• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 1,120 Views, 55 Comments

Colliding Dream Worlds - migzie

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Trains & Sewing Machines

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were at the Ponyville Train Station. They were waiting for everyone else to catch up. It seemed like they were the last to take the potion but the first ones to get to an actual destination.

“D-dashie? What if we were supposed to meet everyone at a different location?” Fluttershy starts to worry.

“Nah, we’re where we’re supposed to be! It’s on the check list!” Dash pulls the list out from her pocket. “I asked one of Twilight’s subconscious people for information about her relationship with Trixie and I’m going to tease her on how sappy she is!”

“Da-shie! Don’t be mean!” scolded Fluttershy.

“I’m not! Just poking fun and getting even! Remember? Only you are to know how sappy I am and sappy only to you!? Well, yesterday she asked around my subconscious and I got texts on my phone all day about it!” Dash defends her purpose.

“It’s still mean and immature… but only this one time!”

YaY!!!” Dash imitates her love and kisses her hard with extra passion. She lays down on the train tracks and waits.

“That’s dangerous! What if a train comes!? Zecora said the pain will carry on to reality!” Fluttershy shrieks.

“There won’t be a train unless someone dreams it. Babe, oh I hope you didn’t…”

“Don’t worry… I didn’t.” She flew towards her Rainbow, hovering over for a quick kiss. Then she shot back to the platform just in case to be safe!

“That’s all the kissy kissy action I get?” Dash starts to pout. “I don’t believe anyone will be around for awhile… I mean, we’re the only ones that can navigate the best…”

“W-well… you’re on train tracks, Dashie! That’s not safe! Even, if this is a dream!”

“Come on, my Flutters… live with me!” Dash pats her lap for Fluttershy to get on top of her. She receives a ‘no’ from her wife shaking her head. “How about…” her eyes blinked and she was wearing fish net stockings and a purple corset top only. Dash definitely got a reaction out of that!

Fluttershy’s mouth dropped and eyes widened “It doesn’t look that comfy on the tracks, my Rainbow.”

“Problem easily solved. I’ll shrink our wings and they’ll grow back full size alerting us when someone or pair of our group shows up!” Dash says cleverly.

“Oh, sounds like a marvelous plan!” Fluttershy considers the idea.

“See? Easy peasy. Come here, you! I decided!” Rainbow Dash calls out to the platform blinking her eyes to do their wings.


Outside was another bright and sunny day. Apple Jack ruffles the white fluffy comforter on top of her. ‘That’s funny, Ah’m wide awake and Ah don’t remember comin here… we were at mah house eatin… and then… OH, WOW! This does feel real. Ah don’t think Rare knows yet!’ She giggles under the covers.

Rarity produced a dainty little yawn, rolled out of her bed and did a little stretch. She starts looking at her wardrobe. “I’m going to go downstairs and make us breakfast. I wonder if Sweetie Belle is awake yet. I feel so energized this morning!” she walked around the bed and pulled the covers off the giggling Apple Jack to give her a kiss. “I love you! Rise and Shine, my love!” Rarity yelps and squeals as Apple Jack pulls her back into bed. “Ohhh, my!!!

“MMMM Mmmm mmmm! YEEHAW!” Apple Jack rolls them both over to be the one on top. “MWAH!!! Ah sure love ya too, mah sugar love!” her lips pounces her fiancée’s neck area making Rarity melt and putty to the touch.

“But, Sweetie Belle is…” Rarity tried to shout but got out in a husky voice instead. “Sweetie Belle is… she might… might walk in on us!”

“Now don’t ya be worryin bout yer lil sister and kiss mah lips!”

Rarity does as she was told and flips them over. Apple Jack spanks her rear end once with both hands and squeezes each cheek still kissing her and flips them back to stay in control.


Zecora and Spike were walking through the Everfree Forest away from the Hut. They didn’t leave from her hut, but Zecora knew where she was. Off to the Ponyville Train Station to meet up with everyone, they were. Just in case something wrong was to happen to anyone of them, there was an hour and a half window to get there before the search and rescue team activated.

“I knew we’d come into the dream land doing something, but I didn’t know I’d already be walking and feeling so tired.” Spike whined and complained.

“Silly, Spike…” the Zebra Woman started to speak. “Don’t act, like a little tyke!” She hears Spike grumble. “We only have a ways away to go… just lift your chin up and go with the flow!”

“You did say that the higher dosage plus being a stronger antidote equals to everything feeling real… but, boy, I wasn’t expecting it to be this real!” Spike was pulling a splinter from his arm because he accidently tripped and a tree broke his fall. “OUCH!”

“I did indeed… here’s a band aid so that it will no longer bleed.”

“Gee, thanks Zecora!” Spike says graciously. “Man, I can go for an ice cream cone with THREE scoops and gemstone sprinkles.” He had to rub his eyes to wipe away some sleep from them and started to blink in effect. Then he noticed the ice cream he was just speaking of was in his other hand. “Whoah!”

“You look surprised, my friend. In dreams, dreams tend to cater and comprehend.”

“Really? Like I can just drive either of Rainbow Dash’s cars?” Spike asks. “OR WAIT! How about Trixie’s new car!?”

Zecora laughs and nods her head at Spike. “It’s as easy as you think! Just imagine it and blink!”

They stopped walking. Spike concentrated really hard and blinked his eyes shut with enormous determination praying that it would appear before him. Sure enough, there it was. Trixie’s 2014, periwinkle Corvette landed in front of them both.

“Ohhh, yeahhh!” Spike goes for a high five with Zecora. She caught on a second later. “Uhhh, how to get it out of the forest is the next challenge. I want us to cruise for awhile! We have loads of time now!”

“No need to fear… this path is now clear!” Zecora blinks her eyes and waves her arm to show case a paved road in the middle of the forest.



Twilight Sparkle and Trixie were getting kind of busy in the car of Trixie just outside of Apple Jack’s orchard.

“Even in dreams, you’re my one and only! Mmmm!” Twilight whispers.

“Twilight Sparkle? Would it seem odd if I started to call you, Twily?”

Twilight paused at kissing Trixie everywhere. “No, not really. The closest to me do and no one is as close to me or can ever get as close to me as you, my ‘Great and Powerful’!” she goes back to kissing her lady.

Trixie pulls her lips from a kiss. “Yes. Because, it has been running across your Trixie’s mind for quite some time.”

“Wha-AHHH!!!” Twilight tried to say something as she felt nothing supporting her anymore.

“OOOMPH!!!” Trixie says rubbing her bum.

They both fell onto the gravel that starts the country road paths.

“What happened to your car?!” and “What HAPPENED to my CAR!?!?” came out of both girls at the same time.

Twilight thinks for a moment. “Well, it is the dream world. I guess anything can happen…”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.” Trixie turns her frown back into a smile. She looks passed her love.

Twilight copies Trixie’s smile and gaze. She lights up her horn and creates a hay stack fort from the spread out piles on the field next to them.

“My, my, my, Miss Sparkle. You read my mind.”

“Yes. Let’s finish what we started in this hay stack fort and proceed towards the train station!”

Trixie starts to smirk. “We can even levitate ourselves and fly over there like super heroes. You know, make a grand entrance! We can shoot fireworks off as well!”

“Going in style... I love that idea! I LOVE YOU!” Twilight exclaims and hugs Trixie firmly and they dove into the hay stack creation.


“Where ARE we!? It’s like we’re going up the same flight of stairs over and over again to the same floor!” Pinkie Pie wails. “We need to stop, sit down, and take a SUGAR break!”

“This is your town, Pinkie. Where does it look like we’re at?” Discord says sitting next to her on one of the steps. “Pass the chocolate milk, please!”

“Only, if YOU pass the cotton candy!” Pinkie tells him.

“I don’t have any cotton candy!” Discord swore.

“Yeah you do!” Pinkie blinks her eyes and points to his pockets. “Check it out!”

Discord felt his pockets, and sure enough he pulls out baby blue cotton candy. “How did you know that was in my pockets and I didn’t?”

“I didn’t silly willy! I just blinked my eyes after thinking it… hmmm, for someone who can cause chaos and mischief to everything, like making bunny rabbits taller, you don’t have much imagination in a dream state and how to work it!?” Pinkie says to him in disbelief.

“Well, I… ummm.” Discord starts saying placing his chin on his hands and his elbows to his knees.

“Don’t think too much of it. It’s making you frown… and you look cuter when you smile!”

“Really?” his face starts to light up.

“Truly, madly, deeply!” Pinkie says with a grin. She stands up and extends her hand to Discord. “COME ON! LET’S GO! I know where we are! We’re at the high school. I can smell Scootaloo’s gym shoes! Let’s just exit this door here and play pranks on people before we go to the train station!”

“Oooo, Pinkie. That sounds rather enticing!” Discord takes her hand and stands up.

“Where should we go first!?” Pinkie bounced around happy!

“Let’s rob the Prank Store!” Discord suggests. “It’s not really considered stealing… we’re in a dream after all!”

“GREAT! I have just the outfit for us!” Pinkie blinks again and both of them wore all black and ski masks. “THEN, we can go to Rarity’s Boutique because it’s right next door!”

They left the high school and headed to the Prank Store. Discord's face flushed as they still were hand in hand. He knew Pinkie was just being super friendly. They entered an empty store a few minutes later. They heard a shuffling noise and a pin dropping.

“What’s going on in here? Did they know our plans to take stuff from here before we even knew?” Pinkie asks in a whisper.

“No, remember the check list?” Discord whispers back grabbing items off the shelves. “This is part of our dream training! King Sombra, being royalty, had a special dream training force army or whatever, just as great as Princess Luna’s, when he was a Prince training to be King… so Twilight Sparkler made simulated clones and then duplicated them a billion times!!!”

Pinkie laughed at the ‘Twilight Sparkler’ part and then cut it short as someone seemed to have spotted them. They both squatted to the ground and she immediately grabbed what was on the lower shelf unit to throw at the artificially made Unicorn guy.

Discord saw the Unicorn guy’s horn light up shoving the shelves the both of them were hiding behind against the wall. An angry face shot at them and the horn relit. Discord jumped in front of Pinkie. And got struck in his face! Pinkie took the confetti grenades in her hand and threw it at the Unicorn guy who caught it not knowing there was a decent amount of TNT in it. It exploded within seconds and their contender was down for the count!

Pinkie Pie turns to face Discord to make sure he was okay. He had no mouth! But he seemed fine otherwise. “YOU SAVED ME!!!” she says hugging him. “It’s usually me, that something bad happens to my face, irrr, well mostly my mouth, like this one time my tongue had polka dots and was enlarged… and another time… I, too, didn’t have a mouth. It sucked. Oh, I see a frown on your face again granted you don’t have your mouth…” she stopped rambling and kissed him where his mouth would be.

Discord nearly fainted by that. He wished he had his mouth just then. He snapped out of it when Pinkie started to shake him. He started gesturing things with his hands and body.

“CHARADES!” Pinkie shouts. “OOOOO!!! I’m great at that game! You wanna time yourself going to the bathroom? But, I didn’t think anybody needed to do bathroom stuff while in the dream world…” Discord shook his head. “We have to catch the train? We still have a lot of time though…” she looks at her watch and Discord was shaking his head again. “You wanna go pranking like we planned?”

It wasn’t exactly what he had in mind, but it was the next best thing. He was really thinking he wanted to cuddle with her on a hot air balloon. Discord nods his head yes though.

“Then, why didn’t you just say so!” Pinkie says grinning widely, grabbing onto his hand again. “Oh, yeah! You don’t have a mouth!”

They exit the Prank Store and started to head over to the Boutique. On their way over, a familiar periwinkle Corvette zoomed passed them and kept zooming passed them. They reached the side of Rarity’s place and hid between the bushes. Sexual noises came from where a bedroom would be. Pinkie giggled in a hush hushed volume and Discord was thinking ‘Perrrfect timing!’. They played another set of charades till they agreed on something.


“KISS MY NECK AGAIN! Ohhh, BITE ME! YESSSSSSSSSSS PULL MY HAIR! MMMM Ohhh, APPLE JACK, TRACE MY SPINE AND HOLD ME DOWN!!! DO THAT! USE YOUR TONGUE! MAKE ME MOAN! rAwr! DON’T STOP TILL I AM SHAKING! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rarity shouted aimlessly into the air and to her lover. Little did they both know they had company downstairs outside their windowsill.

Discord snapped his fingers as quiet as he could only to make all the sewing machines in the whole boutique turn on offensively loud. The machines all started to float and formed into a line chugging like a train towards the bedroom.

Rarity screamed in a high pitch tone and started to whimper holding on to Apple Jack for dear life. Apple Jack remained calm and was remembering what she learned from Zecora during the visit at the Hut. She blinks her eyes and both of them had clothing on. That was when Rarity realized they were in the dream world this whole time.

Rarity looks at what she was now wearing and says, “Really!?”

“No time ta question right now, Sugar love! We’ve ta jet as fast as R.D.! Blink yer way inta a new outfit when we get somewhere!”

In mid run, Rarity already blinked her way into 11 outfits.

The train of sewing machines chased them out the door. Pinkie Pie and Discord chased the sewing machines.

The four of them passed the hay field and saw an igloo made of hay. The occupants in the hay stack fort heard screaming.

Twilight Sparkle and Trixie heard something about trains and sewing machines. Twilight looked at her watch and immediately bolted upwards. “We need to go, we need to go now Trixie!” they both run out of the pile of now plain old hay. Trixie levitated them and they flew.

Twilight and Trixie trailed Pinkie and Discord. Pinkie and Discord pursued the train of sewing machines. The sewing machines dangled at Apple Jack and Rarity’s tail. All of a sudden the periwinkle Corvette raced in front of Apple Jack and Rarity. Everyone and everything was charging towards the Ponyville Train Station. “MY CAR!” shouts Trixie.


Meanwhile, at the train station on the tracks, both Rainbow Dash’s and Fluttershy’s wings start to grow back to normal size. “Ohhh, my Rainbow… you best put on something decent to wear!” Fluttershy says still relaxing on the tracks cuddling up against Dash.

“Mayyybe I don’t have to tease Twilight. I only found out one thing from her subconscious.” Dash says without any more energy. “Want to know what the cheesy line is? I would have come up with it myself, I swear.”

“What is it Dashie?” Fluttershy opens her eyes to look at her wife innocently.

“You're waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you; but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?” Dash pauses for dramatic effect. “Because we’ll be together.”

After saying the riddle and answering it. The Pegasi saw a whole line of sewing machines explode into confetti just before the rest of everyone made it to the train station. Their jaws dropped.

Pinkie Pie laughed hysterically as Discord had to laugh on the inside still holding on to his tummy from the action of laughing. Apple Jack and Rarity turned around and only spurted out a couple giggles each only forgiving it was just a prank. Spike and Zecora jumped out of the car and ran to them to make sure everyone was okay. But, then, Spike ran the other direction because he saw Trixie chasing him and yelling about her car!

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stood on the platform still watching the spectacle and holding each other.