• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 4,088 Views, 134 Comments

The Eagle Of Equestria - Romes_FinestPony

A Legionary lost his family... Twice... He lost everything by the time he arrived in Equestria. His friends, His foster father, His honour and his pride. When Fluttershy finds him near her hut, she sees a broken man. Fluttershy wants to help him...

  • ...

Chapter 2: Friends at Arms In Equestria

Chapter 2: Friends at Arms
2 months Ago- Gaul

Silvanus finally reached the legion barracks and made a beeline straight for his maniple's quarters. He had been living in the barracks most of his life since the day the Senior Centurion of the 19th adopted him from the slums of Rome. He had always looked up to his foster parent and had always wanted to become a Legionary. It was a dream of the young Silvanus to fight beside his "father", Centurion Felix. And Since then waited for the day he will come of age to join the 19th.

Silvanus reached the room where he has been staying for the past two years and saw his fellow recruits lazing around. Throughout the two years of training, he has found the time to know his fellow unit members.

'Hey! Silvanus! How did the extra 5 mile joggin' go fer ya?' A stocky,bald young man looked up from oiling his segmented armour and called out, a teasing grin plastered in his face as soon as he spotted Silvanus standing in the doorway. Short bursts of Laughter erupted from the others.

Silvanus straightened up and put on a mock apologetic smile. 'Oh Absolutely wonderful Longinus! Not a bad Idea to take nature walks before dinner my friend! Care to join me next time?'

As Silvanus walked in, Some of the recruits was now up and slapped Silvanus' back and congratulating him with laughter.
'Ha! Ha! Ha! You should've seen the Centurion's face go red when he pulled out a broken stick to beat Lucius' back with and you commented on the disappearance of his REAL "Disciplining stick"! Totally Hilarious!'
'Ya think Cornelius?! Silvanus here almost got us in trouble for nearly making us laugh with him! Ha!'
'What was that Silvanus said? "A stick a day keeps the barbarians at bay?" That was a good one!'
'Man, You saved my backside out there! Ha! Ha! When did you get the time to swap his Vine stick with a broken one!'

Silvanus smiled and laughed as he enjoyed the comraderie he was now sharing with the men he's been living with for the past 2 years.
Silvanus smiled to himself as he looked at each of his comrade's smiling faces. 'Hmmm... We are a pretty odd bunch.' He murmured.

'What was that?' Lucius asked.

'Nothing!' Silvanus hurriedly answered.

Longinus was a very typical stereotype of a roman legionary. He was the strongest of the whole squad and always preferred using his 2 feet long iron Gladius. Longinus is also a very violent type of person and is very protective of his friends.

Cornelius was the strategist. The planner. Either on pulling pranks on the younger Centurions or on fellow Legionaries or whether in the practice battlefield. Cornelius also used to be an athlete and thus was very fast in running. Cornelius preferred using two Puglios (Battle knives) in battle. Very Loyal to his unit.

Lucius. The young Roman from Lusianian Spain. Very shy and naïve at the start, but once he gets to know everybody, he is very good company. He is very good at throwing his Pila. The youngest of the group and the closest friend of Silvanus. Very generous and the motivator.

Leonidas or Leo for short from Macedon. He was a freed slave who wanted to aquire money fast and thus, he joined the Legions. He is very good at running in difficult terrain (Probably due to being a shepherd as a child roaming the hills of Greece.). He excels in archery. Also our runner.

Lupus. A soldier clad in his own bitterness and for his want of revenge after the murder of his family during a Celtic Raid on Roman territory. Very quiet and decisive. Stealthy as a hunter. Excels at swords and knives. Very Secretive, this one.

And lastly, There's our Optio or Sergeant, Herennius. A huge wall of Bone and muscle. A veteran who served during the civil war of Octavian. Sometime's we refer to him as "Humungus". Though he doesn't really like that nickname We still think it suits him.

Hmmm... We really are an odd bunch. Silvanus confirmed inwardly.
As soon as they finally quieted down, they begun discussing among themselves about the new mission the Legion and two others, the 17th and 18th were bestowed. They were to quell an uprising of German Celtic tribes from beyong the Rhine.

Lucius looked at his comrades in shock as he whispered 'Are we going to have to pass through the Teutoburg?'

All of them, except Silvanus nodded gravely. Silvanus knew how much stories about the forest has been crammed inside the younger man's head and knew that he was absolutely terrified. The Group fell into a deep silence as each of them remembered the stories that the border guards has been telling them while off duty. Each border guard told of the same theme: Germania, The last frontier of Rome is a hellish place filled with fierce Celtic warrriors who yearns for the blood of Romans on their blades.

Longinus broke the silence by scoffing loudly. 'Tch. We can beat them easy! Our Legions are invincible! We haven't lost a battle to foreigners for more than a hundred years now! We ain't going to just end this record now.'

Lupus nodded. 'Aye. I agree with ye. Besides, I do have a score to settle with them.' A wicked smile crept on his face making his fellow Romans glad that they were not Celts.

Another length of silence ensues

Silvanus looked among his comrade's eyes and saw Fear, Hatred, Excitement and Anxiety.

'We should pair up. You know. To watch each other's backs.' Silvanus stated.

The men looked up at him. Obviously interested.

'Each one of us would feel safer if we knew that someone was watching their backs.' Silvanus reasoned.

'Aye. I totally agree. I vouch for Humung- I mean Herennius.' Cornelius Stated.

Herennius gave a soft laugh 'No can do young'un. I'm watching all of youse backs.'

'Ok then. Longinus?' Cornelius asked, no, more like begged.

'Ayay! I agree then.' Longinus nodded directing a smile to his new Legion buddy.

'I choose Leonidas.' Lupus said.

'Agreed.' Leonidas nodded in Confirmation.

Silvanus glanced sideways and saw Lucius look crestfallen.

Silvanus Reached out and patted Lucius' shoulder. 'So. It looks like it's me and you then!' Silvanus said with a smile.

Lucius looked up and let out a sigh of relief. 'Praise the Gods! Thank you Silvanus. I promise I won't fail.'

Silvanus then put on a mock expression of sterness and growled 'Well you shouldn't. Or you'll know what happens.'

Silvanus then burst in Laughter as he saw the questioning look in Lucius' face.
2 months later
Teutoburg forest.

'Well what was that about? What's with the laughter?' a voice whispered right next to him as soon as he got back from the ordeal with his father.

Silvanus turned to Lucius and Whispered back shrugging as he did so. 'Oh. Nothing really. Just giving fatherly advice.'

Silvanus snickered as he caught a glimpse of a galloping horse and a rider with his father holding on for dear life at the back, Screaming in terror.

'Ah. There goes Uncle Quintus and Good ole' Felix!' The soldiers around him who heard his remark snickered too. Felix is probably the worst horseman the army can ever get.

'Oi! Quiet in the Ranks!' A voice yelled out. Good ole' Humungus.

Silvanus Straightened up and continued on counting his steps.

It wasn't long however, until Silvanus finally got bored and gave up. He then looked up and just watched the dark forest that surrounded him and his comrades. He could've sworn he saw some movement, but just dismissed it as wildlife. The Forest finally came to a clearing and it started to drizzle. In front of him, Silvanus can see the marching column come to a bend and saw the swamp on one side and a slightly elevated hill in the other.

As he kept on looking, The entire marching column came to an abrupt stop as he heard the shouts and screams that came from the forest. He instinctively raised his shield towards the forest just in time to deflect an arrow. He took a quick glance towards the men on the front and saw men fall victim to the missiles. After a few volleys, the battlecries of the barbaric Celts rose from everywhere in the forest. Then they came down upon the surprised Romans. Half-naked warriors began pouring out from out of the forest. Each of them covered with blue woad and screaming blood-curling insults.

Silvanus looked behind him and saw the anxiety and fear in Lucius eyes as he evidently gulped.

Silvanus then turned back to the forest and braced himself for the initial impact. Making up his mind to protect his Legion buddy at all costs.
As the arrows flew from every direction, All that Longinus heard was a whoosh and a meaty thud as an arrow embedded itself on his leg. The other Legionaries now withdrew, trying to form a testudo. Except for one. Cornelius. Cornelius rushed up to Longinus to grab his arm and drag him to safety behind the shields of his fellow Legionaries. But as he ran, A sharp jolt of pain suddenly hit him like a lightning bolt. He looked down and saw a bloody arrow. Protruding from his chest.

'NOOOO!!!' Longinus Roared in Pain and agony as he saw his Legion buddy fall to his knees, reach out a hand towards Longinus and fell. Face first.

Longinus struggled to get up. But he couldn't. He looked down to inspect his wound.The bloodied flesh that surrounded the open wound was now starting to bruise. He instantly knew that his leg dying. He started to crawl towards his fallen comrade instead. Arrows miraculously missed him by mere centimetres as he inched his way towards Cornelius' corpse. The legionaries in the testudo could not bear to see this. Some sobbed in helplessness while others stared in shock at the dead bodies of dead Legionaries. Other's merely watched with Hatred and anger in their eyes and waited to meet the enemy.

'Finally!' Longinus gasped as he reached the body of Cornelius. Longinus felt tears fall from his eyes as he saw the shock in Cornelius' open eyes. The barbarians were now charging out from the thick foliage of the forest. They waved their weapons in the air, cursing and insulting the romans as they did.

Longinus stood up proudly. Ignoring the pain on his bleeding leg. He raised his shield and yelled out towards the charging enemy. 'MURDEROUS BARBARIANS! I'LL TEACH YOU HOW A LEGIONARY OF THE NINETEENTH DIES!'

A celt clashed shields with Longinus and Longinus pushed back. Pushing the startled Celt over. Longinus then took one step forward and plunged his blade down into the naked torso of the surprised Celt. 'FOR MY COMRADES!'

He sidestepped another warrior and swung his blade across the torso of the warrior. 'FOR CORNELIUS!'

A Celt tried to go around Longinus about to stab him with his spear. Longinus swung his sword in a wide arc as he turned. Decapitating the enemy's head. 'FOR THE NINTEENTH!'

The Celts now surrounded him. Duels were fought around him. For each Celt that Longinus dispatched, it seems as if 10 more would take it's place.

The Celts swarmed around Longinus. Longinus now fought with desperation. He fought until he couldn't let go of the blade because of a cramped hand. Finally, Longinus fell to his knees right next to the body of Cornelius.

A Celt walked in front of him and scoffed. 'Pax Romana.' The Celt then spat at the word. The Celt raised his sword, about to swing when all of a sudden, He felt pain on his stomach. He dropped his sword and looked down. All he saw was a bloody blade, half-embedded in his belly. He then looked in surprise at the smug face of the Legionary.

And with that last cry, Longinus fell, impaled by three spears.
Lupus and Leonidas was now fighting back to back. Trying to Drive back the barbarian hordes. It was hopeless. Most of their fellow Legionaries has already made a run for the forest. Only to find themselves stuck in the mud and were made into practice targets for archers.

Lupus had an arrow stuck in his left shoulder, blood was flowing freely.

Leonidas was now merely dodging and blocking. Unable to launch an offence.

Leonidas continued to grimly execute his task. His aim was to let Lupus escape. His Aim was to save his Legion buddy. From the corner of his eye, he saw a celtic archer take position and aimed for his Legion buddy's uncovered back.

Leonidas had to act fast to save Lupus. The only thing on him was his shield and sword. My Sword! Lupus beamed and threw his sword towards the archer. It was a gamble. But true to it's form, It hit the target. Right in the chest.
Leonidas nodded contentedly as he saw the form of the archer crumple to the ground. He then resorted to punching the enemy with the butt of his shield.

More archers arrived at the scene. Leonidas glanced towards the forest and saw an archer fire. Without even hesitating, Leonidas dove to his side to cover Lupus' fighting form from the flying arrow. He felt tears prick at his eyes as he felt the arrow hit him in the chest.

'LEO!' Lupus had turned just in time to see his friend fall to the ground. Catching an arrow that was supposed to be for him.

'NO!' Lupus fought with so much ferocity that the barbarians began to back away from the mad Roman.

ZIIIP! Lupus suddenly stopped in mid-swing. An arrowhead had pierced right through his body and he can see an arrowhead sticking out from his midsection. He knelt right next to Leonidas. Crying. Leonidas turned. With his last breath, Leonidas smiled and whispered 'I- I'll... M-meet you in E-ee... Elysium... Brother...'

Lupus didn't feel the pain as more arrows pierced his body. He just merely knelt over the body of his new Brother. Crying.
Lupus' vision began to blur and the cold hands of death started to grip his heart. He muttered with half-closed eyes 'W-wait for... M-me... Brother.'
Legionaries were now fleeing as more and more Barbarians flooded out from the dark forest. Silvanus and Lucius fought back to back yelling compliments and encouragements to each other from time to time. More Legionaries broke away from their formations and made a run for the dark forest. This only made the pair more determined to stay and fight.

From the corner of Lucius' eye, He saw their eagle bearer fall. But not before he plunged the pole into the ground. To show that the Legion hasn't been defeated... Yet.

'Silvanus! The Eagle!' Lucius shouted

Silvanus stole a quick glance towards the direction that Lucius was pointing out. He saw the Eagle firmly planted in the ground. Standing proudly among the dead bodies that piled the forest floor.

He nodded to Lucius and gave a rueful smile. Lucius beamed at him and nodded back. Instantly knowing what his Legion buddy was up to.

'FFFOOOORRR RRRROOOOMMMEEEE!!!' The pair charged straight into a pair of Celts, knocking them over. But instead of killing them, they pounded onward towards the Eagle. Finally! A silver lining! It was the Eagle of their Legion!
Lucius Quickly grabbed the precious symbol of the Legion as Silvanus guarded his back.

All of a sudden 20 Celts charged at them. The pair looked at each other. They agreed to one conclusion: This is hopeless. They then shook hands and hugged. As if for the last time.

Four Celts flew in the air as a massive object crashed into the charging enemy.

'GO SILVANUS! GO LUCIUS! GO! I WILL COVER YOU!' Herennius (AKA Humungus) Bellowed as he tried to fight off the enemy.

'HERENNIUS!' The stunned pair watched. Rooted in place.


The First to react was Silvanus as he grabbed Lucius' segmented armour at the neck and ran.

They ran to the forest. Stumbling through the thick tree trunks and roots.

'Herennius...' A sob escaped from Lucius' mouth.

Silvanus Turned to catch a glimpse of the giant for the last time. Only to see the Giant on the ground. Lying still. A pool of blood congregating from under the body.
Silvanus turned away from the awful picture as a tear silently rolled down his cheek. May we never forget your sacrifice my friend. He said to himself. Silvanus looked up to the heavens and prayed for any god/s to save them.

The rain now became a torrent of Wind and water as they burst into a new clearing in the forest canopy.

Silvanus looked around in confusion. They were in the middle of a circle of stone pillars. Each Slab of rock was marked with a rune of some sort.

Celts came bursting out from every direction from the forest and surrounding them. They smiled and laughed smugly at the trapped pair. Eyeing the Golden Eagle that Lucius Held.

Silvanus turned to his friend and hugged him in farewell. Tears now sliding freely down their cheeks.
'You deserved to live Lucius... I failed you... Now you won't get to see your family in Spain ever again. I am sorry.' Silvanus looked down in shame.

'Silvanus! You have not failed! Our family was the Legion! In fact, I will be very much honoured to die by your side... Brother!' Lucius smiled at him.

Silvanus gave Lucius a rueful grin and said 'So. What do you say Brother? Shall we do this one last time?'

'Yes. I would be Honoured to die Kicking Barbarian butts!'

With a yell, They charged at the Celts.
In Equestria: Everfree forest

'So. Dear sister? Why do you bring me here?' A mare who was a neither a unicorn, a pegasus or an Earth pony, but whose form was that of all three combined and whose coat was as dark as night matched with a flowing mane that represented the night sky (literally) asked kindly to a bigger mare who looked similar, only for the pure white coat and rainbow coloured mane that looked like she represented morning daylight.

'Ah. It's a surprise My dear Luna.' Answered the white coated one with a motherly voice.

'Okay Tia.' Princess Luna looked up to see a full moon shine above all Equestria, casting beautiful shadows among the trees and foliage.

All of a sudden, Princess Celestia came to an abrupt stop and whispered 'A being not known here in Equestria has entered our Dominion little sis!'

Princess Luna was about to ask when somewhere in the forest, a Strange roar echoed throughout the forest, breaking the serene silence.

The Two princesses rushed to the direction of the roar in haste.

Both Princesses knew that the roar was not one of Anger. But of grief and despair.