• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,984 Views, 70 Comments

Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies! - Enfield

You think having a brony friend or sibling is embarrassing? Well guess what, my situation is a lot worse.

  • ...

An Outing With Friends

The night for Douglas was surprisingly peaceful. He had expected to be woken up by something or someone in the night but he wasn't. So far his arms were holding on to something and there was something soft against his lips.

"Hmm, smells nice," Douglas muttered. To his surprise the object in his arms moved.

"Ahhh! The Operator's got me!" a small voice cried out. Douglas looked down and saw that Babs Seed was encased in his arms.

"Hey Babs," Douglas said, Babs calmed down to see him smiling.

"Oh, I must have slept closer to you than I thought.

"Nah, I must have taken a hold of you last night."

"Were you scared about something?"

"No, it was involuntary."

The sounds of movement made Babs squirm free from Douglas, he looked to the mass of sleeping ponies and saw Twilight stir.

"Uhh, what was that noise?"

"Just Babs waking up from a dream," Douglas said, Babs punched him on the arm playfully.

"Did anypony else hear anything?" Rainbow Dash said as she sat up, Scootaloo was stuck on her head like a hat.

"No, ah was sleeping," Applejack said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Who's hungry?" Pinkie asked as she bounded around them.

"I could go for a little something," Douglas said as he pulled his boots on.

"I'm so glad that Pinkie woke up before us," Rarity said as she roused her little sister.

"Does she always do that?" Douglas asked. Twilight nodded.

"Is Fluttershy okay?"

"I'm fine," Fluttershy's voice said from under a pile of sheets.

"Sleep well?" Rarity asked.

"I did even though I heard those scary stories," Fluttershy retorted.

"Ah don't mean to interrupt but can we please get somthin' to eat?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry," Sweetie Belle said.

"Same, I'm hoping that you guys will have something that I'll recognize," Douglas said.

Twilight nodded in agreement and led them downstairs. Douglas grabbed his coat and rifle and followed the ponies downstairs and outside. Twilight said that they would go to Sugarcube Corner and that they would get breakfast there. Douglas was in the mood for baked goods, he also in a way wanted to sample what they made here. After a bit of delay from trying to pry Scootaloo from Rainbow Dash's head they made it to Sugarcube Corner.

"Anything that you guys can recommend?" Douglas asked.

"We'll let you choose," Pinkie said.

Douglas was more than happy to take a pick of the hundreds of cakes and pastries, he eventually got an iced bun and sat with the others.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ah don't know," Applejack said, "Maybe we can find some wood for the Crusader's clubhouse."

"I'll go for that," Douglas said, "I'll also help rebuild it."

"That's really kind of you, Douglas," Fluttershy said.

"I broke it, I might as well help fix it."

"Can you think of a way of making it stronger?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well if we get the right wood then we can turn that little shed into a fortress."

"I like the sound of that," Sweetie Belle said.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Fortress of Adventure!" Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah!" all four fillies said.

"So when do you think that we should get going?" Rarity asked.

"Soon," Twilight said, "Soon."

A few minutes of silence followed. Douglas then broke the ice, hating the overall gloomy feeling that was building up inside of him. It was uncanny but he wanted to get rid of it.

"Does anyone know where my parents are?"

"Ah've got them at mah house," Applejack said, "Don't worry, Big Macintosh is a very friendly pony."

"Yeah," Douglas said as he rubbed his crotch, "Really friendly."

A half hour later the eleven of them left the bakery and made their way to the forest. Douglas was beginning to enjoy every passing minute, he was slowly gaining more of his memory that involved the TV show, he didn't bring it up again in case it snowballed into something he didn't like. As they entered the forest Douglas couldn't help noticing that it seemed a little darker than yesterday, he also saw that the others had noticed. He kept one hand on his shank and didn't loosen his grip until they reached the wreckage of the clubhouse.

"Have we got tools to fix the clubhouse?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ah made sure that we'd have some ready," Applejack said, "Big Mac brought up some stuff last night."

"I'll get us organized," Twilight said as she took up her place in front of the group, "Applejack, Rarity, Crusaders, you'll be with me as we try and use what's left for us to try and rebuild the foundations. Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Douglas, you guys go and try to get a few more trees to make more planks."

"Why don't we just buy some?" Douglas asked.

"Let Twilight do what she does best," Rainbow Dash said.

"It's much easier that you think, Douglas," Fluttershy said, "I can got some of my animal friends to help us. The beavers are very good at this sort of thing."

Douglas sighed and took out his Swiss army knife and unfolded the saw.

"I can at least shear off the branches," he said. Twilight stood on a tree stump looking pleased and very commanding.

"Okay everypony, let's get this clubhouse fixed."

As the ponies all started on their tasks, Douglas followed Fluttershy knowing that she would end up in a part of the woods and becoming lost. He didn't think that it would happen but realistically, he wanted someone to talk to. They found a felled tree almost instantly and worked on pruning it in silence. Fluttershy then spoke up.

"I heard what Twilight said about your memory loss, you know, being a spell."

"I don't believe that for a second," Douglas said as he tossed a branch away.

"You should, Twilight has discovered many things and she's an excellent unicorn."

"I know what she said and I don't bloody care!"

Fluttershy cowered behind the tree trunk and looked away. Douglas almost felt hurt from saying that.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy," he said, "I've just been trying to get used to life here. I know that I'm going back but I want my memory first, I don't care how I lost it, I just want it back."

Fluttershy flew over to him and landed next to him. She then placed a hoof on his hand.

"It's okay Douglas, I understand."

Douglas smiled and went back to sawing the branches. A noise from behind them made him pick up his rifle and spin around to face it. He lowered the rifle when a team of ten beavers came out of the bushes and waddled over to Fluttershy.

"Take this to Twilight and she'll tell you what to do," Fluttershy said. The beavers nodded and then looked at Douglas.

"What?" he asked.

"They're just a little confused about you," Fluttershy said, "Go on, he's okay."

The beavers took the log, gave Douglas one last look and then dragged it towards the direction of the clubhouse.

"You've got a gift with animals," Douglas said in an almost robotic voice.

"Yes I know," Fluttershy said. Douglas tapped the side of his head and grinned.

"Something else came back to me. If I keep up working with you guys then I'll probably have my memory back by the end of the day."

Fluttershy smiled and led the way. Douglas picked up his rifle and folded his knife away. He hoped that his prediction was going to come true, he really needed his memory back, the fact that this parents knew more about Equestria disturbed him. What he also wanted to remember was his life in Ireland, what were his parents like as bronies? All he could remember where the types of bronies, Douglas shuddered as he though of the extremest bronies, he didn't want to have parents like that. Douglas shook off the feeling just as he saw a large fallen tree in front of a cave.

"Got another one."

Fluttershy looked over and saw the cave.

"Um, are you sure?" she asked nervously. Douglas snorted in amusement.

"What, you scared of a cave?"

"Only if it's big and dark like that one."

"Come on, I'll keep you safe if there's anything in there."

Douglas and Fluttershy walked over to the log. It was one of decent size and looked as if it had only just fallen. Douglas didn't think twice as he took out his knife and started sawing away at the branches. He stopped when a funny clicking noise emanated from the cave.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Rocks falling from the ceiling?" Douglas suggested. Fluttershy and Douglas looked at each other and then back to the cave, the clicking intensified. It sounded as if there was something climbing on the walls of the cave.

"Stay here," Douglas said as he picked up his rifle and slowly entered the cave. The clicking sounds stopped when Douglas was about ten feet into the cave, he looked up and around but saw nothing. Douglas lowered his rifle and turned around when he saw Fluttershy stare at something behind him. Douglas didn't like the look on her face so he gripped the rifle tighter and turned around slowly. Standing, or more of hovering in front of him was a dark gray bug like creature. What scared Douglas the most wasn't its bug like appearance, it was the fact that it seemed, no, was smiling at him.

"Fluttershy, what is this?"

"Changelings!" Fluttershy screamed. Douglas didn't bother with a witty greeting, he straight up punched the creature in the face sending it to the floor. Douglas shouldered his rifle and yelled back to Fluttershy.

"Run for it! I'll hold them off!"

Fluttershy didn't miss a beat, she was already running and screaming as Douglas watched. He turned around and saw the Changeling get up, a little confused but angry looking. Douglas kicked it in the face for good measure and then two more appeared out of the darkness. Douglas aimed his air rifle and fired three rounds at each of the Changelings, they screamed and dropped to the floor. Douglas backed away and saw almost a hundred more come out from the darkness. In blind panic Douglas opened fire, hitting several Changelings at a time. The pellets were failing to do any lethal damage but it was enough for him to keep the rest of the Changelings at bay, three charged him at once and Douglas sprayed the gun at hip level and hit each one, as they fell another advanced on him. Douglas aimed his rifle at the Changeling's face and pulled the trigger, nothing happened. Douglas pulled the trigger a few more times and then pulled the charging handle back and tired to fire again but it was useless, the rifle's magazine was empty. Douglas dropped his rifle and pulled out his shank, he held the blade backwards and face the Changelings, determined to fight and win.

"Come on then, one at a time and I'll kill all of you bastards!"

"Oh I don't think so," a feminine voice said. Douglas lowered his blade as a massive Changeling appeared in a green light in front of him. Douglas stood ready and held his ground.

"You'd better feck off or else it's going to get very bloody in here."

The large Changeling chuckled.

"If only I would," it said as the tip of what looked like a horn on its head glowed green. Douglas focused on the light and then realized something, it was the same shade and hue as the lightning that hit him.


He didn't have time to finish because a bolt of the same lightning shot out of the Changeling's horn and hit Douglas square in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He landed with such force he hit his head on the ground, he tried to get back up but his vision was spinning and his ears ringing. The taste of blood filled his mouth as he collapsed and stared at the ceiling, several Changelings surrounded him, all laughing. Douglas watched as the Changeling who zapped him walk up to his head and lean down next to his ear.

"I've got some good plans involving you," she said.

Douglas then, unable to move or say anything, blacked out.