• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 18 Comments

Vanguard Of Harmony - Enfield

The Equestrian government is collapsing, and the only person who can save the kingdom, is the one who created it.

  • ...

A Muffin, A MiG, A Massive Journey

Twilight and her friends had just made it to the library when they heard the distant roar of the jet engine, she wondered what had spooked Scott but she didn't want to hang around for it. She opened up the door to the library and let all her friends in before shutting the door and falling over with exhaustion. She sat up and leaned against the wall.

"Remind me-" she coughed, "Remind me to never, ever, let Scott order us around again."

"Agreed," the others all chimed.

"Anypony want a drink?" Pinkie said. Each one of the ponies nodded and waited as Pinkie pulled several bottles of cider out from behind a bookshelf and handed them around. Twilight popped the top off her cider bottle and took a big swallow out of it before looked out the window to see Scott's MiG cross the bridge with some difficulty but manage to clear the bridge and roll down the streets towards Twilight's library. Twilight shook her head and watched as the townsfolk come out of their homes and watch the massive silver machine slow down and quiet as Scott parked and turned off the engine. The canopy slid open and Scott jumped out before helping Lauren out too. Twilight opened up the door and scowled as Scott trotted over to her. Scott saw this and cringed but he kept up his pace.

"Yeah I know what you're mad about," he said.

"Don't ever do that again unless there's a good reason," Twilight said flatly.

"Oh there was a good reason Twilight, a very good reason."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

Scott looked behind him to see several ponies gathered up around the MiG and took Twilight aside.

"Listen, you know when I was looking at the bushes? Well I think that our friend was hiding in the bushes, scoping us out."

"Wait, you mean Douglas?"

Scott nodded grimly and walked over to Lauren and the MiG, there also was several ponies gathered around Lauren. The ponies were either staring at Lauren or slowly approaching her with their heads down and ears flat against their heads in nervousness.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Lauren said to a filly that was slowly walking over to her. The filly was a light gray unicorn with a sandy colored mane.

"You-you promise?" the filly said shakily. Lauren nodded and the filly waled over to her, her head a little higher. Lauren reached out to stroke the filly when a voice iconic to Lauren rang out.

"Dinky! Get away from that thing!"

Lauren froze for a second but she looked up just in time to see a pegasus swoop down and pluck the filly from in front of her, she looked up and saw none other than Derpy floating above her. Lauren would've smiled but the look on Derpy's face as she held Dinky was a look of pure anger.

"You stay away from my little girl!" Derpy yelled at Lauren. Lauren backed away as Scott took up position in front of the MiG, Derpy's angry expression lessened as he smiled up at her.

"Hey there Dinky, how's it going?"

Derpy cocked her head to one side while Dinky's eyes grew wider, Derpy flew a little closer to the ground but still kept a distance from Scott.

"How do you know her name?"

"Simple, when's the last time your daughter had any nightmares?"

"Mommy, can you please let me down?" Dinky said, "I wanna know if it really is him."

Derpy held the filly closer to her and scowled at Scott.

"Who are you?" she asked harshly.

"My name, is Scott Weblsy."

Several of the ponies gasped and whispers broke out in the crowd. Derpy landed and let go of Dinky.

"But, you were banished," she said. Scott smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Yep, but now I'm back, and better than ever."

"It is you!" Dinky said joyfully. Scott sat down in front of the filly.

"You been having any more bad dreams?"

"Nope! Thanks to you, they're all gone."

"Wait a second," Derpy said, "Are you the Nightmare Purger that everypony keep talking about?"

"Took you that long to figure out who I am?" Scott said with a grin.

Derpy landed in front of him and let go of Dinky who stood by her mothers side.

"Geez, I'm sorry. If I had known..."

"It's okay Derpy," Scott said, "I knew that you wouldn't recognize me at first. It's been a very long time since you last saw me."

"When was that?"

"The last nightmare you had, you remember it right? The one about the carnivorous muffins."

Derpy's jaw crashed to the floor after Scott said this, it was a few seconds before she spoke.

"How-how do you remember that?" she asked.

"Simple, I was searching for ideas to add to my personal DreamScape and I came across your nightmare. I knew that you needed help so I crossed over into your dream and killed the muffin monsters, don't you remember the minesweeper I used to grind them up?"

"Not really."

"Ah well, never mind. So anyway," Scott said as he lowered down to Dinky's eye level, "Any bad dreams lately, Dinky?"

"Nope!" Dinky said happily. Without warning Dinky rushed forward and hugged Scott which triggered some 'awws' from the crowd. "Thank you Scott, you're my best friend."

"Can I ask something?" Derpy said.

"Fire away," Scott replied.

"Who's the human?"

Scott looked at Lauren and nodded towards the crowd. Lauren picked up on what Scott wanted, she stepped forward and addressed herself.

"My name, is Lauren Faust."

Derpy, backed away and pulled Dinky behind her.

"You-you mean you're the Creator?" Derpy stammered.

"Yes," Lauren said. Dinky came out from behind her mother and approached Lauren.

"Are you going to hurt us like the last human who was here?"

"No, I'm here to help you."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Dinky smiled and her ears perked up. Lauren too smiled just as Scott walked over to her.

"Okay then, now are you going to introduce yourself to the remainder of the town or are we going to get ready to head to Equestria?"

"Yeah, let's go, I've met everyone who I want," Lauren said. Scott stepped back and allowed Lauren to pass, she gave the crowd a wave as they departed and grinned as they waved back and left. Scott led Lauren into the Library where Twilight was waiting for them. Twilight was pacing as she read a letter from Princess Celestia, as Lauren and Scott entered she stopped and looked up.

"Oh hello," Twilight said, "Have you finished introduced Lauren to Ponyville's mailmare?"

"Yeah, Derpy's really nice," Lauren replied.

"I'm sure that after all this you'll get to know her better," Twilight said. Lauren looked at her quizzically.

"Oh, what do you mean about that?"

"Don't you remember? We're going to Canterlot."

"Oh yes, when do we go?"

"We leave later tonight, we just need to get ourselves ready."

"Get ourselves ready how?" Scott asked. Twilight walked over to Scott and stood next to him with the letter.

"Well, everypony had gone to pack for the trip, as for us, I think you should hear this."

"Go ahead."

Twilight cleared her throat and read Scott and Lauren the letter.

"Dear Twilight,

Sorry that it's been a while since we last spoke but I've been preoccupied lately with both the coming arrival of our Creator and another ally for our consul. Now you know from the last letter our allies for the Equestrian Consul are the Zebras, the Buffalo Tribes, the Equestrian military, our new allies and the humans. Lauren and Scott specifically. Now in terms of our Great Creator I was wondering if there was anything Rarity could do for her in terms of stunning clothing. From what I've read in your last letter, you say that she is wearing "normal clothes" and we need her to look like our Creator. I hope that she doesn't take offence to this. As for Scott, I know that he was once human but prefers to stay a pony because he feel as if he fits into our world. But if he is coming I want him to become a human once more so that the Consul knows that he is a part of the alliance.

"Wait, what?" Scott said, "I'm confused. Why does Princess Celestia want me a human?"

"Maybe so that I won't stand out as much as I have been doing," Lauren suggested.

"Could be, or that Celestia wants the population to trust us."

"Um, can I get back to the letter?" Twilight asked. Scott nodded and walked into an other room.

"You can read the rest to Lauren, I need to think."

Scott wandered around the upper floor of the library, he would occasionally glance out of the window that looked towards Canterlot and sigh. He knew that he'd have to change at some point but it had been a long time since he'd been in human form in the real world, most of the time he was in a Dreamscape or in his pocket dimension but this time he'd be on real soil. He shook his head and slumped down on a couch and rubbed his temples, hoping to overcome his nervousness.

"Scott?" Lauren's voice drifted through the crack of the door, "Scott, are you coming? Everyone else is here."

"Yeah, you guys go on. I'll meet you outside."

Lauren nodded and shut the door behind her, she knew that it had been a long time since Scott was a real human but then again she knew that he'd change form once more.

"I hope he doesn't strain himself," she muttered. Lauren walked downstairs and outside where the others were waiting. She brushed off her shirt and was instantly set upon by Rarity.

"I heard what the Princess wanted so I made this for you."

Rarity reached into her saddle bag and then produced out a large box. Lauren took it from Rarity's magic aura and slowly opened it up. Inside was a white and silver blouse, decorated with diamonds and other precious jewels. When Lauren shifted the box the blouse shimmered in the sunlight.

"Oh Rarity, it's beautiful."

"Thank you, I worked all night on it."

"So where's Scott?" Pinkie asked.

"He's still inside," Lauren said.

"Still?" Twilight said, "I thought he'd change form by now."

"He's a little uneasy about it."

"Oh, okay."

"So anypony know when we're going?" Applejack asked.

Before anyone could answer a scooter pulling a red wagon skidded in front of the library. The CMC jumped off the scooter and wagon and tossed their helmets into the wagon and then grabbed their saddlebags.

"Can we come too?" Apple Bloom asked.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"We heard that you were going to Canterlot and we wanted to come too," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, we wanna go on another adventure!" Sweetie Belle chirped.

"Girls, I don't think it's a good idea," Twilight said, "We're going to meet the Princess and figure out how we're gonna save Equestria."

"Doesn't mean we can't tag along," Scootaloo said.

"No, no you can't come," Rainbow Dash said.

"It's too dangerous," Rarity added.

"You go home right now Apple Bloom," Applejack ordered. The Crusaders all dropped their heads and sulked. Applejack sighed and sat down in front of them.

"Look, ah know you want to come with us but this is important."

"Yes, we don't want you getting hurt," Fluttershy said.

"But we're scared of here," Sweetie Belle whimpered. Rarity placed a hoof on her little sister's shoulder and pulled her closer.

"I know that you're scared of staying here after everything that happened but we seriously don't want you to end up getting hurt."

"Oh for god's sake. If they want to come then let them," a voice rang out from the dark recesses of the library. The group looked up and saw the door slowly open up. As the sunlight advanced across the floor it then climbed up a shiny, black, metallic object. Standing in the doorway was the silhouette of another human. But it was obvious who it was.

"Scott?" Twilight asked.

"Yep, it's me."

Scott took two steps outside and let the sun shine off him, he had truly changed form but what he was wearing stunned the group. He had on what looked like the Helm of Chaos but this time it had a strange pattern on the metal breastplate, he also had metal shin guards and the same helmet that Discord had given him but also with the same pattern.

"Wow, you look great," Pinkie said.

"Never felt better," Scott replied, "A little tricky to walk on two legs but I'm getting the hang of it again."

"Alright! Go Scott!" Scootaloo said.

"Thanks Scoot. So yeah, as I was saying; if the kids want to come then let them. They haven't seen me for a year so they might as well hear everything that I've done."

"Cool, so when do we get to hear your stories?" Apple Bloom asked.

"When we got on the train," Scott said. He looked around and then stopped when he saw his MiG. "Yeahhh, how are we gonna got this thing to the station?"

Comments ( 9 )

I almost didn't want to start this when I saw it was on hiatus... but well here I am! So are you going to continue this story anytime soon or what?

Maybe. I got other fics and a book to write as well. I'm still waiting for that artist to get back to me about the coverart though. It's been about four months, I think that it's done. Question is, where is the damn thing?

This series is amazing. I hope the haiatus let's up soon. An awesome read if I say so myself.


I've been really busy for a long time and trust is that I don't really see this story going the distance as I wanted it to. As I look back this plot just seems kinda dumb to me now, I dunno, maybe I'll work on this in the future but as of now no. I've got better stories in the works.

I hope the hiatus ends soon, really enjoying the story so far. :twilightsmile:

3566177 i thought the plot was good it even featured faust in it and i do enjoy a creator coming to equestria fic

"Okay then, now are you going to introduce yourself to the remainder of the town or are we going to get ready to head to Equestria?"


I have to say that I have been enjoying this story. I do hope you take the time to complete this story. I am sorry to hear that you are losing your taste for this story and may not complete it. I do hope you change your mine.


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