• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 4,088 Views, 134 Comments

The Eagle Of Equestria - Romes_FinestPony

A Legionary lost his family... Twice... He lost everything by the time he arrived in Equestria. His friends, His foster father, His honour and his pride. When Fluttershy finds him near her hut, she sees a broken man. Fluttershy wants to help him...

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Last Legionary

Chapter 3: The Last Legionary

Everfree: Equestria

Silvanus knelt among a circle of corpses. His armour was splattered with blood. The pain on his wounds throbbed with pain as more blood flowed freely from them. Tears were silently rolling down his cheeks as he held the broken body of another Legionary. Lucius.

Moonlight gently illuminated Lucius' face showing his calm, gentle smile that lingered in his lips. Silvanus knew that Lucius was happy to die in the arms of a friend.

'W-why Lucius? Why?' Silvanus sobbed.

Silvanus raised his face to catch the soft moonlight in his tear-stained face and screamed 'FATHER JUPITER! WHY?!'

He bowed over the body once again, crying softly.

'I should have been the one that died! You had a family!' A new batch of tears cascaded down Silvanus' face and dripped to the ground.

'I-I'm sorry... F-for failing yo-'


A high pitched howl echoed around the forest.


Another howl.

Silvanus slowly wiped his tears away with his blood-stained hands and muttered to his dead comrade. 'It's alright my friend... I'll get you out of here and give you a proper burial. Oh look! It even stopped raining and the enemy has gone!' Silvanus murmured in a vain attempt to sound optimistic.
Silvanus then glanced at the wound on his former Legion buddy's chest that was caused by a spear thrust and smiled grimly. 'But not before I fix you up a bit.' Silvanus mumbled, taking out a clean strip of cloth that Silvanus used as Bandage dressing from his medicine pouch that he kept in his leather belt.

He gently wrapped it around Lucius' body, covering the wound.

'Y-you must... Live on... F-for the *cough* L-legion... F-for our f-friend's *cough*... D-do not w-waste... The *cough* s-sacrifices... They p-paid with... Their... B-blood... F-farewell... Brother...'

Lucius' last words kept on ringing in his head as he carefully placed the body on his own shield. He was about to limp to the forest, dragging his shield with Lucius in it when he spotted a ray of moonlight reflect from a golden object and into his face. Silvanus gasped and carefully lowered the shield to the ground.

Silvanus limped towards the object and pushed over a corpse that lay on top of it's pole. There it lay... The proud Eagle of the 19th. The very object that Lucius defended and died for. The symbol of the honour and pride of the Legion lay there. Dark blotches of blood tarnishing it's shiny surface. With shaky hands, Silvanus picked up the Legion standard and planted it on the ground. The linen that adorned it was ripped to shreds.

Silvanus look to his side and saw his empty scabbard. He looked around for a moment and spotted the glint of steel. Sticking out from a dead Celt. A moment later, he retrieved his sword and slid it down his scabbard.

With one hand holding the Standard, and the other, dragging the shield with his friend's body, Silvanus limped towards the forest disappearing moments later into the shadows.
The cry of a Timber wolf echoed around the forest for the last time that night as a figure seemed to be struggling in a mass of small branches.

'Come now dear sister!' Princess Celestia called to her sister who was still struggling with some low-growing tree branches.

'Please tell me again why I can't just fly up?' Princess Luna answered with an irritated tone in her voice.

Princess Celestia sighed and stopped. Turning back towards her sister, her horn glowing with golden aura. 'So that we may not surprise the strange creature.'

The branches was now surrounded with the same golden aura and move by themselves. Freeing the entangled Princess of the night.

Princess Luna sighed and mumbled 'Thanks.'

The Sun princess smiled, which then disappeared a moment later. 'Come! We must meet this creature.'

Princess Luna sighed in exasperation. 'Fine.'

After a few more minutes, Luna was once again entangled by thick, gnarly, low lying branches.

With an exasperated sigh, Luna turned to her sister and said 'I'm slowing you down am I?'

Princess Celestia gently smiled at her struggling sister and answered 'No. Not at all dear sister.'
Her horn glowed with the magical golden aura once again as the branches opened up. Thus releasing the trapped princess.

'We curse this foul weakness of Ours,' Luna snarled indignantly.

Celestia placed a comforting wing over her sister's withers.

'Tia. Why can't I use my magic yet?' Princess Luna grimaced as she calmed down.

'It is only temporary, Luna. Your magic will return in time. You must be patient; the banishing of the Nightmare from you was bound to have side effects.' Princess Celsestia consoled her irritated sister.

Princess Luna remained silent.

Princess Celestia sighed and gently nuzzled Princess Luna as she gave her little sister a short answer to her question. 'Besides, you are still recovering from your magic training. You wouldn't want a headache would you?'

'I guess so.' Princess Luna slumped to the ground, exhausted from her struggles from her former wooden prisons. She suddenly looked up to her big sister with a questioning look and asked 'Tia, What happened to my magic? Why do I have to retrain?'

Princess Celestia stopped nuzzling her and smiled sadly. 'Well. Ever since your ,um, Transformation, you have lost a considerable amount of your magic. And now you are training so that you may regain your former magical strength.' Celestia answered. Avoiding the former name of her sister. Nightmare Moon.

Seeing as to how tired Luna looked, Celestia offered for Luna to stay behind 'Besides, were not really far from the site.' Celestia reasoned. Princess Luna yawned and mumbled something unintelligible. Falling asleep almost instantly.

Princess Celestia gave a motherly smile as she surrounded the sleeping princess in a translucent golden orb. A shield spell.

She slowly started walking towards the small clearing in the forest as thoughts ran through her mind. 'I wonder what this creature might look like?' 'Is the creature friendly?' 'Is it a herbivore?' She smiled to herself. Maybe these questions will have to wait.

A minute later, Princess Celestia can now see the clearing. She noticed a few figures on the ground as she came closer. 'hmmm. Probably just mounds of dirt.' she mumbled. She gently brushed away a branch and gasped in horror as the scene in front of her revealed the moon-lit corpses of a strange type of biped. What kind of a horribly dangerous creature do this? Celestia thought as she tried to take in the gruesome scene in front of her.Her horror turned to disgust as she noticed that in their "hands" were dangerous looking metallic objects. Weapons.

'That's strange. I only felt one creature enter our realm. Wait. I only felt one creature... Which means-' Celestia gasped as she began to back away from the bodies '-one of these... Things is roaming around the Everfree!'

Her horn glowed with magical aura as the bodies began to sink down into the forest floor. 'I must not worry my dear sister. She has gone through enough.'

She then watched as the bodies sank, which was now halfway into the ground and whispered.
'I will find you... Monster!'

She turned to leave just as the last traces of the strange corpses were buried under the everfree. Hidden from everyone but her.
A few hour later:

Silvanus knelt right next to the newly dug grave of Lucius. A helmet was placed neatly at the head of the grave. A small, flat rock with the inscription 'LVPVS' acted as the headstone. The Proud Golden Eagle planted on the ground right next to the grave looking down as if paying respects to the dead soldier. His own shield covered the top of the earthen mound. Silvanus was weeping softly as memories of his friends, His foster father, his time in the Legion and even bits of his childhood circulated around his mind. Silvanus sensed that they are all dead. Centurion Felix, Longinus, Herrenius, Lucius, Lupus, Cornelius... Every single person that he knew and come to know as his family are all dead. Silvanus cried harder than he ever did before in his entire life.

Shiiiing! Silvanus glanced to his side to see his sword slide off from his scabbard. The soft glow of metal inviting him to pick it up. 'The Gods has abandoned me. Fate hates me. What choices do I have?' Silvanus mumbled, picking up his blade and stared at the slightly blood-stained blade. 'I should've been the one that died. My only wish right now is to join everyone that I love in the underworld.' Silvanus now held his sword with two hands, pointing it towards himself. He slowly elevated the blade until it rested in mid-air. Pointing to his bare neck.

Silvanus was about to plunge the blade deep into his throat when suddenly, A commanding female voice called out to him.

'My dear stranger! Please do not put yourself in grave danger!'

Silvanus whirled around. 'FRIEND? OR FO-'
He stopped in mid-sentence as he found himself facing a striped, little horse of some sort wearing a cloak. And... Did it just... Talk? Silvanus turned his whole body around to face the little horse. Dropping his sword in the process.

The striped horse flinched and gasped. 'What are you Dear creature? With all your weird features?'

Silvanus was too stunned to speak! Did... That... Horse... Just... Talk?! Those five words kept on screaming inside his mind. 'A-a H-horse... A Horse j-just talked... To ME!' He stammered. Silvanus started to turn around and crawl away, his eyes still transfixed on the little horse.

The little horse seemed to calm down, it's/her Blue eyes softened as she saw the poor, scared creature frantically try to crawl away from it/her.

'I-I'm sorry. My name is Zecora and I can't help but notice you from the Flora.' The horse, Zecora, extended a hoof towards Silvanus as if to try and shake his hand. Silvanus just stared at it and stammered 'Y-You TALK?!'

Zecora chuckled gently and replied 'Yes. I do speak-' Zecora then noticed the wounds that covered Silvanus and frowned slightly '-You seem a bit weak. Let me heal your wounds before we run into any hounds.'

Silvanus was now starting to hyperventilate. Inhaling and Exhaling rapidly. His head was now swimming. Oh no. He thought... Not another panic attack!

Zecora frowned a bit more. mumbling to herself in an unknown language, She reached into her saddle pack and took out a simple earthen bottle. She then proceeded to pull the cork out with her teeth. Green smoke then began to leak out from the bottle.

A tendril of green smoke entered Silvanus' nose and all of a sudden, he felt better. The aroma reminded Silvanus of the grassy plain where... Silvanus shook his head and looked back at the little horse.

'Better?' Zecora smiled warmly.

'I-It's just not possible! How can a horse even speak!' Silvanus blurted.

Zecora chuckled softly. 'Firstly, I am no horse, though I have been named far worse. Secondly, A pony such as I talk normally like all other pony-folk.'

Silvanus felt his heart skip a beat. Ponyfolk? 'Uh. Miss ,er, Zecora? um. Where In Hades' realm am I!'

Zecora gave a puzzled look and answered 'You are in Equestria my friend-'

'Equestria?' Silvanus squeaked.

Zecora nodded in confirmation.

It took a few moments for Silvanus to take in. No wonder I haven't seen any bodies from the battle so far! No wonder the sudden cease of rainfall! No wonder the trees looked strange and unrecognizable! The puzzle pieces started to connect as Silvanus' mind connecting strange things that he had noticed but not really care about.

Zecora stared at Silvanus' face intently. She felt sadness for Silvanus.

I know how it feels to be alone my dear stranger. She thought.

Silvanus gulped. So. What now?

As if reading his mind, Zecora's questioning expression turned into one that was warm and full of pity. 'You know stranger, You should stay in my hut, where I can heal your cuts.'

Silvanus looked up very surprised 'Y-You... Really?'

Zecora nodded once again.

Silvanus smiled a genuine smile for the first time in Equestria and whispered 'Thank you. May the Gods bless you.'

Silvanus then tried to stand up. But his aching legs wouldn't obey. Sighing, he half-crawled, half-stumbled towards the pole of the Eagle. Silvanus heard the sound of hooves as Zecora lifted up his arm.

Silvanus smiled in thanks and pushed himself up. Upon standing, He found out that the Pony was only about 1 and a half feet shorter than him. Silvanus then turned to face the grave of Lucius and smiled. Whispering a last farewell before taking the eagle that poked from the ground beside it and limped over to take his sword which he dropped in his initial shock. Zecora trotting right beside him, ready to catch him in case he falls.

As soon as he reached his blade, he bent over and took the blade, sliding it into his scabbard. Silvanus turned to see uneasiness in Zecora's eyes as she saw him put the blade in his scabbard.

'I'm terribly sorry for causing you to feel uncomfortable Zecora. But I always have to be ready to protect those who need me. I learned this lesson the hard way.' Tears once again began to build up in his eyes as he glanced over to Lucius' grave.

Zecora's eyes softened and she gave a comforting smile as she opened her mouth to say something. Nothing came out.

Silvanus tried to fight back the tears, but he was fighting a losing battle. A fresh batch of tears slowly slid down his cheeks, following the path the other tears before it took. He felt something rubbing his leg. He looked down and saw Zecora trying to comfort him by nuzzling his leg. His tear-stained face broke into a smile as he patted Zecora's striped mane.

'Well then. I consider those who aren't my foes-' Zecora said. 'As friends.'

'Thank you... Friend.' Silvanus whispered.

The sun was now peeking out from the horizon as the two new friends chatted while walking. Silvanus has been limping down the small track with Zecora for an hour now. Silvanus asking questions about the strange new land that he was in.

'So. The whole land is ruled by two princesses who raise the sun and moon everyday and night?' Silvanus asked with a sceptical glance.

'Yes.' Zecora chuckled deciding not to add to that.

'So that means that they are like Gods or Goddesses?'

Zecora stopped to think about an answer. 'Yes. They also live among us mortals, and rumour has it that they can open portals.'

Silvanus turned to his new friend and gave a sad smile. 'Zecora, I don't have anything to go back to. I lost my family... Twice! The creature that I buried a while ago was like me... He... He was also the last of my family. I don't think I want to return to the cruel world where I came from. Where death is as common as meals.'

Zecora looked down on the ground she was walking on, feeling ashamed for even asking. What a poor soul. She thought.

Silvanus decided to quickly change the subject to avoid further talks about death. 'So. uh. Your Gods, I mean Goddesses live and walk among you mortals? Our Gods never lived among us. I once heard an army saying that went: 'While Us soldiers fight, bleed and die for the god's causes, the god's never come down to help. They don't want to get their feet wet.'

'So the place you call home is the greatest city on Earth called Rome?'

Silvanus Chuckled 'Yes. The City of seven hills. The capital of our great empire.' Silvanus puffed out his chest in pride and beat his chest once with his fist causing his Segmented armour to make a clanking noise.

Zecora brightened up once more and smiled. 'You really a-'

Rustle! Rustle!

A thick bush in 10 feet in front of them suddenly started to shake.

Silvanus quickly pushed back Zecora with his right hand. Zecora was more than willing to oblige. Silvanus then whispered to Zecora without turning to face her. His eyes glued on the rustling bush.

'Zecora, I want you to slowly go back where we came from and quietly find a different route to your hut. Okay?'

Zecorah was too scared to speak. She just cowered behind Silvanus.

Silvanus then takes hold of his sword's hilt with his right hand and slowly slid the blade out of its scabbard. All of a sudden with a bark, something erupted from a thorny bush right next to him and Silvanus felt as if a log has been thrown at him. The wind was knocked out of him as the thing hit him in the stomach. He fell to the ground with the furious thing.


There, standing on his chest, Barking furiously and gnawing at the standard's pole was a wooden wolf. A... DAMN... LIVING... WOODEN... WOLF!

Silvanus wrestled desperately with the wooden beast. Both hands were now holding on to the metal pole that separated the sharp, wooden jaws from his face. It's green eyes showing hatred and hunger as it bit down into the metal pole, slightly bending it. His sword was right next to him, but he didn't dare reach out in case the wooden wolf would reach his face with a lunge and end his life right on the spot. He turned to the still shaking bush 10 feet from him and saw two more of these beasts leap out from it. He turned away and face the opposite direction. He saw Zecora quaking in fear right on the spot where she stood the whole time.

'ZECORA! YOU MUST GO!' Silvanus shouted above the sound of furious barking and scraping.

Zecora finally looked down on Silvanus and started to stammer out. 'B-But You-'


Zecora still looked hesitant and was unwilling to run, I mean gallop away.


This finally made Zecora spur into action and with a pained look in her eyes, she started to gallop away. Silvanus watched Zecora's retreating form until finally disappearing into the forest. Silvanus then turned his attention to the task at hand. From the corner of his eye, he saw the two other wolves start to chase after Zecora.

With a fresh burst of energy, Silvanus hissed through gnashed teeth 'Oh no you don't!' and pushed the wolf on top of him over. Rolling to his side, he grabbed his sword and sat up, delivering a thrust to the wolf who was starting to get up.

The wooden wolf immediately disintegrated into a shower of wigs, leaves and a green mist.

Silvanus stood upright and pointed his sword to the remaining two wolves. 'So. Who's next?' A grim smile now spread across Silvanus' face as the Two wolves looked at each other for a moment as if coming to a agreement. Then they charged.

Silvanus swung at one, instantly disintegrating it in mid-air while he skilfully sidestepped the other. The last wolf barked and made for another pounce. Silvanus easily dispatched the beast with a graceful swing. This is too easy, Silvanus thought arrogantly.The air now smelled of sap as Silvanus started to walk away from the messy bunch of twigs and green leaves, when all of a sudden, he heard a clattering sound behind him.

He turned to look back and saw the piles of twigs and leaves rattle together and slowly take the form of the three same wolves that he thought had dispatched.

'By... The Gods...' Silvanus sighed 'Great. Not only are they strong and hunt in packs, they also seem to be invincible! Oh well. There's only one thing left to do when faced with indestructible wooden beasts.' Silvanus muttered as he started to run. Ignoring the pain on his legs.

He looked back for a moment and immediately regretted what he saw. 'Damn! They're fast!' The wooden wolves were catching up on him. Fast.

One ran right next to his side and tried to snap at his legs. I once again burst into a small cloud of green mist and twigs as he swung his sword.

Silvanus was now stumbling across the forest, throwing the danger of being lost into the air. The wolves, in return, also slowed down. Their main goal was in sight. Just like the wolves on Earth, they were trying to exhaust their prey until they were so tired that they cannot run or fight back. Typical! Silvanus thought. He would occasionally whip around to dispatch one of the beasts, who were getting more and more aggressive.

'And the gods, always seem to make it harder for me.' Silvanus mumbled through gritted teeth in disgust.

The same routine happened as Silvanus stumbled across the forest floor. Until...

'AARRRGGHHH!!!' Silvanus roared in pain as one of the wolves bit him in the thigh. Silvanus turned for a second and swung his blade, Turning it into instant green vapour.

The end of the forest was now in sight! He could see a small cottage and a small chicken coup in the distance! Just a little more...

By some strange miracle, the wooden demons, as Silvanus dubbed them, hesitated and turned back when it saw me exit the dark forest and into a grassy strip of land.

Silvanus opened his mouth to utter a cry of victory, but only a scream of agony came out...

He looked down to see his bleeding thigh.

At that moment, he saw a yellow and pink figure flying towards him from the solitary cottage as his vision began to blur.

Then, darkness enveloped him.