• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 18 Comments

Vanguard Of Harmony - Enfield

The Equestrian government is collapsing, and the only person who can save the kingdom, is the one who created it.

  • ...

It's A Song And A Portal To Another Dimention

"Bermuda Triangle," Lauren thought, "Okay, I'll just roll with it."

Scott was humming merrily to himself as he piloted the MiG, he was happy and content with his new plaything. Scott did like his old Interceptor but after it was destroyed the MiG instantly took over. As he flew over the coast Scott did receive some transmissions from the air force but Scott ignored them and headed towards the Triangle. There wasn't much going on inside the MiG, all that could be heard was the rumble of the jet's engine and the sound of the instruments beeping. Scott didn't like the silence so he decided to break the ice.

"So why did you cancel the show?"

Lauren sighed and adjusted her seat belt.

"I normally wouldn't tell you but since we won't be going anywhere for a while we may as well kill time."

"Go on then."

Lauren sighed and leaned forward over the instruments so the she could talk to Scott.

"It's kind of a long story but I guess I can make it a little shorter for you if you want."

"Go ahead," Scott said, "We won't be doing much for the next hour or so."

"Well it started after the end of season three, our fan base had expanded and the show had become extremely popular. We were making a lot of money and the merchandise had been selling really well, as we were in the process of making season four something happened, something that crippled our show and the entire fate of the show. One of our voice actors ended up leaving, I'm sure you know who the voice actor for Twilight is."

"Yeah. Tara isn't it?" Scott said.

"She left after the last convention after the season ended, she didn't like how the fanbase expanded. She wanted to do kids shows and have a fanbase centered around what the show was going for. Soon after she left several of our writers and animators left as well, soon we started to lose money and we had to cancel the show. Much to the rest of our dismay the fanbase turned against us, they developed a burning hatred for both me and the rest of the cast of the show. I watched as the enraged fans tore apart pony shirts, plushies and burned the toys in the streets. It's sad really because they at first loved us and now they they want to kill us, but I managed to ease the tension and say what happened but they still don't forgive me. I'm now wishing that I had persuaded Tara to stay."

"It's not your fault," Scott said comfortingly. He then sighed and adjusted the jet as they passed over a small island. "When did you cancel the show."

"April 12th," Lauren said.

"And the year?" Scott asked. Lauren looked at him, confused. Did he know the date?


Scott didn't say anything after that, all Lauren heard was tense and disturbing breathing that picked up over time.

"So the Apocalypse didn't happen?" Scott asked with a voice that sounded like it was breaking. Lauren was starting to get concerned.

"No, it never happened. Are you okay?"

"No, no I'm not. How? How could this happen?" Scott had calmed down but his free hand was over his eyes. Lauren leaned forward again.

"Are you okay?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it. Not up here."

"Sure, I won't say anything else."

"Thanks," Scott said softly. He let out a small breath and wiped his eyes off, he slid the visor on his helmet down and voices started shouting in his ear.

"Unidentified MiG, you are leaving US airspace."

"What?" Scott thought, he then replied to the call, "Pilot? Isn't it good thing that I'm leaving?"

"Negative, you are required to return into US airspace and land. You are wanted for shooting down a plane, land and surrender."

"If I'm an unidentified plane then how do you know it was me who shot down the plane?"

A long loud breath rattled Scott and Lauren's ears.

"Okay, you got us there," the pilot said, "We're not here for you, we're here for her."

"Who do you mean by her?" Scott asked.

"The passenger in the back."

Scott looked back to Lauren and saw her cower in fear as she watched a heavily armed F-16 fly closer to the MiG. Scott looked outside and saw more F-16 converge on them, at least two squadrons worth. He knew that an air battle was inevitable and he really didn't want to end up as a missile's new target.

"What do you want with her?" Scott asked.

"We want her to re-start the show," the pilot replied darkly.

"I've already said that it's impossible," Lauren said.

"We're dead," Scott thought. The pilot laughed a little.

"Ah Miss Faust, so glad you could join us. Now that we can talk I was wondering when My Little Pony is coming back."

Why does his voice sound familiar to me?" Scott thought.

"It isn't, I've already said that."

"Don't make me angry Faust," the pilot said, "I'm telling you now, make your pilot land and we will take you back to the US so you can start up the show."

"Listen here you," Scott said, "She's going where I take her and you're not going to stop me."

"You're going to land, Scott, or else."

Scott almost froze, he sat there petrified. He knew who's voice that was.

"Discord?" he said in a hoarse whisper.

"So you do remember me," Discord said.

"Wait, what?" Lauren asked, "Scott, tell me that I'm not hearing what I heard."

"I could only wish," Scott said. Discord spoke up.

"I'm warning you Scott, stop what you are doing and I won't kill you both, only one of you."

"I'm not stopping, Discord. Celestia wants my help and I'm going to do what she told me."

"How did Discord get here?" Lauren asked, "More importantly is that really Discord?"

"Yeah it is," Scott said.

The pursuing jets all gathered up behind Scott, he looked back and saw them all ready to attack. Scott tightened his grip on the stick and increased the throttle.

"Don't try and run Scott," Discord said. Scott ignored him and flew towards a large cloud covering, he hoped to lose Discord and his buddies in the storm that was forming over the sea.

"They're still behind us," Lauren said. Scott glanced at the fuel gauge and saw that the drop tanks were now empty but the jet's fuel tank was now full.

"I know."

"Let's see if you can outrun this," Discord said. A warning beep chimed in Scott's helmet and he looked back, a missile was streaking towards them. Scott pulled sharply to the left and the missile flew wide. Scott watched as each the jets fired their missiles. Scott increased the throttle to max and headed for the storm clouds.

"Hold onto your spleen."

Scott pulled back on the stick and sent the MiG into a barrel roll, a few missiles missed and exploded behind him. The pursuing F-16s caught up and started firing their guns, tracers lit up behind Scott and flew overhead him. Scott dove into a small cloud and span around. He wasn't going to be killed by Discord, he was going to kill him, again.

"Come on Discord where are you," Scott said as he left the cloud and looked for the jets.

"Ever wonder how I got here?" Discord said, he continued without Scott answering, "I managed to get enough strength and I followed you here, after I tracked you to the airport I took over these jets and followed you to where you are now. I was going to shoot you both down to stop you but I decided to let Faust live, but after your defiance I've come to the conclusion that neither of you can live, not if you're going to Equestria to save it."

"Sorry to disappoint Discord, but we're both going and you're not stopping me."

Discord snorted.

"Sorry to disappoint Scott, but you're both dying here."

A single jet flew into Scott's sights and he chased it down and fired. The cannon rounds tore the back of the hostile jet apart, the engine flickered and smoke pored from the holes caused by the rounds. The F-16 then dropped out of the sky like a stone, Scott watched it until it fell out of his sight, he didn't see anyone jump out of the jet so he assumed that the jets were possessed. Another F-16 flew past and Scott opened fire, this jet also received a hail of rounds and exploded, Scott rolled the MiG and looked for Discord's jet. He knew that Discord's jet would have some sort of identification on it to show that it was him flying. One jet swung around and flew behind Scott and fired, tracers streaked past the MiG, barely hitting it. Scott pulled up, dumped the throttle and let the jet pass underneath him. Scott then pushed the throttle to max and pursued the jet, firing the cannons as he chased the jet. Two other jets behind him crashed into each other and exploded, Scott shook his head and kept firing. The rounds finally hit home and the F-16 smoldered and slowly started to drop from the sky.

"No!" Discord yelled, "No! I'm not letting you kill me here!"

"Too bad," Scott said, "I killed you once, and now I'm going to finish the job."

Scott pulled the trigger again and the rounds splattered the back of the jet, a few managed to hit the ordinance on the wings and the jet exploded in a flurry of fire and metal, a long, loud scream let Scott know that his deed was done and Discord was now well and truly dead.

"Is he dead?" Lauren asked.

"I don't think he'll bother us anymore," Scott said cheerily.

"So where do we go now?"


Scott leveled out and let the jet fly towards the storm. As they neared the turbulence picked up, Scott and Lauren were shook about. Lauren started groaning and hunched over.

"You okay?" Scott asked.

"No," Lauren wheezed. Scott groaned and held up the Element Of Chaos.

"Hey, can you touch the Element? You'll feel better."

Lauren didn't question Scott, she reached up and lightly brushed the Element. Withing an instant she started to feel better, she sat up and leaned back.

"Can that Element do more?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll show you more but for now I don't want you getting sick in my jet."

"Your jet?"

"It's mine now," Scott said with a comical sneer.

Lauren laughed a little and sat back, the bumpiness of the flight had eased off but the cloud cover was still obscuring Scott vision. He weaved left and right so he could keep in any clearing that he could find.

"So how are we going to get to Equestria?" Lauren asked.

"I was told that there would be a portal of sorts around here, we just have to find it first," Scott replied.

"But how are we going to find it in this weather?"

"The more screwy the electronics get the closer we are."

"So how close are we?"

Scott looked at the instruments and saw the compass spinning wildly.


Scott finally reached a breaking in the clouds and sitting in the center of what looked like a massive hurricane was a large green portal. Scott lessened his speed and flew higher.

"We're not going through that are we?" Lauren asked.

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to be this big," Scott said, he sighed and rolled the MiG upside down, "Here we go!"

He dropped the jet sharply and aimed for the center of the portal. The jet shook violently and Scott fought to keep control, as the portal loomed near Scott turned back to Lauren.

"If we die now I just want to say sorry for dragging you into this," he said.

"And if we live?" Lauren asked. Scott shrugged.

"Then we save Equestria and then I'll apologize to you."

The jet then was slowly consumed by the portal, for a few minutes all that could be seen outside was what green lines flying past like they were jumping to lightspeed. Lauren and Scott marveled at the sight but it was cut short when the portal ended and the jet was thrown into a massive cloud layer, the winds buffeted the jet causing Scott to go into a panic.

"No no no! I hate clouds!"

He speared left and right looking for a way out, an opening in the clouds broke open and Scott rocketed towards it. Scott breached the clouds and was greeted by sunlight.

"Ahh, finally."

"Something tells me you hate flying in clouds," Lauren said slyly as she leaned forwards.

"I was always paranoid as a kid," Scott replied, "I was afraid that we would fly too high and end up in space."

"What about ending up in a portal?"

"I never thought about that until now."

The two chuckled and focused forwards. They didn't know if they were in Equestria but what they did know was that they weren't in Florida anymore. The sky was too clear and the earth too fresh and undisturbed, as they continued flying Lauren saw what looked like a town over to the right.

"Scott, I can see something, it looks like a village."

Scott looked to where she was pointing and saw the town as well, he had seen the layout before and he knew what town it was.


"Are those smoke plumes rising out of the town?" Lauren asked. Scott looked closer and saw that she was right, the smoke wasn't thick but he could now distinctly see a mix of smoke and ruined buildings.

"My God, what happened?"