• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,452 Views, 116 Comments

Ponyville High - Midori_Kuroba

A romantic comedy where the characters are human and go to high school.

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Chapter 6: Murphy's Muffin Maniac

Ponyville High
Chapter 6: Murphy’s Muffin Maniac

Spike took a whiff of the air as the classroom was filled with the smell of delicious confections. He stares down at his with a sigh, having done a horrible job on the frosting for the cake he baked. His teacher for home economics was the same teacher as foreign language, a woman from out of country named Zecora. She had dark skin with black and white markings painted all over, similarly colored hair which was styled up in a Mohawk, and gauges in her earlobes that had plugs with a symbol that looked similar to a sun with a spiral. Zecora often spoke in rhymes, which always made him snicker a little. She walks up to Spike and says, “Little dragon boy, why do you frown? Is there something I can do to turn it upside down?”

Spike looks up at her and says, “I was trying to bake for my friends, because we’re going to have a picnic today. But I botched the frosting and now it looks like a mess!”

Zecora shakes her head and says, “It’s not how it looks but the quality and taste, and giving up so soon would just be a waste. You should be creative with the frosting you spill. It could even form a rose with a strong enough will.” She takes out a plastic spatula, and whips it in a circular motion over the pile of frosting he’d spilled, and before Spike’s eyes it formed into the shape of a beautiful rose. “Now can you see? Easy as one, two, three.”

Spike smiles and says, “Thanks Ms. Zecora! I’ll definitely take this lesson to heart!” They both get startled by the loud clanging of pots on the floor. When they look they see a blonde haired Winglie with scruffy grey wings. Her eyes were crossed diagonally, giving her a rather wall eyed expression. She had on a grey shirt with bubble patterns leading up one side, and black jeans. Spike knew her as Ditzy Doo, Zecora’s assistant in teaching the class. Spike rushes over and helps her pick up the pots and pans. “Are you okay Ms. Doo? I didn’t even see you run into anything this time.”

Ditzy Doo nods and says, “I’m perfectly fine! I was just staring at that beautiful flower on your cake! I lost my hold on the cooking utensils. And please, call me Ditzy, Spike. Or everyone’s nickname for me, Derpy.”

Spike scowls and says, “Why would you want me to call you such a rude and offensive name?”

Ditzy waggles her finger and says, “Now now, it’s not rude or offensive, it’s an expression of clumsiness, which I am. It’s things like retard, and the like, which are offensive. Besides, I always wanted to be able to say something like ‘my friends call me’, and then give them a name.”

Spike blinks and says, “Well what do your friends call you Ditzy?”

Ditzy giggles and says, “You silly billy, I don’t have any friends.”

Spike’s jaw drops a little as she gets up and walks away so casually from just saying that. He runs after her and says, “Wait miss, how can you not have any friends?!”

Ditzy, places the pans in the oversized sink and says, “I just… don’t. Well, unless you count Golden Harvest who went to a different high school after middle school.” She stares down at the dishes with a rather sad expression after having said that.

Spike blinks and says, “Do you still talk to her?”

She smiles and nods. “Every time we get a break we meet up, especially in winter when she doesn’t have to tend to her school's gardens.”

Spike smiles and says, “Oh, so she works at a high school too?”

Ditzy laughs and says, “No you silly, she just helps. She’s not gonna get a job until she’s out of high school.”

Spike blinks starting to get a little confused. “Your friend is still in high school? Hold on a second, Ditzy, are you still in high school?!”

Ditzy blushes and says, “W-Well yeah! I’m a third year student! Didn’t you know that?”

Spike’s jaw drops again and he says, “No I didn’t! I don’t have any third year classes! Ditzy you look like a grown woman, why are you teaching a class if you’re still in school?”

Ditzy fumbles with her words and flails her hands blushing and biting her lip nervously. “Well, I look older because I am! I’m twenty three! The only reason why I get to help teach this particular class is because of my age and already completing both years of home economics. I really like this class, so Zecora lets me help as a sort of third level to the class.”

Spike stares at her slightly horrified and says, “You’re twenty three and in junior year? That’s… f-fine. There’s nothing wrong with that or you for that matter!”

Ditzy glares at him and says, “Oh yeah, sugar coat it. Look Spike, go ahead and think whatever you please, but I can’t change who I am. Zecora I’ll clean dishes later, I need a walk.”

Zecora blinks and says, “Is everything alright my sweet young assistant? The class isn’t quite over this instant.”

She tears up and replies, “I’m fine!” She rushes out of the classroom sobbing, and watching her go like that makes Spike’s heart sink a little. He could’ve reacted a little less shocked, he probably seemed so insensitive.

Even later that day at the picnic with his friends, which were technically closer to Twilight than him, he still sulked staring down in thought. A plate with a slice of the cake he’d made is slid into his lap, and he looks up to see everyone was staring at him, and Rarity had handed him the cake. She smiles and says, “A penny for your thoughts?”

Spike blushes and says, “You guys shouldn’t mind me. I just… I made a girl cry today.”

Twilight mutters under her breath, “No surprises there.”

She whistles innocently as Spike shoots her a glare. He then continues, “You see, I found out some shocking information about one of your classmates who teaches in my home economics class.”

Pinkie slaps her hands together and points at him. “I got it! You’re talking about Derpy!”

Rainbow Dash says, “Hold on a second, that clumsy girl who gets straight Cs? She actually teaches a class?”

Fluttershy raises her hand a little and says, “She only assists. She’s still a student after all.”

Spike nods and says, “So you guys have heard of her huh? I reacted… shocked when she told me how old she was, and that she was still in school.”

Rarity sits by him and says, “I was shocked myself at first, and of course all kinds of reasons why she was still in school came to mind. Unlike my roommate though, I was never very outspoken about them.”

“And just what is that supposed to mean, hmm?” Everyone turns to see Trixie and her entourage. “You speak of the beautiful and popular Trixie as if she were some sort of bully!” Nobody even bothered to respond to that one, they all just gave her a half closed eye expression and stared. She blushes and growls before shouting, “Stop looking at Trixie like that! It’s not my fault that tard is an easy target!”

Applejack stands up and says, “Now don’t you dare go using a word like that to describe anyone! That girl might be different, but there’s nothing wrong with her!”

Pinkie Pie giggles and says, “There’s nothing but right with her! At least when it comes to baked goods!” She opens the basket she brought to reveal a vast amount of various muffins. “Come on guys, try some!” She walks around letting everyone take a muffin, even to Trixie and her entourages who look surprised but reluctantly take one each.

Trixie stares at the muffin and says, “Trixie swears, if this is a prank…” She takes a bite of the muffin and her eyes grow to the size of dinner plates. “This is the most delicious confection I have ever tasted! For a girl who is Murphy’s Law incarnate, I must say I’m impressed!”

Spike gulps down a bite of his muffin and says, “Murphy’s Law? What’s that supposed to mean.”

Twilight smiles and says, “Well, Murphy’s Law is that everything that can go wrong will. This law was an ironic one however, because Murphy was an optimist.”

Spike shrugs and says, “So she’s clumsy, that doesn’t mean she earned that title.” Everyone pauses and avoids looking at him nervously, even Trixie who slides her goofy hat down a bit to cover the side of her face he was on. “What? Why is everyone doing that?”

Applejack sits back down and says, “Listen sugar cube, best not to talk about it. You see, in classes, she causes a lot of chaos. It’s all accidental of course, but everyone around her suffers. Ripped clothes, soaked notes, broken important objects, including limbs, you name it she’s done it. Only one girl was ever immune to her chaos, and she’s at a different school now.”

Spike mutters Golden Harvest’s name under his breath, and then notices how warm the muffins are. “Pinkie Pie, you said you got these from Ditzy Doo. Why are they still so warm and fresh?”

Pinkie smiles and says, “Because she runs a little bake stand after classes. Why, you want something? It’s right over that way.” As soon as her finger lifts he was on his feet and running in that direction. Pinkie grins and snatches his piece of cake, wolfing it down.

Spike easily finds her stand, where she sits with her hands together staring forward with a smile on her face. It was a very well made stand, possibly owned by the Cake’s, and had a glass display of all the confections she’d made being kept warm. He pants from running there and says, “Ditzy Doo, can we talk, I want to apologize for earlier.” She continues to sit there with the same expression, staring as if looking past him. He bends over the stand and waves his hand in front of her face and says, “Ditzy Doo?” He yelps rearing back as he hears her snoring. “She sleeps with her eyes open… creepy. Wake up!”

She yelps and falls backwards, kicking the stand forward with him still bent over the top of it. “I’m awake! I’m awake!” she cries as the stand begins to roll forward little by little. She looks up and says, “Spike? What are you doing here? And why are you getting further away?”

Spike smiles and says, “I’m sorry, I came because I wanted to apologize for… did you say getting further away?” He finally notices the cart moving faster little by little, and looks back to see the cart turning to face down the incline that lead up to the recreational building where they were. “This thing has wheels I see…Oh snap…” He screams as the stand rolls down the incline, Ditzy gasping and chasing after him. He rolls past his friend’s picnic, everyone pausing in their current argument with Trixie to give chase. Trixie follows, feeling ignored by this. Then the cart slams into fountain at the center of the courtyard, and he goes flying into the water with a loud splash.

Everyone came rushing up, Twilight shouting, “Are you okay Spike?!”

He groans, spitting out some water as he sits up drenched. “This thing is shallow, so my entire back side is in pain.”

“I’ll save you!” cries the wall eyed Ditzy as she leaps over the edge of the fountain, face planting in the water. Spike sighs and helps her up and out of the water. She blushes and says, “I was supposed to help you…” She examines her cart and sighs with relief. “My pastries are a little shaken up and splatty, but other than that the cart is fine. Spike, what were you doing?”

He growls and says, “Apologizing! I don’t care that you’re older and in school, you’re a sweet person and I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did! After all, I bet you get enough rumors about you on a daily basis.”

Ditzy smiles and hugs him with a squish. “You’re silly Spike, sticks and stones can break bones but not words. And besides, rumors are only rumors.”

Rainbow Dash nods and says, “She’s got a point. I’ve got a rumor going around that I’m a lesbian, and they’re over small things like this.” She walks up to Fluttershy, snatching her arm and pulling her close and leaning her face close to hers. Fluttershy gulps and blushes trying to pull away. “See? Just because my face is close to hers, doesn’t make me a-“

“Lesbian!” cries a nearby boy who immediately takes off.

Rainbow Dash growls and gives chase saying, “Say that to my face you prick!”

When she walks back Applejack raises her brow and says, “Wonderful example of how rumors don’t affect you.” Rainbow Dash pouts and grumbles.

Trixie smirks and says, “So you’re not going to deny any of the rumors about you then Derpy?”

Ditzy blushes and says, “I never said that!”

Berry Punch smirks and says, “Like how you failed so much in grade school you were held back for years?”

Ditzy tears up a little and says, “That’s not true!”

Spike growls and says, “Leave her alone you jerks!”

Colgate joins the smirk fest and says, “Or that your eyes are the result of you hitting yourself in the forehead with a hammer for fun.”

Twilight and the rest of the girls gather around Ditzy defensively, Twilight particularly in Trixie’s face. “I’m warning you Trixie, stop it now or else!”

Trixie looks back at the girl in tears and huffs. “I bet this is it, isn’t it? Everything about you is just for attention. I bet everything about you is a lie so that people will show you sympathy. How pathe-“

“I was raped!” Those words seemed to echo through the area as everyone there froze and stared at Ditzy in shock. She sniffles and wipes her nose on her arm. “I was raped when I was ten years old. The person who did it… they tried to kill me… I got out with this expression on my face and a mental problem. Three years of therapy later, I went back to school in the first grade. Can you imagine being thirteen and in first grade, and not knowing why you were different from everyone else? Three years later my daughter joined me…”

Everyone’s jaws dropped at that last sentence, unable to speak, except Spike who said, “You kept the child, even at your age?”

Ditzy Doo’s eyes flowed like waterfalls, earning a hug from various directions. “My parents helped me through the experience, but yes, I did give birth as a little girl. It was the only thing I asked for, and everyone respected that much. The life I gave… she means so much to me even now. Next year she’ll be coming to this school as a freshman.” She shoots Trixie a glare, Trixie shivering with tears welling in the corners of her eyes. “Nothing to say to that, now do you? I didn’t choose to be like this. I didn’t choose to be where I am. I was forced! You make fun of people for being different, but do you even know their story? The world isn’t pickles and rainbows you know, there are people that are hurt, and have their lives changed every day! I’m no exception. So yeah, scientifically, I’m retarded. I have a daughter who’s ten years younger than me. But you know what? At least I’m not a cold hearted unthinking monster like you!”

Trixie’s tears finally flow and she sniffles, beginning to sob. She says in a high tone, “I’m not a monster! I-I didn’t know! I… I’m so sorry!” She bawls into her hands, her teary eyed friends trying to hold her shoulders. She shakes them off and says, “No! Don’t touch me, I’m a horrible person!” She tries to turn and run, only to be caught from behind by an unknown set of arms embrace. She looks back and blushes. “Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight smiled and said, “Treat others how you want to be treated…”

Trixie slowly looks to Ditzy, and then rushes over and hugs her. “I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”

Ditzy smiles and hugs her back. “I forgive you Trixie.” She knocks her hat off and pets the sobbing girl gently. “There there, you’re just misunderstood like me. Isn’t that right?” Trixie just nods in response and buries her face in Ditzy’s shoulder.

Everyone wipes their eyes, taking a moment to calm down. Spike breaks the silence that follows by saying, “What’s her name. Your daughter’s, I mean.”

Ditzy smiles and says, “Her name is Dinky. She’s a Unimare like her father, but I don’t blame her for that. It’s just a constant reminder of how grateful I am for what happened.”

Rarity shakes her head saying, “How can you be happy for such a dreadful course of events!”

Ditzy giggles and says, “I wouldn’t be who I am now without them. I’m happy for who have become. Whoever I could’ve become, that’s long past gone, and there’s no use troubling myself over it. It won’t happen, but what will happen is I’ll grow up to be a wonderful mother, and I’ll help my daughter do the same someday.”

Trixie takes off her cape and blows into it, rolling it up into a ball and shoving it in her hat, tossing it to her entourage. “Trixie will see you two later. Go wash her things. She’d like to discuss some matters with you. In the meantime Trixie needs to take care of some business.” Her friends smile and nod, walking off. “Ditzy Doo, the beautiful and popular Trixie wishes to make things up to you somehow. Is there anything she can do to make things up to you?”

Ditzy shakes her head and says, “It’s fine, really Trixie.”

Trixie shakes her head and says, “It’s not fine! All these years that she… that I’ve been hurting you… I feel obligate Ditzy. Please let me do something to help.”

Ditzy blushes and says, “Well, there is one thing” Everyone looks surprised and listens in. “You see, I got a crush on one of my teachers. He’s about the same age as me, and so charming. I’d like to get him to notice me somehow.”

Everyone brightens up and Trixie says, “The beautiful and popular Trixie will help you woo this man! That is, if everyone will help her?” Everyone nods and she smiles. “We’ll need a new outfit, some music, and the man in question. Who was it again?”

She blushes and stutters a little. “P-please don’t laugh. I have a crush on the Doctor. I don’t know what it is. He’s just so rugged and fancy, and different!”

Trixie nods and says, “Rarity, Fluttershy, your both good with appearances, so you will help Trixie find the perfect look for her!” They both nod in approval. She grabs a startled Ditzy and drags her off along with Fluttershy who keeps apologizing without reason.

Rarity snatches Spike and says, “Come along Spike, we’ll need a boy’s opinion as usual.”

Spike smiles and says, “See, this is why it’s a plus to have mostly female friends.”

Twilight says, “I’ll go find Luna and the music club. If we need music they’re perfect.”

As she rushes off Pinkie Pie pushes the cart of pastries and gives chase and says, “I want to play music too!”

Rainbow Dash sighs looking to Applejack and says, “I guess that leaves us to go find the Doctor. How do we always end up doing everything together?”

Applejack smirks and says, “Aww, you want me to hold your hand? Would that make you feel more comfortable?” She takes Rainbow Dash’s hand, making her blush.

Rainbow Dash blinks as another boy sees this and runs off. “Wait! Wait! It isn’t… what it looks like…” Rainbow Dash scowls and says, “I hate you so much right now.”

Applejack laughs and says, “I love you too sugar cube.”


Spike sits on a stool, watching as the girls work at a fast pace to make different outfits, and rush behind the changing wall, listening to Ditzy’s embarrassed squeals. “Alright Spike, what do you think about this one?” They drag Ditzy out wearing a grey Chinese tunic with bubble patters on it, as if they’d made it from her shirt. Her hair was braided in pigtails and she was wearing sandals.

Spike rubs his chin and says, “Is she supposed to look like a Chinese martial artist? I ask because that’s what she looks like.” Everyone sighs. “Look, the dress is amazing, but you’re trying to hard with the hair! Leave it as its short standard normal self. You don’t need to make it wild to get noticed. I think he’ll be shocked enough by the dress.”

Ditzy smiles and undoes her hair, ruffling it up into its normal form. “How do I look now?”

Spike smiles and says, “Perfect! But why not wear high heels?”

Rarity shrugs and says, “We tried that and she nearly fell and knocked over the wall while in her knickers. We couldn’t have that now could we? We need to give off an air of elegance that fumbling over yourself simply won’t do.”

Ditzy blushes and says, “As if I wasn’t clumsy enough. Can we skip makeup? I don’t want any to get any in my eyes.”

Trixie shakes her head and says, “But it will completely bring out your face! Fear not Ditzy, for the beautiful and popular Trixie is an artist!” She grabs a box from under her desk from class, and opens it to reveal five layers of makeup stashed inside.

Ditzy gulps nervously, while elsewhere Twilight had made her way to the music clubs clubroom. “So you see Luna, we were wondering if you guys could play something to create a romantic tone.”

Luna smiles and says, “Well, I don’t know any classical instruments yet. Unless you count the saxophone. This week I’m learning electric guitar!” She plays a few notes from ‘Smoke on the Water’ and giggles. “It took me a while to get even that.”

Octavia shakes her head and says, “No, this simply won’t do! We are the music club, and our services have been requested to serenade a romantic tone! How could we possibly say no?”

Vinyl laughs and says, “You just want an excuse to make us all play fancy music.”

Octavia slaps her hand over Vinyl’s mouth and says, “It’s our duty to help with music where music is needed! That is the purpose of the music club!”

Lyra clears her throat and plays a note on a harmonica before musically saying, “Nooooooo.”

Bonbon nods and says, “Lyra’s right, our purpose is to try out as many instruments as we possibly can and get good at them. But I do agree with Octavia, not only should we help them, but this club does need a little more class.”

Lyra scratches behind her ear with her foot and says, “A little more what now?” She notices Bonbon is glaring at her. “What! Far be it for me to try different species on top of music! I’m a dog this week. Next time I’ll do something cuddly and quiet… like a bunny.”

Octavia slaps her palm to her face and says, “Point is, we’ll help. Lyra, you’re on harp. Vinyl, you’re on violin.”

Vinyl scrunches her face and says, “Boooo.”

“Quiet you!” Octavia hisses. “Bonbon, you’re on bongos. Luna, saxophone can be incredibly romantic, just remember what you learned. And I, of course, will play my cello.”

Vinyl sighs and says, “Can’t I play something cooler, like an electric violin?”

Octavia grunts and says, “This is classical, not rock and roll, so no!”

Vinyl thinks for a moment and says, “How about a sitar?”

Octavia sighs and says, “You only found out what those are last night.”

Vinyl smiles and says, “Yeah, but it turns out we have one! And I’m a fast-“

“Violin Vinyl!” Vinyl pouts from being yelled at. “Where shall we meet you?”

Twilight gets a text and takes out her cell phone looking at it. “According to Rarity, hide outside the outdoor hall on the west side of the school building. Alright, let’s go Pinkie-“

She was interrupted by a loud resounding clang that echoed through the room, and looked to see Pinkie had just hit a gong. “Hahaha! I think I hit this thing too hard!”

Twilight tries to clean out her ear and says, “What? I can’t hear you! I think you hit that thing too hard!”

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Applejack peeked in on the Doctor’s classroom to see he was still there, grading papers. Applejack knocks on the door to get his attention and says, “Excuse me sir, but begging your permission to enter?”

The Doctor smiles and says, “Oh, hello girls. No, it’s fine, come in! Did you have a question about today’s lecture?”

Rainbow Dash cringes and says, “Actually no, we were wondering if we could convince you to take a break from that grading thing you’re doing.”

He shakes his head and says, “I’m afraid I’ve got far too much to do here, and far too much to do after I’m done.”

Rainbow Dash walks in and leans on his desk. “Sir, we’re not going through all this trouble for nothing. We will force you.”

The Doctor blinks and says, “Force me? Now just what is going on?”

Applejack sighs and grabs the back of Rainbow Dash’s shirt collar, tossing her backwards with a yelp. “Sir, we have a very special someone that wishes to meet with you, a female special someone… who isn’t a teenager.”

The Doctor blinks and says, “You don’t say… I’m not sure what to say by that, it catches me completely off guard… Right o’! Let’s all go see what this is about then! I’m intrigued!”

Applejack smiles and walks up to Rainbow saying, “You got to perk his interest, not threaten him.” She helps Rainbow Dash get off her head and away from the wall, standing her up.

Rainbow Dash sticks out her tongue and says, “Whatever, at least we got him to come.” She gets a text and gives it a look. “Right, we got our rendezvous location! Come on Doctor!” She rushes off and the Doctor quickly follows.

Applejack rushes after them and says, “Not so fast Rainbow Dash! They might not be ready!”

The Doctor laughs and says, “Either way this is rather exhilarating!”

Once they reached their destination, Rainbow Dash skid to a halt and stared wide eyed at Ditzy, who was wearing the dress as well as the right makeup to match it and bring out her eyes. “Whoa.”

Applejack arrives panting and says, “Whoa.”

The Doctor smiles with a whistle and says, “Whoa… Ditzy Doo, is that you?”

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Trixie peek through one of the open window arches, and Trixie looks back at the music club to say. “Play you fools! Play!”

Pinkie holds up a trumpet and whispers, “A one, a two, a one two three four!”

The entire group begins to play an improvised song, letting their music sync up with each others, Pinkie Pie catching along quickly with them. The Doctor blinks hearing the music and chuckles a little. “Miss Doo, what’s going on here? This is so random, it’s stupendous!”

Ditzy Doo’s face brightens and she says, “Really! I actually had all my friends help me put this together, just so that I could… get your attention.” She blushes and stares at the floor shyly.

The Doctor laughs again and says, “Is that what this is all about? Oh Ditzy you silly girl, I think this is positively brilliant! So over the top, I couldn’t possibly not pay attention! And might I say, you look stunning.” He walks over and takes her hand with a smile. “No law prevents me from dating a student of my own age. What’s say we continue this delicious bit of randomness over a cup of tea and some scones?”

Ditzy’s face becomes red as possible as she stares into his eyes and says, “Y-You really mean that? You’re not off put by how I’m so old in eleventh grade! Or the look on my face! I-I even have a kid, who’s ten years younger than me!”

Rainbow slaps her palm to her face and says, “Why would she say all that? Does she want to scare him away?”

Applejack smiles and says, “Give her a moment sugar cube, she’s just shy.”

The Doctor smirks and nods before saying, “Ditzy, you are the most intriguing girl I know, and that is the very reason why I wish to spend a little more time with you, especially after this little experience. Shall we?” Ditzy nods nervously as he wraps an arm around her shoulder. “I suppose my plans for the evening have changed. It’s so unexpected… I love it! Shall we enjoy ourselves Ms. Doo?”

She giggles and says, "My friends call me Derpy."

Ditzy walks off with him, looking back at everyone as they peek over at them. She smiles and with her lips she says ‘Thank you everyone.’ Trixie sighs with joy, and then glares at the others. “Don’t think this makes the beautiful and popular Trixie your friend now! This was simply a temporary truce! I still hate you all, especially you Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight smirks and says, “Well then, while we’re having a temporary truce, how about a sleep over?”

Trixie blinks and blushes. “A sleepover…?”


Trixie grumbles as her hair is braided, arms crossed with a huge blush. “Trixie was under the impression all your friends would be coming! It feels awkward being alone with you three!”

Twilight rolls her eyes and says, “Oh get over it Trixie. Nice pajamas by the way.”

Trixie was wearing a set of periwinkle silk pajamas covered in magic hats, wands, and bunnies. Luna was busy braiding her hair as she says, “They’re very nice, and smooth, and simply adorable.”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well, Trixie does have wonderful taste in fashion.”

Spike was playing a game when an incoming call came on the screen. “Celestia ahoy!”

Trixie blinks and says, “Celestia? As in princess Celestia?!”

Celestia comes on the screen and says, “Good evening everyone: My little sister, my prized student, and of course the amazing Spike. Oh, I see we have a new face this week. And who might you be?”

Trixie’s jaw drops and she begins to stutter. Twilight smiles and says, “This is my new friend Trixie.”

Celestia giggles and says, “Speechless isn’t she? Now, did you learn anything this week my student?”

Twilight smiles and says, “Actually, I think we all learned the same lesson today. Trixie, would you care to express it?

Trixie gasps and says, “Me?” Everyone nods and she smiles, getting a little nervous as she pokes her fingers together. “Well… Trixie learned that you can’t judge a book by its cover. If you do, and you have no idea what’s inside that book, you could end up damaging it. By books I mean people of course.”

Celestia giggles and says, “Of course.”

Trixie sighs and says, “When I found out about that poor girls past… after everything I’d done to her. I felt like a monster, because I was one. I did everything I could to redeem myself, but I wonder if it was enough.”

Celestia smiles and says, “I’m sure that whatever Trixie did, it will be enough as long as she put some effort into it.” She winks, making Trixie smile warmly. “Now, one thing needs to be said before I go anywhere tonight everyone. Next week you’re getting a transfer student, one that I can no longer put up with! I’ve tried so many schools and I’m at the end of my rope! He’s been suspended, expelled, cast out from every school I put him in! You’re school is my last hope before the only school left is Canterlot high school, and I refuse to let him take advantage of my nature like that!”

Twilight blinks and says, “Who in the world could possibly be that bad of a student your majesty!?”

Celestia scowls and says, “He's a naughty boy from a small island barely populated by a race nearly extinct. He was part of a program to help them expand, but he’s just pure chaos! I leave you all to rest up, and inform me how things go on his first day. Even though you’ll recognize him immediately, his name is Discord.” A pause flows over the room as everyone takes that in. “Good night everyone, and good luck.” The screen turns off.

Trixie stares for a moment and says, “Can I sleep over here more often? This is much nicer than my annoying nights with Rarity!”

Luna gasps and says, “Can she live here?!”

Twilight scowls and says, “No!” Both girls groan. “But I suppose she can sleep over every once in a while as long as she behaves.” The girls cheer.

Spike smiles and says, “More woman, why not! Next time lets invite all your friends, make some smores, have a pillow fight, tell ghost stories, and have a pillow fight.”

Twilight blinks and says, “You said pillow fight twice.”

He smirks and says, “Yeah, but the second one is in slow motion.” Twilight rolls her eyes and uses her magic to knock him to the floor with the closest pillow.

End Chapter 6
Continued in Ch. 7: Chaotic Transfer Student