• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,452 Views, 116 Comments

Ponyville High - Midori_Kuroba

A romantic comedy where the characters are human and go to high school.

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Chapter 2: Friendship 101

Ponyville High
Chapter 2: Friendship 101

Applejack leads the way as the trio gets closer and closer to the gardens, constantly peeking over her shoulder at Twilight and Spike. She puts her hands in her pockets and turns around, walking backwards now so she can face them. "I apologize, but I'm mighty curious. You two seem awfully close for a pair of newcomers. How do you two know each other?"

Twilight smiles and says, "Spike used to be my assistant before we came here. We met in elementary, and it was a pretend relationship, but as we got older he became more and more of a necessity to me. I don't know how I could have made it this far without him." She giggles, looking at Spike.

Spike blushes and avoids her gaze with a chuckle. "Oh come on Twilight, I'm not that important."

Applejack smiles brightly and says, "I reckon you've had a friend right in front of you all these years and never even realized it sugar cube."

Twilight blinks in surprise and looks at Spike unsure what to say to that. She mutters under her breath, "Maybe that's another reason why the princess sent me here. Because I couldn't even see I had a friend right in front of me all these years." Spike looks at her, and she squeaks looking away, which makes him blush a darker shade and look away as well.

Applejack looks between the two with a sly smile and says in a casual tone, "So you two have been pretty close for a long while, eh? But I'm curious, is that more of a sibling type of deal, or something a little stronger than that?"

Twilight blinks and tilts her head to the side a little. "I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. What could be stronger than the bond that two siblings share with each other?"

Spike's face turns completely red, steam nearly flowing from his ears. "Nothing is stronger! Don't let her get into your head! She's just messing with us!" Twilight raises an eyebrow at his behavior, and he tries to hide his face from her behind a hand.

Applejack snickers at this. Satisfied by the reaction she got, and turns back around. "Spike is right sugar cube. I'm just tickling my ribs over here. Don't mind me." She comes to the front door of the green house like structure and opens it, holding it for her new friends. Twilight curtseys and walks in. Spike stops in front of her and holds up a finger, his mouth hanging open as if he was about to say something. As he paused, Applejack leans in so her face is close to his and says, "Beg your pardon?" She smirks and Spike just shakes his head blushing, walking into the building. Applejack chuckles and follows them in.

Both of their jaws drop as the look around them, immediately surrounded by beautiful and exotic plants. They had been planted and attended to carefully to give a mirror effect right down the middle as they walked down a dirt road that winded through the garden. Twilight squeals and says, "I've read about so many of these plants and never seen any! There's even a few in here that I don't have any idea what they are!" She runs from fauna to fauna, examining them as a series of long complicated scientific descriptions flowed from her mouth.

Applejack's freckled face pales a little as she stares confused at all the things the energetic Goth was saying. She looks at Spike and whispers, "Does she always get like this around plants?"

Spike shakes his head and whispers back, "No, she's just never seen these kinds before. You wouldn't guess it looking at her gothic exterior, but deep down she's a huge bookworm, waiting to sprout into a beautiful librarian butterfly."

Applejack's cheeks inflate as she holds in a laugh at his description with a snicker, and walks over to Twilight. She takes her by the shoulder and says, "Calm down sugar cube, this is only the entrance. You can have a smarty pants spasm another time. We still got the rest of the tour to go, remember?" Twilight blushes and nods, giggling nervously as she rubs her arm. "Right then, let's start in the orchard shall we?"

She led them along the path, Twilight looking around at everything with eyes of admiration, Spike happy to see her finally relaxed and smiling. Then they come to a large clearing with all kinds of fruits and vegetables were growing, whether from the ground or from trees. They looked at the sectioned off varieties in awe, when they began to realize just how many apple trees there are. Twilight says, "I can see how useful growing food for the school can be, but what's with all the apples?"

Applejack puts her hand son her hips and crosses one leg in front of the other, holding her nose up in the air proudly. "Apples helped found this school, and the very town we're in. My family has been planting and harvesting apples for generations, and this school respects what they've done for our town. Why, they're our number one commodity, and mighty tasty too. You name a food, and I'll find a way to incorporate apples into it. That's how the apple family does things." She notices a tree shaking and motions for them to follow her. "Looks like my kin are right over here!" She smiles finding a large and muscular male dropping an apple from a tree, a young girl at the base of his ladder catching the apples in a bucket. The boy had a red plaid shirt on and faded jeans leading down to a set of dusty steel toed work boots. His hair was strawberry blonde and short, and he had freckles just like Applejack. In his mouth was a hay straw, just hanging there as he chewed on the end. The younger girl had long thick red hair and a big pink bow. She was wearing a yellow shirt under her overalls, and a pair of white sneakers that had seen their own share of hard work and dirt. "Spike and Twilight, I want you to meet my siblings. This is my big brother Macintosh, but everyone calls him Big Mac. He's a senior. And this is my little sister Apple Bloom, and she's a freshman like you Spike. Big Mac, Apple Bloom, come say hi to the new students."

Apple Bloom sets down her basket and runs over as Big Mac makes his way down the ladder at his own pace. Apple Bloom gazes over Twilight examining her clothes: A violet shoulder less silk shirt, a black and violet plaid skirt that reached just above her knees, black and violet striped thigh high socks and elbow length gloves, and black boots that were covered in buckles. She smiles and says, "Wow miss Twilight, are you a witch? I've never met a real witch before!"

Spike holds a laugh in with both hands as Twilight looks utterly confused by the young girl's statement. Applejack scowls and grabs her sister by the ear. "What in tarnation is wrong with you Apple Bloom? Didn't I tell you to stop acting like you were in kindergarten? She ain't no witch, she's gothic. That means she dresses in dark cloths and is anti-social." Applejack covers her mouth with a gasp at what she just said.

Big Macintosh walks up with a chuckle and says, "No who's being rude little sister?"

Twilight chuckles nervously and says, "Well, I'm not going to deny any of that, to be honest."

Apple Bloom winces and says, "Yeow! Applejack that thing is attached! Leggo already!"

Applejack sighs and lets her little sister go, who quickly begins rubbing her ear. Applejack lowers her hat and says, "Well I feel dumb as a post for saying something so rude about a new friend Twilight. Let me get you an apple to make up for that." Applejack walks up to a tree and gives it a good stomp, several apples falling from the tree as Spike and Twilight stared in awe of her strength. She picks one up off the ground and gives it a rub on her sleeve, handing it to Twilight before placing her hands on her hips and crossing her legs again. "I reckon that one is mighty ripe."

Twilight blinks staring at the large red apple and takes a small bite. She blinks and smiles as she says, "Say, this one is very juicy! It tastes so good! Here Spike, you try it too!"

Spike smiles and takes the apple. "Don't mind if I do." He opens his mouth wide and bites a large chuck from the apple, juice spraying to the ground as he attempt to much it in his now full mouth before handing it back to Twilight.

She cringes and takes it by the stem, staring at it. "Spike, I said to try the apple. Your bite was so big you at the apple core itself!"

Spike swallows and says, "I was wondering what those unusually hard chunks were."

As he picks his teeth Applejack has a laugh. "Don't you fret Twilight; we got plenty more where that came from. Ain't that right guys?"

Big Mac nods and gives a dragged out, "Eeeyup." Apple Bloom giggles at her brother and just nods.

Applejack tips her hat to her siblings and says, "But before we go crazy with the apples, how about we continue that there tour I promised you. Come on, I got someone you'll want to meet by the animals."

Spike looks to Twilight and says, "Are you going to eat that?" Twilight rolls her eyes and tosses him what's left of the apple, letting the boy pig out as she follows Applejack.

Apple Bloom and Big Mac wave them off as they follow Applejack further back into the gardens. Twilight waves back, and then turns to Applejack to say, "You really gave that tree back there a good kick. How did you ever get so strong?"

Applejack blushes and says, "Aww, now you got me all red in the face. I've been doing this for years though, bucking trees like a bronco. I reckon it just gets the job done a lot faster when you give a tree a good kick. It's not like I'm hurting them. Big Macintosh kicks right through them trees though, so we make him pick them by hand." Applejack and Twilight giggle together, Spike smirking as he just follows from behind.

Animal noises can be heard rapidly getting louder as they come to an area that looks like some sort of zoo safari. All kinds of animals can be seen running around the area with each other, none of them conflicting with each other at all. It was like walking into a peaceful jungle hillside. Twilight blinks and says, "Wow, I've never seen so many animals in one place, let alone getting together so well! What's the secret to that?" Spike notices a parrot and tosses it what's left of his apple, which it munches on excitedly.

Applejack says, "The secret is the caretaker. She lives in a small shanty out around here." That's when she finally came into view, a meek looking Winglie with small yellow wings that matched the sun dress she was wearing. Her hair was very long reaching half way down her back, and some of it came down partially over one her eyes, and it was pink. Her sandals were pink and laced up, and she was unaware of their presence. "There she is, but be careful. She spooks real easily."

Twilight nods and walks over, taking a deep breath. She softly says a, "Hello."

The girl screams and twists around, all the birds she was feeding fluttering off. She begins to pant when she notices Applejack with her. She gulps and stutters her own, "H-Hello."

Twilight looks back at Applejack worriedly, but she just rolls her hand insisting Twilight continue. "Um, m-my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm a friend of Applejack's. What's your name?"

The girl takes a step back, and looks down, her hair falling further over her face. "M-My name is," she mumbles her name in a soft tone.

Twilight tries leaning in to hear but fails to. "I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"

The girl rubs her arm nervously and begins to coot further back, avoiding their gazes. "M-My name," she mumbles the rest in an unheard tone again.

Twilight smiles nervously and says, "I didn't quite catch that."

The girl stares at her with wide shimmering eyes and then looks away, curling up her body a little as she hugs herself and mutters again, this time in a very high pitched tone, whimpering and whining. Applejack tugs her hat down with both hands and says, "Maybe this wasn't such a great idea."

Spike walks up and whispers, "Twilight, stop addressing her directly! Pick a conversation topic!"

Twilight begins to sweat, looking around at all the animals, and then back to Spike. "Err, my friend Spike here is dragon blooded!"

Spike's eye twitches and he says, "I didn't mean me as a conversation topic!"

The girl blinks and unfurls a bit staring at him. "You're dragon blooded? I've never met someone dragon blooded before." She smiles and takes a few steps forward. "Does that mean you can breathe fire? Or some other cool things like that?"

Spike blushes and rubs the back of his head with a smile. "Oh, w-well I suppose I have one or two special traits, but I'm not all that great."

Twilight smirks and says, "He can breathe fire but it leaves him full of hot air." The girl giggles, finally standing before them normally now. "I'm sorry if I frightened you. I'm new to this school and just trying to make some friends. And I'd like to be your friend if you'd be willing to tell me your name."

The girl smiles, tilting her head a little. "Well, my name is Fluttershy. It's a pleasure to meet you Twilight Sparkle, and you too Spike. I'm sorry I was so shy. I just get nervous around people I've never met before. Can you forgive me and be my friends?"

Twilight smiles and nods vigorously. "Yes! I'd love to be your friend. You probably have so much knowledge about all these animals since you take care of them so well. I'd love to hear about every one of them!"

Spike sighs rolling his eyes. "And there's little miss book worm rearing her ugly head."

Applejack chuckles and ruffles Spike's hair. "Oh let her be. She looks so happy doesn't she?"

Spike blinks and looks at Twilight, giggling and overjoyed, talking with the shy girl before her. The scene makes Spike smile and he nods. "Your right, she does look pretty happy. I'm kind of proud of her."

After the two of them talk for a bit, Twilight comes back and says, "Okay guys, sorry about that. She's actually a very interesting Winglie once you get to know her a little. So where is the next stop on our tour?"

Applejack rubs her brow and says, "Well to be honest with you, the dorms ain't much of a tourist hotspot, and you'll see plenty of the school during classes and on map directories. So I'd say our second and final stop would be the recreational building. There's plenty to see there, and plenty of people to meet."

Spike smiles and says, "Sounds great! I hear you guys have the best in school arcade in Equestria!"

Applejack laughs and says, "Just like a boy to go straight for the video games. Come on you two, let's get a move on." As Applejack leads them away, a bush bounces its way up behind Fluttershy and a pair of hands sprout from it, grabbing the shocked girl by the mouth and dragging her in, before bouncing away and out of sight.

Applejack leads them through the garden and back outside, heading straight towards the recreational building. Twilight blinks, coming to a stop as she begins to look around in the air. Spike looks back at her and says, "Twilight? What are you doing?"

Twilight holds up a finger to shush him, as if she's listening for something. "Watch out!" comes the cry of a tomboyish girls voice as she comes slamming into the side of Twilight. The two of them plow through the dirt, and Twilight groans as she slowly opens her eyes, the world spinning and what looks like a rainbow dangling in front of her face. When her vision clears, she can see the rainbow is actually a set of mid length hair, belonging to a Winglie girl who is staring down at her angrily. "You got in my way! Thanks a lot for ruining my new trick!" The girl gets up showing she is wearing a cyan tank top and some navy blue jeans that had been bleached and torn at the knees. Her sneakers were as colorful as her hair, and she wore an mp3 player on her pocket that had a cord leading up to the headphones around her neck that said 'DJ PON 3' on them. She removes her goggles from her maroon eyes to get a better look at the girl on the ground. She scowls and grabs Twilight, tugging the gothic girl to her feet. "What's your problem anyways?"

Twilight hisses and rubs her arm, having a scrape on it now, and her hair was fluffed up and covered in dirt. The tomboy stares at her for a minute, and begins to snicker. Twilight blushes and growls. "It's your fault! You crashed into me! Who are you anyways?"

The girl smirks and wipes off a little dirt. "You mean you haven't heard of the Winglie that will one day break the sound barrier? Listen closely, because soon you'll never forget the name-"

"Rainbow Dash!" The tomboy cringes, hearing a familiar voice and looking back to see Applejack marching over and rolling up her sleeves. "First you don't watch where you're going, then your rude, and then you act like some pompous show off? What in tarnation is wrong with you?"

Rainbow Dash yelps and tries to fly away, getting caught by her foot. "Oh no! Applejack! You don't understand! This is all just a big misunderstanding!"

Applejack hauls Rainbow Dash in, and tugs the girl under her arm. "I know you were raised better than that Rainbow! I'll tan your hide, acting like a fool!" Applejack rears her hand back and starts slapping Rainbow Dash on her jean clad rear.

Rainbow blinks and yelps, flailing her arms as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She kicks her legs and tries to pry herself free from the stronger girls grasp, growling at her assailant. "It's kind of hard to do anything when you're spanking me so hard!"

Applejack sets Rainbow down standing upright and faces her towards Twilight, who was staring and blushing at this point. "Now say yer sorry and say it like you mean it!"

"Okay okay already!" Rainbow Dash grunts and crosses her arms. She sighs and says as seriously as she can muster, "I'm sorry I crashed into you and was rude. My name is Rainbow Dash. Can I do anything to make this up for you miss…?"

Twilight smiles and says, "Twilight Sparkle, the newest student. And that's my friend Spike, he's also new." She blinks and blushes as Spike was trying not to laugh at her messed up hair. "Want to share what's so funny Spike?"

He shakes his head and says, "Nah, don't mind me. I'm just going to stand here in the background and look handsome." He strikes a pose as if he was a power ranger and freeze frames.

Rainbow laughs and points at him, Applejack and Twilight rolling their eyes. "Don't mind him. He's still young and immature. Is there a place I can get fixed up around here?"

Rainbow floats off the ground and puts her hands behind her head, lounging on air. "Well that prissy Rarity should be in the school working on outfits. She has a first aid kit, and beauty thingies, so she can fix you up fine."

Twilight smiles and says, "Oh! Then can you lead us to her?"

Rainbow scowls and says, "Are you kidding? I don't want to go near any of that frilly frou-frou garbage!" Rainbow blinks and cringes as Twilight takes a rather shattered expression, and she begins to sweats seeing Applejack glare at her. She smiles wide and says, "But for you, of course I can! I kind of owe it to you anyways." She chuckles nervously, seeing both girls get happy and wiping sweat from her brow. "Okay, everyone follow me." She lands and folds her wings in, motioning for them to follow as she walks to the school building. She leads them up to the second floor via elevators, and to a workshop. "Behold, and welcome to hell."

The room was covered in hand made decorations, mannequins in dresses, cloth materials rolled up and organized in random bunches all over the place, and a few vanity mirrors here and there along the walls. They could see the back of a Unimare girl sitting at a sowing machine, hard at work on a white dress that sparkled like diamonds. From behind she could be seen wearing a white collared shirt tucked into a pair of brown pants that were belted. "I'll be with you in a moment," she says having heard them all walk in. She gazes at the dress with a satisfied huff, using her magic to set it off to the side, and stands up, turning around. She could now be seen wearing a purple tie that matched her hair, which was tied back in a bow. "Now, who is it and how can I help yo-OOO! Oh my goodness, what happened to this poor girl?"

Twilight blushes as Applejack leers back at the grumpy tomboy leaning on the doorframe. "Rainbow happened. Came plowing right into this poor girl out of nowhere. First day and she's already had her feathers ruffled."

The woman frowns and walks over hugging Twilight. "You poor little thing, I'll fix you up in no time!" She undoes her hair, letting it loose into a beautiful long and curly mass, and removed her glasses to expose her eyes. "My name is Rarity, and when I'm not going to class for Mrs. Photo Finish, I use her class as a personal boutique of sorts. Now first things first, let's patch up that scratch and get you into something less dirty!"

Spike takes one long look at this girl and his face break out into red. His gaze becomes fixed, and his heart beats faster. He closes his eyes a little and his mouth hangs open, staring at Rarity with a goofy smile. Rarity grabs Twilight by her wrist and begins to drag her off. "Wait, I'm fine with the clothes I'm wearing! Somebody help, please! Help me! Noooooo!"

Rarity drags her behind a changing wall and all her cloths come folded over the top of it as a bunch of struggling can be heard. "Now hold still my dear. Hmm, this one is too skimpy. No, too conservative. This one is too frilly, not frilly enough, too emotional, no these won't do. How about this one? No, too playboy bunny. How do you feel about futuristic and retro? Aha, this will do perfect!" She pushes Twilight out from behind the wall, who now had her hair back in a ponytail and was wearing a indigo v-neck sweater with a white under shirt that was tucked into a pair of blue bell bottom jeans, and on her feet somehow she managed to keep her boots through the ordeal. "Now, what do you all think?"

Twilight blushes and looks up to everyone, blinking as they've been put on the spot. Applejack blushes and says, "Well it definitely look cleaner than your other cloths."

Spike says, "Well it's a nice change from her usual attire in my opinion. I would have loved to see you make her wear some high heels."

Rarity giggles and says, "Her feet are not made for high heels, so I let her keep her foot attire." Rarity looks at Rainbow Dash and scowls, placing her hands on her hips and walking over. "Well? What do you think?"

Rainbow quickly answers, "Needs to be cooler."

Rarity growls and gets red in her face biting her lower lip. "Nothing is ever cool enough for you! So I suppose walking around in torn clothes and never washing them is cool? Or dyeing your hair to look like a rainbow? Oh yes reeeally cool!"

Rainbow returns her fiery gaze and says, "I tore them on purpose and the dirt adds character! And I've told you a thousand times, my hair is naturally rainbow!"

Rarity sighs and says, "At least let me dust you off? Patch up your clothes? Style your hair?" She slips a pair of scissors and a sowing needle from her pockets and dashes at her, Rainbow yelping and rolling out of her way. "Please Rainbow! Let me give you a make-over! Just a teeny little change to your appearance here and there and you'll be able to get any man! Or woman…" Rarity blushes and looks to the side.

Rainbow growls and says, "Never! I like my cloths and I don't care about boys! And how long is that lesbian rumor going to come back to haunt me?"

Twilight blinks and gulps looking at the scene, snagging her clothes from the changing wall and making her way for the door. Applejack acknowledges her with a tip of her hat and heads for the door as well. Twilight freezes and looks back at Spike, who is still staring with a goofy smile at Rarity. She growls and grabs him by his sleeve, dragging the stumbling boy out of the room as the two girls continue to argue. After a few seconds they realize they're alone and come to an abrupt stop looking around. Rarity blinks and says, "Where did everyone go?"

Rainbow grunts and says, "Great, now I won't have witnesses when you assault me with your frilly garbage!"

Rarity gets a vein on her forehead as she points at Rainbow Dash. "Like I'd get arrested for dressing you like a proper woman, or are you just that afraid of looking pretty?" She blinks and notices something brush against her finger, and gives it a grip and a gentle tug. "String?"

Rainbow blinks and says, "String? Where did that come from?" The two girls look up to where the string led, into a hole in the ceiling. The next thing they new Rarity was yanked up into the ceiling, squeaking like a little girl in shock. Rainbow gasps and notices another string leading down and around her waist. She tugs at it trying to get it free, feeling herself being pulled up now. She grabs at the air, trying to fly away. "No no, let me go! Oh god she must be using a machine this time! Ahhh!" She is then sucked up into the hole and the ceiling tile is replaced.

Applejack wipes her brow as they make it out of the school building, giggling as Twilight follows with an annoyed expression. Her clothes were under one arm, and Spike was under the other. Spike sighs and says, "That girl was as beautiful as an angel! She was so lovely, so sophisticated!"

Twilight sticks out her tongue and says, "Earth to Casanova. News flash, you're heavy! Get up and walk already." Spike scowls and pushes out of her arm, walking alongside her now. "Welcome back to reality my fine Draconian friend."

Spike rolls his eyes and says, "Can I help it if I just experienced love at first sight?"

Applejack giggles louder and says, "Boy you are barking up the wrong tree. That girl will bleed your soul dry before she breaks your poor little heart. It's just puppy love, you'll get over it."

"Maybe I don't want to get over it." Spike sticks out his forked tongue at her. "So are we finally going to the recreational building now?"

Applejack nods and says, "Yessir. Ain't nothing gonna stop us now. In fact, there's nothing out here at all." She looks around noticing there wasn't a student visible for miles. "Very peculiar if you ask me. Something odd is going on here, or my name ain't Applejack." Twilight and Spike look around noticing this as well, and shrug at each other unsure of what to make of the situation. Applejack leads them to the recreational building and notices how dark all the windows are, perking an ear against the door. "I reckon whatever is going on may be in here. Prepare yourself for anything guys, I got a feeling something shocking is about to happen." Twilight and Spike gulps and begin to shiver, which makes Applejack smirk as she throws open the doors.

The lights to the whole building flash on as before them is a crowd of students that shout, "SURPRISE!"

Twilight Sparkle and Spike stare in awe with their mouths hanging open, as a familiar pink haired girl bounces to the front of the wall of students, surrounded by balloons, streamers, and a big sign that says 'Welcome Twilight and Spike!' She throws confetti at them and shouts, "Welcome to our school!"

Applejack laughs and says, "Pinkie Pie, I should've recognized that gasp earlier from when you found out it was my birthday last year. You were planning this party this entire time, weren't you?"

Pinkie nods and says, "Of course! When I saw two people I didn't know, I knew they had to be new students, and that means they have no friends and if they have no friends that's sad, and if they're sad then that makes me sad! So I gathered up everyone that I could, and got this party made for you as fast as I could, knowing you would sooner than later lead them to this building! And while everyone helped chip in, I followed you around and snagged some familiar face!" She takes out a kazoo and blows into it, and the crowd breaks to show Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all wheeling in a big cake with their names on it. She pushes the group in and lets the doors shut behind them, giggling and bouncing in a circle around them. "We baked this cake, just for you, and I got all your new friends to chip in and decorate it before you even go here! Are you surprised, I bet you are, because your faces are like, gasp! Oh my god, what's going on? Why is there a bear on a pogo stick playing the accordion?! That sort of thing, you know?!"

Twilight stares at the group of people she had just met, and begins to tear up. "You guys did all of this, just for me?"

Pinkie blinks and says, "Well duh, because you're the new girl, and you need friends! And, well, I want to be one of those friends." Twilight drops the clothes from under her arm and falls to her knees, sobbing in soft gasps. Pinkie frowns and says, "Oh no, did I make a booboo? Did I do something wrong?"

Twilight wipes her eyes and says, "No, it's quite alright! I'm just so happy! I've never had any real friends my entire life, and now that I've been here for not even a few hours I already have five interesting new friends."

Spike kneels down and gives her a hug from the side. Applejack kneels down and joins him, Fluttershy blushing and hurrying over to hug her too. Pinkie giggles and hugs her, laughing and nuzzling into the silly girl. Rarity walks over, motioning for Rainbow Dash to follow. Rainbow sighs and says, "Alright, but just this once. I got a reputation to keep you know guys." She kneels down alongside Rarity, and soon the entire group is engaged in a group hug around Twilight.

Twilight smiles and says, "Thanks everyone, I hope I can be as good a friend to each of you as you're being to me right now."

Pinkie smiles and rushes off, coming back with a small rather bowl shaped looking glass and puts a straw in it. "Don't worry Twilight! We have an entire school year to get to know us now! Just drink some fruit punch and relax!"

Twilight looks down at the red liquid and smiles, taking a sip from the straw. She immediately spits it up and begins fanning her mouth, all her new friends blinking and freaking out. Applejack says, "Twilight, what's wrong?!"

Twilight continues to fan her mouth, letting her tongue hang out. "Spicy! Hot! It burns!"

Pinkie blinks and sniffs at it. "Whoopsie doodle! This isn't fruit punch, its hot sauce! My bad!" She takes out a cupcake and dips it in the hot sauce, taking a big bite. Everyone stares at her with looks of confusion and disgust. She blinks and says with crumbs fumbling from her mouth, "What? It's good."

Twilight smiles and finds herself laughing, holding her sides. Everyone looks from her to Pinkie and they all begin to laugh as well. The laughter is contagious, as the crowd begins to laugh at the scene, Pinkie looking around confused with a shrug. "Well if you can't beat em, join em!" She begins to laugh with everyone else, everyone ready for a fun time together, and Twilight ready to spend it with her new friends.

End Chapter 2
Continued in Chapter 3: Princess Luna