• Published 3rd Jan 2013
  • 2,988 Views, 70 Comments

Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies! - Enfield

You think having a brony friend or sibling is embarrassing? Well guess what, my situation is a lot worse.

  • ...

All I Did Was Win...

Douglas kept twisting the shank in Xinkz's neck until the Changeling stopped twitching and slumped against Douglas. Thick, black blood stained Douglas' jacket and ran down his face. He pushed Xinkz off of him and stood up, Douglas watched as the blood pool formed around Xinkz and he let out a battle cry and turned to face the Changelings who had watched the fight.

"All of you will now follow me!" Douglas said, "I am now the Swarm Master."

Most of the Changelings did nothing, they all stood there in shock. Their eyes darted from Douglas to the bloody shank to the motionless body of Xinkz. Douglas stood in front of them with a bewildered look.

"What, isn't this how you lot decide the next Swarm Master?"

"With the Call to Challenge yes, but we don't kill each other," a Changeling said.

"Who set up that rule?" Douglas asked. Before a reply could come a high pitched scream pierced the air.


"Oh no," Douglas said as he slowly turned around. He saw Chrysalis run out of the town hall and skid to a halt next to the body of Xinkz, he gently picked him up and cradled the corpse. She then looked at Douglas, who was blood covered and still clutching the shank.

"What did you do?" she said in a whisper. Douglas spoke in short confused intervals.

"Call to Challenge...Xinkz...tried to kill me...I killed him."

"You don't kill members of the Swarm," Chrysalis said as she stroked Xinkz's cold, stiff body.

"I...I didn't know," Douglas said as he slowly walked over. Chrysalis looked up at him, fire burning in her eyes that made Douglas freeze.

"YOU-DO-NOT-KILL-MY-SUBJECTS!" she bellowed. Every word seemed to get louder until she said the last word so loud the windows shattered. Douglas dropped the shank and sank to his knees.

"Chrysalis," he said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Please...please forgive me."

"You sicken me Douglas," Chrysalis said, "First I help you and then you kill the heir to my rule? What kind of monster are you?"

"Heir?" Douglas croaked. Chrysalis was almost spitting fire as she spoke..

"He was going to rule after me. I had my passing ready and you killed him, you killed Xinkz. My favorite Changeling and my hier...don't you understand Douglas? You-killed-my-son!"

Douglas was taken aback, he had no clue that Xinkz was the queen's child, never mind the heir to the Changeling throne. All he could do now was stare in shock, stunned and ridged about his actions.

"I didn't know," he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Douglas, you are no longer a part of my Swarm. You are hereby cast aside and I'm leaving you to the mercy of the Royal Canterlot Army. I hope you burn in hell!"

"Chrysalis, please, don't do this!"

Chrysalis placed Xinkz on her back and gave Douglas one more grim look.

"Just so you know, I did erase your memories. I was also planning on killing you but after what you did I cannot bring myself to do it, letting you die by the ponies hooves should be a better punishment."

"Chrysalis! Get back here!" Douglas yelled as he grabbed his rifle.

"It's over Douglas," Chrysalis said as she took off with the rest of her Swarm, "I don't want to see you ever again unless you're dead!"

Douglas shouldered the rifle and fired at the retreating Changelings. Every single shot was missing the Changelings, one flew past Chrysalis and she looked back at Douglas. Her horn glowed a green color and then fired a bolt of energy at Douglas, hitting him in the chest and sending him flying backwards into Xinkz's blood pool. Douglas lay there, unable to move and sobbing as he lapsed into unconsciousness. Just before he blacked out he managed to say one last sentence as he watched the Swarm fly away.

"I'm gonna find you Chrysalis, and I'm gonna bury you and your whole fecking Swarm."

"Hey, wake up!"

Douglas stirred and blinked a few times. His vision was returning along with motor functions. What was bothering him was the sheer burning pain that was in the center of his chest, it seemed to be eating its way into his heart. Douglas knew that it was from Chrysalis' energy bolt but he didn't know if it was meant to kill him or not. What he did know was that the blurry forms that clouded his vision slowly formed into unicorn and pegasi soldiers, Douglas lay still as they leaned closer to examine him.

"Well he's not dead," a unicorn soldier said.

"Do all creatures like him bleed black blood?" another asked.

"Where's the commander?" a pegasus soldier said, "He needs to see this."

Douglas continued to stay still as a much larger and much more armored unicorn soldier walked over and leaned down to look him in the face.

"So is it alive?" the unicorn asked a soldier.

"Yes Shining armor, he's breathing."

"Get him up and into chains," the Unicorn said, he leaned down over Douglas, "You think you're gonna get away from me?"

Douglas didn't reply, instead he waited until Shining Armor was right next to his face and he smashed his nose with his fist. As Shining backed away, blood dripping from his nose, Douglas grabbed his rifle and fired, incapacitating three other soldiers before he jumped up and aimed at the rest of the soldiers who were advancing on him with weapons drawn.

"Back off!" Douglas barked, "I'm not going to be killed by you!"

"Give up while you can," Shining said as he wiped the blood from his face.

"I'm not stopping now, I've gotten this far and I'm gonna keep going."

"Alright, calm down and drop the weapon," A pegasus soldier said.

"No," Douglas said sternly as he backed away, "I'm running, don't try and stop me."

"Hold it!" Shining yelled. Douglas stepped backwards and felt something under his boot, he lifted his heel up and saw that it was his detonator, he looked at it and then remembered that there were a few more explosives set up in some of the buildings. He turned his attention back to the soldiers and fired a volley of warning shots along the ground, he then stomped on the box. Several loud explosions followed, tearing apart buildings and homes alike.

"What was that?" Shining yelled. Several of the soldiers ran towards the source of the explosions, Shining ran after them but stopped when he realized that Douglas had made his escape, he span around and saw Douglas standing on a bridge holding up his fist with only one finger protruding upright out of it. He then ran and vanished out of sight. Shining sighed and ran into the town hall with the rest of his troops, he had to free the town from their prisons. He walked over to one soldier and helped him free a pegasus from a cocoon. The soldier noticed the troubled look on Shining's face.

"Something wrong, sir?"

"That's the second time a human has escaped me," Shining said with a sigh, "Only now that weird gesture he did is going to be stuck in my mind for a while now."

"I saw it too, what does it mean?"

"I don't know, but I know that it wasn't friendly."