• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,121 Views, 55 Comments

Colliding Dream Worlds - migzie

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“Is that Zecora?” questions Fluttershy. “She has a long ways to go. Let’s stop and ask her if we can give her a ride. We took my car, after all, not your 2 door racer!”

“Yeah, sure thing. At the pace she’s walking, she’ll make it after dessert!” Rainbow Dash speeds and pulls up next to the Zebra Woman. “Hey heyyy there, Zecora! Want a lift? Hop in!”

Zecora takes the offer and thanks them. “How kind of you to make stops…” she looks at Discord. “I could only find my flip flops!”

“Oh, him?” Rainbow Dash points her thumb towards the back seat. “No. he just appeared at our door at home.”

Zecora climbs in next to Discord. Rainbow Dash starts to drive not paying attention to everybody’s chit chatting. Dash switches gears. Fluttershy feels the change in her car and faces forward again to see what’s going on. Yep. Up ahead was Trixie’s 2 door, periwinkle coloured, 2014 Corvette. The car wasn’t even supposed to be out on the market yet! It has only been seen in the AUTO SHOW 2013. Trixie had just pulled out of Twilight Sparkle’s cul-de-sac and onto the main road. Both Trixie and Dash were side by side at the red light. Trixie revs her engine making Dash’s competitive genes kick in.

“Rainbow Dash! This is m-my car!” a worried Fluttershy says. “It’s a granny-mobile! You even said so!”

“Don’t worry, Babe… I got this!” the light turned green and the 4 door, faint yellow coloured, 1986 Buick Skylark slowly left the starting line. Trixie’s laughter was trailing behind carried by the puff of smoke from the exhaust. Dash felt Fluttershy’s hand rub her lap as if to say ‘It’s okay…’. Dash’s mind was thinking, ‘If you only knew, Fluttershy, I replaced all your car parts… the engine, the alternator, the battery, the everything! Trixie may be laughing right now… but wait till we hit the country roads! Then I finally get to press this turbo button!’ she eyes the tiny red button next to the ‘reset trip miles’ button that she knows her Flutters would never press. ‘FANTABULOUS! Did I fall that far behind Trixie!? What the Hell!?!?

At the four way stop sign, the farming fields started and there were no cars to be seen. Trixie, figuring Fluttershy’s clunker looking car would take at least 20 minutes to catch up, parked on the side of the dirt road and made the car invisible. It was her second strongest spell besides her mirage imitation spell. She was able to get a steamy make out session, at least, before she saw Dash at the four way stop sign. Dash was just crossing the intersection when she made her car visible again and started to ZOOM!

“Oh. Game. On.” Dash said under her breath. She, then, got a brilliant idea. “Hey, Discord? Can you make us fly?”

“What type of question is that, Rainbow Dash, I can do anything.” Discord brags.

“Make us fly on the count of 3 and everyone? Hold on to your seat belts!” Dash commanded. “One! Two! THREE!!!” she pressed her special red turbo button.

Discord snapped his fingers and the car no longer had a roof. He waved his arms crazily in the air. “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted and started to laugh his evil laugh. Dash started to laugh just as evilly alongside him as they flew above Trixie and Twilight.

“Babe! Open your eyes! Pinkie is waving at us like a cheerleader! Get ready to land!” Dash shouts against the wind.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash, don’t bother.” Discord says receiving a ‘Huh?!’ from the two Pegasi up in front. “I got the landing.” He snapped his fingers and all four of them had a parachute umbrella in their hands, each. A roar of thunder sounded followed by a blinding lightning bolt. Those buzzed through the sky for a few minutes mustering up storm clouds. They sailed to the ground parking perfectly in the driveway. Chocolate milk droplets started to fall in a light down pour. When they exited the car, he snapped back the roof of the car for his friend, Fluttershy, without her having to ask.

Pinkie Pie ran up to them doing cartwheels and round offs. She stopped directly in front of Discord and started yelling a cheer with the jumping and arm motions. “GIVE ME A ‘Y’! GIVE ME AN ‘A’! GIVE ME ANOTHER ‘Y’! WHAT DOES THAT SPELL!? YAY!!!” Confetti blew out from the bust line of her v-neck shirt that was exposing her bosom. “Thank you, Discord! I’ve been hoping chocolate milk rain would be in the forecast but Dashie-washie never puts it in!” she gives him a hug making Discord’s cheeks flush a tint.

“Pinkster! You have mini confetti cannons in your bra!?” Dash laughs and claps. “Classic.”

“DUH! For cheering occasions such as these!” Pinkie jumps and does a high kick.

Three teenage girls run outside with empty pitchers to fill up with chocolate milk. Each of them all having something to say.

“Hiya, Discord!” says Sweetie Belle.

“Thank ya kindly, Discord!” says Apple Bloom.

“Time for lunch, everybody! Yo, Dash!” says Scootaloo high-fiving Dash.

Apple Jack stands out on the front porch clinking and clanking a triangle instrument. “Stop that there rain already and come in for some grub!” she demands.

Everyone ran inside the house.

Rainbow Dash stops her Flutters before they, too, followed into the house. “Why does it seem like everyone knew Discord is now part of this whole operation but us!?”

Fluttershy giggles. “Well, my Rainbow… I think it’s because we both were busy doing a little something, something if you know what I mean!” she murmured into her love’s ear in an alluring manner.

“I’d rather still be doing that right now than here! No offense to our family friends… eh heh, heh.” Rainbow Dash kisses Fluttershy.


“Pssst, Fluttershy! I saved you a seat next to me! Oh, and one for your Rainbow Dash, of course.” Discord beckoned Fluttershy over as he is already sitting next to Pinkie Pie. He was explaining to Pinkie how Fluttershy was his one and only true friend and listening to how Pinkie was going to throw him a party to show him that he has many new friends including herself.

Standing at the head of the table, Twilight Sparkle clears her throat. “Hello everybody! What a great morning we had, right? It was so beautiful and lunch time is just as grand!” She winks at Trixie and then looks at Apple Jack before sitting down.

Apple Jack stands up. “We all are happy ta host this here lunch for all ya’ll. And will do anythin ta accommodate ya’ll in yer needs. Rare? Wanna say something ta the crowd?” She looks at Rarity and sits back down.

“I cooked lunch and dinner for the day. To me, it seems we are doing it backwards. Though, with our schedules, as they are on the checklist we had to print out midmorning… my dinner is our lunch and our lunch as our dinner.” apologizes Rarity standing up as she proceeds to tell what’s on the menu for eating of the day. “Since a lot of us did not get the chance to eat during ‘Thursday Night Dinner’, I cooked what I did that night. In front of you plated is a filet mignon wrapped in bacon on top of extra creamy, extra garlic mashed red potatoes sitting next to a cup of white rice with broccoli, cauliflower and green beans cooked in butter as the veggies.” She looks at Granny Smith. “Granny Smith will finish what I prepped for dinner by putting it in the oven. We are having chicken breast that I pounded and filled with a cream cheese, garlic and chive mixture. This too, is wrapped in bacon. It will bake in the oven in a lemon and mushroom cream sauce. You have a choice of cheese tortellini or white rice again. The veggies will be carrots, zucchinis and yellow squash.” Rarity sits down again.

Rainbow Dash slowly raises her hand. “Uhhh, heh, what if you didn’t check your email? What’s on this checklist?”

“Here’s a copy for you.” Spike says and hands one to Dash.

“Th-thank you, Spike!” says Fluttershy blushing because she was the guilty accomplice.

“Don’t worry, Dash, most of the check list is what you and Pinkie and Apple Jack have been telling me the last couple days.” Twilight assures Dash.

“Spikey-wikey! The projector is in the other room… do be a doll and get it, please?” Rarity says to Spike.

“No problem! I knew that already. I put it there earlier so it wouldn’t be in your way, Rarity.” Spike beams. He left the room and came back rolling the old school projector he used during brunch the day before.

“Aren’t ya gonna eat Spike?” Apple Bloom questions.

“Naw, I’m good. I ate everything Rarity was cooking while she was cooking it!” Spike answered. Everyone started to laugh with him.

“So, let’s start checking things off, shall we, gang?” Twilight says in an enthusiastic tone that she always has when it comes to checking things off a list.

“Totems.” Spike reads out loud. “Everyone going into this dream world hold yours up!” He fished for his in his pocket.

“What’s a totem? Dash!?” Scootaloo asks.

Dash rubs the back of her neck. “So, a totem. It's a small object, potentially heavy, something you can have on you all the time...”

“What, like a coin?” Scootaloo asks still curious.

Rainbow Dash starts to laugh. “No, it has to be more unique than that, like - this is a loaded die.” Scootaloo reaches out across the table to take the die as Dash closes her hand which immediately went behind her back. “Nah, I can't let you touch it, that would defeat the purpose. See only I know the balance and weight of this particular loaded die. That way when you look at your totem, you know beyond a doubt you're not in someone else's dream. Or in a dream. Irrr... something like that.

Scootaloo looks around the table at those who are raising their totems up in the air. “Dash yours is the most AWESOME!”

“What do you expect, Squirt!? Ah HA HA!” Dash winks at Scootaloo.

“I’m going to make one for myself.” Scootaloo says and her two best friends agreed that they wanted to make one too.

“Check!” Spike says out loud. “Sleeping bags and space?”

“OOOO, Spikey! I brought the sleeping bags! AND they are super duper special! Cause there are so many couples here? I brought doubles! Plus, I got a great deal on them versus the singles.” Pinkie Pie jumped out of her seat in excitement.

“And since we’re all here eating inside the house, I had Apple Jack clear out the barn in the back to fit all of our bodies.” Rarity informed the table.

“Eeyup.” Apple Jack chimed in sounding like her big brother. Everyone laughed at that, including Big Mac.

“Check and check!” Spike says checking more stuff off the list he didn’t have to go over because he was sure of them. He felt like being Twilight that morning because he had nothing better to do and got things done while waiting. “How about the simple message that we have to plant in King Sombra’s mind? And who is designing the dream levels? And and…”

“And, let’s back up.” Sweetie Belle says. “I understand why all of you have to go do this. I just don’t want you to. But if you’re going to put a message in someone’s head, why does it have to be so short and simple?”

“I have an explanation for this one too, haha, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash loudly says down the table. “But you explain this time!”

“With pleasure, Dash!” Twilight says turning into teacher lecturer mode. “What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm?” she takes a breath. “An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed - fully understood - that sticks; right in there somewhere. Sooo, we have to do something short, to the point, simple, and complex to make it seem logical to Sombra. Fewer words are easier to cement. Key words are more important than filler words.”

“MmmmKay…” Sweetie Belle smiles and nods her head.

“I’m still working on what the message is though.” Twilight frowns. “Fluttershy, maybe you can help me! Positive emotion trumps negative emotion every time. We yearn for people to be reconciled, for catharsis. We need positive emotional logic. You are the kindest and softest of all of us. I am sure you know a way to calm and soothe King Sombra to his senses…!”

“Of course, Twilight! I’ll help.” Fluttershy says almost inaudibly.

“I’ll put half a check on this…” Spike says to himself out loud.

“Put there half a check on that other one ya listed, Spike!” Apple Jack tells him. “Ah kinda already designed somethin but after lunch will be the first time Ah travel in that Dream World there.”

“You got it!” Spike saluted to Apple Jack.

“Is it time for dessert yet!?” Pinkie Pie asks the table. She hops away from the table to get the goods.

Table talk continued. Conversations strayed away from heavy important things to light and carefree. Everyone helped clear the table and washed their own dishes so Granny Smith didn’t have a hard time maneuvering in the kitchen to place dinner in the oven several hours from then. Spike set Granny up in the living room to watch soap opera reruns. Big Mac went back to fixing things around the farm. The whole rest of the clan moved to the back barn outside.


“I thought we were going to sleep in sleeping bags on top of hay.” Trixie says out loud to no one in particular as she entered the barn.

“If you really want to, Darling…” Rarity started to say. “However, I found it more lady like to sleep on air mattresses rather than being poked by the hay.”

“No, no… this is very much highly appreciated.” Trixie says sweetly to Rarity not wanting to have the mattress exchanged for prickly hay.

Pinkie was showing everyone to their sleeping bags. “Twily, you and Trixie here… A.J. and Rarity? Over there! Fluttershy and Dash, you two in the one next over… Discord, usually Spikey-wikey would be my partner, but he has to take notes on whatever Zecora has to say and translate it… so they are sharing a sleeping bag air mattress thing… so you’re stuck with me!”

“I, ummm, well, I…” Discord blubbered out. His arm was taken a hold of by a dark pink fluffy haired girl and dragged to where he needed to lay down. He thought he heard Pinkie saying she had plans as well… ‘Ugh, I need to clean my ears… I am hearing what I want to hear I bet…

“The dosage is stronger and will last a little longer. The world will feel almost as real as this one and you can get injured more likely than none. It may carry itself back to this reality… but don’t fret, just treat it with care because it’s just in your mentality.” Zecora warns the room. “Everyone, this is what it seems… have pleasant dreams!”

“Tell your lady no invisibility on your end of the room, Eggy!” Dash teases. “The kiddos need to watch us just in case we have to wake up in an instant!”

“Oh, and Sweetie Bell… Please remind Granny Smith to put the dinner in the oven. PLEASE. You MUST!” Rarity gave more orders to her sister up until Scootaloo came over with her table spoon of potion. Her gaze followed the deliverer making her way to Dash and Fluttershy. Then, Rarity rests her head on Apple Jack’s arm falling asleep in seconds nestling into a spooning position.

“Mmmm, my Rainbow! Teeheehee!” Fluttershy says snuggling and getting comfortable in their sleeping bag after taking her table spoon from Scootaloo.

“I know a way to make ourselves invisible!” Rainbow Dash whispers to her Flutters who was curious as to know how. “You go on and hide underneath this sheet… and I’ll come and seek you!”