Not drugs, weed. But we didn't sell any weed, it was a mix up." He then held his hands up, "Before you say anything else, I have to tell you something. My friend Frederic just told me..."

"Whats going on here!" Said Mark as he, Seth, and Zorrow walked out of the trailer.

"Mark! You saw what happened, at the warehouse, take good care of your brother!" David said as he turned and began running down the rows of trailers.

"Hey! HEY! Come back here you bastard! I'm going to kick your ass for what you did to Lance! GET BACK HERE!" Mark said as David sprinted away.

Mark ran over to the truck, "Come on! Zorrow, Seth, with me! We're going to find that dick and make him pay for what he did!"

As they piled into the truck, Zorrow looked at Seth, "Man, David was never like this back in Equestria. Why?"

Seth shook his head, "I dunno man, I dunno."

Four hours later, 8:17 Pm

David stealthy made his way to the office that sold/rented trailers here.

He had been running from Mark for the past few hours and he was beat. He couldn't run anymore. He just wanted to rent a trailer and get some sleep. He would figure out the rest in the morning.

He opened the door to the office and walked in. He looked at the grouchy looking man behind the desk, "Can I rent a trailer?"

"Which one?" The dealer eyed him suspiciously.

"The one farthest away from the clusterfuck of trailers you got here."

He looked annoyed, "Sorry, we don't have a trailer like that for rent."

David pulled out his wallet, "I'll give you 2k right now?"

The dealer smiled, "Let me check..." He then shuffled through a few files, " Ah yes, look like we got one over at the back end."

David nodded, "I'll take it for the night."

The dealer handed him the keys, "Enjoy your stay."

David rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah, happy Christmas to you too."

He then walked out of the trailer and began sneaking down the rows of trailers.

Mark drove past, still on the look out. When he passed, David ran across the open ground to the trailer he had rented. It was beat to hell and looked to be falling apart, but it would have to do.

As he began walking to it, that same image popped into his head. A cyan horse with wings that looked very familiar. The voice in his head was also back, this time yelling, "Whitemark! I know you're there! David!"

It was giving him a headache. He has definitely watched to much My little pony. Seeing images and hearing them is a sure sign of going crazy.

He shrugged and walked into the trailer. It was like Greg's, only smaller and crap. There was almost nothing in it. At least it had a bed, a old bed. He sighed, this wasn't ideal, but he has no where else to go.

He walked over to the bed and fell back on it, looking up at the ceiling.

He pulled out his pitorro bottle and took a swig of liquor.

"Whitemark..." The voice said, this time louder.

He sat up, "Who's there?" He was now sure the voice was someone messing with him. But it was a female voice. It can't be any of the others, except Twilight. But this voice sounds, boyish in a way, but also female. Strange.


He jumped up and spun to face the bed, certain the person was in the room.


There was a sudden bright flash of blue behind him. He spun around, fist raised, ready to fight Mark and whatever policemen he had brought with him.

But, instead of Mark, there was girl. She was wearing a white T-shirt and plain blue jeans.Her hair had strips of different colors, like a rainbow, and went down to her shoulders.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw her. He felt a strange connection to her.

She stepped forward, "Whitemark, is that you? David?"

He stood there, unable to speak,looking at the cute girl that appeared out of nowhere. She looked to be about sixteen.

She put her hand to his forehead.

When her hand touched his forehead, he remembered everything! 

that had happened in Euqestria.

In a flash of light, David's whole life in Equestria unrolled before his eyes...
Getting there...
Sleeping in random places...
Meeting Lance...
Getting to know his favorite pony, Rainbow Dash...
Unsuccessfully hitting on her...
Going into the forest...
Learning to fly...
Getting to live in Canterlot with Lance and Greg...
Finnaly getting a date with Rainbow Dash...
His first night with her...
Iron's wedding...
Lance's wedding...
All up to the point of when God took back the Rapture.

'God, please don't make me leave, I... I love it here.'
'I'm sorry child, but it must be done.'
'No... NO!' Tears started to drip off of David's face.
'Child, it will be better this way, trust in your father.'
'You can't do this! I could have gotten married, had kids! A family!'
'Son, I know how this is for you... But you mustn't-'
'Child... tighten yourself....'
'Child, since you have disrespected me, and my work, you shall not have any recall of this talk, or anything else that happened while you were in this quaint little place.
Begone now... And stand fast against your trial when you leave your temple and come to join now.... To sleep...' 

David snapped out of his trance and looked at the girl, the girl he now knew was Rainbow Dash. "So, it really did happen huh?"

She nodded sadly, "Yes, you was taken away from me." A tear formed in her eye.

David pulled her into a tight hug, "Don't worry, we're together again, I won't leave you this time. I promise."

She set back and smiled, "Promise?"

David smiled back, "I promise." He then pulled her into a loving kiss.


I walked towards the trailer that had emitted that bright blue light. What was that? It looked oddly familiar.

When I reached the back of the small beat up trailer, I heard someone talking inside.

That sounds like David. Good, I found him first. I don't want Mark to hurt him.

Suddenly, I heard a female voice inside.

I guess Frederic was right, he could send one of the ponies here. To bad he can't bring us back.

I walked over to the door and opened it slightly. Upon looking in, I saw David and... that has to be Rainbow Dash, laying on the bed, holding each other.

I stepped into the trailer and cleared my throat.

David jumped up and his eyes went wide, "Lance!"

I held up a hand, "Don't worry, I'm not made. I've been looking for you, so that when Mark finds you, I can tell him what really happened."

David sighed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Lance. I'm so sorry about that... I regret doing that to a friend like you. You've always been there for me."

I smiled, "You have your memory back?"

He nodded, "Thanks to Rainbow Dash."

She sat up and looked me over, "Wow Lance, you look different than I would have thought."

I chuckled, "Hey Dash, good to see you."

She smirked, "I knew you would be happy to see me."

I shrugged, "Why wouldn't I? You are one of my best friends."

She smiled, "I knew that."

David stood, "I have to apologize to Greg!"

I chuckled, "Don't worry, he said he forgives you, since you beat the crap out of him in two hits."

David chuckled, "That's good to know."

I rubbed my chin, "Nitrogen-cooled cabbage? Really?"

He laughed loudly, "The best idea I've ever had."

I began laughing also, "Greg tried to eat one, almost froze his tongue off."

We all laughed at that one.

Suddenly, the sound of a door slamming open caught our attention.

Outside, at another trailer, a woman began to yell, "Will ya shut the hell up! Some people are trying to fucking sleep!"

David glared and made his way to the door. I held up my hand, "I got this one."

I walked out of the trailer and over to the one with the pissed off woman.

She glared at me, "Stop with all that damn noise!"

I smirked, "What's your problem lady? We're trying to have a little fun!"

She looked more pissed off, "Don't talk to me like I'm some stuck up bitch!"

I smiled slyly, "Okay, I'll talk to you like a stuck up bitch, which you are."

She stepped down and stood face to face with me, "Boy, I'll make your life a fucking nightmare!"

I smiled cooling, "Woman, you couldn't make my life any worst."

She glared harder, "Oh yeah?"

She reached into the trailer and pulled out a frying pan. "Lets see you make smart ass comments after this."

As she pulled it back, preparing to hit me in head with it, I said the only thing that made sense at this moment, "I REGRET NOTHING!"

The frying pan hit the side of my head, knocking me out cold.

As I slowly faded into darkness, I could have sworn I saw Derpy tap dancing on my nose.