• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 18 Comments

Vanguard Of Harmony - Enfield

The Equestrian government is collapsing, and the only person who can save the kingdom, is the one who created it.

  • ...

You're Going, Whether You Like It Or Not

Lauren sat back and stayed quiet. Scott had been driving for almost three hours and she had no idea where he was taking her. Scott had told her to trust him and that he would explain everything on the way to Equestria, but that was the very thing that scared her. Equestria, what was Scott talking about? Equestria was a fictional world that she had created and according to her Scottish driver it existed and it was in trouble. Lauren couldn't contain her silence anymore.

"Scott," she said, Scott looked up in the mirror. "You said that you'll tell me what's going on while we're going to Equestria."

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"Well yes, there is. You know about enough about Equestria to know that it's a make believe world right?"

Scott snorted and stretched in his seat.

"I thought that too when I first arrived there, well, after I recovered from my psycho stage. But I persevered and I managed to adapt, got myself a few new friends as well."

"What do you mean by 'when I first arrived there'?" Lauren asked as she leaned forward, "Does it actually exist?"

"Oh yeah, I mean I didn't believe it at first but after Discord told me what I was going to be used for I started to accept what was going on. Then once he took over he..."

Scott stopped when he saw Lauren right behind him, breathing down his neck.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I've said too much," Scott said.

"Just as well, I'm not buying any of this."

"You should. After all, you created the damn place."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I said before, I'll explain on the way there."

As Scott drove Lauren knew that he was taking a different route to the airport. She didn't say anything however, Scott so far was level headed and he did save her life but she was afraid that he was secretly repressing something much more violent and anything she said about wanting to leave would set him off. After some time Lauren noticed that the roads were too rural to lead to an international airport.

"Um, where are we going?" she asked.

"Airport," Scott replied as he hid his face from a pair of police cars that sped past them.

"But this isn't the way."

"I know, we're going to a smaller one."

"A smaller airport?"

"Yeah, I've got to take you to Equestria and we both know that there are no domestic flights that go there."

"So, why are we going to a smaller airport then?" Lauren asked, "I thought that you said that there were no flight that went there."

"I said no domestic flights went there," Scott said, "However, if we can get a plane, I can fly us there."

"Can you fly a plane?"

"I'll figure it out, it's like riding a bike; I'll pick it up."

"God help me," Lauren thought.

Scott pulled onto another freeway and looked in his mirror as a helicopter passed by behind them. Lauren sat back and decided to keep quiet and not attract any attention or escape until she knew that it was possible, she knew that she could get away from Scott because he wasn't armed. Scott pulled onto an exit and followed the road until he drove up to a small airport, the kind that was usually filled with Cessnas and other smaller planes and helicopters, Scott drove past the hangars and stopped behind a smaller building. He opened the door got out and opened the door for Lauren, being more curious than scared of the outcome of what was going to happen. As she walked over to the building Scott took out a small control pad from his pocket and pressed a few buttons, the Aston changed color once more and then drove away all by itself. Lauren watched as the car drove away and disappeared around a hangar.

"In case you're wondering it's going back to where I got it from."

"Where did you get it?" Lauren asked.

"I just found it outside a nightclub," Scott said with a mischievous smile. He looked around and motioned Lauren forward. "Come on, let's get some wings."

Scott led the way with Faust in front of him, she knew that Scott would plan ahead and keep her in his sight but he was pleasant and she cooperated with him in full until she had her chance to escape. Scott pointed her through a few hangars and each plane they came across Scott would shake his had no and continue to the other planes parked outside. They made their way past several small prop planes and a few jets.

"Why not those?" Lauren asked as they passed a large private jet.

"Too big and slow," Scott replied, "Also the police are going to be looking for us and I think that a large jet will be an ideal suspect getaway vehicle, we need something a bit more incognito."

Scott led Lauren on and they continued their search. As they passed a pair hangars next to the taxiway Scott looked in between them and saw a few small jets sitting there. Scott stopped and looked closer at them, the jets that sat there shimmered in the sunlight, as he took a step closer he knew what they were.


"What?" Lauren said as she looked at the jets with Scott.

"MiGs, they're all soviet old MiGs."

"Why are you so fascinated by those old planes?"

"Because Miss Faust," Scott said as she ushered her forward, "I've found our ticket to Equestria."

"What?!" Lauren asked as she neared the old fighter jets.

"It's too perfect, old MiG-15s. Will anyone suspect us in one of those?"

"And a passenger jet isn't suspicious?"

"No, I just don't want to be caught inside a slow moving target."

"Is the Air Force going to come after us?"

"I hope not," Scott said grimly, "Okay, this one should do."

He pointed to a MiG-15 with two seats, it looked like the others aside from the two extra drop tanks on the wings, there were holes in the front of the plane for the cannons and the jet's canopy was open slightly.

"I can't get in one of those," Lauren said.

"Sure you can," Scott said cheerily, "If I can get into the pilots seat then I think you can fit in the back."

"I'm not getting in that," Lauren said defiantly, "If you got me shot at on the ground then we'll be shot in the air as well."

"Oh come on, you know that's not going to happen."

"I'm not getting in that thing."

"Yes, you are."


Scott opened up his hand and a silver object materialized in his hand, slowly taking the form of a strange and futuristic revolver. The gun then took shape and Scott held it at hip level and pointed it at Lauren.

"Get in, now," he said.

"What is that?" Lauren asked.

"The Chimera revolver," Scott said with a cold, emotionless stare. He held the gun up higher this time at shoulder level and pulled the hammer back. "Get in the MiG."

"No," Lauren said, even though she was staring down the barrel of a large magnum she still didn't want to go anywhere with Scott.

"Get in the MiG!" Scott said a bit more directly, "Seriously, I don't want to shoot you."

Lauren stood there and looked Scott directly in his eyes.

"Will you shoot me though?"

"Only if you force me to, but if I did shoot with this then we'll both die."

"Why, is it a magic gun?"

"No it's a-"

"There they are!" a loud shout said. Scott span around and saw a large car with six people leaning out of it and one in the sunroof aiming a rifle at them.

"They found us," Lauren whispered in fear.

The car accelerated towards them, Scott aimed the Chimera at the car and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck the engine block and the car exploded in a fireball, the people who were on the outside flew in several directions. Scott then turned back to Lauren.

"And that's why I don't want to shoot you."

"Exploding bullets?" Lauren asked.

"Just get in the jet and let me escort you to Equestria, I'll tell you everything once we're on our way there I promise."

Lauren gave up and let Scott help her into the rear seat of the MiG, after what she was the Chimera could do she didn't want to resist anymore. Being killed wasn't something that Scott wanted and he did protect her when they were being shot at in the city, even though he had a gun she trusted Scott, he wasn't a madman nor did he show any intention of harming her. She was a little confused about the gun however, how did it just form in his open hand.

"Here, put this on," Scott said as he handed her a helmet.

"Why do I need to wear this?" Lauren asked as she slid it on.

"You don't want to be shot? You don't get seen," Scott said as he hopped into the pilots seat, "One more thing, don't touch anything."

Scott, after flicking several switches, managed to get the plane started. He fiddled with the controls for a minute and then pulled his seat belt on, Lauren followed suit.

"So will this work?" she asked. Scott strapped on his helmet and plugged it in.

"It was made by the USSR for their air force, anything military that's made by communists is guaranteed to work. Okay, now let's get this thing moving."

The MiG slowly rolled forward as Scott increased the throttle and released the brakes. In a strange feeling of awe, Lauren sat back and let Scott pilot them out from between the hangars.

"Goddamn it," Scott said as they swung around towards the runway, "Can't these buggers leave us alone?"

Lauren looked up and saw a blockade of police cars sitting in front of them, armed cops stood behind the cars aiming their weapons at the jet. Scott shook his head and turned his head towards Lauren.

"Looks like this is where it ends," she said.

"They haven't shot at us yet," Scott said as he pointed the plane towards the runway.

"They will if we run."

'We're not running, we're flying." Scott had turned the jet around and pushed the throttle to max, he looked back and saw the cops dive for cover as the back blast of the engine slammed into the cars. Scott chuckled a little and then rolled towards the runway, as he got himself into position he checked the fuel supply.

"Okay, we've got a full fuel tank and two full drop tanks. So the person who owns this filled it up or this Element might be the culprit."

"What element?" Lauren asked.

"The Element of Chaos," Scott said as he held the stone up for Lauren, "Discord gave it to me so I could help him take over."

"You helped Discord?"

"For a while yes, then I killed him."

"You killed him?"

"Can we get off the ground first?" Scott asked.

Lauren didn't say anything as Scott aimed the jet down the runway, the cops were already on them, charging from the other side of the runway. Scott pushed the throttle to max and pulled back on the stick, the MiG slowly started to soar into the sky. The police cars stopped and formed a barrier but Scott pulled back harder and the jet rocketed overhead, the wheels caught one of the lights a car and Scott felt the plane lurch a little but he kept control and ascended into the sky. He looked back and saw there were some cops running to planes or leaving the airport. Scott relaxed and turned on the helmet communication.

"You okay Miss Faust?"

"This is the first time I've been in a jet, and I hope it'll be my last."

"Don't worry, it will once we land."

The first half hour of the flight passed smoothly, the only conversation going on between Lauren and Scott was about why Scott was here and what Lauren was needed for. It then shifted to Scott's life once he told her about the time he helped Discord.

"So was it nice there?" Lauren asked Scott. He sighed and looked at the instruments.

"Yeah, it was nice back in Scotland. Shame I can't go back."

"Why, is there something wrong?"

Before Scott could answer a small prop plane shot overhead and then slowed next to them.

"Bloody hell, what's his game?" Scott said.

"I dunno but it looked like he tried to ram us," Lauren said. Scott looked at the pilots of the plane and saw that they were staring at him in annoyance. A voice then was heard on the radio.

"Pilot of the unidentified MiG, by order of the civil air patrol you are instructed to land now!"

"By what charge?" Scott asked.

"You are flying an illegal jet, land at the nearest airbase and hand over the aircraft."

"Look matey, I need to get somewhere fast and this jet just happened to be nearby."

"You will get no other warning, land now or you will be shot down."

"Keep up that attitude and I'll shoot you down."

The other pilot didn't respond, he slowed down and started to fly behind the MiG. Lauren watched as it drifted from side to side, avoiding the slipstream of the jet's engine.

"What are they doing?" Lauren asked.

"They're going to shoot at us," Scott said, he then flicked on the radio. "I'm warning you two, back off before you get hurt."

A hail of tracers flew over the jet in reply. Scott tightened his grip on the stick and put his finger over the trigger.

"Okay you pillocks, you asked for it. Miss Faust, I recommend you hold on"

Scott pulled back on the stick and the MiG shot up higher into the sky, he then turned sharply and ended up behind the prop plane which was now trying to evade him. Scott pulled the trigger and a storm of cannon rounds flew at the smaller plane, hitting it several times and causing it to smolder. Scott watched as the plane slowly fell, the two pilots jumped clear of the plane and deployed their parachutes. Scott smiled, knowing that they were safe. He then ascended higher into the sky and aimed towards the ocean.

"You know you're going to get the whole army on you now," Lauren said.

"Yeah, but they'll never follow us to where we're heading," Scott said. Lauren leaned forwards.

"Where are we going?"

"The Bermuda Triangle."