• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,120 Views, 55 Comments

Colliding Dream Worlds - migzie

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A Nightmare!? WE Don't Live On Elm Street

The next night was the same thing. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took a teaspoon each of the special potion to merge their dreams together. Again they visited the land they created from the first time around. It was the same exact amazing way they had left it when the alarm woke them up.

Sure enough, the sun was up brightly shining. The wind brushed against their skin lightly. The hill was still hilly with the olive green ranch house and white picket fence still picture perfect. The forever burning tree was still sparking in its fiery passion. The shore line next to the sea looked so enticing that they just had to go over there and lay around and do things like beach volleyball.

The multi-coloured beach ball sailed up in the air. Fluttershy flew up to return it trying to score. The breeze blew through her hair just right. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but think ‘WOW, Flutters looks like an Angel!’. She snapped out of her thoughts when Fluttershy descended in front of her and kissed her.

“What’s on your mind, Dashie?” Fluttershy asks wondering.

“Oh nothing, Babe. I was just noticing how…” Dash paused for dramatic effect, continuing in an imitation of Rarity’s voice, “…how ravishing you looked hovering before the sun light and wind blowing your soft baby pink hair!”

Fluttershy giggled and blushed playfully pushing her Rainbow away. “Soooo romantic and sappy you are! I will never stop being in love with you!”

Feeling her own face flush and a tingly sensation, she bursts into the sky flying leaving a rainbow trail that didn’t fade. She back tracks to the center of it and constructs a heart with wings made of clouds. Dash zoomed back down gleaming. She holds Fluttershy in an embrace. She whispers, “I’m only a softy for you, Flutters! Shhhh… not a word…” closing her eyes, Rainbow Dash kisses Fluttershy long and hard making them both fall onto the silk textured sand beneath them.

They spent the rest of the dream skinny dipping and building sand castles till the alarm shouted at them to wake up.


Before going to sleep and traveling to their dream world a third night, Rainbow Dash questions Fluttershy. She is happy that for two nights in a row, her wife slept soundly through. But, even though she didn’t want to… Dash had to. It still boggled her mind as to what bothered Fluttershy in her dreams prior to the union of their dreams. Why Fluttershy still seems hesitant and uneasy right before they sleep. She senses the worry in her Flutters. Why does Fluttershy think that whatever she’s scared of will follow into their safety zone? What is her nightmare about? ‘Here goes… Rainbow Dash thinks as she sighs and takes a breath.

“Fluttershy?” Dash calls to Fluttershy. She shuffles on the bed to get more comfy and waits for a response.

Fluttershy swings open the bathroom door which was already cracked a little. “Yes, Dashie?”

“We need to talk.” She was shocked at how serious her tone could be sometimes.

“Wha-what about, Da-dashie?” stammers Fluttershy, popping her head out the door.

Shoot. I got her scared. Ugh! I am so stupid sometimes!’ thinking to herself. Dash calms her voice a bit. “I just wanted to ask you a few questions… a heart to heart… kay, Shy?”

“Mmmmkay, Rainbow… I’m almost done changing for bed…” calls out Fluttershy, slightly echoing from the bathroom tiles “I’ll hurry… give me a minute!” She returned to her toothbrush.

Fluttershy makes her way to their bed smiling and swaying her hips. She crawls in on top of Dash and kisses her till she got a moan out of her lover. Dash slightly breaks them apart to say, “We gotta talk, Flutters! Playtime after we deal with our situation! PROMISE!” Fluttershy rolls off and to her side of the bed.

“What’s going on, Rainbow? Something bad happen?” Fluttershy looks at Dash innocently.

“Well, babe, the reason why I asked Princess Luna for help and went to Zecora’s hut was to find out what your nightmares are about… cause I read about it in one of Twilight’s many books and they turned into night terrors.” Rainbow Dash starts. “And, as you know I am forever going to protect you. I just want to kick whatever it is’s ass. I want you to never worry about it again.”

“I don’t want to speak about this right now…” Fluttershy’s eyes start to water.

“Then show me.” The serious tone came back to Dash’s voice. “Please.”

“N-no!” Fluttershy basically screams.

“Please.” Dash says again seriously. “We’ll just view it from the outside and then blink our way back to our safety zone. I PROMISE!”

“N-no! Please don’t let me see my repeated dream! And it’s too scary! I don’t want you to see either!” Fluttershy pleads.

“Please. Fluttershy. Trust me?” Dash says again.

“O-okay… but don’t mind if I cut your circulation off…” a defeated Fluttershy says.

“You can’t hurt me here… and you definitely can’t hurt me in our dreams! Silly… it’s a dream!” Rainbow Dash starts to smile to make Fluttershy relax and smile. It only partially worked. “Hey…hey… and we can have a little play time when we wake up! I always keep my promise. Especially when it comes to playing.”

“Alright.” Fluttershy says wiping away her tears.

Rainbow Dash reaches for the potion bottle and the teaspoons. Whispered “I love yous” filled the room. They hug each other and kiss just before they take the dream enhancer.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fall from the sky on to black rocks that look like crystals. There was neither sun nor moon. The sky was different shades of purple. Dash does a 360 twirl looking at her surroundings. Over yonder she sees the Crystal Empire. As soon as she thinks that this isn’t so bad, a pair of green eyes with red pupils in a smoky purple haze flashes before them.

The Crystal Castle’s shiny look turned into a huge crumbling tomb stone and the surroundings it’s graveyard. The occupants who usually have blinding glittery skin moved around like zombies. Then a different race with bleak diseased coloured skin chased those people around beating on them. Shouts for help sounded from the palace. The same pair of eyes flashed before them again and suddenly they were inside the Empire’s walls.

Fluttershy hops onto Rainbow Dash shutting her eyes as tight as she can. “We can’t save them… oh we cannot save them…” she repeats over and over like a chant.

Dash’s eyes shift to the dulled out crystal people who weren’t walking about. They were floating in the air above, caged. Some of them pretended to be passed out to not get poked at with hot steel rods. Some of them really were passed out. Some of them were awake enough to try calling for help with their arms flailing outside of the cages.

Fluttershy’s subconscious started to kick in. Everyone in the dream noticed the intruder inside… they started to chase after Rainbow Dash. “HOLD ON TIGHT, FLUTTERSHY!!! WE’RE ABOUT TO FLY!” She didn’t even gear up, just leaped into the sky. The purple haze with the red pupils on top of the green background flashed again knocking them into the ground. Fluttershy was tossed off of Dash but they still held on by hand.

The green blah looking people were almost to them. Rainbow Dash yells, “FLUTTERSHY OPEN YOUR EYES FOR A SECOND!!! WE HAVE TO BLINK TO GET TO OUR SAFETY ZONE!”

Fluttershy did as she was told, not a moment too soon. A hand had almost grabbed at Dash. They landed on soft vibrant green grass. Back they were, in the peace and solitude of their dream establishment. Fluttershy seemed to still be hyperventilating.

She pulled herself together to yell at Rainbow Dash. “SEE!?!? AND YOU MADE ME GO BACK THERE!?!?!?!? I LOVE YOU BUT I DON’T HAVE TO LIKE YOU RIGHT NOW!!!”

“Babe. Please? Flutters? I’m sorry. I just had to know!” Dash starts to apologize. “I’m sorry!” She looks down, turns around and starts flying away towards the inside of the four walls. She’d kick her own ass if she could. “I’m sorry…” Dash says again before free falling onto the bed inside the walls.

Fluttershy seeing this freaked out a little forgetting it was a dream. ‘ Dash just fell just like that! What if she’s hurt!’ Fluttershy immediately runs through the wall entrance only they knew existed. “DASHIE!” she screams.

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up when she heard her name. ‘Oh goodness something happened to Fluttershy! One of those deathly looking people followed us in here!’ She instantly got up to go to her Flutters to rescue her accidently striking each other on impact. Being as it is a dream, they both recovered quickly talking above each other.

“I thought you were in trouble! I love…” and “I thought you were hurt! I love…” came out at the same time. Dash was the one who then said, “You first, Shy…” so Fluttershy continues kissing Dash pretty much after every other word, “I love you. I can’t be mad at you for a long time. You know that. Please don’t ever walk away like that. Don’t leave me. I’m the one sorry. I love you. I love you! Oh, how I love you!”

Dash started kissing and talking back in the same fashion. “I love you. I just wanted to see what I was up against to protect you. And I think I have seen those horrific eyes before… I am sorry I hurt you. I would never leave you. You know where my loyalties are at.” With one last smaller kiss she places a longer one on Fluttershy laying them down onto the bed.

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy wonders out loud.

A mischievous grin forms on Rainbow Dash’s face as she blinks her eyes. “I just brought back winter!” She flies out of the four walls and starts making a snow ball pile and waits for Fluttershy to come out. Fluttershy exits through the hologrammed wall, making a snow ball, herself. She takes the two mediocre sized snow balls in her hands and looks around the side wall. With Dash not looking, she aims and the frozen ball smacks Dash’s shoulder! Fluttershy giggles and hides back behind the wall. Rainbow Dash gets back at her by flying above waiting for Fluttershy to peer beyond the side wall again and drops five bigger fluffy snow balls on top of her!

Snow Angels, sledding, temporary holiday lights… perfect way to make her Flutters smile.