• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,988 Views, 70 Comments

Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies! - Enfield

You think having a brony friend or sibling is embarrassing? Well guess what, my situation is a lot worse.

  • ...

Why Oh Why Did You Do That?

Douglas was sleeping peacefully until the sunlight leaked through his curtains and shone through his eyes. Douglas tried to shield his eyes but gave up when the light became brighter.

"Come on son, you can't sleep the day away."

"Good morin' to you dad," Douglas said. Barry gave a small laugh.

"Very funny, get a shower and get yourself ready. Your mother's made you breakfast and we're going out shortly."

"How early is this party?"

"It's not how early it is, it's how far it is."

"How far is it?" Douglas asked.

"It's a three hour drive," Barry replied. Douglas gave a groan but went into the bathroom so he get himself cleaned up, once he was finished with his shower he found the costume he would be wearing. It wasn't much of a costume as it was just some clothing cobbled together. Douglas had found his dad's old camouflage hunting jacket and a ski mask from when he went to the alps. Combining that with a pair of jeans and a thick shirt he would pass as an IRA soldier, Douglas was only doing this a joke because Geoff was a part of the IRA and Douglas thought that it would be ironic.

"Douglas, breakfast!" Margret called from downstairs.

"Thank God, I'm starving," Douglas replied.

Douglas slid down the banister and ended up in the kitchen within seconds, Margret looked at him in amusement.

"You always like showing off," she said.

"What can I say? I'm not like the others."

Margret laughed a little and gave Douglas his breakfast of bacon and sausage. As he ate his father came downstairs, dressed in some sort of long looking brown coat with a striped suit underneath it. Douglas looked and tilted his head to one side.

"Are you going as the ninth doctor?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm going as Doctor Whooves," his dad replied. Douglas groaned a little.

"Come on dad, do you really need to do that?"

"Sorry son, if you let me to this once I'll never do it again."

Douglas nodded and allowed it to slide. As for his mother, she was just coming downstairs.

"Here I am!" she exclaimed. Douglas turned around and almost did a double-take. He tried to size up what his mother was wearing, it almost looked like she was dressed up as a witch who had just suffered a wardrobe malfunction. She was wearing a blue top, blue jeans, a blue cape that was covered in stars and a large pointy hat with matching colors and patterns.

"What are you wearing, mum?"

"What?" his mother replied in a snooty and cocky accent, "Do you not notice the great and powerful Trixie?"

"Oh-my-god," Douglas thought as he turned back to his breakfast.

"Do you not like the look of your mother as Trixie?" Margret asked.

"Please tell me that I'm still dreaming," Douglas said.

"Oh Douglas, don't be like that," Barry said, "We're only doing this for a bit of fun."

"I know, I know. Have you seen my ski mask, I really need to hide my shame."

"Just this once?" Margret asked Douglas turned around in his chair to face his parents, both of them smiling at him.

"Okay, but don't try to find me while we're there. Wait until we have to leave, I wouldn't be able to take the shame."

"Alright son," Barry said.

Three hours of dull and uneventful driving in Barry's Ford Sierra Cosworth, the O'Riley family made it to the party. Douglas screwed a red cap onto the end of his AR-15 air rifle so to not arouse suspicion, that particular rifle had been made illegal in Northern Ireland and Douglas didn't want to have it taken away. As Barry and Margret went to the front door, Douglas reached under the car seat and pulled out a few small items. The first was a small box containing five hundred pellets for the air rifle, Douglas only wanted them so he could shoot cans if he got bored. The second was a Swiss army knife that he liked to keep with him at all times. The third was a little unusual but Douglas had been keeping it near him, it was a first aid kit, ready for use in case Douglas accident;y shot either himself or someone else with the air rifle. He never dared to aim it at anyone but he kept it with him just in case. He then pulled his ski mask over his face and went to join his parents at the door. Barry knocked and was greeted by Mr. Finch, wearing a vampire costume.

"Oh for fecks sake," Douglas thought.

"Hellooo O'Riley family," Mr. Finch said.

"Hi there, we're ready for the party," Barry said.

"Okay then," Mr. Finch said, he then looked at Douglas and motioned him inside, "Ted's in the back."

"Thanks Mr Finch," Douglas said. Ted was one of his last few friends that stuck with him after Barry and Margret became bronies. Ted liked Douglas for who he was, not what his parents had become. As he made his way through the crowds, Douglas ran into Ted, who was dressed as a Black Ops sniper.

"Howaya Douglas?" Ted asked.

"Alright I guess," Douglas replied as he nervously looked around. Ted picked up on what he was doing.

"Don't worry, those guys aren't here to make fun of you. I made sure of that."

"Thanks Ted. I'm real lucky to have a mate like you."

"Hey, we're pals and we both look out for each other."

Some laughter came from behind them. Douglas and Ted span around to see Margret with her friends, showing off her Trixie impressions.

"I need a drink," Douglas said.

"Follow me, I've got some stout in the backyard," Ted replied, just as embarrassed as Douglas. The two were glad to get outside, Ted pulled a small crate of stout from under a table and gave a can to Douglas who opened it and drank some.

"I can't believe they did that," Douglas said.

"You steaming already?" Ted asked as he opened his can.

"No, it's just my parents. They promised to put a stop to being bronies and yet they turn up as Doctor Whooves and feckin' Trixie."

"Is that who your dad's supposed to be?"

"Yes and it's really starting to annoy me."

Ted took a few of the cans and placed them on a few fence posts and got Douglas' attention.

"Shoot 'em, take your mind of everything."

"You really know how to make things better," Douglas said as he loaded his air rifle and took the cap off it.

For the next hour Douglas and Ted spent their time shooting at cans, bottles, boxes and fruits in order to get away from the boredom of the party. Pretty soon, the pellets had been used up and the targets were destroyed. Douglas and Ted laughed once they saw the state of the grapefruit after it had been shot several times, nothing was left. Suddenly, a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder broke the peaceful afternoon.

"Bloody hell that was loud," Ted said as he rubbed his ears. Douglas looked towards the sky witha grim expression.

"I've never seen a storm like that before."

Ted looked up as well and saw what Douglas meant. The clouds were swirling around and were slowly changing to a sickly green color. Ted became agape at what he saw.

"What the hell is that?" he asked.

"Don't know but I'm not sticking around," Douglas replied. He turned around and saw the party guests all gathered up at the doors and windows, looking up at the clouds. Douglas grabbed his rifle and held it in his hand.

"You leaving?" Ted asked. Douglas put a hand on his shoulder.

"As much as I don't want to leave I feel as if I should. You might want to get inside."

Douglas ran back into the house to find his parents, he found them by the upstairs window with Mrs. Finch.

"Mum, dad, we need to go, now," he said.

"I've lived in Ireland for twenty years and I've never seen a storm like that before," Barry said.

"Looks like a tornado is about to touch down," Margret said.

"Then we're out of here," Barry said as he led his wife and son downstairs.

"You afraid of storms?" Mrs. Finch asked.

"No, it's that we don't like the look of this one," Barry replied. Douglas was already a step ahead of Barry and he ran to the car, his parents were there a few seconds later and they had unlocked the car and piled in. As Barry started the Cosworth Douglas leaned over the seat.

"Ever outran a storm before, dad?"

"No, this'll be a first."

"Just be careful."

"I will, just belt yourself in and hold on."