• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,120 Views, 55 Comments

Colliding Dream Worlds - migzie

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Sleep Preservations

Rainbow Dash looks at her bed. It was the most comfortable bed in the world! It was an Ultimate Bed. This bed has an extremely comfy cloud mattress that has a remote control to adjust the firmness or softness on either side. The mattress, itself, goes on top of a custom box spring that lies inside a fancy bed frame.

She has perfect sleep. She has no aches or pains. When Rainbow Dash gets up in the morning, she feels so refreshed it was as if she were brand new. She even wrote a letter to the “Select Comfort, The Sleep Number Bed ” people praising how it was 20% cooler than her old bed.

So, why? Why is Fluttershy always tossing and turning? Why is Fluttershy always waking up in the middle of the night when she should be sleeping peacefully through? This is a new bed they both tested out together. They both invested in. This should have helped change Fluttershy’s sleeping patterns.

Her old bed and Fluttershy’s old bed are still in the house. They even tried sleeping in them to see if it’s because Fluttershy missed her old one. But, Fluttershy used to do the same exact things before they even got married. This goes as far back as when they were kids… in flight school. They had bunk beds in their dormitory, but Rainbow Dash would always hold Fluttershy at night to keep her calm.

Rainbow Dash needs to finally get to the bottom of this. This is more her problem now than it was in the past. It’s not because it’s starting to ruin her well needed sleep. But, she can’t let this continue for her best friend… her lover… her wife… her soul mate.

She’s going to have to ask Princess Luna for a favour. The Princess of the Night. But, first, Rainbow Dash has to find Spike. He has the Princess’s email. Time to set up a meeting.


It’s a bright and sunny spring day in the town of Ponyville. A town where the folks are really into ponies and horses. There must be a statue on every block. A horse shoe is the town’s symbol. Ponyville is a part of a big, pretty well hidden, enchanted land on earth called Equestria, located between Asia and North America. Hidden because of the occupants living there… to protect themselves from the normal human race. The people living here are all inhumanly drop dead gorgeous and extra special. There are shapeshifters who are dragons and other mystical beings. Some of them are Unicorns and some of them are Pegasi… some of them are both known as Alicorns (normally the Royals). Some of them look like regular beings but they each have their own distinguished powers. They can even live outside the boundaries of Equestria; but, mostly preferred to stay where they are… with friends. Because “Friendship is Magic”, after all!

The birds have been annoyingly chirping for the last hour or so. The curtains of Spike’s bedroom did not shield his eyes from the protruding Sun’s rays. He groans because he knows he has to roll out of bed. He didn’t want to fight his tummy which was growling louder than he was grumbling. Spike got up and picks up his alarm clock he wacked onto the floor earlier to look at the time. Why did he need one of those if the birds won’t shut up? It’s also a wonder because Twilight didn't come in here to drag him out of bed yet. Oh yeah… she’s out right now having breakfast with Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and Rarity. Spike said he didn’t want to be woken. It was his first day of SPRING BREAK! He partied really hard with his younger friends. Also, he didn’t want to sit there, bored, listening to wedding planning.

Think, Spike… you have the whole day to yourself to do WHATEVER you want to do! He talks to himself internally. Ah HAH! YES! I have a check list of new things I’ve been meaning to do… I should look at that and do some of them. Spike opens his drawer and pulls his list out to read on the way to the kitchen to make himself a huge brunch.

As soon as Spike reached the last step of the stairs, the door bell rang. He runs his fingers through his spiky green hair to look somewhat presentable and opens the door. A rainbow blur went passed him.

"Uh, hey Dash! Twilight and everyone are at Pinkie’s shop. Aren’t you supposed to be at work or something? You know… at the news station? Reporting the weather?” said a shocked Spike.

“Ummm, I am not here for Twilight. I need to ask you for Princess Luna’s email.” Dash shakes her head and stretches her cyan wings. “Besides, do you know what time it is? The morning news is over, Buddy. I’m on weather damage control duty. I had to get rid of some clouds considering it’s supposed to be clear skies today.”

Spike looked embarrassed for a hot second. “AH HAHA No wonder you look tired.” He teases Dash. “Oops, yeah. That’s right. Totally watched the news. Lost track of what time it was! What do you need Princess Luna’s email for?”

“I look craptastic because I haven’t slept in a few weeks. Fluttershy keeps having episodes and waking up screaming as if she’s in trouble. I just need to make an appointment with the Princess.” Complains Rainbow Dash.

“Can’t you just wait a couple days? Thursday Night Dinner is in like 3 days!” Spike says.

“Does it look like I can wait!? YOU just decided to diss my looks, Dude!” fights Rainbow Dash.

“I was going to give it to you regardless… I just wanted to know how urgent it was… SHEESH!” Spike defends himself. “Follow me, you can use the office computer to email her. Don’t you have her number? Can’t you text her?”

“Uhhh, remember?” Dash waves her phone in his face. “New phone? Numbers didn’t transfer correctly? It’s the next thing to do on my list…”

They walk into Twilight Sparkle’s study room. Spike sets up the computer with it ready to compose the letter. A ROAR shot out of Spike’s stomach.

“I’ll leave you to it… I need food in my system. I’m in the kitchen if you need me!” Spike runs out of the study.

Rainbow Dash sits down at the desk. Spike, you’re awesome. she thinks and starts to type her letter.

“Dear Princess Luna,

I am in massive need of your help and it cannot wait till Thursday when dinner is at. Is there a way to see you before hand? It’s really important and I KNOW you’re the only one capable of helping me out. I would have sent you a text but I don’t have anyone’s numbers right now… can you text me a response back? Please?


Rainbow Dash (The AWSOME One!)”

She hits ‘SEND’ and feels a temporary stress lift slightly. Friction noise bursts through the walkie-talkie in Rainbow Dash’s pocket. “We NEED YOUR HELP DASH GET OVER HERE!” it says… “WHERE ARE YOU AT? I’M ON MY WAY” she yells back at it not knowing how great of a reception area she’s in. She runs out of the office, says bye to Spike, and to work she goes.