• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 4,088 Views, 134 Comments

The Eagle Of Equestria - Romes_FinestPony

A Legionary lost his family... Twice... He lost everything by the time he arrived in Equestria. His friends, His foster father, His honour and his pride. When Fluttershy finds him near her hut, she sees a broken man. Fluttershy wants to help him...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Need for Speed

Chapter 9: Need for Speed

Silvanus woke up. He winced and covered his eyes with a hand as sunlight shone through the window beside the green couch.

He rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

'La la la la laaaaaaa!' The sound of singing floated through the window.

Silvanus sat up. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, stifling a yawn as he did so. He looked to his side. Sunlight glinted off the Golden Eagle as it leaned on the wall. His helmet sat on the small table, a note was attached to it.

'Hey there! Rainbow Here. You forgot to ask for your helmet back. I came back as soon as possible, only to find you asleep. I told Fluttershy to give it to you in the morning.' Silvanus mumbled out loud as he read the scribbled message.

He smiled as he continued on reading. 'P.S. Can I borrow your helmet again sometime soon?'

He chuckled as he gently put the note back down to the table. Wait a minute. Can Ponies write? Silvanus thought.

Something replied to the singing voice by whistling back the same tune.

Silvanus pushed the thought away as he reached down and fumbled for his armour.

'Ugh. By the gods... Where is I- ahh.' Silvanus muttered until his fingers touched the cold metal of his armour.

He stood up as he put on the segmented armour. He looked out the window as he tied the strings that held his armour together.

'Nicely done Mister Hummingway! Here's your nectar.'

Fluttershy was feeding her animal friends. She gracefully flew up to a tree, where she disappeared behind the cover of leaves. Moments later, she reappeared and flew towards the entrance of her cottage. She finally noticed Silvanus looking out the window as she flew by.

'Oh. Hello there Silvanus. Hope you had a wonderful rest last night.' Fluttershy greeted with a happy smile.

Silvanus smiled back. 'Ave Fluttershy. I did. In fact, it was one of the best rest I ever had for days!'

He reached for his helmet and put it on. Tying the two strips of leather that hung on both sides of the cheek flaps, fastening his helmet to his head.

Fluttershy stared at Silvanus' armour and helmet before looking back to him. 'Umm... Do you always have to wear your armour?'

Silvanus nodded.

'Oh. Okay then. I'll just go feed the animals then.' Fluttershy whispered as she looked away.

'My armour makes you feel uncomfortable, does it?'

Fluttershy looked back with a hesitant expression on her face. She looked down, unable to meet Silvanus' eyes and murmured something that Silvanus could not hear.

Silvanus gave a soft chuckle as he poked his head out the window to hear what Fluttershy said. 'Forgive me, but, I did not seem to get that.'

Fluttershy looked up. Her cheeks were rosy red. She opened her mouth to say something. 'Well uh, well you-'

She was cut off from a small squeaking noise that came from under the bridge of Fluttershy's cottage.

'Oh. That must be Mister and Miss Otter. They must be terribly hungry. Gotta go now. See ya!' Fluttershy hurriedly said as she went for door to obtain something that otters eat.

'Wait! Fluttershy! I have to tell you something.' Silvanus called out.

Fluttershy stopped in her tracks. She turned back with a small smile. 'Yes?'

'Would you mind if I walk around Ponyville? I need to do some laps around this place.'

'Oh. Not at all! But be sure that you come home this afternoon. Twilight and my friends would like to tell you something about ourselves.'

Home? Silvanus thought. I have a home no more. 'Alright Fluttershy. See you later!'

'Goodbye Silvanus.' Fluttershy whispered as she turned and went for the front door. She suddenly turned as she added. 'Oh. And please take care of yourself Silvanus!'

'Oh I can take care of myself alright.' Silvanus winked.

Fluttershy turned back to her task at hand, blushing profusely.

Silvanus smiled as Fluttershy take a small, metal bucket and flew under the bridge.

Silvanus turned to take the Eagle. Upon reaching it, he hesitated. He remembered on how the metal pole easily bent when Applejack kicked it. No! I will leave this so that there will be no more harm that will come it's way. Silvanus decided mentally. He withdrew his hand and reached for his Pugio that sat on the table right next to the helmet.

Maybe I should go visit Twilight today. I need something to do. He thought as he exited Fluttershy's cottage.

'We have searched Canterlot, Ponyville and some settlements nearby. We found nothing that is worth reporting, your Highness!' An gold armoured pony bowed down respectfully as the entire throne room suddenly fell quiet.

The silence hung in the air for quite a while, making the armoured pony start to sweat nervously. The other guards started to look away, careful not to meet each other's eyes. The maids had hurriedly dusted and cleaned the huge glass paintings that decorated the faded purple walls, before retreating from the throne room.

'Thank you Silver Hoof.' A calm, yet commanding voice ordered. 'You may continue your search in Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, Fillydelphia, Manehat-'

'Squads of our best tracker and intelligence units are heading to those settlements right now as we speak, your highness.' Silver Hoof hurriedly said.

'May you please leave us.' The commanding voice said once again, turning to the guards who stood next to the large door to her throne room. The guards saluted before they too, retreated from the throne room, closing the large door behind them.

The sun princess stood up from her golden throne. She slowly walked down the velvet carpet that extended from the top of her throne to the entrance of her throne room. She walked towards Silver Hoof, who looked down and stared nervously at the ground.

'Rise, my little pony.'

Silver Hoof looked up to see Princess Celestia give him a comforting smile. Silver Hoof felt like he was going to breath out a sigh of relief. He instantly tried to suppress his sigh as he felt it rise to his throat.

'Is something wrong? You seem nervous.' Celestia asked.

Silver Hoof looked hesitant. His eyes met that of the Princess'. He saw the motherly concern in her eyes. He sighed as he finally told her what was on her mind. 'Well, for the past few days... It's just that... It's just that your sometimes a bit...'

'Tense? Worried? Odd?' Princess Celestia suggested, raising an eyebrow.

Silver Hoof looked up in surprise. Celestia looked at him in amusement. He looked away, blushing slightly.

Silver Hoof turned back as he felt a hoof tap his shoulder gently.

'For the past few days, I have felt a dangerous presence lurking around in Equestria. I never felt safe for my little ponies. I sense that it involves magic. A strange magic.' Celestia told the guard as she looked away and stared at a glass painting that depicted the Spirit of Chaos being turned back into stone.

Silver Hoof's eyes widened as he heard the words: 'dangerous presence'. He saluted and put on a look of determination as Celestia looked back at him. 'What do you want me to do your highness?'

The princess looked very serious as she gave Silver Hoof his new mission: 'You must find a strange biped that wears armour. I want him captured to me. Alive.'

Silver Hoof saluted once again. He turned and marched towards the doors.

'Oh. And-' Celestia started to say.

Silver Hoof turned back at once. 'Your Highness?'

'-Don't tell anypony anything that has been said in this room.'

Silvanus ran, in full armour. Sweat dripped from his face. Silvanus closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The cool, fresh wind whipped around him as he ran along the dirt road.

'Third lap.' Silvanus muttered as he slowed down until he stopped, right beside a stick that ran horizontal across the small dirt road. He turned around moments later and got ready to run back again.

'Wow! Almost one Kilometer in just 1 minute and thirty seconds. Impressive!'

Silvanus looked up to see Rainbow Dash looking down at him from a low lying cloud.

'Um. Thanks?'

Rainbow Dash jumped out from the cloud and let herself fall to the ground.

'What are you-' Silvanus shouted as he ran forward to try to catch the falling mare.

Just before Rainbow Dash touched the ground, her wings suddenly opened up. She flapped her powerful wings once and she flew up a meter or so before landing gently on the ground. Safely.

Silvanus stood and gaped as the mare smiled at him smugly. 'Cool isn't it.'

'Uhuh.' Silvanus nodded.

'Well? Aren't you going to challenge me to a race?'

Silvanus blinked. 'What?! With your wings? I have no chance of beating a flier like you!'

Rainbow Dash chuckled. 'I know! That's why I am going to run Silly!'

By the gods... That name's going to stick to me isn't it? Silvanus moaned mentally as Rainbow Dash called him Pinkie Pie's nickname: Silly.

'Fine. Rainbow Dash, I challenge you to a race from here to Twilight Sparkle's tree house.' Silvanus declared.

Rainbow Dash smiled as she cantered towards the wooden line that lie in the middle of the dirt road. She turned back to Silvanus. 'Come on. I don't have all day.'

'Wait. Let me do some adjustments... In case you cheat.' Silvanus smiled as he took off his helmet and put it on Rainbow Dash's head.

'Hey! I don't cheat!' Rainbow Dash protested from under the helmet.

'Okay. I trust you enough that you will not use your wings on this race. But to be fair, you need something heavy. Just like I'm wearing this heavy armour. Besides, I don't have anything to tie around your wings anyway.'

'Fine.' Rainbow Dash muttered. She suddenly brightened up as she tried to picture herself wearing Silvanus' helmet. 'Besides. I would look WAY cooler wearing this helmet.'

'Okay then. On your mark, Get set,-' Silvanus shouted as he lined up beside Rainbow Dash. He lowered himself until he was in sprinting position.

'GO!' Rainbow Dash shouted as she galloped ahead.

'HEY!' Silvanus yelled out in protest as he sprinted behind the galloping mare.

'Good morning Spike!' Twilight greeted her number 1 assisstant as she cantered down the stairs of her home.

'Morning Twilight.' Spike returned the greeting without turning around from whatever he was doing. He sat on a small stool, facing the small writing desk of the Library.

'So? What-'

'Pancakes are in the table, your favourite book is in your seat and I've already finished dusting the pile of old books that you told me to clean.'

Twilight looked very surprised. 'Wow, Spike. You were up that early?'


Twilight walked towards Spike. 'So what are you doing now?' She asked as she tried to peek over Spike's shoulder.

Spike hurriedly turned around, blocking Twilight's view. He had small bags under his eyes and he looked panicky. He wore a stained pink apron. Both his hands were hidden behind his back.

'Nothing!' He blurted. Making Twilight more suspicious and curious.

'Spike.' Twilight said calmly. 'has this got something to do with the Roman?'

'What? No!' Spike looked at Twilight in confusion.

'Then what is it? You can trust a GOOD friend such as I.' Twilight gave her number 1 assistant a friendly smile.

Spike hesitated before smiling back. 'Alright Twilight. Since you really want to know.'

'Great! So. What is it?' Twilight circled around Spike, trying to see the object of interest that Spike held in his claws. Spike turned to hide his back from Twilight. They went in circles. Twilight wanted to see the thing that is in Spike's claws. Spike wanted to hide it from her.

'But first. You must Pinkie Promise that you will not tell anypony about this. Okay?' Spike hurriedly told Twilight before she could catch a glimpse of the object in his claws.

Twilight stopped and straightened up. 'Fine. Cross my heart and-'

Spike watched Twilight intently as she recited "The Pinkie Promise". He sighed with relief as soon as Twilight finished reciting the whole rhyme.

'Okay then.' Spike took out a claw from behind him and put it forward to Twilight to see, he was wearing a proud smile. 'Feast your eyes on such beauty.'

Twilight moved closer as Spike opened his scaly hand. Twilight's expression turned from Eager excitement to utter confusion and then to one of irritation.

'Spike! There's nothing in there!' Twilight said. 'Are you playing a trick on me? Oh please don't tell me your pulling another prank on me.'

'What?!' Spike quickly withdrew his hand and stared at his empty, green palm. 'Oh. Yeah. Wrong hand.' Spike apologised as he put forth his other hand.

'Spike. I will not fall for another of you- *Gasp* It's beautiful! did you really make it by yourself?'

Spike nodded proudly.

'What a beautiful g-' Twilight was interrupted as the library door suddenly burst open. Silvanus and Rainbow Dash fell on the floor simultaneously. Both were panting very hard. Silvanus' helmet lie on the floor.

Spike hastily withdrew his hand and hid it under his apron.

'I-I won!' Rainbow Dash gasped as she tried to get up.

'Uh. I don't think so. *pant* I think I won.' Silvanus stood up by started to go on his knees. He reached out for his helmet and put it at once.

Rainbow Dash was now up. She turned to Silvanus with a competitive smile. 'Oh yeah? Prove it!'

Silvanus smiled back. 'I touched the door first.'

'No you did not! I touched the door first!'

'Very competitive are y-'

'ENOUGH!' Twilight shouted, instantly gaining the full attention of the Legionary and the cyan mare. Twilight coughed in a professional way. 'Thank you.' She said in a calm voice.

'Now. Please explain: What are you doing here?' Twilight asked in a calmer voice.

'Racing.' Rainbow Dash blurted out.

Silvanus turned to Rainbow Dash in protest.

'I will not have any racing in my Library! Now out!' Twilight told the pair.

'Alright, alright.' Rainbow Dash muttered as she and Silvanus exited the Library.

'Oh. And remember to come back tonight for our special meeting! Silvanus! You too!' Twilight called out as they walked away.

'Is she always like that?' Silvanus whispered to Rainbow Dash as they walked away from Twilight's tree house.

'Only when she's very irritated, worried or very upset. She acts differently when she gets really worried.' Rainbow Dash chuckled.

'What do you mean?' Silvanus asked.

'Well, when she gets very worried she acts... Well she acts like this.' Rainbow Dash said as she actioned Twilight's expressions and ways when she was very anxious.

Silvanus watched the cyan mare with a raised brow as Rainbow Dash mess up her mane and put on a crazy expression on her face. The cyan mare then walked around in a wobbly position.

Some ponies looked at the pair curiously. Silvanus heard a little filly ask her mother. 'Is it the creature's magic momma?'

Silvanus felt embarrassed and indignant as more ponies started to whisper among themselves.

'Okay okay. I get it. Twilight gets cuckoo every once in a while. You may stop now.'

Rainbow Dash walked normally and used a forehoof to fix her mane.

'Well. What do you think of my acting skills?'

'Uh. Good?'

'Ha! Finally! Somepony who finally admits that I can be good at acting!' Rainbow Dash beamed.

Silvanus was looking out over the horizon, the sun still overhead. Silvanus calculated that there would still be a few more hours before going back to the Library.

'So. Whatcha doin' for later?' Rainbow Dash asked.

Silvanus looked at Rainbow Dash. 'Well, were going back to the Library later. But I got nothing to do for all the time before that.'

'Well then! Do you wanna go to the lake with me? It's one of my favourite relaxing place!' Rainbow Dash suggested.

'Yeah. I guess I could. I do need a little rinse.' Silvanus answered with a smile.

'Cool! Race ya to it!' Rainbow Dash started to gallop.

'Wait! I don't know where it is!'

Rainbow Dash stopped and looked back at Silvanus with sheepish look. 'Oh. Right. Sorry.'

She waited as Silvanus caught up to her. 'So. Tell me. Why is this lake that your talking about one of your favourite relaxing places? Don't you like resting in the clouds? That sounds really great!'

'Well, it's one of my favourite places because it's got a beach and everything, the water is not too cold and not to hot. At summertime, I go sunbathing! It's just one of the coolest places here in Ponyville! Clouds? Clouds are awesome! It is the best mattress anypony could ask for! I also-'

And so, the pair walked down the road towards the lake. Peace and prosperity was in abundance.

Peace that Silvanus never felt before.