• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 4,088 Views, 134 Comments

The Eagle Of Equestria - Romes_FinestPony

A Legionary lost his family... Twice... He lost everything by the time he arrived in Equestria. His friends, His foster father, His honour and his pride. When Fluttershy finds him near her hut, she sees a broken man. Fluttershy wants to help him...

  • ...

Chapter 4: Dreams and a Lullaby

Chapter 4: Dreams and a Lullaby

???: ???

'Silvanus?' A ghostly shade called out to the bewildered Legionary, Silvanus, as he frantically looked around the huge cavernous cave in confusion, his eyes nervously darting around as he saw ghostly humanoid shapes float by. Some even went right through him!

'Silvanus!' A very familiar gruff voice suddenly barked his name.

Silvanus whirled around and the ghostly forms of his armoured unit members and his adoptive father. His jaws suddenly dropped as they smiled warmly at him, He could even see Longinus sneer at him in his own good-humoured, teasing way. Even Lupus seemed to be smiling! Which he rarely ever did. His eyes then began to water as he saw the shade of Lucius smiling a him.


They laughed as they floated nearer to Silvanus with open arms. Silvanus half expected to feel his Family pass right through him. But instead, he was swept up his feet as they pulled him into a group hug. Tears now streamed down Silvanus' happy face as they laughed and gave sighs of relief. Silvanus felt as if he was being hugged by a cold breeze of air, but inwardly, Silvanus heart felt so happy that it felt as if it might explode. A few moments later, the group then let go of Silvanus, patting him in the shoulder and giving out crude jokes about how he looked 'As dainty as a flower.' An especially hard pat made him turn around and pick up the smaller man from the ground in a tight hug as he cried.


The shade of Centurion Felix smiled, hugging his son just as hard. The other Legionaries respectfully kept their distance as the father and son hugged in happy reunion. Smiling and giving a few mocking "D'awwwwww"s. A couple of moments later, the pair then ended their embrace and looked happily into each other's face. Both of their hands on each other's shoulders. Centurion Felix then gave a mock expression of anger, barking in his own commanding way 'Now what did I tell you about calling me "Father" in public young man!'

Silvanus gave his father a rueful smile and saluted 'Ay-yay Centurion Felix! Slayer of ten thousand, Commander of the 1st Cohort, Veteran of the-'

The Centurion them pulled his son back into another embrace. 'Oh do stop that flattering, you!' He laughed.

A minute later, the pair once again broke their embrace.

'So. Uh. Where am I?' Silvanus asked with a smile.

'You are in the underworld my son...' The Centurion answered sadly.

'Well, technically, no. We are just standing near the entrance of the underworld.' Leonidas countered cheekily as he pointed to a large dark opening at one end of the cave. A huge shadow guarding it. Cerberus.

' Ha! And there goes our underworld expert on his small lectures once again.' Lupus slapped Leonidas' back, laughing. Lupus then turned to Silvanus and said 'You would not BELIEVE how long Leo here has been talking about every single nook and cranny about this place!'

Silvanus just stared at his family in shock, his face suddenly paled.

'Er, You okay Silvanus?' Cornelius asked him with a comforting smile.

'T-The Underw-world? Does t-that mean that I-' Silvanus stammered.

Lucius floated forward and put a cold hand on Silvanus' shoulder. He smiled warmly and stated. 'No my Brother. You are not dead. We just summoned you from the living so that some of us may say goodbye...'

A tear silently rolled down Silvanus cheek. 'Does that mean that you guys-'

'-Are dead. Yes Silvanus. We are all on our last journey bound for Elysium.'

Silvanus looked down and noticed that all of his friends were invisible waist down, while he still had his legs. More tears started to build up in Silvanus' eyes. His friends were dead. All of his family members were dead. The sudden realisation hit Silvanus like a kick up the toga.

Everyone around him went silent. Feeling the sadness building up in Silvanus' chest.

A ghostly hand went over Silvanus' face as his tears suddenly evaporated into thick, grey mists. Silvanus looked up to see Lucius staring into his face with a soft smile.

'Silvanus. You haven't failed any of us. Instead, we all have a new mission for you as the last Legionary of the 19th.'

Silvanus gave Lucius a small smile as he felt duty-bound to complete the last wishes of his comrades.

Lucius' smile widened as he continued. 'Your new mission is t-'

'-to Continue to live for us. To live a long and happy life. In remembrance of our sacrifices to save each other's lives. Even if that meant throwing our own away.' The Centurion butted in. Giving an official looking smile. All the others came nearer, each one of them wearing big grins and nodding in agreement.

Silvanus laid a fisted hand to his chest and smiled 'I swear to the gods that I will try to carry out your last wishes. Even to the point of death. And as a Legionary, I will finish this task.' The men gave a big cheer, punching the air with their fists. 'PAX ROMANA!' They cried.

After they quieted down, Silvanus' sad mood once again descended on him as he asked 'So. Who were the ones who's going to say good bye?'

Tears welled up once again in the corner of his eyes as Leonidas and Lupus stepped forward and surrounded Silvanus in a ghostly embrace. It was too much to bear. Knowing that Silvanus may never see his two friends ever again tore at his heart. Silvanus wept openly in their shoulders.

Leonidas tried to comfort him by telling him of how they will be fine in the Isles of the blessed. Ghostly tears just simply rolled down Lupus' cheeks as he silently cried with Silvanus.

They then broke their embrace and the two departing souls floated back in the same distance as a step and just watched Silvanus weep, wearing comforting smiles. The other former Legionaries just watched in silence. Others hung their heads in sadness.

After Silvanus calmed down a little, he sobbed and stammered. 'S-So. I G-Guess this is g-goodbye then.'

'Yes, my friend. The hour has come upon us.' Leonidas nodded sadly.

Silvanus sighed and looked up. His lips formed into a tight smile as he put a hand on each of the two departing souls' shoulders. 'You take care of yourselves in there okay?'

The two spirits then smiled and said their last words to Silvanus, before disappearing into the darkness.
'We will never forget you and our time in the 19th, Silvanus.'
'Y-You were always t-the... Joker, Silvanus. K-Keep 'em up!'

Silvanus stared at the spot where his two friends were, imprinting his friends faces into his mind so that he may remember all the memories that came with it.

Silvanus felt a heavy, yet comforting hand rest on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the big ghostly form of Herennius. Silvanus smiled and said 'Hey there Humung- Er. Herennius! Thanks for saving my backside in that forest again.'

Herennius gave a deep resonating chuckle as he patted Silvanus in the shoulder. 'Nah. You should expect that treatment from me. Brother.'

Lucius' form appeared right beside Herennius' and placed a hand on his other shoulder. 'I'm sorry to say, but it is almost time for you to go back to the living world Silvanus.' A hint of regret was in his voice.

Silvanus smiled as he drew them to him into another hug. Everything around him then began to blur as Lucius' voice echoed in his head. 'You may expect to get more of these visions. Y-'

'You deserve to know the truth.' Another voice butted in. Felix.

'Wait, what do you-'

Everything was now completely dark.

Moments later, He was back in the forest, He was forced to see his friend's deaths. He couldn't turn his head away from the awful sight. He watched as his friends were cut down but arrows, spears and swords. Valiantly defending their own Legion buddies. Throwing away each other's lives for each other. Silvanus did not get the same fate as his comrades.

'You failed them SSilvanusss! You failed them all!' Silvanus heard a small hissing voice whispering in his ear as he sobbed. Feeling guilty about how he survived and they didn't.

'Come now, ssstupid mortal. Just give up...' The awful hissing voice cooed 'Let the cold fingers of death take hold of you. Come-'


'Silvanus! You are a disgrace to the Legion! I am ashamed to call you son!' The dead body of Centurion Felix suddenly stood up. Blood gushing from his side. The Centurion just stood there. Glaring daggers at Silvanus.

'F-Father I-' Silvanus stammered, apparently shocked.

The Centurion raised his hand to stop Silvanus from speaking. 'DO NOT CALL ME FATHER! YOU ARE NOT MY SON!' He shouted.

Each word felt like a slap in the face for Silvanus.

'NO! YOU ARE NOT REAL! THIS IS JUST A NIGHTMARE!' Silvanus screamed at the top of his lung. Covering his ears with his hands.

The Centurion smiled maliciously as he stepped aside, showing the bloody body of Lucius, walking towards him.

'Lucius! Please tell me that your not- OOF!'

Lucius punched Silvanus in the stomach. Silvanus doubled over and looked up to his brother with a pained expression. 'B-Brother?!'

Lucius' eyes narrowed as he frowned. 'I HATE YOU!' Lucius screamed into Silvanus' face. Giving Silvanus a mighty kick.

This was too much to bear. Silvanus curled up into a ball as his other comrades surrounded him and joined Lucius in hurting Silvanus.

Silvanus sobbed, wincing in pain at every kick and punch. Tears flowed his cheeks as he begged and pleaded.
'Please guys, I'm sorry! Please Lucius! Father! Lupus! Heren- oof!'

'P-Please make this stop! Please!' The malicious, hissing voice just laughed. Enjoying the hurt and misery that Silvanus felt.

Maybe they are right... I failed everyone... Maybe I do deserve this... Silvanus closed his eyes as he felt his heart beat slower... and slower... and slower... He felt his body start to go numb. He knew he was about to die. He was about to let death take hold of him when all of a sudden, Everything went black. The laughing voice was gone. His friends were all gone. The forest was gone. He was floating in a black void.

It was then that he noticed the soft, gentle voice. Silvanus felt strangely calm as he listened to the lullaby:

Hush now, quiet now
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Hush now, quiet now
It's time to go to bed

Everything was peace and quiet after the lullaby ended. Silvanus drifted off to sleep.
Equestria: Ponyville

Peace and Serenity reigned inside a rather large sun-filled room. Silence was everywhere. Everywhere except for one spot near the glass window. A blanketed figure lay, tossing and turning in a comfortable-looking green couch.


The figure suddenly sat up and gripped the blanket desperately. Silvanus sobbed and started rocking back and forth, now in a sitting position. Silvanus was covered in sweat as he started murmuring. 'IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYI-'.

Silvanus suddenly opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times. 'I swear I thought I was holding Lucius' body in my arms.' Silvanus mumbled. He looked down and saw that he was only wearing his scarlet tunic, which was by now, tattered at the sleeves. Where's my armour? He inwardly sighed as he remembered yesterday's events. Stupid nightmares... Silvanus nodded in disgust. The Wooden Demons, The Solitary tree-style hut, The Pink and yellow blur. It was all coming back to him. What a minute. Yesterday? Silvanus scratched his chin in deep thought, trying to figure out the time. Silvanus shrugged as he gave up. I have no clue whatsoever. He told himself.

He stood up, feeling the pink rug in his bare feet. He then turns as he politely folded the blanket and straightened up the couch. He can't help but notice that all his cuts were covered with a sticky piece of white clothe of some sort. His bruises had disappeared.

Silvanus then started pacing around the room and noticed that there were bird-houses, feeding troughs and small bowls of water around the room in a neat and tidy way. He also noticed mice holes in the walls. I can offer to fix this. Silvanus thought as he thought about the yellow blur he saw just before he fainted. Maybe She or was the owner. Well, at least the voice singing the lullaby sounded female.

Silvanus stopped pacing and stood in front of the window facing the forest where he came from. He just stood and stared, reliving the moments he had with his family in the underworld. He brought out the mental picture of Leonidas' and Lupus' faces. His heart sank as he told himself. 'I'm never going to see them ever again.' The sunlight warmed his cheeks as a tear silently rolled down from his teary eye. 'Why does the gods have to be so cruel. Taking my family away twice. Why di-'

'Oh. Your awake. I hope the critters weren't too noisy.' A soft and gentle voice drifted into Silvanus' ears. Silvanus instantly recognised the voice. This mare saved his life! Just as he was about to succumb to death. Silvanus was saved by this kind mare's lullaby. Silvanus quickly wiped his tears and put on a warm smile as he turn around to meet his saviour.

'Oh. Did I disturb you? I'm sorry.' The gentle voice once again said as Silvanus saw the Pretty, Yellow coated, Pink maned mare looked down shyly, hiding her face behind her thick, pink mane that now hung in front of her face.

Silvanus felt mildly surprised. 'Oh. Of course not! You did not disturb me dear Miss!'

The yellow mare looked up and ask 'How are you feeling? You must be hungry. Well, you can eat now... If you want to.' The Mare gave a small, warm smile and pointed to a small tray on top of a small, blue table.

Silvanus gave a big grin. 'Thank you! er, Miss-' Silvanus smiled ruefully as he asked for the Yellow mare's name.

The yellow mare looked down once again and nervously pawed the wooden floor. 'I'm Flutter...' The yellow mare whispered. The rest was spoken too quietly for Silvanus to hear.

Silvanus gave an apologetic smile 'I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that.' he said, leaning closer to the apparently shy pony.

'I'm Fluttershy...'

Silvanus smiled warmly once again as he asked 'Excuse me, my dear Fluttershy. But were you the one who sang the lullaby last night?'

Fluttershy squeaked as she once again hid behind her mane. 'Yes. I'm sorry, but you were crying last night... I had to calm you dow-' She stopped as she felt herself being lifted from the ground.

A few moments later, Silvanus gently released Fluttershy from his tight embrace. Fluttershy still looked surprised.

Silvanus gave Fluttershy an apologetic smile 'Sorry. I had to do that. I just want to thank you for saving my life. Friend.' Silvanus smiled as a slight blush appeared in Fluttershy's cheeks.

A few awkward moments passed.

Until, a soft thumping noise broke the ice. Both turned and saw an impatient looking, white bunny wearing a bib. It had it's arms crossed.

As soon as it saw that it had both our attention, it stopped stomping his right foot on the wood and pointed a finger in his now open, cavernous hole of a mouth.

'Oh Angel Bunny! I'm sorry! I'll feed you right now!' Fluttershy then promptly flew towards the hungry bunny and gave it a big hug.

Fluttershy released the Angel and turned to Silvanus. 'Um. I you don't mind, I want to know your name.'

Silvanus gave a warm smile and answered 'Of course. The name's Silvanus.'

'Oh. Okay. Um. Silvanus?' The yellow mare started.


'You should eat now too... If you want to, that is.' Fluttershy said, pointing to the small platter of food.

Silvanus felt his stomach growl and thanked Fluttershy. 'Of Course! Thank you! I haven't eaten since I came here.'

Silvanus walked over and picked up a square piece of bread. Under close inspection, Silvanus noticed bits of grass sticking out from the middle of the two pieces of bread. A pea, impaled by a small, sharp stick, stuck out from the top. Silvanus hesitated for a second. He felt eyes on him. Silvanus turned and gave Fluttershy a big grin. Fluttershy blushed slightly once again and flew off to prepare Angel's meal.

Silvanus didn't want to offend his hostess. He simply raised the bread to his mouth, took a deep breath and took a rather tentative bite.
'Hmmmm... Not bad. Not bad at all.' Silvanus mumbled to himself, pretty surprised to find grass quite delicious. Silvanus wasn't sure whether it was just plain hunger that made it tasty or it just is. Silvanus then proceeded to take another bite. And another. And another. Until moments later, The whole square bread disappeared into his mouth.

'So. Uh. What do you think about the sandwich? I made it myself.' A small voice squeaked behind him.

Silvanus turned and gave Fluttershy an enormous grin. 'Hmm? Oh I love it! Thank you Fluttershy!'

A small red shade rose up in her cheeks as she began to paw the floor once again. 'Oh. Glad you liked it. But uh. If you don't mind, I need to feed my critter friends.'

Her large blue eyes caught Silvanus attention. She's so cute when she does that. Blushing. Wait a minute! What am I thinking! Silvanus slapped himself inwardly. I'm human She's a pony. Silvanus then turned his attention to the new puzzle piece of his hostess.

And so. The mystery of the bird-houses, mice holes and feeding bowls was solved. Fluttershy was not a poacher, but an animal carer of some sort. Plus, how can such a shy pony as Fluttershy be a poacher? Silvanus thought, smiling to himself.

As Fluttershy started to turn to the open door, Silvanus called out. 'Hey Fluttershy! Let me help you! I want to repay your kindness.'

Fluttershy looked back in surprise 'Oh! That would be just wonderful! Thank you Mr.Silvanus!'

Silvanus walked over to where Fluttershy waited.

As soon as they were out of the door, Silvanus whispered 'Miss Fluttershy? If you don't mind, I'd like you to teach me your beautiful lullaby.'

Fluttershy stared at Silvanus' smiling face, her blush deepened. She turned away trying to hide her small smile of delight. No-pony really bothered to ask her to teach them her lullaby. Sweetie already knew the song. 'Of course Silvanus! I'd be glad to.'

Silvanus' smile grew 'Great! Thank you friend!'

Fluttershy smiled back once her blush subsided. 'Ok. Follow me.'

Hush now, quiet now-

Equestria: Canterlot palace
A few hours ago.

Princess Luna was standing on top of balcony of her room when she felt a perturbation in one of her sleeping subjects dreams. The Princess of the night sighed and rolled her eyes. 'Oh we do hope that this isn't about nightmare moon again.'

Princess Luna closed her eyes as she entered the distressed creature's nightmare.

Moments later, strange shouts, screams and the sound of metal against metal made the Princess snap her eyes wide open. She was in a strange forest. Somewhere in front of her, the sound of warfare continued on.

The princess of the night walked forward nervously. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrank to mere dots as she watched the scene in front of her with horror.

Strange-looking bipeds in armour were fighting other bipeds who wore a strange pattern of blue ink on their bodies. She watched as an armoured soldier fell near her hiding place. It's dead, open eyes stared at Luna's in pure shock. He still looked young. Luna gasped as she saw a small pool of red liquid congregate from underneath the dead soldier.


Luna quickly tore her attention away from the dead, young creature and to a small group of at least twenty soldiers wearing the same armour, who were heavily outnumbered and was totally surrounded.

An older soldier wearing a transverse crested helmet bellowed once again as his comrades fell around him. 'ROMANS! FORM ORBIS!'

The small group promptly relayed the order with no question and carved out a small circle from the seemingly endless sea of half-naked warriors.

The "Romans" fought valiantly, but they were fighting a losing battle. Their numbers steadily decreased until there were only five of the group left standing. And they were covered with cuts and bruises from head to foot.

'Surrender now! Roman!' A painted warrior called out as the sea of half-naked warriors suddenly withdrew from the five armoured men.

'I WILL NOT SURRENDER TO AN UNWASHED BARBARIAN! ABI IN MALAM CRUCEM!' The older soldier called out. The other soldiers then jeered and insulted the "barbarians".

The barbarians shouted in anger, each one of them itched to kill at least one of them each. But their leader pushed back the nearest soldier in a clear sign to stop. The leader then proceeded to glare at the small group of Romans. 'You Romans! You just don't know when your beaten!'

The Romans glared back as they stated their last messages to their foes.
'I am Centurion Felix Clusinas! I will fight you to the end!'
'I am Junior officer Quintus Cestius! I am a soldier of Rome! I WILL NOT YIELD!'
'I am optio Crassus Dio! I Fight for the 19th!'
'Legionary Theodorix! I fight for the Romanisation of Gaul and Germania!'
'Legionary Sulla! Better die a soldier than a coward!'

The barbarian leader roared in anger as he pointed his spear towards the armoured figure of the Centurion. 'I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF! OX-HEADED ROMAN!

The barbarians then charged. Luna watched as she saw the sea of enemies overwhelm the brave group. She saw a glimpse of the Centurion and the Junior officer hugging in farewell. Even in the din of battle, Princess Luna heard the last words of the Centurion. 'I'll see you in Elysium Quintus my friend. If only my son Silvanus was here... So that I may say my last farewell to him.'

'It's alright my friend. Our time in the Legions is over. If only Silvanus knew the truth about his roots. I just wish that the men had a better fate than this. They deserve to see their families for the last time.'

At the mention of the soldiers' families, Luna's heart broke. Tears welled up in Luna's blue eyes. She felt the pain their families will feel when they hear of the loss of their father, son, uncle, brother or cousin. The last time she felt this type of pain was when she was banished to the moon. But her pain was slightly less bitter. It was because she knew that she was going to see her sister again.

Princess Luna couldn't bear to see the brave soldiers fall. She forced herself to close her eyes and look away. She felt the sadness and pain for the fallen soldiers' families. As the sound of battle slowly went down, Luna opened her eyes. A pile of bodies mark the spot where the brave armoured soldiers fell.

'You failed Ssilvanusss! You failed them all!' A rasping voice whispered. Somepony answered with a heart-broken sob. Luna turned and saw an armoured soldier fall to his knees.

'Come now, ssstupid mortal. Just give up...' The awful hissing voice cooed 'Let the cold fingers of death take hold of you. Come-'


Princess Luna almost screamed in terror as she saw the body of the Centurion rise from the pile of bodies.

'Silvanus! You are a disgrace to the Legion! I am ashamed to call you son!' The dead body of Centurion Felix suddenly stood up. Blood gushing from his side. The Centurion just stood there. Glaring daggers at Silvanus.

'F-Father I-' Silvanus stammered, apparently shocked.

The Centurion raised his hand to stop Silvanus from speaking. 'DO NOT CALL ME FATHER! YOU ARE NOT MY SON!' He shouted.

Each word felt like a slap in the face for Silvanus.

'NO! YOU ARE NOT REAL! THIS IS JUST A NIGHTMARE!' Silvanus screamed at the top of his lung. Covering his ears with his hands.

The Centurion smiled maliciously as he stepped aside, showing the bloody body of Lucius, walking towards him.

'Lucius! Please tell me that your not- OOF!'

Luna gasped as she saw the armoured soldier punch Silvanus in the stomach. She felt pity and anger as she saw Silvanus fall to the ground. 'Why?! How could they?!' Luna squeaked in anguish.

More soldiers rose up and started beating the crying soldier lying on the forest floor.
'I HATE YOU!' One of them shouted.

Luna Identified Silvanus as the "strange creature" that her sister has been talking about two nights ago.

Luna tried to move forward to stop them from hurting Silvanus. But she can't move. She tried to put on enormous amounts of willpower. Each try failed.

Giving up, Luna just looked down to the ground and cried. This creature has been through a lot. She felt pity for the poor creature.


Princess Luna was snapped back to her reality as she heard her sister's call. She looked down and noticed the pool of tears on the marble floor. She was still sobbing and shaking all over.

A white wing encompassed Luna's shoulders as a gentle, yet motherly voice spoke once again. 'Oh Luna. What's wrong? Please tell your big sister.'

Princess Luna turns to look at her sister's royal violet eyes. 'T-Tia? Oh it was h-horrible!'

Princess Luna then launched into telling Princess Celestia the nightmare of the strange creature. She retold the story of the fate of Silvanus' countrymen, her pity for the families of the brave men, and of the strange, hissing voice that spoke to Silvanus. Tempting Silvanus to submit to death.

Tears formed in the corner of Celestia's eyes as she listened to the sobbing Princess of the night. Celestia did not want to see her sister like this.

As soon as Luna finished retelling the Legionary's nightmare, she felt a gentle tap on her forehead.

'Luna. You must rest now. I'm sorry that you saw those awful images.'

Princess Luna yawned and mumbled as she stumbled towards her bed.

Princess Celestia watched with worry in her eyes as Luna fell in a heap in her room.

'Silvanus. Soldier of a Place call Rome. If what my sister has seen was true, This "Silvanus" is truly a dangerous creature. I must find him sooner or later.' Celestia mused.