• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 18 Comments

Vanguard Of Harmony - Enfield

The Equestrian government is collapsing, and the only person who can save the kingdom, is the one who created it.

  • ...

Just Because I Defeated You Doesn't Mean We Can't Be Friends

Trixie kept her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. She could feel something that felt like the wind but she hunkered down on the ground and waited. She had no idea if the ordeal was over but she did know that whatever that creature was, it was terrifying. Whatever that thing was it was guaranteed that she would be seeing it in her nightmares. The wind picked up and vibrations slightly shook her, the sound of hoofs on gravel picked up and Trixie covered her ears and cringed. But a calm voice caused her to relax a little.

"Hey, Trixie? You okay?"

Trixie slowly opened her eyes and picked her head up from the ground. She looked up and saw Twilight standing over her, a small smile on her face. Trixie swallowed nervously and took her hooves off her head. Twilight held out one hoof for her and Trixie took it, hesitating at first but taking Twilight's hoof and then getting helped up.

"Thank you," Trixie said. She licked her lips and saw Scott behind her fiddling with the Alicorn Amulet.

"How do you get the bloody stone out of this?"

Trixie backed up a little as Scott looked up at her.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get the bloody gem out of this amulet. I don't know what I'll do with it afterwards."

As Trixie watched Scott struggle with the amulet Twilight stepped into her view.

"Look I know that you've got a lot of questions about what happened to you and I promise that you'll know everything."

"But, how? And why?" Trixie asked shakily.

"It's okay," Pinkie said as she bounded over, "We all had the same reaction when we were first brought into Scott's pocket dimension."

"You've all been there too?" Trixe said as she looked over to the six. Each of them nodded. Trixie rubbed the back of her head and sighed.

"I-uh, I don't know what to say now aside from sorry Twilight."

Twilight cocked her head to one side.

"Are you apologizing from earlier?"

Trixie nodded.

"After what just happened I feel as if is a sort of punishment, I don't want to leave without setting things right."

Twilight smiled and placed a hoof on Trixie, who looked up and returned with a quivering grin that soon faded. Twilight saw this and tried to make eye contact.

"Something wrong?" she asked. Trixie sniffed and looked up, Twilight was surprised to see tears forming in her eyes.

"I-I-I don't have anywhere to go. I've sold everything to get the amulet and now I've lost everything."

"You mean that you gave away all of your stuff to get the amulet?" Rainbow Dash asked. Trixie nodded.

"The only thing I have now are the clothes on my back."

Scott overheard what Trixie said and he walked over and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"It's okay, I know what it feels like to give up everything in order to get what your heart desires."

Trixie sniffled and sat on the ground, covering her face with her hooves. Scott could feel her racking sobs, muffled slightly by her hooves. Scott pulled her closer and held her head in his forelegs, Pinkie and Fluttershy followed suit along with the others. Trixie stopped crying as Rainbow Dash joined in the hug, she smiled and placed a hoof over Scott's.

"Thank you," she whispered. She groaned a little as her stomach rumbled, it had been a while since she last ate and the recent turn of events had made her hunger emerge, luckily Pinkie heard it too.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"Why yes, The Great and Powerful Trixie humbly requests some food."

Scott laughed a little.

"Come on," he said as he let go of Trixie and led her to Twilight's library, "I'm sure that Pinkie'll get some food for you, in the meantime, there's someone who I want you to meet."

Trixie took a deep ad shaky breath and followed Scott and Twilight into Twilight's library. She glanced behind her and saw that the crowd has dispersed, she hoped that they had left before she lost control of her emotions, even if Twilight and her friends had seen her break down and cry, she couldn't live if the entire crowd saw her.

"So um, who is this you want me to meet?" Trixie asked Scott.

"Just wait, you'll meet her very soon."

Trixie shifted uneasily but followed Scott regardless. She walked inside and saw the books that littered the floor, Twilight saw the mess and sighed. As she started to pick up the books with her magic Trixie saw her struggling and walked over to help.

"Thanks," Twilight said.

"It's okay, it's my fault that you're place is a mess," Trixie said softly. Scott grunted with irritation and stomped on the floor, making all the books shoot up into the air and then fly into the shelves in order. Twilight and Trixie looked at him in amazement as he shut the door with his back leg.

"Now can we please get back to the task at hand?"

"Yeahhhh, are you sure you want to do this?" Twilight asked as Scott went upstairs.

"Sure I am, if we're going to save this place then the ponies should at least know who the one saving them is."

Scott walked up that stairs and into Twilight's bedroom, he looked around and then saw Faust leaning by the window. He walked over to her but she spoke before he opened his mouth.

"You know you didn't have to drag me into that Pocket Dimension of yours."

"I'm sorry Miss Faust, I just wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt, I had a feeling that Trixie was going to do something like uprooting the house."

"Well I do thank you for helping me, but next time will you tell me instead of sneaking up on me like what you did?"

"Sure thing Miss Faust."

Lauren sighed and stretched out the stiffness in her joints before turning to Scott.

"You came up here for a reason, what is it?"

"Well there's somepony who I'd like you to meet," Scott said, "Don't worry, she's not going to hurt you."

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked. Scott could sense the uneasiness in her voice, he pulled the Alicorn Amulet from behind his back and waved it in front of her face.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Lauren relaxed but let Scott go ahead of her, she didn't entirely trust Scott as of yet but she knew that he had beaten Trixie and would protect her if Trixie tries anything. She followed Scott down the stairs and stopped as he peered around the corner. Scott could see Twilight and Trixie talking with each other, he quietly stepped into the room and motioned for Lauren to follow.

"So you were stuck on a rock farm trying to earn money for the amulet?" Twilight asked Trixie.

"Yes, I was desperate for something to help me gain my reputation. I didn't know about the powers of the amulet until now when you told me."

"Well I can say now that everything is okay," Scott said as he trotted over to Trixie. He put his foreleg around her neck and span her to face Lauren. Trixie froze up and went deathly white when she saw the human. "Trixie, I'd like you to meet Lauren Faust. Also known as the Creator."

"Hello Trixie," Lauren said, Scott could tell that she was a little nervous but not nearly as bad as Trixie who had just started shivering. Scott sighed deeply and loosened his grip on the stunned unicorn.

"This could take some time."

Trixie tried to escape Scott's grip but she was powerless while he had both the Element of Chaos and the Alicorn Amulet, both of which he didn't know were effecting him. As Lauren slowly walked over to Trixie she burst into tears, Lauren backed away and stared at Trixie as she once again started crying. Scott sighed and managed to coax Trixie out of her wailing.

"Please don't kill me!" Trixie blurted out to Lauren, she dove out of Scott's loosened grip and landed flat at Lauren's feet where she started to plead for her life. "I-I didn't mean anything, oh great Creator. I was just eager to get my former reputation back, please, oh please don't banish me to the sun!"

Lauren crouched down as Trixie covered herself with her hooves and wept once more. She gently placed her hand on Trixie's mane which made her calm down a little.

"Trixie, it's okay. I'm holding nothing against you. You're a fine unicorn with a troubled past but you've got a bright future ahead of you, I know that what you did was to make yourself famous and to fill that empty feeling that has plagued you since you were a filly. But you need to move on from that and try to make ends meet."

"But how am I to do that?" Trixie asked as she looked up from behind her hooves.

"A good and simple start would be to forget your past and start anew in Ponyville, I'm sure that you'll work out the rest."

Trixie shakily stood up and looked back to Twilight and Scott who were smiling at her, she grinned at the two then faced Lauren. She coughed and held out a hoof.

"Great Creator? Could you forgive a foolish mare for trying to cover her past and allow her to change her life for the best?"

"You are forgiven," Lauren said. Trixie's grin grew wider and tears formed in her eyes again, but this time is was tears of joy. Trixie rushed forward toward Lauren and the two embraced each other in tight hugs.

"Anyway," Scott said so loudly that it startled the others, they had forgotten that the stallion was there. He held up the Alicorn Amulet and span it on his foreleg. "What do we do with this?"

The other three looked at each other and then the Amulet. Lauren looked up and then gave Scott a stern look.

"Destroy it."

Scott stood confused for a second before Trixie snapped him out of his trance.

"No, you can't. I spent all of my life's savings on that."

"It's better this way, Trixie," Twilight said, "The Alicorn Amulet is very powerful and unstable, not to mention that it corrupts the user the longer they use it."

Trixie sniffled and reached out for the Amulet but Lauren pushed her hoof down.

"It's okay Trixie, let it go."

Trixie lowered her hoof and watched as Scott fumbled around with the necklace.

"How the bloody hell do you get this thing out?" he grunted as he tugged at the stone.

"Why don't you try using the Element of Chaos?" Twilight asked.

Scott stopped and took hold of the Element around his neck, it was still the same transparent stone that Discord had given him over a year ago. Scott remembered the day when he went to Canterlot for Luna's birthday and ended up trashing the party, destroying the Elements of Harmony and then watching as Discord took over the land. He hated every last memory of it but he kept it locked in his mind to remind him that he was banished for a reason. Scott sat on the floor as he recalled how he destroyed the Elements of Harmony, all he did once he found them was touch the Element of Chaos to the Elements of Harmony and they shattered and then were absorbed by the Element of Chaos. Scott gently brought the Amulet closer to the Element and proceeded to touch them together when he felt a continuous current of electricity run through his body, Scott let go of the Amulet and tried to back away only to find himself frozen in place. Scott grunted in pain but at the same time could feel some sort of energy running through his entire body. The Element of Chaos levitated as the Amulet span in midair, it started to spin slowly but gained in speed as Scott tried to focus on escaping the current that held him in place. Eventually the amulet started to throw tiny bolts of red lightning as it span at an ungodly speed. Suddenly a rather large bolt hit the Element of Chaos and send Scott flying backwards into the wall, knocking him unconscious.

"Scott, Scott are you okay?"

Scott grunted as his vision slowly started to return, he felt something rubbing the back of his head and he rolled over to see who it was. It was Lauren, standing next to her was Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Trixie surrounding him.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"Nope," Scott said groggily.

"You took quite a hit on the wall," Lauren said as Scott was helped up by Fluttershy and Twilight, "I seriously thought that you died."

"Yeah, as if I've had enough brushes with death. Oh don't worry Miss Faust, I've almost been killed several times and believe me each bloody time I've just managed to escape with my life. You have no idea what kind of shit I've been through before I got banished, do you?! I almost died at the hands of that beast Discord and now he's trying to kill me again!"

By now everyone had stepped back as Scott seethed, he calmed down enough to smell the distinct scent of electricity forming around him. Something that looked like red lightning bolts slowly arced out of him and then dissipated. Scott saw the terrified and confused looks and managed to get a hold of himself so that he could find out what had happened.


"Did you see yourself?" Pinkie asked.

"No, why?"

"You were steaming and sending out lightning bolts," Twilight said, "I've never seen anything like that before."

Scott exhaled deeply and collapsed forward.

"Ugh, I feel terrible."

"Well you don't look to good if you don't mind me saying," Trixie said with a smile.

"Thanks," Scott said with a smirk. He got a sudden feeling as if something was lifting him up off the ground, Scott looked up and saw Pinkie's fuzzy face right next to his.

"Hungry?" she asked

"Yeah, starving."

Pinkie brought Scott outside with the others where there was a large picnic table sitting outside the Library, Scott was seated on the end and was amazed to see that the table was stocked with food. A whole Ponyville style banquet was set up on the table.

"So?" Pinkie said, "Who's hungry?"

Scott rose his hoof with a sheepish grin, earning a few laughs from the others. Twilight sat down and spoke up.

"Come on everypony, lets eat while the sun's still out."

Scott, Lauren, Trixie, Twilight and her friends all enjoyed eating out in the warmth and the sun, laughing and joking with each other. Scott on occasion would slump forward and start snoring, only to be poked in the ribs by Pinkie until he woke up. It was amusing for the others to listen to Scott as he told the stories of what he did while he was on the moon and inside dreams helping out the fillies and colts of ponyville. Soon as Scott started to drift off Pinkie said something that startled him awake.

"Hey Scott. The element around your neck, it looks different."

Scott looked down at the Element of Chaos and took hold of it. He held it up for everyone to see and was amazed at what happened. The Element had changed entirely in appearance, instead of being a small pea sized spherical stone, it was now a flat one inch big disk that looked like Scott's cutie mark. Scott stared at it for a few minutes before he let it drop against his chest.

"How did that happen?" he said.

"It might have been the Alicorn Amulet," Twilight suggested, "Maybe the powers of the amulet were assimilated like the Elements of Harmony were when you destroyed them."

"Maybe," Scott said slowly, he shook his head and got up. "I'm gonna get some sleep now, you have no idea how tired I feel after all that."

"Okay then," Lauren said.

"See ya later, Scott," Pinkie said. The others followed suit, wishing Scott good dreams as he walked inside. About two minutes passed when Scott called for them from inside.

"Hey, um, guys. Can I get some help please?"

The seven looked at each other and went inside. As they did they looked around until a voice was heard directly above them, Twilight looked up and saw who it was.

"Scott? What are you doing up there?"

"Does it look like I care? Get me down from here."