• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,452 Views, 116 Comments

Ponyville High - Midori_Kuroba

A romantic comedy where the characters are human and go to high school.

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Chapter 8: Nightmare Night

Ponyville High
Chapter 8: Nightmare Night

A long time ago, an ancient princess of the night was faced with an army of monsters, and had no way to defeat them all at once. That's when she realized that fighting the monsters wasn't the answer, and made a peace offering to them in the form of a feast. Then she poisoned the food and all the monsters died, but in doing so she saved all of Equestria! To this day her actions are celebrated on Nightmare Night, where everyone dresses up like monsters, among other things, and celebrate with confections and scaring each other.

Ponyville High was lit up this night with various student made stands selling hand-made pastries and candy, as well as game booths with prizes set up by the faculty. Twilight Sparkle walked amongst them with a tuft of cotton candy, which oddly resembled Princess Celestia's hair. Her costume was a shoulder-less maroon robe with slits up the sides, her usual boots visible, and a circlet with the elder sign on her head. She rolled up one of the oversized sleeves to look at her watch and sighed. "Where's Luna and Spike? They said they'd be around here by now."

"We are here." Luna walked up dressed like a pokemon trainer. "Hi Twilight, that's a nice costume. Are you a cultist from one of your books?"

Twilight groaned and said, "No, actually I'm just a sorceress. I wanted to give it my own sort of flair though, but I guess I can't help being me. Nice trainer outfit. So where's your pokemon?"

Holding out a fake pokeball, Luna said, "Right here! Pikachu go…! I said Pikachu go!" Spike slowly walked out from behind her, dressed in a full body Pikachu outfit, his arms crossed as he glared at the floor. "Say it!"

With a sigh, Spike muttered, "Pikachu."

Twilight tried desperately to hold in her laughter, tearing up a little. "I didn't think that you'd… I wasn't expecting this. Why did you force Spike to be your Pikachu?"

"Because one, he didn't have a costume. Two, he forced me to celebrate this holiday in the first place! I honestly hate Nightmare Night."

Spike raised his eyebrow and said, "Yeah, you still haven't explained that one. Why do you hate this day? I can't imagine a single reason-"

"It's my birthday."

"-And now I can." Spike made a zipping motion to his lips.

Twilight frowned and said, "That's no reason to hate this holiday. It's not like anyone would have forgotten your birthday, being a princess in all."

"But that's the problem!" Luna rubbed her forehead and said, "People would use this day to make fun of me in the past my entire life! This is the first one they haven't… yet… but it's still not nice having your birthday on this day, no matter how closely you resemble the ancestor it's based after when she was your age…" Luna's friends gave her a big hug and she couldn't help but giggle. "Okay, I get it, this Nightmare Night is different."

"Well if it isn't Nightmare Moon herself."

"Or so I thought." Luna joined her friends in a glare to Trixie and her entourage. "Can we go one day without having to deal with you?"

Trixie wore a bunny girl waitress outfit, complete with a purple leotard and periwinkle fishnet stockings. Her friends Colgate and Berry Punch wore similar but different colored costumes. "A day without the beautiful and popular Trixie is a dull day for dull people."

Leaning in to his friend's ears, Spike whispered, "Not to mention Heaven on Earth."

They all snickered, earning a glare from Trixie. "Find something funny about Trixie? Well you won't be laughing for long, for on this haunting night Trixie has proven her bravery at the haunted house!"

Twilight took a step forward and asked, "There's a haunted house? Where is it?"

"You don't know?" Trixie blinked and rubbed the back of her head and said, "Well, it's the entire recreational building. It's really big, bigger than the building should be! And it's really scary! Berry punch wet herself."

"I drank too much fruit punch, and when I found a toilet it bit my butt!" Berry Punch blushed wildly as she pouted, Colgate patting her back with an eye roll.

Trixie pointed towards the recreational building and said, "You three wouldn't last in there! It's simply traumatizing, truly a worthy fright on Nightmare Night! You should check it out, unless your chickens."

Trixie's smirk became a confused stare as Twilight laughed. "I read H.P. Lovecraft. There isn't a single thing scarier than that. I'll take on this haunted house knowing full well that nothing in there is real. Come on guys, let's go find the others and take on this haunted house."

She marched off with her friends in a proud stride. Colgate tapped Trixie's shoulder and said, "Should we warn them about-"

"No, of course not, I've been nice enough to them lately. Let them find out the hard way. Now come, I see some caramel apples with our names on them."

"Only if you brush."

"Get off my back, Colgate."

The first of her friends Twilight found was Rarity, who was talking to Big Macintosh. Around Mac were three familiar fillies. "Hey guys, check it out! I'm a sorceress! Luna is a pokemon trainer, and Spike is her Pikachu. Isn't that… cute?" Spike glared at her. "Well I didn't say funny."

Rarity turns to them dressed in fancy attire, along with a glittery cape with a collar and fangs. "You three look great! Especially you Spike! You're so adorable!" Rarity walked over and hugged Spike off the ground, making him blush with a sly smile. She let him down and said, "I'm a vampire as you can see. Mr. Macintosh is a doctor. He's looking after the girls tonight. I custom made their costumes for them, and think the look rather fetching if I say so myself."

Spike shook off his love sick state and looked to his classmates: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. "Nice outfits, especially the white cowls. So who are you three supposed to be?"

"We're assassins!" Sweetie Belle shouted excitedly jumping up and down.

"It was Scootaloo's idea," Apple Bloom stated pointing to their friend. "Ah help Rarity with the designs based on what Scoots gave us."

Scootaloo held her nose in the air confidently and said, "Well, as great of an idea for costumes it was, I did get the idea from Assassin's Creed."

Rainbow Dash could be heard grunting as she walked up the group, dragging Fluttershy who was in tears. Rainbow Dash was wearing a karate gi, while Fluttershy was in her regular clothes. The sobbing Winglie pleaded, "Let me go! Please Rainbow Dash, have mercy! You know how much I hate Nightmare Night! If you truly cared about my feelings you'd let me go home! Waaah!"

"Give it a rest Fluttershy! You're supposed to be a senior, show some backbone would you! It's not like everything about this night is scary! There's candy, and games, and hanging out with your friends!" Rainbow Dash looked up pleadingly at everyone and said, "Help me out here guys! You have no idea how strong this girl is when she's scared!"

Twilight walked over and kneeled before Fluttershy with a weak smile. "Calm down Fluttershy, there's nothing to be afraid of. We wouldn't make you do anything scary tonight. Just look at our costumes. Is mine scary?"

Sniffling she replied, "Well, k-kind of…"

"Is Rainbow Dash's?"


"And everyone else's?"

Fluttershy looked around at everyone and shook her head blushing. "No, I guess they're just for fun." She poked her fingers together and said, "I guess, as long as nothing really scary happens."

"Great! Then let's see about getting you a costume."

Twilight was pushed aside by Rarity who excitedly stated, "I have just the thing for you darling!" With a quick flash of magic, a changing wall blocked the two of them from everyone. Fluttershy's squeals and pleads were loud, as her clothes were flipped over the top of the wall, and when it vanished along with the clothes, she stood before them all in a nurse outfit. "Tada! I think it truly suits you!"

Fluttershy blushed as her knees bent and she pushed at the skirt. "It seems a little short! Why a nurse costume anyways?" Big Mac walked up to her, and she stared at him as her wings sprung to attention. "Oh… hello there doctor."

"Hello Fluttershy," he responded with a smile. "Are you gonna be my cute nurse tonight?" Fluttershy stuttered and went limp as a noodle falling back into Rarity's arms while she giggled.

Looking to Luna Twilight asked, "So Luna, where are your friends tonight?"

Luna smiled and said, "Octavia and Vinyl are performing at the dance party since they are actual musicians you know. Lyra is working at Bonbon's booth helping her sell Nightmare Night sweets. Where are your friends Pinkie and Applejack?"

"I'm right here, and I can't find Pinkie nowhere." Applejack walked up wearing a golden gladiator costume: Sandals, shin and elbow guards, gloves, shoulder pads, a headband, and an armor bikini. Everyone stared at her blinking. "What? You lot never seen full plate armor?" She cast a glance at Rainbow Dash and walked up to her making her gulp. "What about you Rainbow Dash? You like my outfit, don'tcha?"

Rainbow Dash blushed and stared at her for a moment, analyzing the look Applejack was giving her. "I get the feeling… that there's something going on here," she motioned between the two of them. "And I don't like it."

Applejack leaned in close and whispered with a wink, "Maybe I do."

Rainbow wings sprung to attention and she cried, "I'm not a lesbian!"

Catching her by the ankle before she cloud dart off, Applejack laughed hysterically and said, "It's so fun to ruffle your feathers girl. Relax; I'm just messing with you."

"I wonder lately!" Rainbow yanked her foot free and flew behind Twilight.

The dark skinned goth blinked and said, "Why hide behind me Rainbow? Big Mac is a much bigger shield."

"I don't trust him, they're related. Just be ready to be used as a gun."

Applejack laughed again and said, "Anywho, when I was looking for Pinkie all I found was this." She took out a note that read, 'Dear everyone, come rescue me. I'm trapped in the haunted house. Your pal, Pinkie Pie. P.S. Bring candy.'

Twilight blinked, taking the note and looking it over. She then looked to the recreational building, all its windows blocked from the inside and a slightly dark aura looming around it. "According to this, Pinkie Pie is in that haunted house…"

Everyone turned together looking at the building. Fluttershy whined and said, "Looks like we're doing something scary after all…"

Twilight led the way, and everyone followed almost instinctually. Big Mac looked to Fluttershy who was clinging tightly to his arm. "Miss Fluttershy, you don't have to come if you're scared. I'll even stay out here with you."

Fluttershy smiled and said, "That's okay Big Mac. As long as we're together in this, I think whatever is in there will be significantly less scary."

The group came to the entrance, several students walking in with giggles, while others ran out screaming and kissing the floor. Spike gulped and said, "Must be really scary in there. Are we sure about this?"

Looking to the note again, Twilight said, "Pinkie wants us to come find her in there. How bad can it be?" She motioned for everyone to follow her, and as the bravest, Rainbow Dash and Applejack walked in with her first. Spike hurried in with Rarity, Luna close behind. The three little assassins ran in giggling, and Fluttershy and Big Mac walked in last.

As Fluttershy and Big Mac walked in, they found themselves facing a rickety bridge over a foggy chasm. They blinked and looked around. Big Mac scratched his head and said, "This doesn't look possible. How did they fit this in the recreational building? Did they tear out the floor? And where did everyone else go?" He looked behind them and said, "Uh oh. Uh, Fluttershy, don't look back."

Fluttershy immediately did what she was told not to do, only to see a stone wall the way they had come in. She got a goofy look of terror, smiling as she began to laugh insanely, which quickly turned into sobbing. "What's going on? Where is everybody?!"


"Where are y'all?!" Applejack stumbled about in darkness before she bumped into someone. "Who's there? Is that you Rainbow?"

"Applejack? Yeah it's me! I can't see a thing in here!"

"Hold on guys!" The room lit up as Twilight's hands glowed, making the three girls visible, as well as the room stained with splashes of red. There was bone furniture with balloons tied to them, and examination table with someone on it at the end of the room. "Whoa… creepy room, I'll admit. Who is that?"

Applejack took a few steps forward, trying to get a closer look. "Guy's, I think that's Pinkie Pie!"

As Applejack and Twilight walked over, Rainbow looked around and behind them, noticing a wooden door from where they came. "Well… that's kind of weird. Where's everyone else? And how did we get in here?"

Twilight smiled to her friends and said, "Isn't it obvious? This is the work of Unimare magic. They probably used a lot of Unimares to teleport us to different rooms throughout the building. That's why people have been taking so long to get out. Once you're in there's no telling how to get out."

The group gasped as they got to Pinkie, who laid there on the table with her stomach cut open. She reached out to them and said in a strained voice, "Help me…"

"Oh my gosh, Pinkie!" Rainbow ran over and tried pulling her shut. "Don't just stand there guys! We got to seal her stomach, her… spaghetti is showing?" She blinked and grabbed a handful of spaghetti, showing it to the others, while Pinkie reached out and called for help again. Rainbow sniffed the spaghetti and took a bite, disgusting the others."


"You don't know where that's been!"

"It's been in this fake Pinkie's stomach apparently." Rainbow gagged a little and dropped her handful, wiping off her tongue while the others stared at her and backed away. "What? It's not like I got some contagious disease or….. There's something behind me isn't there?"

The other girls nodded, and Rainbow slowly turned around to see a bunch of large green tentacles sprouting from the stomach. The fake Pinkie grinned as black seeped from her eyes. "Help me… Kill you…"

She laughed maniacally as the tentacles grabbed Rainbow Dash, making her scream like a little girl. Applejack snagged her waist and began tugging backwards. "Hold on there sugar cube, I gotcha!"

Rainbow could only scream at this point, too scared to even flap her wings. Twilight ran over and mumbled something in a language neither of them understood, and the tentacles let go of Rainbow and let the two girls fall backwards. They then turned their attention to Twilight, who held up her glowing hand for a flash of magic that made them cringe back with a demonic screech. "Run guys! To the door, hurry!"

The two girls scrambled to their feet, and all three of them ran for the door. When they opened it, standing before them was a spiky blue haired girl with a gas mask on holding a lever on the wall. She gave it a tug, and a trap door opened beneath them, making them all fall screaming before it sealed shut behind them. Applejack clung to her friends and said, "Rainbow Dash, use your wings!"

Rainbow Dash whimpered and replied, "I can't! Even if I wasn't so scared, this space is too narrow!" All three resumed screaming as they fell.


The sound of a pipe organ filled the air as Spike, Luna, and Rarity gazed around them at the brick walls of a tall grey tower. The way they came in was gone, and a spiraling staircase led up the tower. Stain glass windows lined the staircase, light shining through them to make the tower bright with moonlight. Luna smiled and said, "This is some impressive magic. Teleporting, moonlit windows, a pipe organ, it's all very impressive. What do you guys think?"

Spike shrugged and said, "It's not really my style, but I can see why you girls would like it. I just hope we don't have to climb that entire staircase. What about you Rarity?"

"I think it's truly delightful!" She stepped out to the center of the room. "It even matches my theme! Vampire! Not that there's any such thing of course." She giggled a little, before a figured shrouded in black with red eyes landed behind her and snatched her, hissing to show off its fangs before it shot upward with a squealing Rarity.

Spike cried out a loud no and stared up as they went. Luna scowled as a pair of large navy blue wings appeared on her back and she grabbed Spike, who blinked and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot you had those. You must hide them with mag-EEEEE!" They shot upward after Rarity and the black figure at high speed. "Well, at least we don't have to run up the stairs."

"This is no time for jokes Spike! That vampire or whoever it is has our friend!" Luna blinked as a swarm of bats flew at them, closing her eyes while Spike flailed and screamed.

Once they passed she noticed one had clung to spike and was nomming on his pointed ear as he tried to pluck it off. "Get off me, that ear is attached you rodent!"

The figure stopped at the ceiling and swung over to the top of the stairs, removing a wire that had been pulling them up before running through an archway still dragging a squirming Rarity. As they flew after her, they froze when they found themselves in a throne room. The figure had a mask over the top part of their face, and long black hair. Their teeth were to Rarity's neck as she began to sweat and held still. Luna set down Spike and said, "Don't bite her! Just tell us what you want." The figure pointed to Luna, and then to the throne. "…You want me to sit on the throne?" The figure continued pointing to it, and Luna cautiously walked past them and sat on the throne. "Okay, now what?"

The figure pointed to Spike this time, and made the same gesture. Spike blinked and said, "Me too? That throne is only big enough for one person, and those arms would go right up my-" The figure grunted and pressed their fangs into Rarity's neck, who squealed and whined. "Okay, I'm going!" He ran over and reluctantly sat on Luna's lap. "Sorry Luna."

"That's okay Spike." They both blushed, staring at the figure now, which let go of Rarity and shoved her over to them. She ran over and hugged them, and when they all looked at the figure again they were standing next to them. It pressed its hand into a brick on the wall, and a section of the wall, as well as the part of the floor the throne was on, twisted and turned around while everyone gave a startled yelp.


The area was filled with a symphony of gyrating gears and pumping iron as the three little assassins found themselves marching through a large factory. Scootaloo shivered and said, "This place gives me the creeps. Where did they put this anyways? The pool, or something? What is it even making?"

"You ask too many questions." Sweetie Belle giggled and said, "We're brave assassins, and we can take on anything. Some spooky factory isn't going to get the best of us."

Apple Bloom blinked and pointed up to a figure on a conveyor belt, and they were wearing a wolf mask and staring at them as it moved. "Who's that?" The masked individual snapped their fingers, and the floor began to fall around the girls. They squealed as all the saw below was blackness, random sections of the floor falling throughout the factory, even a few of the machines falling and crashing through the floor. "What do we do?!"

"Look! There are sections of the floor that haven't fallen yet!" Scootaloo pointed to some random tidbits of floating land. "Quick girls, make like assassins and jump!" She leapt between the sections of floating land, her friends quickly jumping after her as they made their way to the end of the room where a hallway was visible. Scootaloo noticed a metal door shutting to the hall and cried, "Hurry girls! Our ticket out of here is shutting!"

The three of them hurried, but Apple Bloom yelped as part of the floor fell from beneath her as she jumped, grabbing hold of the edge of a patch of land as she squirmed. "Help me! Please!"

"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle leapt back after her, and Scootaloo groaned and rushed back as well. They both took a hand and pulled her up. "Are you okay Apple Bloom?"

"No time! The door!" Apple Bloom pointed out the door, which was almost completely shut. The three girls rushed over and got there as it clamped shut, beginning to bang on the door before they turned around to see the floor had stopped falling, and the masked individual was hanging by a lamp that hung down from the ceiling. "So what are we gonna do now y'all?"

Sweetie Belle looked around and smiled. "Look, there's an air vent!" Her hands sparked a little as she yanked it open with her magic. "We can get out through here!"

Scootaloo crossed her arms and shook her head. "No way, I'm not going in there. That's probably exactly what that person in the mask wants us to do. You can't make me." The room echoed with the snap of the individual's fingers, and all three of them gulped nervously. The patch of land around the door and air vent shook a little before they all noticed something crawling up to their left. It was a black marionette of Applejack with blank red eyes and a sharp toothed mouth as it crawled towards them, making Apple Bloom scream. To their right another figure crawled over the edge, what looked like a stitched up life sized plushie of Rarity, with stitched shut lips and buttons for eyes. When Sweetie noticed the knife in her hand it was her turn to scream. Scootaloo looked between these with a gulp, until her idol landed in front of her. She stared up at a tattered Rainbow Dash who looked as if she was covered in blood and had a psychotic smile on her face. She yanked off her own head and held it out to Scootaloo, only to say, "Boo."

Scootaloo screamed and dived into the air vent, her screaming friends right on her tail. All three of their horror sisters vanished, as the masked individual let go of the light and dropped into the blackness.


Fluttershy walked alongside Big Mac, refusing to let go of his arm as they continued forward. They reached the end of the bridge and she sighed with relief letting go. "That bridge was so rickety and scary."

"Eeyup," Big Mac replied as he looked around the cave like area they were in, taking her hand and walking with her. Fluttershy blushed at this, and scanned the area worriedly. She blinked noticing a wall with a bunch of ants crawling all over it. She tilted her head a little, and went wide eyed when they bunched together to spell the word "Obey!" She yelped and leapt off the ground into Big Mac's arms, who blinked and said, "Everything alright Fluttershy?"

"Of course not!" she whined and she hugged into his chest. "This place is spooky! I hate scary things and I hate Nightmare Night!"

Big Mac smiled and said, "Now Fluttershy, Nightmare Night isn't just about spooky things. It's to celebrate a day that monsters were vanquished. We eat sweets, play games, and best of all have fun with friends. Now if that isn't worth a few measly scares, then I don't know what is."

With a sigh and a blush Fluttershy nodded and said, "You're right. I need to stop being a scaredy cat and try to enjoy this day with my friends. If only I knew where they were." Fluttershy looked around one more time, and noticed a Pink and Blue haired girl with a hockey mask on. She yelped and took a deep breath. "E-Excuse me, do you know where we are?"

The masked girl tilted her head before dashing off into the caverns. "Hey, wait up!" Big Mac got a firm grip on Fluttershy as her ran after the girl, who slowly faded into the darkness ahead of them until they came to a room with several passages leading from their positions. "Which way should we go?"

Fluttershy noticed a sound that was slowly getting louder. She looked down one of the passages, where it sounded like it was coming from. She saw a wailing giant skull with a trail of fire behind it, and screamed. "Mr. Macintosh, look!"

"I see it!" He set her down and struck a fighting pose. "Get behind me!" She did as she was told but couldn't help but peek around him. Once the skull got close, Big Mac delivered a solid punch to its oncoming forehead. It exploded in a burst of flames that swirled around him, Fluttershy squealing loudly. Big Mac smirked and said, "That was easy. Everything alright Flutter-" Big Mac turned around and got a nose bleed as Fluttershy's outfit had burned away leaving her in her lacy things. She whimpered and tried to cover herself as he looked away with a massive blush pinching his nose shut. He quickly removed his doctor's jacket and tossed it to her. "Hurry and put that on."

She nodded and slipped into it, buttoning it up quickly. She blinked and said, "It's pretty roomy in here." She looked up, and steam seemed to burst from her as her face got as red as it could, staring at a shirtless Dr. Big Mac. "Erm… thank you?"

"Ain't nothing big, just can't let a lovely lady walk around indecent." He looked down the passage the skull had come from and said, "We should head this way and see where that came from."

He grabbed Fluttershy's hand and dragged her down the hall as she whined and said, "Do we have to?!"


Luna looked around the empty room, a long dark hall ahead of her and her friends as the throne finished turning around. Spike and Rarity, and Luna looked to the figure, who removed their mask and fangs to reveal it was Octavia. Luna went wide eyed and said, "Octavia? Why did you lead us here?"

Feint screaming slowly grew as they looked to a hole in the ceiling, where Twilight came falling and stopped inches from the ground, panting before she let her magic drop her. Rainbow Dash and Applejack came next, Rainbow grabbing hold tight of her friend and flapping when she had space. Unfortunately she caught her friend in the air by her bikini, making Applejack yelp and cry, "Chainmail wedgie! It burns!"

"Sorry Applejack!" Rainbow Dash lowered her to the ground and she danced around rubbing uncomfortably.

The blue haired pony teleported next to them and removed her gas mask to reveal it was Vinyl Scratch. She blinked her red eyes and said, "Aw man, I totally forgot the mattress."

The wolf masked girl appeared next as another set of screams filled the room. She snapped her fingers and a mattress appeared beneath another hole in the ceiling, where the three little assassins fell with a bounce on top of each other. She took off her wolf mask and smirked, revealing it was Lyra. Luna looked even more confused as she said, "What's going on?"

Lyra held up a finger and said, "Wait till everyone is here."

An archway on the nearby wall opened as the hockey masked figure ran through, removing their mask to reveal it was Bonbon. She giggled as Big Mac and Fluttershy were hot on her trail, running into the room with confused glances at everyone. Everyone talked to each other trying to figure out what was going on, but they all went silent as wheels squeaking could be heard. They all looked down the hall, the music club members lining up along it, as Discord and Pinkie came into view wheeling a cart with a big cake on it. Pinkie ran ahead and shouted, "Surprise! Happy Nightmare Night everyone! And, one two three-"

Pinkie, Discord, and all the music club members shouted in unison, "Happy Birthday Luna!"

Luna climbed from the throne, Spike and Rarity rushing to their friends, and stepped forward. "Pinkie, everyone, even Discord? What's going on here?!"

Pinkie laughed and said, "You silly goose! Isn't it obvious? We wanted to give you all a scary Nightmare Night, and then celebrate your birthday! Disco helped me put together this entire haunted house!"

Everyone was shocked. Twilight pointed with a raised brow and said, "You two made this haunted house? I should've figured only the magic of an Alicorn or a Draconesquus could pull this off. But why would you help Pinkie? I thought you were a delinquent."

Discord waved his hand in the air dismissively and said, "I'm not a bad guy, I just like to cause a little chaos. Normally others don't appreciate that, but thanks to Pinkie I was able to use you're my skills for good tonight. I wouldn't expect any less though from my bundle of cotton candy."

"Bundle of cotton candy?" Rainbow Dash made a gagging gesture. "Pinkie, are you dating this guy or something?"

Nodding, Pinkie responded, "Of course! Disco is hilarious, just misunderstood! I really like him."

Luna looked to her club mates and said, "But why did you all tell me you were busy?"

Octavia crossed her arms and said, "They wanted to surprise you, and help scare your friends. I just wanted to do something nice for you so I went with it."

Vinyl rushed past her and slammed a present box against Luna's gut. "We even chipped together to buy you a gift! We hope you like it."

Staring down at the box, the princess tore it open to find a game inside. "This is 'Pony Ancestral Terrain'! I've wanted this game since it came out!" She teared up and hugged all four of her friends at once. "You've made this the best birthday ever! Thanks you guys!"

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down and said, "Now let's all get this party started and have some cake! Disco, if you would."

Discord clapped his hands, and the next thing they knew they were in a big colorful room with lots of fellow students dancing as music played and lights flashed. Vinyl ran to the stage and manned the DJ table, Octavia slowly walking after her. They were at the Nightmare Night rave, and everyone cheered and began wishing Luna a happy birthday left and right. As Pinkie handed her a slice of her cake and a fork she said, "This is all so wonderful, I couldn't be more thankful to you guys! But I have just one question. Why aren't you two wearing costumes?"

Discord and Pinkie laughed. "You silly billy, we are wearing costumes!"

Pinkie unzipped herself to reveal she was Discord, and Discord unzipped himself to reveal he was Pinkie Pie. Luna stared at the two of them in shock, before she quietly walked away. "What's wrong with her?"

"She's obviously just too impressed for words." The two of them snickered and slammed a handful of cake into each other's faces before they tangoed off into the crowd. "Pinkie you are just deliciously random!"

"And you're delicious! Let me taste that face!"


The TV screen in Luna's dorm came on to reveal her older sister, Celestia, who was dressed like a maid. "Good evening dear sister. I trust your festivities were delightful tonight?"

Luna sat on the couch with her niece Scootaloo sitting in her lap. "Good evening to you too sister! Your little girl wanted to say hi."

"Hi mom!" Scootaloo giggled and waved.

Celestia blinked and said, "Well this is quite the surprise. Hello sweetie! Did you have a nice Nightmare Night?"

Scootaloo nods excitedly and said, "I had sweets, I danced, and I got scared so hard I'm gonna have nightmares! It was the best Nightmare Night ever!"

"And I had a wonderful time with my friends." Luna sighed and said, "I learned tonight that there's nothing wrong with having your birthday on the same day as this holiday. You get to celebrate twice as much, and it's always fun when you have friends to spend it with."

With a giggle and a nod, Celestia said, "Good for you my dears. Where is Twilight Sparkle and Spike?"

Luna replied, "They were exhausted from the party and went straight to bed. In fact I'm going to do the same in a minute. Scootaloo is my teddy bear tonight."

"A sacrifice I made to say hi to you, mom. By the way, why did you decide on a maid for your costume? It looks small."

Celestia laughed and said, "That's because I switched clothes with my maid Dusty today. She's much smaller than me you see. As for why I did it, well your mother uses this day as an excuse to foreplay."

Scootaloo blinked and asked, "What's foreplay?"

A huge blush came to both Luna and Celestia's faces. They both cried, "Good night!" and turned off their TVs at the same time.

End Ch. 8
Continued in Ch. 9: P.A.T. 'Pony Ancestral Terrain'