• Published 9th Jan 2012
  • 7,269 Views, 980 Comments

Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? - Kickass222urmom

Lance is sent back to earth with Twilight. Can they find all of the other bronies?

  • ...

Back to New York...

First off, I decided to skip ahead a little, so I could actually write for this.

Chapter 14

Incoming message
Sent to: Lance Greenfield
From: Leon McDaniel
Sending Progress: Pending...

Message sent...

Message canceled...

Message intercepted...

Opening message:

Lance listen, we may have a slight problem. Remember when I sent you that video about you being wanted? Well, it looks like the police have given up on the case and handed it over to the FBI. Listen, stay away from New York. They've been questioning me and your mom about you. They don't know I've been helping you, but I don't know how long that will last. Just find a way to get out of America. If you're still in Canada, stay there. You're safer there.

Just listen to me, if you come back, you'll fall into their trap.

I love you, stay safe.

Message saved to FBI evidence folder.

2/4/2013 10:52 AM
Close to Lance's home

"Why are we coming here again?" Greg asked as we drove down the busy street of New York City.

I held up my hand as I reclined in the back seat, Twilight laying on top of me, "Two things: One, I want to see my mom. Two, I have to get a few things."

David turned in his seat and raised an eyebrow, "Is this a good idea? I mean, you're wanted. Wouldn't going home be a bad idea?"

I shook my head, "No, it's not a bad idea. Look, it's the police. They probably asked my mom a few questions and moved on. It's safe to be there. Besides, I sent her a message an hour ago telling her I may be stopping by today, I still haven't gotten a reply though..."

"What about us?" Rainbow Dash asked from her seat in David's lap.

Yeah, this truck is packed... big time. It's a good thing we have Seth's car.

I tapped my chin and picked up my phone, "You could all go to Peter's?"

Peter nodded from the front seat, "Yes, that way we won't over crowd your mother."

"Yeah, mom would kill us if she knew we were out collecting bronies instead of looking for a collage for me to go to." Mark said as he watched the road.

I chuckled, "I can't believe she bought it. I mean, all you said was, 'Hey mom, me and Lance are going to find me a collage. Is it alright that he skips school for a few weeks?'. We got lucky, very lucky."

He laughed and shrugged, "Mom loved the idea of me going back to collage... so lets just say I couldn't find one. Deal?"

"Deal." I replied.

I then brought my phone up and dialed Seth's number. After a few seconds, he picked up.


I cleared my throat before talking, "Pull over, change in plans."

Once we were all on the curb of the street, and out of the cars, I spoke up.

:"Alrighty then, I've come to the conclusion that this will be incredibly hard, and possibly dangerous, to go to my house and explain all this to my mom. So, slight change in plans. I want all of you to go to Peter's loft and wait there for me. I will go to my house alone. Decreases the chances of being noticed, and, mom's going to kill me for all the stuff they've said on the news."

"Bad idea." Zorrow said, shaking his head.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Mark remarked.

"Darling, doesn't this sound a bit... dangerous?" Rarity asked, one eyebrow raised.

Twilight sighed and put her hand on my shoulder, "Lance, at least take one of us with you."

I shook my head and smiled, "No can do. They only want me, so, if they see me alone, they'll assume I've always been alone. Don't worry guys, I'll meet you there within an hour or two."

After a few more disagreements, they finally agreed to let me go alone, on the condition that I call them when I leave the house.

"Be safe, Lance." Mark said as he and the others climbed back in the cars.

I grinned and waved, "Don't worry about me. Just get to the apartment and wait."

Fifteen minutes later, outside Lance's house

I looked up at the brick building, a smile on my face.

Home. It feels like it's been months since I've been here. Well, it's been two...

I chuckled lightly and quickly ran up the steps to the front door.

I pushed the door open and stepped inside to see that the lights were off.

"Mom?" I called out.

"Lance?" Came her voice from higher up stairs.

"Uhhh, I'm home."

A few seconds pause, "Oh... Great! Can you come up stairs to my room... there's something I have to tell you."

Okay, I'm worried.

I took a deep breath and began to slowly ascend the stairs. Then the next set of stairs.

When I came to the hallway, I looked towards my moms room, which was open slightly.

After a quick glance around, I slowly walked towards it.

Once I reached it, I pushed it open to see my mom sitting on the bed, a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry Lance..." She said softly.

Before I could question her, two men wearing body armor walked out from either side of the room, assault rifles pointed straight at me.

"FBI. You're under arrest. Get on the ground and put your hands over your head. Now!" One of them shouted.

"Lance, just listen, please." My mom pleaded.

... No... I walked into a trap.

I held up my hands, "Okay, only because you told me to."

The two FBI agents looked at each other and nodded.

And right at the moment, I twisted around and made a dash for the stairs... only to see another blocking my path.

I can't believe I'm about to do this but...

I lowered my body and slammed into him, sending him tumbling down the stairs.

Instead of following and going down the stairs, I sprinted down the hall to the guest room.

"Stop! Or we will open fire!" One of the agents yelled out.

I slammed into the door, breaking the lock off easily and tumbled into the room. I quickly caught myself and ran for the window, and the fire escape.

When I reached the window, I instantly smashed my bare fist through it, causing a few long gashes to form on it.

Ignoring the pain, I pulled myself through the window. And the second I was out, I heard the sound of a gun shot.

They're shooting?!

I began to go downward, but stopped when I saw three agents pointing their weapons at me.

"Hold up your hands and lay on the ground! Or we will take you down with force!"

I gulped and acted on instinct. I began to run up the fire escape, heart pounding.

The two agents from inside began to climb through the broken window and follow me upward.

How am I suppose to out run federal agents?!

I continued to sprint up the fire escape, trying to ignore the sounds of the two agents below me.

As soon as I reached the roof, I looked around for an escape rout. All I could see was jumping to the other roof, and that alone would be hard.

Or, I could try and climb up the other building... no, they'll be able to just wait me out then.

It's die or die trying...

Making up my mind quickly, I began to sprint to the other side of the building, ready to jump across.

"Last chance! Stop or we take you down!" I heard the agent yell as they both reached the roof.

I gritted my teeth and picked up my pace. The second I reached the edge of the roof, I jumped.

For a second, I was flying through the air.... then I was falling.

I slammed into the side of the building and barely caught the edge.

Slightly winded, I began to pull myself up and onto the roof. I took a second to catch my breath, knowing they wouldn't follow.

"Ten seconds!" The agent yelled out as he and the other reached the edge of the roof.

I looked back and smirked, "Come and get me, if ya can!"

I forced myself to my feet and began to run across the roof, getting ready to jump across to the next.

But, as I reached it, I heard a single shot. A split second later, I saw a spray of blood fly out in front of me.

I stumbled due to the impact and fell forward... right off the building.

I fell for a second or two before slamming into a balcony... what luck...

The small impact sent a shock wave through my body, causing me to groan loudly.

I forced myself into a sitting position and gulped as I looked down at my chest, looking for the bullet hole I know is there. But, I saw nothing.

Instead, I saw a hole in my left arm, a few inches above the elbow. I winced when I saw the torn meat and the amount of blood pouring out of it.

Always getting myself hurt, huh?

I pulled off my jacket and used my teeth to rip off the sleeve. I then wrapped it around my arm as tight as I could, wincing when I touched the wound.

I then laid back on the balcony and choked back a few tears. Why does all the bad stuff happen to me?

After a few minutes of just laying there, I heard the sounds of walkie talkies below me.

I instantly came to attention and looked over the edge to see a group of FBI agents looking around the area I should have landed.

Well, looks like luck is on my side... for once.

I took a few more seconds to catch my breath before standing up and sliding the door open that lead into someones apartment. I sighed and made my way through it, glad to see no one's home.

As I stepped into the hallway, I again sighed.

Let's see if I can out run the FBI and get back to my friends....

I hate my life right now...

So? Good?