• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,451 Views, 116 Comments

Ponyville High - Midori_Kuroba

A romantic comedy where the characters are human and go to high school.

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Chapter 4: The Beautiful and Popular Trixie

Ponyville High
Chapter 4: The Beautiful and Popular Trixie

Spike’s hands are in his pockets as he sulks about the courtyard. He’d been so focused on helping Twilight make friends that he hadn’t thought about how he was going to. He notices someone poking his shoulder, so he turns to look over it. No one is there, making him confused, but he shrugs it off and turns back around, only to find two boys standing with their faces in his own. He yelps in shock and leaps backwards. “WAH! Where did you two come from?”

One of the boys was tall and lanky. He had messy aquamarine hair and freckles. He wore a golden colored shirt with the picture of a purple snail, and loose blue pants that were kept around his waist by a poorly tied rope. He says in a rather low and slow dopey tone, “Well when a man loves a woman, with or without consent-“

The other boy cuts him off in a high pitched scratchy voice, “That’s not what he meant Snails!” The other boy was short and chubby. His hair was spiky and orange, and he had buck teeth. He wore a cyan shirt that had a picture of scissors on it, and black shorts that had obviously been pants till they were cut at the knees. “I’m Snips, and this is my friend Snails. We noticed you were looking pretty down new kid.”

Snails nods and says, “So we decided to come and give you a welcome to our fine school… Uh, welcome!”

Snips facepalms and says, “Don’t mind him, he’s a little slow. So what’s your name, and why so glum?”

Spike stands there blinking not sure what to say. “Well, my name is Spike, and I’m down because I don’t have any friends at this school. Well, at least not any guy friends.” He scratches his head, wondering if he could count all of Twilight’s new friends as his own, or even Twilight at this point for that matter.

Snips smiles and wraps an arm around Spike’s shoulder. “Well that’s an easily remedied situation, right Snails?”

Snails nods vigorously and says, “First, we’ll need some marmalade.”

Snips glares and says, “No marmalade, not after last time. Spike my friend, me and Snails here will be more than happy to be guy friends with you. Even though guy friends have moustaches, which we clearly lack as you can see.” Snails rubs his upper lip with a sigh.

Spike smiles and says, “Would you really? Wow, that was easy! So what do you guys do for fun?”

Snips smiles and says, “Whatever we want to do! The sky’s the limit and we do what we please!” he throws his hands up, smacking into an unknown object. When he checks to see what he smacked, he gasps to see it was a teacher. The man had brown hair and was dressed formally in a brown suit and wearing a striped tie. “Whoops, sorry Doctor!”

The man hacks and coughs, dropping a scone he’d been eating and holding his throat. He points to his throat wheezing, earning odd looks from the boys. Snails tilts his head and says, “Uh, I think he’s trying to tell us something…”

Spike says, “What’s wrong with you two?! He’s choking! Do the Heimlich maneuver!”

The boys nod to each other and Snips says, “We’re going to need your help then!”

Spike blinks, and points to him saying, “My help? How could you possibly need my help? I don’t know the Heimlich!”

“No time for questions, just act!” Snails gets on all four behind the teacher, and Snips pushes him back, making him fall on his back on the floor. “Now Spike, body slam! Go, go, go!”

Spike panics but does as he’s told, stepping up on Snail’s back to gain altitude before he came crashing down on the teacher’s stomach. A blast of air escapes his mouth as the hunk of break flies out onto his chest. Spike blinks and says, “It worked! He’s alive!”

Meanwhile Twilight had just found her friends Rainbow Dash and Applejack waiting for her by the courtyard fountain. She smiles and says, “Sorry if I’m late girls. I had something to do before breakfast. It actually didn’t take as long as I thought it might.”

Applejack crosses a leg in front of the other and tips her hat to her. “Think nothing of it sugar cube. We weren’t waiting long. Everyone else went to save us a spot in the breakfast line.”

Rainbow Dash was practicing some form of tai-chi on the fountains outer wall. She pauses and says, “As long as I get pancakes and sausage on a stick, I’ll be happy. And I’m talking the kind with blueberries. Now those are just awesome.” She hops down from the wall and starts walking. Twilight and Applejack follow close. “So what do you like for breakfast Twi?”

Twilight thinks for a second and says, “I like to keep it healthy. Do they have oatmeal and fruit? I could really go for some oatmeal with strawberries in it.”

Applejack licks her lips and says, “That sounds mighty tasty Twilight. I’d probably have to replace the strawberries with apples though.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and says, “One thousand and one apple recipes, by Applejack.” Applejack shoots her a glare and slaps her palm firmly across Rainbow’s backside, making her leap into the air and staying there with her wings. “YEOW! Stop doing that!” She rubs her bottom with a blush, gritting her teeth. “Can’t you take a joke?”

Applejack shakes her head and says, “I sure can when they ain’t coming from a brat like you.”

Rainbow Dash hovers with her face close to Applejacks and says, “And just what is that supposed to… Huh?” She pauses and turns away, catching Applejack’s attention. She looks the same way and they both stare for a moment. “Twilight, isn’t that Spike?”

Twilight walks next to them and stares in just as much confusion, as Spike was dancing like he was at a hoedown with two unfamiliar boys. A man that looked like a professor sat there panting, watching them with a look of bewilderment of his own as the boys chanted, “Heimlich body slam! Heimlich body slam!”

Twilight stares for a moment and says, “Luckily I’m not talking to him right now. Let’s go get breakfast.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash shrug, following her to the recreational building where the cafeteria awaited them.

Spike and the boys help up their teacher and he says, “You going to be okay sir?”

He coughs a little more and answers, “I’m sure I’ll be fine, and please it’s Doctor.”

Spike blinks and says, “Doctor of what?”

The Doctor shakes his head and says, “Just the Doctor, I’m one of the teachers here. Speaking of which I think I should hold a seminar to teach proper methods of the Heimlich maneuver.”

Snips jumps up and down and says, “Hey, maybe we could help you with that!”

Snail chuckles and says, “Yes sir. We’re experts as you can see.”

Spike stares at them for a moment and leans in close to the Doctor to whisper, “We didn’t do it right, did we?”

The Doctor shakes his head with a chuckle and says, “Not even close. But you seem like a bright young boy. Well, brighter than those two. Be careful who you associate with.” Spike nods as the Doctor dusts himself off and says, “Hurry along to breakfast boys. I’ve rather lost my appetite for my scone anyways.”

“Will do Doctor.” Spike turns to his new friends and says, “Come on guys. I’m starving, so let’s go get something to eat.” The two boys nod in agreement and rush ahead of him, racing him to the cafeteria. Spike rushes after them, trying to sprint ahead. The three of them are so focused on each other as they rush forward, they all nearly ram into the door. Snails rams into it as Spike throws the door open, only to be dragged in before it shuts by Snips. The trio rushes into the end of the line. It wasn’t very long in the morning, so he noticed Twilight and her friends up ahead. He looks back at his friends, and then tries to listen to what Twilight and her friends were talking about.

Rarity looks to Twilight and says, “What is it like sharing a private dorm with Princess Luna? I bet it’s luxurious, only befitting for royalty! I’m so jealous of you Twilight.”

Twilight shakes her head and says, “Oh no, you got the wrong idea. Princess Luna is actually just like any other girl. She just likes to play video games, and tends to keep the lights out.”

Rainbow Dash giggles and asks, “Is that why you’re so pale for a girl with dark skin?” She earns a glare from Applejack and says, “What?! It was a silly question, and a harmless one!” She crosses her arms grumbling.

Twilight laughs at her and says, “Yes, I’m pale, but I hear that’s common for Goths. I just don’t get out in the sun too much, and when I do it’s to find shade under a tree and read.”

Fluttershy peeks back at her and says, “You don’t seem very gothic to me. Um, sorry if that offends you….”

Twilight raises and eyebrow and says, “Gothic is simply a way of expressing yourself. Sure, I don’t dress in completely black, but that gets hot after a while. I read a lot of books on the occult, and my favorite kind of music is dark ambient.”

Applejack nods and says, “We’re not described by how we look. What kind of music do you think I like.” Twilight opens her mouth to answer, but quickly shuts it not wanting to be rude. Applejack laughs and says, “That’s what I thought. My favorite type of music is actually hip hop and r&b. I’ve also been known to, oh what’s that term? ‘Break it down’? Let’s just say I’m a wild dancer when it comes to techno.”

Twilight blinks and says, “Wow, I never would have guessed.”

Pinkie giggles and says, “I guess you can’t judge a ‘book’ by its cover!” She snorts and laughs, while everyone but Twilight groans.

Twilight tilts her head confused and says, “I don’t get it.” She noticed the cafeteria had begun to go quiet, and all her friends had begun to grow agitated and nervous. Twilight looks around and says, “What’s going on?”

Rarity sighs and says, “She’s here. Say what you want about Princess Luna, Twilight, but I think that anyone including her would be a thousand times better than ‘my’ roommate.”

Twilight was so confused at this point as she asks, “Who is your roommate?”

One girls voice could be heard crying out, “The most beautiful!”

A second girl’s voice follows her up with, “The most popular!

Both girls’ voices chimed together, “Trixie has arrived!”

Twilight blinks and peeks back at the entrance to see two girls making the announcement, on their knees on either side of the door and motioning to it with jazz hands. One of the girls has mulberry hair, and was wearing a plum colored shirt and purple pants. The other girl had periwinkle hair with a blue streak through it, and was wearing a buttoned up maya blue shirt along with a plaid skirt. Then the doors slowly floated open, pushed by the magic of a Unimare, and the one who had been announced slowly sashays into the cafeteria. She was the most unique girl Twilight had ever seen, having pale blue and off-white hair. She wore a shoulder-less light blue shirt, and faded bell bottom jeans. She also wore a purple magician’s cap and cape covered in stars and spots of differing sizes and colors, her cape held around her neck by a lovely gemstone. She strokes her hand through her hair and says, “Berry Punch, Colgate, please! You flatter the beautiful and popular Trixie! Rise up! It is not you who should be bowing before the beautiful and popular Trixie’s splendor!” She flashes a grin at everyone in the cafeteria.

Amongst many others delighted reactions to her arrival, Snips and Snails swoon against each other as they stare with admiration in their eyes. Spike raises his eyebrow and says, “You two alright?” He glances at Trixie, realizing she must be the ‘popular girl’ of this school. Every school had at least one.

Trixie and her entourage sashay together to the line, walking right past everyone to the front of the line. The individual there backs away, letting Trixie and her friends in front. Twilight sees this and says, “Um, does she always do that?”

Applejack shakes her head and says, “Nope. Usually she has assorted insults for the people she cuts in line. She must be in a good mood today.”

Twilight stares at the girl for a moment and says, “Why is she wearing…”

She didn’t even need to say anymore as Rarity says, “She wears that dreadful ensemble because she thinks that she is the greatest and most powerful Unimare in the entire school, and should dress the part. Pft!” Rarity raises her nose in the air as if to defy that statement of any truth.

Spike growls and says, “Guys, snap out of it! That girl just cut the entire line! Isn’t anybody gonna do anything?!”

Snips snaps out of it and stands upright, letting Snails fall to the floor. “No way man, she’s the most popular girl in school. Anybody who messes with her regrets it.”

Snails says from the floor, “And besides, we think she’s purdy.”

Spike groans but decides to ignore it for now. Once Twilight and her friends get their own breakfast they sit three tables down from where Trixie is. Snips and Snails on the other hand rush to her table, Spike reluctantly following them. Snips nervously asks, “Excuse me, b-beautiful and popular Trixie, but we were wondering if we could sit with you today?”

Snails gulps and says, “Like we ask to do every day.”

Colgate scowls and says, “How dare you pester the beautiful and popular Trixie with your constant desire to be with her for meals! Haven’t you learned you are unworthy of her presence?!”

Trixie sets down her spork and holds up a hand, wiping off her lips with a napkin. “Calm yourself Minuette. The beautiful and popular Trixie is in a splendid mood today, and is willing to let these losers sit at our table.” She motions for them to sit, and the boys squeal excitedly and sit, looking back at Spike expectantly.

He sighs and sits between them. Spike looks up at her and says, “Not that I care personally, but why are you in such a good mood today of all days?”

She huffs with a smirk and says, “Because today the beautiful and popular Trixie has heard of a new Unimare on campus, and always delights in showing the new blood how much more great and powerful she is than them.”

Spike goes wide eyed, knowing exactly who she’s talking about. “You don’t say… hey guys, I’ll be right back.” He gets up and hurries over to the table he saw Twilight at.

Trixie yawns and says, “I think that is enough breakfast. I’m growing bored, so let’s find this new girl. Twilight Sparkle was it? Would you boys care to watch Trixie display her power?” Snips and Snails nod eagerly. She smirks and says, “Very well then.”

Spike rushes to Twilight and says, “Twilight, you need to get out of here!”

Everyone looks at him confused, and Twilight grunts and says, “Spike, I’m not speaking to you right now.”

Spike grips his hair and tugs. “Would you forget about this morning for five seconds? That Trixie girl is coming to-“

“That’s beautiful and popular Trixie to you mister!” Spike yelps and backs away, as Trixie was standing right there behind him. “So this is the infamous new girl Twilight Sparkle. My god do you look depressing, and I’m sure your magic can match.” She notices glares coming from the girls at the table and smirks. “I see you’ve already made friends with the bottom of the food chain. Honestly, what makes you so special to be staying with a Princess during your time at this school? Though, I suppose one shut in warrants another.” She laughs at her own joke, Colgate and Berry Punch joining in. Snips and Snails join in as well, obviously not getting the joke.

Applejack stands up and says, “Leave Twilight Sparkle alone! She never did anything to you! You show off to every Unimare, and act like you’re above everyone at the school! I don’t remember making you queen of the school Trixie!”

Trixie sighs and says, “I may as well be, considering there isn’t a single student that I can’t show up at this school.”

Applejack says, “Oh yeah? Prove it!”

Trixie just smiles and shrugs. “And how would you like me to do that Applejack?”

Pinkie flails her arms in the air and rushes over, bouncing up and down next to Trixie. “I know, I know! Why don’t you bake a huge cake, and throw a big party for everyone at the school?”

Trixie stares at her with a raised eyebrow. Pinkie yelps as she feels her panties grabbed and tugged upward by magic, giving her a wedgie. Trixie puts a finger to her lips, slowly pushing her away. “Pinkie Pie, hush, the big kids are talking. You were saying Applejack?”

Applejack looks around, and smiles, snatching the rope tied around Snails’ waist and tugging it free. Snails blinks as his pants fall exposing his camouflage boxers, tugging up his pants and holding them there with a bashful expression. Applejack ties up the rope to look like a lasso and twirls it over her head, Trixie not looking very impressed. She then sends it flying to the next table over, snagging another girls chocolate milk carton. The girl smiles and claps impressed, as do Applejack’s friends as she catches the milk and gives it a ship. “Let’s see you wrestle up something better with a rope.”

Trixie grins and says, “If you insist.” The rope lights up and comes to life, wrapping itself around Applejack’s wrists, and then tugging them down to her ankles to join them in the knot. Applejack blinks and struggles to get free, as Trixie gives her a poke and sends her helplessly on her back while several other students laugh at her. “Well that was easy.”

Rainbow Dash leaps from her seat and says, “Hey! No one messes with Applejack but me!” She blushes from the looks she gets from Snips and Snails and says, “I’m not a lesbian! Even so, Applejack is my friend, and I won’t let you treat her like that. You want to be shown up?” She finds her backpack and takes out a large bottle of water the size of half her own arm. She opens it and pours it into her palm, and before it makes contact it evaporates and forms a cloud over her hand. She smiles and tosses it upward, letting it float away. “Let’s see you control the weather like only Winglies can do!”

Everyone cheers and hollers for Rainbow Dash, sure they had Trixie beat this time. But Trixie just yawns and twirls her finger, the cloud floating back downward and growing blacker. It sends out a lightning bolt right against Rainbow’s butt, and she squeals in a girlish tone, dancing around and rubbing her bottom. “Does the beautiful and popular Trixie have to keep reminding you fools how great and powerful she is?”

Rainbow Dash whimpers and says, “That got me right where Applejack slapped me earlier.”

Rarity stood up this time and did her own little sashay over to Trixie with a smug look on her face. “Perhaps you are great and powerful, my dear Trixie, but beautiful and popular? How can anyone consider this with your tacky fashion sense of magician wardrobe? Not to mention the fact that your hair looks like you barely even brush it in the morning. Unlike me, who puts all the time and effort into the world in her own hair every day?”

Trixie glares and snaps her fingers. “Really, because it doesn’t look like you’ve done anything with your hair for years.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow from her comment, but then notices something is wrong. She can feel her hair drooping a little, and reaches up to feel it and finds that it’s frizzy and unkempt. She takes out a vanity mirror and gasps, as her hair was not only messy and unruly, but a disgusting shade of forest green! “What have you done to my hair? My beautiful hair, it green and filthy! Green isn’t even in this season!” She tears up and falls to her knees crying, and Trixie just laughs to herself looming over her.

At this point everyone in the cafeteria had slowly begun to stop laughing. Even Snips and Snails had begun to look a little worried at this point. Spike looks at Rarity horrified and grits his teeth. “That’s the last straw! Twilight, you have to do something about this! It’s getting out of hand!”

Twilight looks at her friends in shock. Pinkie had a wedgie, Applejack was tied up, Rainbow Dash was rubbing her sore rear, and Rarity was reduced to tears over her new hairstyle. Then Trixie turned her eyes to Fluttershy, who squeaks and gulps. “And what about you shy one? Is there anything you can do better than Trixie?”

Fluttershy shakes her head and says, “Oh no miss, p-please! I don’t think I’m better than you!”

Trixie walks over and wraps an arm around her with a smirk. “Oh come now, surely there must be something. I’ve already been challenged in skill, power, and style. Perhaps we should see if that body of yours can match Trixie’s?”

Fluttershy goes pale and begins to shiver. “N-No… please, anything but that!” Her pleas fall on deaf ears as a ball of light appears in Trixie’s hand. As she brings it closer to Fluttershy’s stomach, the cloth begins to disintegrate and vanish. “Somebody help me!”

“Leave her alone Trixie!” Twilight stood up on her seat, glaring down at Trixie steaming mad. “You came here to pick a fight with me, and you’ve done nothing but harass all my friends! Do you think you’re popular because you pick on everybody? You’re not loved because you’re rude and mean to people, you’re just abusing what you can get away with! I see that’s gone on long enough! You’re not a queen, you’re a bully!”

Trixie’s eye twitches in anger, and then she notices everyone’s murmuring around her. She lets go of Fluttershy who crawls under the table shivering. “How dare you look down on the beautiful and popular Trixie and speak in such a matter!” She tosses the ball of magic in her hand up and down with a smirk. “Let’s see how high and mighty you think you are when I leave you naked in front of everyone!” She rears back like she’s throwing a baseball and hurls the ball of magic at Twilight.

Twilight holds out her hand, and a wall of her own magic appears, reflecting the ball with increased momentum at Trixie. Before she had time to react, her shirt and pants seemed to explode, and her hat and cape were sent flying. A blush grew across her face as she stood there in her underwear in front of a now laughing student body. Twilight fights it, but can’t help but laugh at her. “Well that serves you right, rude and nude Trixie!” She snaps her own finger towards her friends, and Pinkie blinks and smiles as her panties are restored to their natural order. The rope on Applejack comes undone, and turns into a belt wrapping back around Snails waist, who looks at it in awe. The cloud over Rainbow Dash disappears, dropping a tube of anti-burn ointment in her hand, making Rainbow Dash blush a little. Rarity’s hair poufs back into its normal color and shape, and she squeals delightedly. Fluttershy peeks out from under the table and smile, crawling out to help Applejack and Rarity off the floor.

The entire group then takes a good look at what Twilight had done and all begin to laugh. Rarity wipes away a tear and says, “They totally match your hair Trixie!”

Applejack snickers and says, “Don’t you just look adorable in lacy things?”

Pinkie giggles and adds, “I like the bow on your panties.”

Rainbow Dash nudges Pinkie and says, “Take a closer look! It’s a thong!” Fluttershy blushes and covers her eyes, briefly peeking between her fingers with a giggle.

Trixie screams and tries to cover herself, her friends rushing to grab her cape and hat to cover her with them. “This can’t be happening to the beautiful and… this can’t be happening to me! I’ll get you for this Twilight, if it’s the last thing I ever do!” She runs crying from the cafeteria with her friends chasing her and pleading her to wait for them.

“Tarnation! You even got her to break third person!” Applejack laughs and grabs Twilight, as do all her friends, and they hoist her over their shoulders. “Three cheers for Twilight Sparkle! The newest, and greatest, Unimare at our school!” Everyone cheers excitedly for Twilight before they finally set the blushing girl back down.

Twilight shuffles her feet and says, “Well… gosh, I don’t know what to say. I was just standing up to her.”

Rainbow Dash grabs the sides of her face and says, “Are you kidding? That was even more amazing than me! Well… just a little, but it was amazing!”

Rarity nods and says, “It’s about time that someone put her in her place.”

Snips and Snails walk up to her, and Snips says, “Wow, you really showed us her true colors today.”

Snails chuckles and says, “And her dainty things.”

Snips rolls his eyes and says, “You really are a lot better than she is. We’d all love to be friends with someone as cool as you! Isn’t that right Spike?”

Spike walks up and smiles with a nod. “He’s definitely right about that Twilight.” Twilight smiles and hugs him. “I’m sorry about the way that I acted this morning, and for what I did. Can you forgive me?”

Twilight nods and says, “I’m sorry too. I still want to be your friend Spike, and maybe even these boys who you’ve become friends with.”

Spike nods and bumps fists with the two boys. “We’ll all be your guy friends!”

The three of them chime together in a goofy manner, “Even though we don’t have moustaches!”

Twilight smirks and says, “I can fix that.” She concentrates for a moment, and all three of them grow fully grown and groomed moustaches on the spot. “There, now you’re guy friends with moustaches.”

All three boys look shocked and high five each other with a group, “SWEET!”


After school had finished and the day was done, Twilight, Spike, and even Luna, had all returned to their dorm above the library. The three of them change into their pajamas and sit together on the couch, sending a call to Princess Celestia and getting an immediate response. She sets aside a book and says, “Hello everyone, it’s wonderful to hear from you all again so soon.”

Luna excitedly shouts, “Tia! You’ll never believe this, but Twilight helped me make friends! I’m in a club for music and everything now!”

Celestia giggles at her enthusiasm and says, “That’s wonderful little sister. I’m so proud of you. Now Twilight, tell me, have you learned anything about friendship today?”

Twilight nods and says, “I learned from Luna and her new friends that no matter what you’ve done in the past, you can change, and enemies of yesterday can be your friends tomorrow. I also learned that if you let popularity go to your head, you’ll become a bully, and never have any true friends. It’s important to stand up for the people you care about, because if you don’t then who will?”

Celestia smiles and says, “Twilight, I’m so proud of you! Today alone you have learned so very much about friendship! I hope that your bond with your new friends continues to grow. And as for you Spike… um…” She covers her mouth trying not to laugh as he strokes his moustache with a smirk. Celestia takes a deep breath and says, “Did you learn anything today.”

Spike replies, “Other than how good I look with a moustache?” Luna and Twilight snort and look away as he shoots them a glance. “Alright alright, I get it. I’ll shave it before I go to bed. Rarity didn’t go for it anyways. As for what I learned, it’s important to apologize for things even if they were an accident. Also you should never judge somebody before you get to know them. My new friends did that, only to find out she was a completely different person from who they thought she was.”

Celestia nods and says, “It sounds like you and your friends learned a valuable lesson indeed.”

Luna flails her arms and says, “Hey big sister, did you learn anything today?”

Celestia blinks and says, “Me?” Everyone looks at each other and nods. “Hmm, what did I learn today? Oh! I learned that tickling is a very powerful form of torture!” Everyone blinks in surprise and confusion. “Well, on that note, it’s time for me to be off to bed. Good night everyone!”

“Good night!” everyone chimes before the TV turns off.

Luna yawns and says, “Sometimes I wonder about Tia. I’m going to bed.”

Twilight picks up a book from the floor and says, “I’m going to get a little studying in before-GYAH!” She finds herself picked up off the couch and hoisted over Luna’s shoulder. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

Luna shakes her head and says, “No. I lost my teddy bear, so you’re my replacement for the night.”

Twilight blushes and says, “That’s absurd, I’ve too much to study for tomorrow’s classes! And besides, I’m not ready to go to sleep!” Luna ignores her and carries her back to her room. “Luna, are you listening to me? Luna!” Twilight huffs angrily and squirms to get free.

Spike watches this with a laugh and says, “Good night lovebirds.” Twilight hears this and shouts something angrily at him, but she’s too far away for him to hear now. Spike makes his way to the bathroom and sighs, taking out a razor blade. He gives his moustache one last stroke and says, “I… am a man!”

End Chapter 4
Continued in Chapter 5: Apple Harvest