• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,984 Views, 70 Comments

Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies! - Enfield

You think having a brony friend or sibling is embarrassing? Well guess what, my situation is a lot worse.

  • ...

The Plan Of Attack

"Okay, so does everyone here get the plan?" Douglas asked as he stood on a stone in front of almost a hundred Changelings. Douglas had spent the last twenty minutes addressing the plan and saying how it was going to formulate. It was basic enough but Douglas had added very precise details to the plan. As Douglas stood in front of the Changelings he waited to get a response. The Changelings, after talking among themselves for a few minutes all nodded.

"Excellent," Douglas said as he hopped down from the stone and walked over to the Changelings, "Now, the signal that the bombs are planted should arrive soon. In the meantime I'm going to have to ask for a few of you to attack me."

The Changelings all looked at Douglas like he was crazy. Douglas didn't need them to say anything, he had already explained this part of the plan. Douglas sighed and shook his head.

"Look if I'm going to go back to Ponyville I need to look as if I fought my way out from you guys. Don't worry, I won't fight back. Just make my injuries believable."

One of the Changelings stepped forward and looked up at Douglas, seeming confused and afraid but who he was about to do. Douglas assured the Changeling that he wasn't going to be punished by Chrysalis for what they were going to do because the queen already knew the plan.

"Only stop when I yell 'I yield'," Douglas said as he covered his face with his arms, "And don't go too crazy."

A few more Changelings stepped forward and after looking at one another, pounced on Douglas and pummeled him. The four kicked, bit, slashed and stomped on Douglas, one of them even had some green slime and was splattering it all over Douglas' army jacket. This continued for a few minutes until Douglas started yelling.

"I yield! I yield!"

The Changelings stopped and helped him sit up. Douglas rubbed his face and felt blood run down his chin from his lip. He lifted up his shirt and saw several cuts and bruises cover his sides and stomach. He stood up and staggered over to a Changeling that was holding his rifle and shank.

"Okay, that'll work for now," he said, "Where's Chrysalis?"

"I'm right here," Chrysalis said. Douglas smiled, blood staining his teeth.

"Are we ready?"

"I've just got the notice that the bombs are planted, I hope that you know what you are doing."

"It's okay, I have my remote detonator," Douglas said as he waved a small box with a button on it.

"Just make sure that you set them off before we're discovered."

"I'll make sure that the main force isn't exposed."

Douglas then turned and half ran half limped out of the cave. Night had turned to day and Douglas was glad about that, if it was night then he would be tripping on every last branch. He stopped briefly to rub some more mud on his jeans and then he was off trying to get to the town. The fact that he had a limp and was bleeding made the story of him escaping the Changelings more plausible, he just hoped that the Changelings in disguise hadn't been discovered yet. Douglas made it though the forest and made it to open ground where a pony was waiting for him.

"Are you Douglas?" the pony asked. Douglas nodded.

"You one with the swarm?"

The pony nodded.

"Head to Fluttershy's cottage, she'll be able to fix you up and get you inside the town."

"Good thing you guys were here," Douglas said, "Where are my parents at?"

"At Twilight's, once they hear that you've escaped they'll come and find you. Why, are you planning something?"

"Just a healthy serving of revenge," Douglas said with a menacing grin.

Douglas headed to Fluttershy's cottage, he avoided the main paths and roads to avoid being discovered and to make it look like he had been wandering for a long time with no sense of direction. He managed to limp his way closer to the cottage and see Fluttershy humming to herself as she tended to a few flowers. Douglas staggered over, one hand holding the rifle and the other clutching his ribs, making it look as if they were cracked.

"Fluttershy," he said. Fluttershy looked up and saw Douglas coming towards her.

"Douglas? Are you okay?"

"Help me," he said. He then fell to the ground and pretended to black out but he listened as Fluttershy ran over to him and tried to wake him up.

"Oh, Douglas, are you okay? No, he's still breathing. I can get him inside."

"Does she always talk to herself?" Douglas thought as he felt Fluttershy pick him up by the collar and drag him into her cottage. Douglas let her place him on the couch and he watched in one eye as she ran into another room, he realized that it had been a while since he last slept and he tried to get comfortable on the couch and see if he could sleep for a few hours. He drifted off and saw nothing but the vivid memories of his past life, nothing but humiliation and regret filled his mind with pain but he tried to suppress the pain.

"Douglas? Douglas are you awake?"

Douglas rubbed his eyes and sat up, sitting in front of him where his parents.

"Mum! Dad!" he said as he lunged forward and hugged them. Barry and Margret returned the hug.

"Where have you been?" his mother asked.

"In a nightmare."

"Are you okay?" Barry asked.

"I'm a little cut up and bruised but I'll live," Douglas said, but in his mind he was thinking, "I don't think you'll live to see tomorrow dad."

Just as the three let go of each other Fluttershy came into the room with some bandages and food for Douglas.

"Here, let me fix you up," she said. Douglas sat still as she placed bandages on his cuts and gave him food.

"So what happened to you?" Margret asked.

"Can we get Twilight first,"Douglas said, "I really need to talk to her."

"Sure we can see Twilight," Fluttershy said.

"I'm just glad you are back, Douglas," Barry said.

Fluttershy led Douglas and his parents through Ponyville until they came across Twilight and Spike outside a small cafe sitting on a bench. Twilight was reading though a book while Spike kept track of what she said, writing down various sentences on a parchment. Fluttershy walked over to her.

"Twilight, look who came back."

Twilight looked up and saw Douglas.


"Yeah, it's me."

"How did you-?"

"I managed to break the spell that Chrysalis put on me." Douglas interrupted, "After that I fought my way out of the cave."

"How many Changelings were there?" Twilight asked.

"Not a lot," Douglas lied.

"Did they hurt you in any way?" his mother asked.

"Just look at me," Douglas said as he held up his arms, "They bloody attacked me after I surrendered."

"They're going to pay for that," Barry said.

Before Douglas could object Applejack and Rainbow Dash appeared, both of them dragging a pony by the tail. The pony was tied up and gagged. Applejack let go of their prisoner and walked up to Twilight.

"Applejack, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"Me and Dash found this pony snooping around mah barn," Applejack said, "We went over to tell him to go away and when he looked at us his eyes changed color."


"See for yourself," Rainbow Dash said. Twilight and Douglas both went over to the suspected Changeling, Twilight removed the gag and looked closer into the pony's eyes.

"They are weird looking," Twilight said.

"But what makes you think he's a Changeling?" Douglas interjected. Twilight looked to him and then the pony.

"I know a spell that will expose him."

"Do it then," Douglas said.

Twilight's horn glowed and then a beam of energy shot out of it and hit the pony on the head. Slowly the Changeling was exposed, Twilight stood over him. Douglas could see the fear in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked the Changeling.

"I-I-I-I was just-uh."

"You were snooping around mah barn for a reason," Applejack said. As they were distracted Douglas took out the detonator and hit it under his sleeve.

"Come out with it," Douglas said as he pointed the rifle at the Changeling. The Changeling saw the pattern on the rifle and Douglas wink.

"I think you know why, Douglas."

The three ponies and Douglas' parents stared at Douglas.

"How does he know your name?" Barry asked. Douglas smiled and took out his shank, he undid the ropes on the Changeling and helped him up. Douglas then put his arm around the Changeling and held up the detonator remote.

"Garry Owen!" he yelled, and then he pressed the button.

A series of several large and loud explosions followed. Ponies started screaming and running around. Twilight looked around in panic and then back to Douglas.

"You betrayed us."

"I know," Douglas said with a smirk.

"Changelings!" a frightened yell came.

Changelings started dropping from the sky like bombs and then attacked. Douglas held his rifle at hip level and aimed it at Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and his parents.

"Sorry it had to be like this, but I couldn't let you all work together."

"What the bloody hell are you going on about, Douglas?" Barry asked.

"You know what I mean dad. You and the whole fecking town were in on it, I should have known that you were up to something from the start. Why didn't you just leave me alone?"

"Douglas," his mother said, "We've always loved you, but you've gone too far this time. You need to stop, now."

"I'm not listening to you anymore," Douglas said as he shouldered his rifle, "And soon, you'll never be heard from again."

"NO!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she shot forward and slammed into Douglas. He fell backwards and then rolled over. Rainbow Dash was flying around him, occasionally landing a few kicks on his sides. Douglas started firing wildly in hopes of trying to stop her.

"Fight me coward!" Douglas yelled. Rainbow Dash stopped several feet in front of him and stood in an attack stance. Douglas pulled his mask over his face and opened fire, Rainbow Dash dodged the shots and manged to kick him in the chest, Douglas flew back and rolled over back onto his feet. Rainbow Dash flew at him again but this time he was ready, he avoided the attack and as Rainbow Dash flew around to get another pass he fired and hit her. He watched as the pegasus span and crash landed into a fruit cart. Douglas walked over to her, smiling that he brought her down. Rainbow Dash clutched her shredded wing, tears streaming down her face.

"You're going to pay for that," she said in a weak voice.

"Too bad you can't do anything," Douglas said. He then hit Rainbow Dash across the face with the butt of his rifle, knocking her out. Douglas then turned his attention to the ponies who were staring at him, he fired his rifle in the air and chased after them as they scattered.


Douglas came into contact with resistance a few times but with the help of the Changelings he managed to defeat them and round up prisoners. Slowly as the sun set the battle lessened until the town was under Changeling rule. As Douglas paced up and down the lines of prisoners Queen Chrysalis and Xinkz walked up to him. Douglas pointed his rifle at the ponies and they all bowed, fearful of the Changeling's new soldier.

"They will serve you well my queen," Douglas said.

"Excellent work Douglas!" Chrysalis said, "None of my subjects have been able to install so much fear by themselves."

"I try my best," Douglas said with a sneer.

"You wait you monster!" a filly yelled, "My Dream Guardian is going to come here and he will take you out!"

Douglas gave the filly a cold stare as he walked over to her.

"Oh yeah? And where is the bastard? He's not here! Give up your little fantasy."

"I'll tell him," the filly said, "I'll tell him what you are doing and he will come and beat you, he's saved me once and he will save me again."

Douglas grabbed the filly by the back of her neck and slammed her into the ground, she rolled over and Douglas pinned her with his boot.

"Where is he then eh?" he asked as he held the barrel of the rifle over her face. The filly stared back, determined and angry.

"He's been banished for now, but once he hears about you and what you did he will come back and he will kill you."

"Really?" Douglas said with a laugh, "He'll be killed by the time I see him, he's just another weak and pathetic pony, just like you."

"No," the filly said, "He is what you are, and he's going to bring the fury of chaos with him."

Douglas pressed his rifle against the filly's face.

"Mark my words, if I see him I will kill him. And then I'll kill you."

"Douglas! Enough!" Xinkz said. Douglas stepped off the filly and stood back with the rest of the Changelings. Chrysalis stepped forward to address the prisoners.

"Citizens of Ponyville, your town is now ruled by me! The Changelings will rise once more! For today we have taken Ponyville and tomorrow we shall take over Equestria!"