• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 18 Comments

Vanguard Of Harmony - Enfield

The Equestrian government is collapsing, and the only person who can save the kingdom, is the one who created it.

  • ...

Sunny With A Chance Of Car Chases

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Lauren screamed as Scott skidded into another junction. Scott looked around then into the mirror.

"Gravity fluctuation, a little noticeable but I managed to get rid of those nutters."

"You killed them?" Lauren asked.

"I have no idea, so I'm not going to think about it."

The traffic had lessened but it was still a challenge to weave between the cars and keep up speed. Scott looked around and slowed down. He leaned back and then turned around in his seat to face Lauren.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"The person who just saved your life," Scott said, "Any other limo would have been smashed and you would have been dragged through the streets by your fans. But because of me, you are safe for now."

No, I refuse to be here any longer with you. You're insane."

Lauren reached over to grab her bag but an invisible barrier stopped her from taking her bag, the same barrier stopped her from leaning over the front seat and opening the door. Scott sat back in his seat and followed the traffic.

"No point in trying to escape, I'm making sure I complete my job."

"What manner of madness is this?" Lauren asked.

"It's a protective shield, I'm making sure that you're safe and you wont do anything stupid."

"Safe?" Lauren said with a laugh, "Safe from what exactly?"

Scott was about to reply when a thundering crack and the sound of shattering glass, Scott jerked to the side and slumped to the right, Lauren cupped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. There was no mistaking it, Scott had been shot. She sat there frozen until the body stirred, one hand reached for the steering wheel and Scott pulled himself up, he felt his head and then picked up his hat. Scott looked at the gaping hold in it and looked at the shooter.

"You shot my hat off you bastard!"

Lauren watched as the shooter stared in amazement as Scott sat up, he then pressed a button on the steering wheel and several loud shots rang out. The shooter staggered backwards and then crumpled on the ground, Lauren stared at the dead shooter and then to Scott.

"Okay, now I'm compromised."

He then aimed the car toward an opening in the traffic and screamed through the parked cars, he tore past cars and pedestrians, making sure that he didn't hit either. The roads slowly started to expand and Scott was able to unleash the full power of the Aston's V8, sadly it attracted some attention. Several sets of flashing lights and the sound of wailing sirens started up behind the car. Scott looked in the mirror and cursed under his breath.

"Great, more pursuers."

"I don't think that it's just the police that are after you," Lauren said. Scott looked in the mirror again and saw a mix of random cars among the police interceptors, it looked as if vigilantes had joined forces with the police and were all chasing Scott.

"Attention driver of the black Aston, pull over and surrender yourself and let Lauren Faust go."

Scott looked into the sky and saw a police helicopter flying overhead, gunners leaned out of the sides of the helicopter. There were a few news choppers that circled overhead as well. Scott opened up the center console and started feeling around inside of it.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked.

"Looking for a deterrent," Scott replied, his finger brushed a large silver button. "Ah, here we go."

Scott pressed it and the center console opened up and a panel of button, switches and knobs rose up from under the bottom of the console. Lauren watched as he fumbled around for a second and then placed his finger over a red button.

"What, you think you're James Bond now?"

"Some people say I sound like Shaun Connery," Scott said, "Anyway, I'm only going to use this if they get too close or go too far."

"What do you mean by too far?"

"I'm only going to use these if they try to harm us in anyway possible."

"Why don't you stop?"

"Because the Princess needs you."

Lauren cocked her head to one side questioningly, what did Scott mean by what he just said? Before she could ask Scott her cellphone rang. She reached over to her bag and picked it up but froze when she saw Scott look at her.

"Go on, answer it."

Lauren slowly brought the phone up to her ear.

"Hello?" she said shakily.

"Miss Faust?" a deep voice asked.

"Greg? Oh thank God, what's going on, who is this driver?"

"We don't know, only that he was the person sent to pick you up. We didn't think much of his company name until we did a background check on it."

"When did you check it?"

"About a half hour after he was sent to get you," Greg said grimly, "Listen, you need to get him to stop, we don't know why he kidnapped you or what he wants with you."

Scott sent the car into a power slide as he avoided a roadblock.

"Who's that?" he asked as he flicked a few switches and twisted a knob on the console panel.

"Greg, my security adviser," Lauren said, "He want you to stop and let me go."

Scott snapped his fingers and held one arm back.

"Gimme that phone, I'll talk to him."

Lauren handed Scott her phone and he switched it to speaker mode and held it in one hand as he steered with the other.

"Yello, who's this?" he said.

"Are you the driver of the Aston?" Greg asked.

"Might be me," Scott said.

"You listen here, you stop now and we can all walk away from this. We won't press too many charges."

"I have a name, sir," Scott said with defiance, "It's Weblsy, Scott Weblsy."

"Okay then, Scott," Greg said with irritation, "I'm not going to give you another verbal warning, surrender now or you will face the consequences."

"Uh-huh, and where might you be to enforce that?"

"I'm in the police chopper and I am armed. Give up while you can, I've got the whole police force and over a hundred angry bronies after you and we will use lethal force if necessary."

Scott cringed but kept a grip on the wheel. He didn't like the sound of lethal force being used.

"Look, tell them to back off. People are going to get hurt if you keep this up and you might hit Faust as well."

"I don't care," Greg said, "So long as she's back and you are either dead or rotting in a cell."

"I'm not stopping."

"Scott Websly, I am ordering you to surrender now!"

"The fate of Equestria lies on Lauren Faust!" Scott yelled into the phone. There was a minute of silence, the only sounds heard was the sound of choppers, car engines and sirens.

"Take this joker out," Greg said. He then hung up and Scott heard the helicopter move closer.

"If only I had kept a low profile," he sighed. Rattling gunfire then shocked the two and sound of bullets hitting the car followed. Lauren screamed and covered herself with her arms, Scott weaved from side to side and watched the helicopter fly overhead and circle for another pass.

"What the hell?! You're supposed to help her not kill her!"

Scott looked at the buttons and pressed a green one marked "Stinger: Surface to Air". A few beeps followed ending with a continuous tone, Scott pressed a button on the steering wheel and a missile shot out from under the car and streaked towards the chopper. The chopper tried to evade but received a direct hit, it exploded into a fireball and plummeted towards the ground exploding again as it landed in the road.

"You okay Miss Faust?" Scott asked as he fiddled with a switch on the radio, Lauren could only gibber and cover her face. "Don't worry, I'll make sure that they don't try that again."

"All units," a voice came over the radio, "The car and driver are now hostile, terminate at your digression."

"What does that mean?" Lauren asked. Scott frowned as he watched the police cars and bronies converge on them.

"They're going to blow up the car, whether we're in it or not."

"But-but that means that they'll kill me too."

"I know," Scott said softly, his tone then hardened. "But I'm not going to let that happen, not now, not ever."

Scott then started flicking more switches and pressing buttons. A second barrier of liquid raised over the windows and froze, solidifying the bullet hole in the drivers side window. As two cop cars neared them Scott hit a button marked "Sidewinders: Rear Fire". He pressed the trigger button on the steering wheel and two smaller missiles shot out from under the doors and blew apart the front of the police cruisers, the cars skidded and crashed causing a few more cars to pile up. Scott saw that a few cars were packed together and he pressed a button marked "Mortars", as he did the truck popped open and several loud bangs shook the Aston. The trunk shut and several explosions followed coupled with the sound of screeching tires and smoldering metal smashing into each other, Scott then flicked a switch with "7.62mm Machineguns" labeled above it. Two pairs of machineguns popped out of the hood and swiveled from left to right before locking onto a brony car that had sneaked up on Scott. He pressed the trigger and the guns tore apart the tires and the engine of the hostile car, sending it careening into a mezzanine. Scott checked on Lauren and saw that she was still trying to hide herself, he shook his head and turned a knob marked "Tire Thickness" just before he ran over a spike strip. He ran over it unscathed but the cars that followed ended up getting their tires slashed. He then hit a button with "Caltrops" marked above it and several massive caltrops dropped out of the back of the Aston and tore apart the pursuing cars, as he skidded around a corner Scott saw that he had lost his pursuers and he flicked a switch labeled "Identity Evasion". Withing a few seconds the windows were fixed, the weapons hidden and the paint and licence plate of the car had changed entirely. Scott relaxed as he entered the tunnel, he slowed down and looked back to Lauren, she had stopped trying to hide and was now looking at Scott with wide eyes.

"What was all that about?" she asked.

"I was told that I could use all assets in extracting you safely," Scott said, "I'm sorry that you had to got through all that but I have to get you out of here."

"But earlier, you said that the fate of Equestria lies with me, what did you mean?"

Scott sighed and adjusted his seat. He didn't want to explain what was going on, not yet.

"Just sit back and relax, I'll tell you when we get there."