• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,120 Views, 55 Comments

Colliding Dream Worlds - migzie

  • ...

Building Blocks? Nope, LEGOS!

“Thanks for the PJ’s, A.J.!” Spitfire says gratefully.

“Hey! Aren’t those the jammies Rarity gave you three Christmas’s ago or something?” Rainbow Dash questions.

“Ah, uhhh… well…” Apple Jack stutters turning red as Rarity starts to glare.

Rarity’s glare extends to Dash, as well, out of bewilderment that Dash thought that style print was seasons ago. “Those were actually her birthday pajamas of a year and a half ago. And she has not yet even worn them.”

“PICTURE TIME!!!” Pinkie Pie yells pulling everyone together in a tight group hug squeeze. “Get all sexy on the bed like thingy!!!”

“I’m sure Soarin was just kidding…” Spitfire says as she’s shoved onto the air mattress sleeping bag get up.

“No.” Pinkie says as a matter of fact. “You can flip through my phone. He asked saying if I did, he’d stop eating pies for a week!”

“Ugh. Typical hornball.” Spitfire shakes her head apologetically to her own self.

“One picture.” squeaked Fluttershy shocking everyone present. “But, make it count.”

“Okie dokie lokie! YOUUUU got it!” Pinkie started to dance in a circle talking to no one in particular. “Should we have Spitfire in thie middle? Or Fluttershy with the two athletes on each side…? Or how about…”


“Hey, Sis!” Princess Luna bursts through her older sister’s bedroom quarters.

“What’s up Luna?”

“Thou careth to come dream hopping with me?”

Princess Celestia shrugs her shoulders. “I’ve nothing better to do. I have nothing planned. Maybe we can have a little fun and play a couple pranks on the girls!”

“Business first! They are constructing the dream levels tonight.”

“Oh, yes. I read my email update from Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia says with a slight frown.

“But, they won’t be working all night!” Luna says passing on her grin to light her sister’s face.

Celestia notices the bag floating next to Luna.

“Oh, eat first, dear sister. It’s very scrumptious!” she teleports the food over. “And then, we shall meet the girls.”

“And spike!” Celestia adds while digging into the food.


“We’re in Ponyville.” is Spitfire’s first comment.

“Yeah… this is our second time as a whole group.” Dash explains hugging her Fluttershy.

“Combat can wait for after we build our dream levels.” Twilight claps her hands together. “Let’s get to work, girls!”

“And Spike.” Spike murmured under his breath producing a clipboard. “Oh yeah, and Discord. “

“Yes, Spike?” Discord pops up next to Spike scaring him from behind on accident. “You called for me?”

“No! Sorry Discord. I was just stating that we’re not girls.”

“I have brought what we need to proceed.” Zecora says. “We must split up again, indeed.”

“How would you have us divide up?” Twilight asks.

Spitfire answers. “A couple of us should stay here while the other’s take another dose of potion. And then, to make your third level you have to leave someone there to watch the other’s sleep. The deeper we go the Sombra Dream Force Army will be stronger and more real.”

“Ah reckon the strongest goes to do the 3rd level.” Apple Jack says.

Rarity dramatically almost faints while she says “Apple Jack, my darling love… you aren’t to be one of those.”

“Well, mah sugar love… Ah must.”

“Don’t worry, Rare… Spitty and I have A.J. covered.” Dash smiles her award winning trust me smile.

“Spike?” Twilight says.

Spike clears his throat. “Okay. Zecora and I will stay here as Fluttershy arranges this first level like we talked about and I will help her while Zecora keeps watch of all of you sleeping. At the second level, Twilight watches everyone sleeping while Rarity helps design the second level with Pinkie and Discord. And the last level? Well, you know. Do that.”

“This should also be what our plan is when we do the real thing.” Twilight says. “Minus the building the levels part because we should have perfected it before we wake up in the morning.”

“You got it BOSS!” Pinkie bounces around. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a second. We’re not going to have Spitty here with us when we do our job! She’ll be flying the plane! We’re a person short!”

Out of nowhere Trixie materializes. She notices the surprised looks on everyone’s faces.

“Spike! Rearrange that list order!” Twilight tells him as she hugs Trixie and kisses her.

“Sorry, I am late. Trixie had to help Granny Smith with something prior to drinking her potion.”


The second level of the dream world was piecing out nicely. The décor was colourful for being a hotel, compliments of Miss Rarity Designs. Rarity was working on the details of the hotel bar next.

Twilight settled Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Trixie, and Spitfire on beds and had them go forward to the next level. Trixie kisses her before she went to lay down.

Discord and Pinkie Pie are on elevator and other maintenance duties. On their way to the stairway in the back east side of the building they spotted part of the Sombra Dream Force Army sensing their presence.

“QUICK! GIVE ME A KISS!” Discord says to Pinkie as he pulls them on one of the benches.

Pinkie kisses him long and hard. After a few minutes of the make out session Pinkie pulls away and looks around. “Did we fool them? They’re still looking at us.”

“Yeahhh. No. It was worth a shot. I was just trying to see if that method would work. We probably should get out of here.” Discord says blushing.

Pinkie grabs hold of Discord’s hand and races to the Bar Rarity was renovating.


“Mah-o-mah… Whoeva here has them subconscious peoples has very attractive subconscious ladies!’ Apple Jack starts to drool feeling guilty for looking.

“They’re nurses! What do you expect!” says Trixie blushing because it’s her sub consciousness clocked in working.

“They are rather sexy!”

The four of them turn around and exclaim “PRINCESS LUNA!”

“Hello girls.”

The four of them turn around again and get sprayed by water pistols. The Princesses start to laugh and giggle. Then the rest of the girls started to laugh as well.

“This hospital is slightly almost correct.” Princess Celestia says.

Princess Luna nods in agreement. “There should be a hallway over there.”

“Not a problem.” Dash says and creates one.

“We have the image of King Sombra’s grandmother’s room from the old people’s home in Draconia. We need to have a safe beside the bed for him to open. Trixie, as Prince BlueBlood, you will get a few numbers from him so he can open the safe and see what he needs to know to plant our message and SAVE the Crystal Empire and so forth and stop that trickling effect from happening and destroying the rest of the world.” Princess Celestia says.

“No pressure or anything.” Spitfire nudges Trixie to make light of what she was told her mission was.

The hospital was finished rather quickly with the help of the Princesses. It is definitely identical to the one in Draconia now minus the staff. King Sombra’s grandmother’s room was the spitting image plus the safe. Suddenly they heard marching coming from the Emergency Entrance of the hospital.

“Take these!” Princess Luna hands the water pistols Princess Celestia used to soak them. She got confused looks. “They aren’t water pistols anymore.”

Everyone crouched down hiding behind the rolling hospital transporting beds.


“Saved by the bell!” Spitfire yelled to everyone!

“We shall meet thee in level two!” says Princess Luna.

Comments ( 14 )

Fun chapter!!! Kinda makes me wish that I actually saw Inception.


Omg i thought we talked about this. GO SEE IT. watch it with the boyfriend. LoL

2604295 Scheduling is pretty whacked right now... It's the end of the skool year so we're getting pretty busy so as not become overcome with summer-itus(or in my case senior-itus). And he has a job now, and only ever gets Wednesdays off.


yesssssssssssss it really does... i'm a dreamer =)
and i don't give up on my dreams. (that's the simpler of the extent i can go on about dreams because i can go really deep.)

3490502the one on chapter Trains and Sewing Machines:rainbowhuh:


Ah yes. I've a lot of photos that I have that I truly love. I was thinking she's a suicide girl... but I sifted through all the girls in that site and haven't found her.
But she must be a model of some sorts.

I know what I am saying means nothing and doesn't help any... so I apologize a million times!!!!

If you find out more than me... i would love to know. =)

...ok, it's a good story, but I really need to get this off my chest.

Inception ≠ A dream in a dream that’s in a dream.

Inception = Implanting an idea in someone's mind without them knowing it.

Otherwise, good story :pinkiehappy:

Inception: a dream in a dream that’s in a dream.

Incorrect. Inception is planting an idea in someone's subconsciousness without them realizing it.

Also, ew. Flutterdash.

6127098 enlighten me. What's wrong with FlutterDash?

7425474 First off, I would like to apologize for my rudeness. It wasn't cool of me to bash other's ships, even if it's one I dislike.

Secondly, to answer your question, my problem with Flutterdash is that it's a very potentially unbalanced relationship.

7425697 Oh it's all good. Ship bashing happens everywhere, no biggie. I just like to hear reasoning for it. I think bashing with no reason behind other than to bash is the rude part.

I get how it can come off that way, but just something I've noticed about that line of thinking from most critics: Believe it or not they both could contribute to the other in a lot of ways that most people don't stop to consider. They see the differences and dont think about the benefits that can come from said differences. Look at it this way: Dash is arrogant, brash, wild and reckless. Fluttershy is pretty much the antithesis of this. How can they benefit? Fluttershy could benefit from being with somepony like Dash in a multitude of ways. Number one: Confidence. Everyone knows Dash does NOT lack this. If anyone can inspire confidence in Fluttershy it's Rainbow Dash. Examples of this can be seen in episodes such as Hurricane Fluttershy. Support and patience. Dash is steadfast and loyal. There's no two ways around that. She'd sooner die than let down her friends. It goes without saying that no matter what Fluttershy would have unflinching and unwavering support from her. Dash isn't normally a patient pony... unless it's specifically for Fluttershy. You'll rarely if ever see her truly go out of her comfort zone for any of the other ponies. She does this time and again for Fluttershy. Now those are just a few of the benefits of a relationship between the two, and that's just on Fluttershy's end. Let's take a look at Dash for a sec. She gives a lot to Flutters, but what does she get in return? Number 1: A level head. Dash is almost suicidally over-confident. She'll take on any challenge, no matter the risks. Fluttershy is more rational and soft-spoken. Her rationality is a good counter measure to Dash's suicidal recklessness. Number 2: Kindness and the ability to be vulnerable. Dash lets her gaurd down for absolutely no pony. Well, almost. Fluttershy and Scootaloo seem to be the two exceptions. Her childhood friend would never judge her, never laugh at her hopes and dreams or fears. I think this is a good part of what drew them together as fillies, and would be a wonderful part of what would make a relationship between them work. Number 3: Fluttershy just gets Rainbow and vice-versa. They understand each other on a level that seems to transcend anything else the Mane 6 has between them. Contribute it to their fillyhood friendship or whatever if you wish, but these two ponies simply get each other. Number 4: They have history together. Even before the rest of the Mane 6 got involved these two were there for each other. They've been through hardships and struggles together the rest of the group do not and could not share in. Hell the group wouldn't even really exist if it weren't for these two. Rainbow Dash going out of her way to defend Fluttershy's honor in that race single-hoofedly connected the entire group. None of them would be who they are today if it hadn't been for that single Sonic Rainboom. They've got an amazing foundation upon which a working, thriving relationship could be built.

7425697 as an edit and addendum: It's really all in the presentation. Since no ships are confirmed canon Mane 6 wise, it's really up to the shippers out there to really work their creativity to maximum. Since pretty much all of shipping is fandom-based, it's really up to us how the ships come off. Even if it isn't a pairing you're into personally, I know a few good fics that can offer you some insight into the pairing and portray some sides of them that you may not have considered before. That is, if you're ever interested (:. i respect your opinion, just thought I'd offer mine (:

7425784 Huh, okay. That... actually makes a lot of sense. And sure, I'd be interested in seeing those fics. :twilightsmile:

7426054 One I recommend reading (though this one isn't complete, but I severely hope it doesn't get abandoned. It's simply way too good to leave unfinished) Would be Mutual Rescue by Pegasus-Skip. It's one of rhe best FlutterDash fics I've read here on FimFiction, if not one of the best on the site in my personal opinion, and would be a wonderful display of many of the characteristics of the relationship that I described below. Another really good FlutterDash fic would be anything by Nintendogal involving the pairing. Seriously this woman was one of the main reasons I fell in love with the FlutterDash pairing. There are a few more that I would like to recommend but I would have to check my favorites list for their names as it's been quite some time since I've actually read them. Though I most definitely shouldn't go without mentioning checking the FlutterDash group that was founded by EverHopeful out. It's the easiest way to locate almost all things FlutterDash on this site and I'm sure you could discover some interesting enough ones on your own. Also, check the polyamory folder for the one in it that pairs Fluttershy, Rainbow and Rarity. That's hands down a 10/10 rated fic that definitely deserves the read. It's name escapes me at the moment, but Ill look it up and get it to you later if you don't mind it first yourself. It's always nice to bring some interest to my OTP. Even if it doesn't turn you on to the ship, at least I know I brought some very deserving fics some new reads and possibly made a new friend :yay:

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