• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,452 Views, 116 Comments

Ponyville High - Midori_Kuroba

A romantic comedy where the characters are human and go to high school.

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Chapter 3: Princess Luna

Ponyville High
Chapter 3: Princess Luna

Twilight gazed over her class schedule, a little excited about meeting new teachers in new classes. But most of all she was excited that she finally had friends. “Let’s see, I have Ms. Cherilee for my math 3 and social studies 3 classes. I have Photo Finish for art 1 and magic 3. One of my teachers is just called “The Doctor” and he teaches science 3 and literacy 3. And last but not least Zecora, who’s covering foreign language 1. What about you Spike?”

Spike is walking along side her, smiling as he says, “Well it looks like we got art and foreign language together, since we’re both starting at level one in those regards. I don’t need magic classes though, so I’m taking home economics 1.”

Twilight stifles a giggle and says, “A class for cooking and knitting? Are you planning on being a house wife when you grow up?”

Spike shakes his head and says, “No, but I get the feeling my work as your ‘maid’ isn’t going to be over for a long time so I may as well get some helpful skills.” He sticks his tongue out at her as her face scrunches and she grumbles looking away. “Here’s the elevator! So we just need to take this up to the library and follow those instructions?”

Twilight takes out a crudely drawn map of the library with some form of key card taped to the back. “This map looks like it was drawn with crayons. I heard Princess Luna was a little immature at times, but this makes me worry a little.” The two of them got on the Elevator and rode it as high as it would go. The door’s opening to a massive two story library that covered the entire floor. Twilight’s jaw drops and she says, “This… is the most amazing library I have ever seen!”

“Yeah, it’s almost got as many books as your old room.” His snide comment was met with a bruise on his arm as Twilight snapped out of her fascination long enough to punch his arm. “Ouch! Yeesh, you’re such a critic.”

Twilight rolls her eyes and looks to the left, following the map to a staircase. Spike follows her up as the staircase leads to the upper floor, and then she turns right and continues forward. Keeping an eye out for anything in her path, she comes to a stop and looks to the right to see a gap in the railing. She walks forward pressing out her hand to have it met by a glass wall. “I think this is where we’re supposed to go.”

Spike blinks and knocks on the glass, staring beyond it. “But it’s a glass wall. Even if we did get past it, we’d just fall back down to the lower floor. Personally I enjoy my spine the way it is.”

Twilight looks over the map, and then to the keycard on the back. “Wait a minute. Check around for something we could use this card on.”

Spike raises an eyebrow and kneels down, searching the surrounding wall and quickly finding a small indent in it. He looked closer and could see a small red dot, slightly illuminated. “I think I found something! Try waving the card in front of this!”

Twilight smiles and holds the card in front of the scanner, a soft beep being heard. Then the glass wall disappeared, and a clear ghostlike staircase of blue appeared leading upward. “Great going Spike, now let’s see where this leads!” She tests the staircase’s solidity with her foot before stepping on it and making her way up. “Come on Spike, we don’t know how long this thing will last”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” The boy hurries up behind her, looking back cautiously. As they reach the top of the staircase they find themselves on a platform in mid-air, not far from the ceiling. “End of the line I guess. So now what happens?” As if to answer him, a surge of shock and realization hits them as the platform begins to rise. “What the heck is going on? We’re going right for the ceiling!”

“Oh Spike, I’m sure it will open up or something and let us go right up to our room.” She crosses her arms comfortably as the ceiling gets closer and closer, beginning to sweat. “Maybe I should have said maybe. Are we too high to jump?” Spike stares at her in shock, and they both cling to each other screaming and staring at the ceiling. As they reach it, they go right through it as if it wasn’t there. They stop screaming and continue staring up in their shocked states. Then they take a look at each other and quickly separate, brushing themselves off and blushing. “That never happened, agreed?”

“Agreed,” Spike responded quickly, nodding his head. As they approached what looked like the end of the elevator the platform slowed to a halt and formed a floor beneath them. They stood there in a dim lit room, able to make out most of it.

They were on a platform merely an inch above the shag carpet that covered the large dorm room, and the wallpaper surrounding the room gave the feel of a late night renaissance setting. Behind them was a kitchen, laid out in the open, and to their lefts was an archway with nothing visible beyond it in the darkness. To their right was a door that obviously led to a bathroom, since it said that in colorful lettering on the door. And in front of them was a large plasma screen TV that was lighting up the dark dorm, a first person shooter being played on it. Before the TV was a couch, and a figure was on it probably playing the game. From behind all they could make out was a light pale shade of blue for her short smooth hair.

The two of them made their way over, peeking from the edge of the couch to see a girl slightly taller than Twilight but obviously the same age. She was wearing a nightgown that matched her hair a little, and had a black tiara on her head. On her back was a descent sized pair of light blue wings. She was also wearing a set of headphones with a microphone in front of her mouth, which had an odd looking device like a mechanical ninja shroud. When she talked it made her voice sound loud and robotic, as she said into the mic, “Cover my back while I capture their flag! And someone please take out that helicopter! It’s right on top of us!” Twilight and Spike stood there watching her play, the girl completely unaware of their presence. She grabbed an already opened moon pie and shoved it in her mouth, continuing to play as she munched on it. The game was over in minutes, and she bit the pie hard enough to make it fall from her mouth as she threw her hands into the air exclaiming, “Huzzah! Victory is ours!” A list of names came up, the top one being ‘Princess_Moon_Pie’ which made the girl excited. “In thine face Lava_Spit_23! I have achieved victory!”

“Excuse me, but are you Princess Luna?” The girl’s attention shot straight to them both as they waved nervously.

The woman began to sweat a little, yanking the device over her mouth off and tossing it away. She spoke in a much more regular tone as she explained, “Sorry if I scared you! That was a voice box so that I can hide my identity when I play online games, like ‘Code One Digit’. I like how formidable it sounds mixed with a medieval accent, and nobody ever guess who I am.” She removes her headphones and exits the game, walking over with her hand outstretched. “Princess Luna, pleasure to finally meet you.”

The two of them smile relieved and shake her hand one after the other. “I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“And I’m Spike. And yes it is a pleasure to finally meet Celestia’s younger sister.”

Luna smiles and says, “Likewise! When I heard my sisters top pupil was coming to this school to learn to make friends with her foreign assistant-“

Spike interrupted crossing his arms, “I’m not that foreign, considering I was born in this country.”

Luna continues, “I just had to ensure that they had proper living conditions! And besides, I’m the only person on campus without a roommate! And since you were coming here to make friends, and I’ve yet to make any, I was hoping that we could be friends!”

Twilight giggles nervously from her excitement and says, “I would love to be your friend Luna. But wait just a minute, you don’t have any friends?”

Luna sighs and plops back down on the couch, bringing the back of her palm to her forehead acting like a drama queen. “Alas, it is true. Even though I’m a princess I don’t have a single friend! Well not counting my boyfriend, but he doesn’t even go to the same school as me anymore! I feel like my past is really biting me in the butt, and I only have myself to blame for it.”

Twilight sits next to her and says, “Whoa, back up there a little bit your majesty.”

She scowls and says, “If we’re going to be friends then you must address me by my name properly!”

Twilight nods and says, “Sorry, Luna. What I’m trying to ask is what kind of past are you talking about?”

Spike sits on the opposite side of her, hands behind his head in a relaxed position. “You got me curious with that little statement too. What did you do?”

Luna bites her lower lip looking between the two of them and sighs. “I suppose there are no secrets between friends, and if I want your trust then you must know. You see back in middle school I used to be a bully. I abused my position as a princess and lorded myself over them with an iron fist, earning the nickname Nightmare Moon. I was horrible, until the day I was humiliated. It was on that day, when no one would stand by my side, that I realized that not a single person honestly liked me. That’s when he stood up for me.”

Both Spike and Twilight chime at the same time, “Who?”

Luna blushes and said, “A young boy named Pipsqueak. He was shorter than everyone else and a little naïve at times, but he felt like he understood me and didn’t like that everyone was picking on me. I felt like I got a clean slate with him, and from then on I didn’t care about anyone else. Then I moved on to high school without him, and never felt more alone. I’ve gone two years without friends, secluding myself from everyone out of fear they still hate me, but I can’t go another year alone! That’s why I took advantage of your coming to this school Twilight! I need a fresh face to get me back out there. Someone who can help me make friends.” Luna grips the front of Twilight’s shirt and gives her puppy eyes whimpering.

Twilight sweats a little and says, “Its okay Luna, I’ll help you! I mean just today I made five friends. How hard can it be to help you make some friends of your own?”

Luna’s jaw drops and she says, “You haven’t even been here half a day and you have five friends?” She falls to her knees before Twilight and begins to bow to her. “Teach me oh wise one! Teach me your mystical friend making ways!”

The dark skinned Goth blinks and says, “Please get up and stop doing that, it feels awkward. And I’m afraid you might start kissing my feet.”

“I’m tempted,” Luna answered looking up at her.

Twilight reaches down and grabs her under her armpits sitting her up. “Luna, making friends is easy once you give it a try. I bet even your sister would tell you that. Speaking of which, I need to give her a call. Do you mind if I use your-“

“I’d be insulted if you didn’t!” Luna responded quickly and proudly, changing the channel on the TV.

Spike walks over to a number pad with a phone symbol on it clinging to the wall. He dials a few numbers and then the call button, as the TV lights up and begins to ring. Appearing on the screen was Princess Celestia, sitting on her canopy bed in a white nightgown that was so long it nearly touched the ground even while she was sitting. The woman smiles and says, “Hello Twilight Sparkle, my wonderful apprentice. I see you have met my adorable sister Woona. And hello Spike.”

Spike walks on screen and says, “Hi princess! Did you say Woona?”

Luna blushes and hides her face behind a pillow. She whines like a little girl and says, “Tiiiaaa! You promised to stop calling me that! I’m not a baby anymore!”

Celestia giggles and says, “You’ll always be my adorable baby sister sweetie.”

Twilight smiles and says, “Hello your majesty, err, Celestia! I’m pleased to report that today alone I have already made several friends! And that’s including Spike, several students, and your little sister!”

The princess smiles in surprise and says, “Twilight Sparkle that’s wonderful! I’m happy to hear that you have already made such great progress in such a short time! I am very proud of you.”

Twilight rubs her arm shyly and says, “Thank you Celestia. Tomorrow I hope to not only bond with them, but help your sister make some friends as well.” Luna peeks up from her pillow and smiles at Twilight.

Celestia nods from her side and says, “That would be much appreciated Twilight. Thank you for being the best pupil I could ever ask for. Good luck in your endeavor’s as I hope to hear from you again soon. Right now I need to get some sleep though, so good night everyone.”

Everyone waves saying their good nights to her, before Celestia turns off her side of the call. Spike says, “Okay, time for this sleepy drake to get some shut eye as well. So where are our rooms?”

Luna stands and says, “Right this way. I have two bedrooms, and all your stuff is here in this hall.” She walks through the archway and flips a switch, the wall of the hall lined mostly with stacks of various books. “I noticed you enjoy reading, which is ideal considering you live above a library now.”

Twilight looks between the two rooms and says, “So I assume I’ll be staying with you in your room?”

Luna smiles and says, “I would love the company! That is, unless you wanted to stay with-“

The princess cut herself off and looked at Spike. Spike slowly raises and eyebrow and says, “I already said it once, I’m not getting any funny ideas even living in a dorm with two girls. You’re an Alicorn, and she’s your equal in magic, and I like breathing.”

“Then it’s settled!” Luna claps her hands together excitedly. “Come roommate, let us sleep together!” She hovers off the ground she’s so excited, as she rushes into her room.

Twilight blushes and says, “Don’t get any ideas Spike!”

Spike slaps his palm to his face and says, “I know, I’m trying to ignore the innuendo! You’re not helping bringing up the obvious like that.”

Twilight sighs and says, “I’m sorry Spike, this is just a new situation for me. It’s going to take some getting used to. See you in the morning?”

Spike nods and says, “Of course. Just don’t wake me up because I sleep naked.”

Twilight’s brow furrows as she says, “No you don’t! You just keep saying that so that I don’t wake you up for school when you decide to sleep in, and it doesn’t work!”

Spike smirks and says, “You may be surprised, I’ll do it one day just to spite you! And you won’t be able to do anything about it because I warned you. Are you still willing to take that chance?”

Twilights face goes red as her eye twitches and she stutters nonsense. “Good night!” She marches into her room with Luna and slams the door shut. “Pervert…”

“Is something wrong?” Luna asked sitting on her knees on her bed, tilting her head cutely.

Twilight shakes her head and says, “Nothing, let’s just go to bed dear. I mean, sweetie! No that’s worse! Your majes-AH! Luna, your name is Luna!”

Luna laughs and says, “You’re hilarious Twilight! Have you honestly never slept in the same bed as another girl before?”

Twilight gulps and says, “Well no, of course not.” She looks around the room and it was as big as the living room! There was a queen sized canopy bed, a glass door that lead to a balcony with beautiful curtains, two dressers and book cases, and a computer desk with a desktop on it and a waste basket filled with empty bags and bottles of cheetah puffs and mountain mist. “Are you a gamer?” Twilight asks staring at the messy pc area.

Luna laughs and says, “Is it that obvious? Pipsqueak got me into them when I started dating him, and I’ve been using it to keep at least a little sanity for the past couple years.”

Twilight sits on the bed and plucks off her boots, sliding off her socks. “Don’t worry Luna, we’ll figure everything out in the morning. For now, why don’t we try to relax and get some sleep?”

Luna smiles and says, “You’re right Twilight. Let’s get some sleep.”


The next morning came and Twilight had just finished a shower. Wrapped in a towel, she was brushing her teeth in the bathroom as Luna peeked in. She was wearing a navy blue shoulder-less shirt and a black frilled skirt, navy blue thigh socks, and smooth black high rise shoes. She was slipping on some navy blue fingerless gloves that reaches up to her elbows as she asked, “Twilight is Spike awake yet? I wanted to get some friend hunting in before classes started. You know, while all the clubs are meeting.”

Twilight rinses her mouth with some water and spits, groaning as she says, “Every morning it’s the same thing. Don’t worry, I’ll wake him up!” She marches into his room with a grunt and see’s him laying there on his bed, snoring in sweet bliss. She grips his blanket, but then shivers remembering what he had said last night. Cautiously she begins to slowly slide down the blanket, nervous as to how truthful he was. She begins sweating as she can see he isn’t wearing a shirt, shaking worriedly as she starts to close her eyes. Then once she gets it below his waist, she takes a quick peek to see he’s wearing ‘Mare Do Well’ boxers. She groans tosses aside his blankets. “Wake up Spike, we have things to do!”

Spike groans and feels around as if looking for the blanket. She shakes her head at how pathetic it looks, but then blinks and stares down as his hand grips her towel. “Give me five more minutes.” The world seems to move in slow motion for her as he yanks her towel over himself like his lost blanket. She stares in shock for a moment, her hair slowly lifting as her eyes begin to glow white.

Luna peeks down the hall to his room and says, “I hope those two will hurry it up.”


Before Luna can even react to the loud screech that fills the air, an explosion takes place knocking Spike’s door off its hinges. “Twilight! Spike! Oh my goodness!” Luna rushes over and into the room, freezing in place as she just stares and begins to laugh hysterically.


Luna continues to laugh hysterically as she walks between Twilight and Spike, who stare in opposite directions, both blushing a very deep shade of red. Twilight’s hair was still a little messy, and Spike had singe marks all over his body. Luna manages to finally calm down and says, “Oh come on you two, it wasn’t that bad! Let’s just forget it ever happened, okay?” She grabs their shoulders and turns them towards each other. “Go on, let bygones be bygones.”

The two of them glare at each other for what seems like an eternity. Twilight crosses her arms and pouts before saying, “I’m sorry.”

Spike smiles and says, “Apology accepted.”

Twilight blinks and says, “Well, are you going to apologize to me?”

Spike scowls and says, “Why should I? What I did was an accident while sleeping! You blew me and half my new room up! I’m the only one that should be angry!”

Twilight stomps her foot and says, “Well if that’s the way you’re going to be then we’ll just go friend hunting without you!”

Spike goes wide eyed and says, “Oh yeah, well I’ll go friend hunting too, and make my own friends!”

“Well that’s fine by me!” Twilight yells walking towards the recreational building.

Spike huffs making a bit of smoke escape his clenched teeth as he shouts, “Me too!” before walking the opposite direction.

Luna stares between the two and sighs, chasing after Twilight. “Twilight, shouldn’t you try to make up with Spike? He is your friend after all.”

Twilight sighs and says, “I know, but he’s just being so difficult right now. He needs to understand how what happened made me feel! Don’t worry; I’m sure everything will be fine later. After all we live together.” She giggles making Luna smile in relief.

“If you say so Twilight, then I’ll take your word. So where does our hunt for friends begin?” Luna looked like she could no longer hold in her anticipation.

Twilight takes out a small book on the school and says, “We have several clubs that meet up before and after classes every day. I think the easiest way to get you friends, is to find friends that have similar interests in you. Then you can join their club, and working on being their friends from there.”

Luna gasps and says, “Twilight that’s brilliant! I’m so lucky to have you helping me with this! I never even remotely thought of that!”

Twilight giggles and says, “All I did was a little research. With that in mind, what are your interests? Maybe you could join a club for gamers?”

Luna makes a face of disgust and says, “I like to keep my gamer lifestyle private. And besides, from what I can tell some gamers are less than pleasant to know in real life. What about cooking?”

“You know how to cook?” Twilight looks at Luna a little shocked.

The princess blushes and pokes her index fingers together. “Well, I know how to taste what other people cook.”

Twilight does a faceplant into the ground and slowly stands up with a nervous chuckle, sweating. “I don’t think that counts for the cooking club. Don’t you have any other interests?”

Luna rubs her chin, lost in thought for a moment. “Well, I like music. I own every karaoke and dance game that I’ve ever heard of. Is there a club for anything like that?”

Twilight takes out a notepad and flips past a few pages of it. “I believe I saw something that I wrote down just in case. Here we go. There actually is a music club. They’re dedicated to trying out new instruments and playing live shows for school events. They’re small, still trying to get a fifth member to make the club official, since most other students interested in music are in the band club.”

Luna smiles and says, “That’s perfect! It doesn’t sound like I need to be talented in anything in particular, and I don’t have to be shy in front of a crowd or anything! And they need a fifth member anyways! Quick, lead the way!” Twilight get’s eager from Luna’s excitement and grabs her hand, dragging the girl along as she rushes to their practice room. Luna squeals shocked by the girls speed as she is dragged along through the halls. “Not so fast Twilight! I’m still a little nervous!”

Once they make it to the room, they can hear noise on the inside. “Sounds like they’re in there, so shall we go in and say hi?” Luna gulps and begins to tremble, slowly turning away. Twilight grabs her wrist again and says, “Come on Luna, you can do this! This is a chance for you to make some friends.” She drags Luna in as she slowly enters. “Hello? Is this the music club?”

There are three girls inside who all look at them at the same time. One of them has spiky hair striped two different shades of blue and a pair of black frame purple lenses sunglasses on. She’s wearing black cargo pants and a plain white T-shirt that looks like it’s seen a fair share of wear and tear. She was lying on the floor with her hands behind her head, her legs crossed and wearing a pair of black and white sneakers. The second girl had curly navy blue hair with a pink streak through it. She was wearing a cream colored sweater and a light blue skirt with yellow stripes going diagonally around it. She was wearing white high heels and was sitting in a chair, a pair of bongos in her lap. The third girl had short hair that was turquoise and white. She was wearing a light lime green dress, and a pair of matching sandal. She was sitting next to the second girl and holding a lyre.

The first girl says, “You’re not Octavia…” She leaps to her feet and excitedly says, “Are you two looking to join the music club?” The other two girls get a sudden burst of excitement as well.

Twilight shakes her head and says, “Not me personally, I’m not very musical. But my friend here is very interested. This is Luna, and I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight looks over her shoulder to see Luna trying to hide behind her. She grabs Luna and drags her to the front of her. “Say hello Luna.”

Luna gulps staring as nervous as a deer in the headlights, stuttering cutely for a few seconds before finally managing a, “Hello.”

The first girl grins and says, “Luna huh? No need to be nervous, we’re all friends here! Want to join the music club eh? My name’s Vinyl Scratch, but my stage name is DJ PON 3. Remember that for when I’m famous. Over there with the bongos is Bonbon. She’s better at cooking and housework than music, but in this club we accept all levels of musical talent in this group!”

Bonbon growls and says, “Your lucky Lyra is forcing me to be in this stupid club. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here right now little Miss blunt and outspoken.”

Vinyl ignores her and continues, “And over there is Lyra. She’s a furry.”

Lyra blushes and says, “Is that a crime? Jeez Vinyl, tell everyone why don’t you? And just to clarify my real name isn’t Lyra, it’s Heartstrings. Lyra is sort of a nickname that stuck, since I’m the only girl on campus that can play this instrument oddly enough.”

Vinyl continues, “I’m the co-president of the club, along with my girlfriend. She’ll be along shortly I’m sure. So what’s your interest in music?” Luna is silent, avoiding Vinyl’s gaze. Vinyl lifts her glasses a bit, revealing her red eyes, and says, “Come on, I don’t bite. You’re safe here.”

That makes Luna smile and she says, “I like to hear all forms of music. Everyone has such different styles and tastes. Not only that but I simply love when it compels me to move, to dance. I also enjoy singing, because it makes me feel like I can express myself freely and openly.”

Vinyl claps her hands together and says, “Then you’re going to fit right in here! When Octavia gets here well just talk it over and-“

“Did you say Octavia?” Luna gets a grim expression on her face. “Oh no… I-I need to get out of here before it’s too late!”

Twilight blocks her escape attempt and says, “Wait! Luna you were just starting to warm up to the situation!”

Luna bites her lower lip and says, “But you don’t understand Twilight! This has to do with something that happened back when I was-“

“Nightmare Moon…” A girl with long straight black hair and purple earrings in the shape of a treble clef walks in. She wears a long grey dress with slits up the sides of her thighs, and black high heels. Luna cringes under the name and backs away staring to the side. “You have a lot of nerve showing up here after all this time, after what you did to me.” She has a cold emotionless look on her face and in her tone as she slowly steps towards Luna.

Vinyl blinks and says, “Octavia, you got some sort of history with this girl?”

The girl who had just walked in nodded and said, “We went to high school together. Back then she was the school bully, and I was one of the people she hurt the most before her big fall.” Her eyes went red with rage as her teeth became visible. “You humiliated me and made me a laughing stock! No one comforted me after what you did! They didn’t even care that it was you who did it, the fact didn’t change! I secluded myself and my emotions from everyone just so that they would leave me alone!”

Luna goes slack jawed, speechless at this point. Twilight chimes in, “But Luna has changed! She’s lived secluded as well for the past two or three years!”

“Pfft!” Octavia’s eye twitches, but she takes a deep breath and calms down, going back to her emotionless expression. “She’s just been hiding, unwilling to face what she did with any dignity. She just cuddles up with her little boyfriend who was the only one willing to say anything nice about her. You’re still just the same spoiled princess you were then and you’ll never change!” A loud smack fills the room as everyone gasps and stares, Vinyl having smacked Octavia across the face. Octavia is wide eyed in shock as she stutters, “V… Vinyl? But why?”

Vinyl shakes her head and says, “Listen to yourself love, your acting like a bully! People can chance with time, and it’s not right for you to judge them on the past. You make fun of her relationship with this boy, but don’t you remember how you were when I met you freshman year?”

Octavia tears up and stares at the floor. “It’s not the same Vinyl. You don’t understand-“

“I do understand, because you told me everything! I was there for you to pour out everything to, and I’ve done everything in my power to help you since!” She moves her glasses to her forehead, revealing her own tears welling in her eyes. “I helped you get that second chance you deserved, so don’t you think Luna deserves one? The whole reason I set up this club was so that it would be easier for you to make friends, and I think this was destiny.” She hugs Octavia, making her bite her lower lip in shame as she hugs her back. “Please, for me?”

Octavia sighs and wipes her eyes, moving Vinyl to the side. She walks up to Luna and stares her straight in the pupils, making the girl quiver nervously. “How can I trust you?”

Luna tears up and says, “I’m sorry for everything that I did to everyone Octavia. I didn’t know how to apologize for what I did, so I hid thinking no one ever wanted to see me again. I had no friends, no one to trust or turn to, and I deserved that. But I’ve changed, I swear! Let me join your club and prove it to you!”

“Are you finished?” Octavia raises an eyebrow and smiles amused. “The moment your tears began flowing I knew you had changed. Listening to your whiney little speech was just icing on the cake.” Luna blinks and stutters confused. “I’ll give you a second chance, and who knows, maybe we ‘can’ be friends. Besides, we need a fifth member by Friday or the club is a no go anyways. Welcome to the club.” Luna gasps and cheers, hugging the now irritated Octavia. “No hugging! No hugging!” Vinyl cheers and joins the hug, making Octavia more irate. “Okay, I know ‘you’ are just trying to piss me off.”

Lyra and Bonbon laugh at the scene amused, while Twilight stares with watery eyes and a big smile. After watching that take place she had begun to realize just how deep friendship could be. She learned the importance of forgiving others, and moving past their mistakes. And best of all, she’d gotten Luna some new friends. She turns to leave as Luna calls out, “Wait Twilight, you’re leaving?”

Twilight smiles back at her and she says, “I’ve got to meet up with my own group of friends. I’ll just leave you to get to know your new club a little better. I’ll see you later though Luna.”

Luna smiles thoughtfully and says, “Thank you for bringing me here Twilight. Thank you ever so much for what you’ve done for me.”

Twilight chuckles and shakes her head, hand on the door. “No Luna, thank you for a very valuable lesson.” Luna tilts her head confused, but is bombarded with questions from her new friends before she can inquire further. Twilight wipes off her eyes and takes a deep breath, shutting the door and rushing off to meet her own friends for breakfast.

End Chapter 3
Continued in Chapter 4: The Beautiful and Popular Trixie